"""Convenience routines for common actions on VOEvent objects""" from __future__ import absolute_import import iso8601 import lxml from collections import OrderedDict from voeventparse.misc import (Param, Group, Reference, Inference, Position2D, Citation) from copy import deepcopy def pull_astro_coords(voevent, index=0): """Extracts the `AstroCoords` from a given `WhereWhen.ObsDataLocation`. Note that a packet may include multiple 'ObsDataLocation' entries under the 'WhereWhen' section, for example giving locations of an object moving over time. Most packets will have only one, however, so the default is to just return co-ords extracted from the first. Args: voevent (:class:`voeventparse.voevent.Voevent`): Root node of the VOEvent etree. index (int): Index of the ObsDataLocation to extract AstroCoords from. Returns: Position (:py:class:`.Position2D`): The sky position defined in the ObsDataLocation. """ od = voevent.WhereWhen.ObsDataLocation[index] ac = od.ObservationLocation.AstroCoords ac_sys = voevent.WhereWhen.ObsDataLocation.ObservationLocation.AstroCoordSystem sys = ac_sys.attrib['id'] if hasattr(ac.Position2D, "Name1"): assert ac.Position2D.Name1 == 'RA' and ac.Position2D.Name2 == 'Dec' posn = Position2D(ra=float(ac.Position2D.Value2.C1), dec=float(ac.Position2D.Value2.C2), err=float(ac.Position2D.Error2Radius), units=ac.Position2D.attrib['unit'], system=sys) return posn def pull_isotime(voevent, index=0): """Extracts the event time from a given `WhereWhen.ObsDataLocation`. Accesses a `WhereWhere.ObsDataLocation.ObservationLocation` element and returns the AstroCoords.Time.TimeInstant.ISOTime element, converted to a (UTC-timezoned) datetime. Note that a packet may include multiple 'ObsDataLocation' entries under the 'WhereWhen' section, for example giving locations of an object moving over time. Most packets will have only one, however, so the default is to access the first. .. warning:: This function currently only works with UTC time-system coords. Future updates may implement conversion from other systems (TT, GPS) using astropy functionality. Args: voevent (:class:`voeventparse.voevent.Voevent`): Root node of the VOevent etree. index (int): Index of the ObsDataLocation to extract an ISOtime from. Returns: isotime (:class:`datetime.datetime`): Datetime object as parsed by `iso8601`_ (with UTC timezone). .. _iso8601: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/iso8601/ """ try: od = voevent.WhereWhen.ObsDataLocation[index] ol = od.ObservationLocation coord_sys = ol.AstroCoords.attrib['coord_system_id'] if coord_sys.split('-')[0] != 'UTC': raise NotImplementedError( 'Loading from time-systems other than UTC not yet implemented' ) isotime_str = str(ol.AstroCoords.Time.TimeInstant.ISOTime) return iso8601.parse_date(isotime_str) except AttributeError: return None def pull_params(voevent): """Attempts to load the `What` section of a voevent as a nested dictionary. Args: voevent (:class:`voeventparse.voevent.Voevent`): Root node of the VOevent etree. Returns: Nested dict (dict): Mapping of ``Group->Param->Attribs``. Access like so:: foo_param_val = what_dict['GroupName']['ParamName']['value'] .. note:: Parameters without a group are indexed under the key 'None' - otherwise, we might get name-clashes between `params` and `groups` (unlikely but possible) so for ungrouped Params you'll need something like:: what_dict[None]['ParamName']['value'] """ result = OrderedDict() w = voevent.What if w.countchildren() == 0: return result toplevel_params = OrderedDict() result[None] = toplevel_params if hasattr(voevent.What, 'Param'): for p in voevent.What.Param: toplevel_params[p.attrib['name']] = p.attrib if hasattr(voevent.What, 'Group'): for g in voevent.What.Group: g_params = {} result[g.attrib['name']] = g_params if hasattr(g, 'Param'): for p in g.Param: g_params[p.attrib['name']] = p.attrib return result def prettystr(subtree): """Print an element tree with nice indentation. Prettyprinting a whole VOEvent often doesn't seem to work, probably for issues relating to whitespace cf. http://lxml.de/FAQ.html#why-doesn-t-the-pretty-print-option-reformat-my-xml-output This function is a quick workaround for prettyprinting a subsection of a VOEvent, for easier desk-checking. Args: subtree(lxml.etree): A node in the VOEvent element tree. Returns: string: Prettyprinted string representation of the raw XML. """ subtree = deepcopy(subtree) lxml.objectify.deannotate(subtree) lxml.etree.cleanup_namespaces(subtree) return lxml.etree.tostring(subtree, pretty_print=True)