Generate this documentation

This documentation is generated by the use of Sphinx and Pyreverse. Sphinx uses the Restructured Text format. The following links gives some informations about the syntax:

Installation of Sphinx and Pyreverse

Procedure for Linux (root privileges):

sudo pip3 install sphinx
sudo pip3 install rst2pdf
sudo pip3 install pylint
sudo pip3 install sphinx_pyreverse
sudo pip3 install graphviz
sudo apt-get install graphviz graphviz-dev
sudo pip3 install pygraphviz

Procedure for Windows (user xxx). First you must download and install Graphviz. Then:

cd c:\Users\xxx\Anaconda3\Scripts
.\pip install -U Sphinx
.\pip install rst2pdf
.\conda install pyreverse
.\conda install python-graphviz

Generate the documentation

To generate the documentation you must start to execute pyreverse followed by sphinx.

Procedure pyreverse for Linux:

cd /home/pi/astromecca/doc_rst/doc_pyreverse
pyreverse3 -p mount -o png --ignore=celme ../../mountastro
pyreverse3 -p celme -o png --ignore=mountastro ../../celme
cp classes_*.png ../doc_images

Procedure sphinx for Linux:

cd /home/pi/astromecca/doc_rst
sphinx-build -b html . ./../doc_html
sphinx-build -b pdf . ./../doc_pdf

Procedure pyreverse for Windows (user xxx):

cd astromecca\doc_rst\doc_pyreverse
c:\Users\xxx\Anaconda3\Scripts\pyreverse -p mount -o png --ignore=celme ../../mountastro
c:\Users\xxx\Anaconda3\Scripts\pyreverse -p celme -o png --ignore=mountastro ../../celme
copy classes_*.png ..\doc_images

Procedure sphinx for Windows (user xxx):

cd astromecca\doc_rst
C:\Users\xxx\Anaconda3\Scripts\sphinx-build -b html . .\..\doc_html
C:\Users\xxx\Anaconda3\Scripts\sphinx-build -b pdf . .\..\doc_pdf