Source code for mountastro.mountlog

import os
import math
import tempfile
from io import StringIO
import sys

path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')
if path not in sys.path:
# --- celme imports
modulename = 'celme'
if modulename in dir():
    del celme
if modulename not in dir():    
    import celme

[docs]class Mountlog: """ Manage logs in display, file and database. First, create an instance: log = Mountlog("test",None) Second, use the print methods to log: log.print("Something to log") """ # === Level of log LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 0 LOG_LEVEL_WARNING = -1 LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = -2 LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = 1 LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2 = 2 # === Constants NO_ERROR = 0 ERR_ALIAS_NAME_NOT_DEFINED = 10 ERR_FILE_NOT_EXISTS = 101 ERR_PATH_NOT_EXISTS = 102 ERR_EMPTY_FILENAME = 103 ERR_EMPTY_PATHNAME = 104 # === Private variables _last_errno = NO_ERROR _path_data = '' _agent_alias = '' _path_data_log = '' _path_www = '' _date = None _home = None _noon_hour = 12 _last_lines = list() _nbmax_last_lines = 30 # ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== # Private methods # ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== def _mkdir_path_log(self): # --- if self._agent_alias == "": self._last_errno = self.ERR_EMPTY_FILENAME else: self._path_www = self._path_www + "/logs/" + self._agent_alias os.mkdir(self._path_www) # --- if self._path_data == "": self._last_errno = self.ERR_EMPTY_PATHNAME else: self._path_data_log = self._path_data + "/logs/" + self._agent_alias os.mkdir(self._path_data_log) def _jd2datedigit(self, jd): """ Convert a julian day into a string of YYYYMMDD """ datetmp =; datedigit = (datetmp.digits(0))[0:8] return datedigit def _date2night(self, date): # night is the truncated part of the date of the previous noon jd = self._date.jd() jd0 = math.floor(jd) - self._noon_hour/24 d = celme.Date(jd0) djd = jd-jd0 # print(f"jd0 = {d.iso()} djd={djd}") if djd>=1: jd0 += 1 djd = jd-jd0 if djd>=1: jd0 += 1 d = celme.Date(jd0) night = d.digits(0)[0:8] return night def _night2dates(self, night): """ jd_noon0 = previous noon jd_midnight = midnight instant jd_noon1 = next noon """ d = celme.Date(night) d_noon0 = d + self._noon_hour/24 jd_noon0 = d_noon0.jd() jd_midnight = jd_noon0 + 0.5 jd_noon1 = jd_noon0 + 1.0 return jd_noon0, jd_midnight, jd_noon1 def _convert_args2str(self, *args, **kwargs): """ return a string as the result of a print method """ bak = sys.stdout # on sauvegarde l'ancien stdout result = StringIO() sys.stdout = result print (*args, **kwargs,end='') sys.stdout = bak # on restore stdout return result.getvalue() # ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== # Private methods getter/setter # ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== def _set_debug_level(self, level:str): if type(level).__name__=="bool": if level==True: level = 1 else: level = 0 self._debug_level = level def _get_debug_level(self): return self._debug_level def _set_agent_alias(self, agent_alias:str): if agent_alias=="": self._last_errno = self.ERR_ALIAS_NAME_NOT_DEFINED raise Exception(f"Agent alias must be not be empty string.") self._agent_alias = agent_alias return self.NO_ERROR def _get_agent_alias(self): return self._agent_alias def _set_path_data(self, path_data:str): if not os.path.exists(path_data): self._last_errno = self.ERR_PATH_NOT_EXISTS raise Exception(f"Path '{path_data}' for data does not exists. Create it first manually.") self._path_data = path_data return self.NO_ERROR def _get_path_data(self): return self._path_data def _set_path_www(self, path_www:str): if not os.path.exists(path_www): self._path_www = self.ERR_PATH_NOT_EXISTS raise Exception(f"Path '{path_www}' for www does not exists. Create it first manually.") self._path_www = path_www return self.NO_ERROR def _get_path_www(self): return self._path_www def _set_home(self, home:str): self._home.home(home) longitude = self._home.longitude self._noon_hour = (180 - longitude)/15.0 # - place noon_hour in the range [0 24[ if self._noon_hour < 0: self._noon_hour += 24 return self.NO_ERROR def _get_home(self): return self._home.gps def _set_nbmax_last_lines(self, nbmax_last_lines): self._nbmax_last_lines = nbmax_last_lines return self.NO_ERROR def _get_nbmax_last_lines(self): return self._nbmax_last_lines # ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== # Property methods # ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== agent_alias = property(_get_agent_alias, _set_agent_alias) path_data = property(_get_path_data, _set_path_data) path_www = property(_get_path_www, _set_path_www) home = property(_get_home, _set_home) # ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== # Public Property methods # ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== debug_level = property(_get_debug_level, _set_debug_level) nbmax_last_lines = property(_get_nbmax_last_lines, _set_nbmax_last_lines) # ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== # Methods for users # ===================================================================== # =====================================================================
[docs] def print(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This is the method to print in the console display and in a log file. In the console display, the message is presented as: (Agent_name) message In the log file the message is presented as: Date-ISO message """ msg = self._convert_args2str(*args, **kwargs) # --- prepare the super_msg if msg=="": super_msg = msg else: super_msg = f"({self._agent_alias}) {msg}" # --- classical print print(super_msg) # --- no more if the agent name is not defined if self._agent_alias=="": return # --- self.file(msg)
[docs] def printd(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Same as print method but only if debug level is > threshold """ if self._debug_level > 0: self.print(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def file(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This is the method to print in a log file. In the log file the message is presented as: Date-ISO message The last file is also apended with the message """ msg = self._convert_args2str(*args, **kwargs) # --- no more if the agent name is not defined if self._agent_alias=="": return # --- check the path to write the log file path = os.path.normpath(self._path_data + os.sep + "logs" + os.sep + self._agent_alias) if not os.path.exists(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except: p = f"Cannot create path {path}" raise Exception(p) # --- compute the current night digital date night = self._date2night("now") # --- build the log file name file = os.path.normpath(path + os.sep + self._agent_alias + '_' + night + '.log') # --- prepare the super_msg"NOW") super_msg = f"{self._date.iso()} {msg}" # --- write super_msg in the log file with open(file,'a') as fic: fic.write(super_msg+"\n") # --- last lines self._last_lines.append(super_msg) n = len(self._last_lines) if n>self.nbmax_last_lines: self._last_lines = self._last_lines[n-self.nbmax_last_lines:] # --- build the log file name file = os.path.normpath(path + os.sep + self._agent_alias + '_' + 'last' + '.log') # --- write super_msg in the log file with open(file,'w') as fic: for line in self._last_lines: fic.write(line+"\n")
# ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== # Special methods # ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== def __init__(self, agent_alias:str, home:str="GPS 0 E 43 150", path_data:str="", path_www:str=""): self._last_errno = self.NO_ERROR # --- if agent_alias != "": self.agent_alias = agent_alias else: self.agent_alias = "Unknown_agent" # --- if path_data != "": self.path_data = path_data else: self.path_data = tempfile.gettempdir() # --- if path_www != "": self.path_www = path_www else: self.path_www = self.path_data # --- self._date = celme.Date() self._home = celme.Home(home) self._noon_hour = 12 ; # local hour corresponding to the date change self.nbmax_last_lines = 30
# ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== # Test if main # ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== if __name__ == "__main__": cwd = os.getcwd() example = 1 print("Example = {}".format(example)) if example == 1: # === Instance parameters # --- agent_alias = string added at the begining of each line of display log # --- agent_alias = is the name of log files # --- agent_alias = is the field name of database logs agent_alias = "test" # --- agent_alias = directory where are written log files path_data = cwd # --- home = define the hour of noon when log files are archived home = "GPS 2 E 43 148" # === Instanciation log = Mountlog(agent_alias,home,path_data) # === Use of logs. Parameters are the same as a Python print a = 2 b = 'tutu' log.print(f"a={a} b={b}") log.print(a,b)