#!/usr/bin/env python3 from pathlib import Path import subprocess import sys, os, argparse from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta ##import utils.Logger as L #import threading #, multiprocessing, os import time #from django.db import transaction #from common.models import Command from Agent import Agent, build_agent, log, extract_parameters import socket from common.models import AgentCmd, AgentSurvey, Majordome from src.core.pyros_django.obsconfig.obsconfig_class import OBSConfig class AgentSST(Agent): computer = "XCY1" _previous_dir = "" PROJECT_ROOT_PATH = "" VENV_PYTHON = "" subprocess_dict = {} agent_in_mode_test = {} AGENT_SPECIFIC_COMMANDS = [ ("do_kill_agent",10,0), ("do_restart_agent",20,0), ("do_start_agent",20,0), ] TEST_COMMANDS_LIST = [ ("self get_mode", 200, "MODE = ATTENTIVE", Agent.CMD_STATUS.CMD_EXECUTED), ("self set_mode ATTENTIVE", 200, "MODE = ATTENTIVE", Agent.CMD_STATUS.CMD_EXECUTED), ] def __init__(self, name:str=None, simulated_computer=None, agent=None): super().__init__() self.PROJECT_ROOT_PATH = os.environ["PROJECT_ROOT_PATH"] if name is None: name = self.__class__.__name__ self.name = name self.computer = socket.gethostname() if simulated_computer != None: self.computer = simulated_computer name_from_config = self.get_config().get_agent_sst_of_computer(self.computer) if name_from_config != None: name = name_from_config self.name = name if AgentSurvey.objects.filter(name=self.name).exists(): self._agent_survey = AgentSurvey.objects.get(name=self.name) else: self._agent_survey = AgentSurvey.objects.create( name=self.name, validity_duration=60, mode=self.mode, status=self.status, iteration=-1 ) WITH_DOCKER = False if os.environ.get("WITH_DOCKER"): WITH_DOCKER = True # if WITH_DOCKER socket.gethostname() bizarre if WITH_DOCKER: VENV_ROOT = "" VENV = "" VENV_BIN = "" else: VENV_ROOT = "venv" VENV = "venv_py3_pyros" VENV_BIN = ( self.PROJECT_ROOT_PATH + os.sep + VENV_ROOT + os.sep + VENV + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep ) self.VENV_PYTHON = VENV_BIN + "python3" if agent: self.init_agent = agent else: self.init_agent = None self._no_restart = False #log.info(f"PC hostname is {self.computer}") def init(self): super().init() log.info(f"PC hostname is {self.computer}") if self.init_agent is None: self.start_agents() else: self.start_agents(self.init_agent) if self.TEST_MODE: self._no_restart = True self.TEST_MODE = False time.sleep(10) self.set_delay(3) def set_computer(self,computer): self.computer = computer def start_agents(self,agent_name=None): """ Start all agents or one agent of obs_config Args: agent_name (_type_, optional): Specific agent name to start. Defaults to None. """ obs_config = self.get_config() test_mode = " -t" if agent_name: agent = agent_name if "AgentSST" not in agent: agents = obs_config.get_agents_per_computer(obs_config.unit_name).get(self.computer) if agent not in agents: log.info(f"{agent} isn't associated to this computer : {self.computer}") log.info(f"Agents associated to this computer : {agents}") exit(1) # Start a specific agent of obs_config (restart) agent_informations = obs_config.get_agent_information(obs_config.unit_name,agent) protocol = agent_informations.get("protocol") if protocol: protocol_folder_abs_path = os.path.join(self.PROJECT_ROOT_PATH, os.path.dirname(protocol)) protocol_script_name = protocol.split("/")[-1] if os.path.exists(protocol_folder_abs_path + os.sep + protocol_script_name): cmd = self.VENV_PYTHON +" "+ protocol_folder_abs_path + os.sep + protocol_script_name if not agent in self.agent_in_mode_test: self.agent_in_mode_test[agent] = self.TEST_MODE if self.agent_in_mode_test[agent]: cmd += test_mode process = subprocess.Popen(f"{cmd}",shell=True) process.poll() if agent not in self.subprocess_dict: self.subprocess_dict[agent] = {} self.subprocess_dict[agent]["process"] = process nb_try_restart = self.subprocess_dict[agent].get("nb_try_restart",0) nb_try_restart += 1 self.subprocess_dict[agent]["nb_try_restart"] = nb_try_restart log.info(f"Start agent {agent} with cmd {cmd}") else: agents = obs_config.get_agents_per_computer(obs_config.unit_name).get(self.computer) if agents is None: available_hostnames = obs_config.get_agents_per_computer(obs_config.unit_name).keys() log.info("Computer not found in obs config") log.info(f"Available hostnames {available_hostnames}. Current hostname is {self.computer}") exit(1) #self.change_dir(self.PROJECT_ROOT_PATH) else: log.info(f"Agents associated to this computer : {agents}") # Start every agent of obs_config (initial start) for agent in agents: if "AgentSST" in agent: continue agent_informations = obs_config.get_agent_information(obs_config.unit_name,agent) protocol = agent_informations.get("protocol") if protocol: protocol_folder_abs_path = os.path.join(self.PROJECT_ROOT_PATH, os.path.dirname(protocol)) protocol_script_name = protocol.split("/")[-1] if os.path.exists(protocol_folder_abs_path + os.sep + protocol_script_name): cmd = self.VENV_PYTHON +" "+ protocol_folder_abs_path + os.sep + protocol_script_name if not agent in self.agent_in_mode_test: self.agent_in_mode_test[agent] = self.TEST_MODE if self.agent_in_mode_test[agent]: cmd += test_mode # process = subprocess.Popen(f"{cmd}", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) process = subprocess.Popen(f"{cmd}", shell=True) self.subprocess_dict[agent] = {} self.subprocess_dict[agent]["process"] = process # Reset to zero nb_try when AgentSST start (launch all agents) self.subprocess_dict[agent]["nb_try_restart"] = 0 log.info(f"Start agent {agent} with cmd {cmd}") def do_start_agent(self, agent_name:str): """ Start a specific agent of obs_config (Restart) Args: agent_name (str): Name of agent to start """ self.start_agents(agent_name) nb_try_restart_agent = self.subprocess_dict[agent_name]["nb_try_restart"] agent_survey = AgentSurvey.objects.get(name=agent_name) agent_survey.current_nb_restart = nb_try_restart_agent agent_survey.save() def do_kill_agent(self, agent:str)->None: # agent = args[0] if agent in self.subprocess_dict.keys() or agent == self.name: #cmd = self.send_cmd_to(agent,"do_exit") cmd = self.send_cmd_to(agent,"do_stop","asap") return cmd def do_restart_agent(self, agent:str, mode:str)->None: # agent = args[0] nb_try_restart_agent = self.subprocess_dict[agent]["nb_try_restart"] if nb_try_restart_agent < AgentSurvey.objects.get(name=agent).nb_restart_max: if mode == "soft": cmd = self.send_cmd_to(agent,"do_restart","asap") else: self.do_kill_agent(agent) self.do_start_agent(agent) else: #sendmail pass agent_survey = AgentSurvey.objects.get(name=agent) agent_survey.current_nb_restart = nb_try_restart_agent agent_survey.save() # if agent in self.subprocess_dict.keys(): # cmd.set_result(f"Agent {agent} restarted") # cmd.set_as_processed() # else: # cmd.set_result(f"Agent {agent} failed to restart") # log.debug(f"Agent {agent} failed to restart") def force_kill_agent(self, *args)->None: if args: agent = args[0] if self.subprocess_dict.get(agent) is not None: process = self.subprocess_dict.get(agent).get("process") # process.terminate() # process.wait() # Kill is better when using Popen(shell=True) because it will remove the created child process process.kill() else: return None def do_things_before_exit(self,abort_cmd_sender): kill_agent_commands = {} for agent in self.subprocess_dict.keys(): cmd = self.do_kill_agent(agent) kill_agent_commands[agent] = cmd agent_survey = AgentSurvey.objects.get(name=agent) # Reset counter before exiting agent_survey.current_nb_restart = 0 agent_survey.save() # wait 10 seconds in order to agents to exit themselves properly time.sleep(20) for agent in self.subprocess_dict.keys(): while self.subprocess_dict[agent].get("process").poll() is None: time.sleep(0.5) # agent_survey = AgentSurvey.objects.get(name=self.name) # agent_survey.status = AgentSurvey.STATUS_EXIT # agent_survey.save() def routine_process_after_body(self): now_time = datetime.now(timezone.utc) last_running_commands = AgentCmd.get_commands_sent_by_agent("AgentSST").filter(state="CMD_RUNNING",recipient__in=list(self.subprocess_dict.keys())) for cmd in last_running_commands: last_running_cmd = cmd.full_name if last_running_cmd == "KILL_AGENT" and cmd.is_expired(): agent = cmd.args[0] self.force_kill_agent(agent) # checking status of agent if they are timeout if in auto mode try: soft_mode = Majordome.objects.last().soft_mode except Majordome.DoesNotExist: soft_mode = None if (soft_mode is not None and soft_mode == "AUTO") and not self._no_restart: for agent in self.subprocess_dict.keys(): try: agent_survey = AgentSurvey.objects.get(name=agent) except AgentSurvey.DoesNotExist: # If there is no entry in AgentSurvey for this agent go to next iteration (it surely means that the agentSST launched this agent for the first time, and it didn't had enough time to create an entry in AgentSurvey) continue validity_duration = agent_survey.validity_duration last_update_from_agent = agent_survey.updated validity_duration_timedelta = timedelta(seconds=validity_duration) timeout_datetime = last_update_from_agent + validity_duration_timedelta timeout_datetime = timeout_datetime.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) # if agent latest state is timeout, restart it if timeout_datetime < now_time: if self.subprocess_dict[agent].get("process").poll() != None: last_executed_start_agent_cmd = AgentCmd.objects.filter(state="CMD_EXECUTED",full_name=f"do_start_agent {agent}",recipient=self.name).order_by("-s_deposit_time") if last_executed_start_agent_cmd.exists(): cmd_outdated_datetime_start = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=30) cmd_outdated_datetime_end = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=25) cmd_outdated_datetime_start = cmd_outdated_datetime_start.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) cmd_outdated_datetime_end = cmd_outdated_datetime_end.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) # cmd outdated if deposit time was between 25 and 30 seconds ago from now # if last start cmd for this agent was executed and this agent isn't currently running, ask again a start. if cmd_outdated_datetime_start >= last_executed_start_agent_cmd.first().s_deposit_time and cmd_outdated_datetime_end >= last_executed_start_agent_cmd.first().s_deposit_time: self.send_cmd_to(self.name,"do_start_agent", agent) else: try: # Check if do_start_agent cmd already asked by agentSST in previous iterations and not exectuted. If the query success (no exception raised), we don't send again a cmd AgentCmd.get_pending_and_running_commands_for_agent(self.name).get(full_name=f"do_start_agent {agent}") except: self.send_cmd_to(self.name,"do_start_agent", agent) else: last_executed_start_or_restart_agent_cmd = AgentCmd.objects.filter(state="CMD_EXECUTED",full_name__in=(f"do_start_agent {agent}",f"do_restart_agent {agent}"),recipient=self.name).order_by("-s_deposit_time") if last_executed_start_or_restart_agent_cmd.exists(): cmd_outdated_datetime_start = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=30) cmd_outdated_datetime_end = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=25) cmd_outdated_datetime_start = cmd_outdated_datetime_start.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) cmd_outdated_datetime_end = cmd_outdated_datetime_end.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) # cmd outdated if deposit time was between 25 and 30 seconds ago from now # if last start or restart cmd for this agent was executed and this agent isn't currently running, ask again a restart. if cmd_outdated_datetime_start >= last_executed_start_or_restart_agent_cmd.first().s_deposit_time and cmd_outdated_datetime_end >= last_executed_start_or_restart_agent_cmd.first().s_deposit_time: self.send_cmd_to(self.name,"do_restart_agent", agent) else: try: # Check if do_restart_agent cmd already asked by agentSST in previous iterations and not exectuted. If the query success (no exception raised), we don't send again a cmd AgentCmd.get_pending_and_running_commands_for_agent(self.name).get(full_name=f"do_restart_agent {agent}") except: self.send_cmd_to(self.name,"do_restart_agent", agent) log.info("Check status of process") for agent in self.subprocess_dict: proc = self.subprocess_dict.get(agent).get("process") log.info(f"{agent} poll result is {proc.poll()}") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Start a agentSST.') parser.add_argument("--computer",dest="computer",help='Launch agent with simulated computer hostname',action="store") parser.add_argument("--agent",dest="agent",help='Launch an specific agent ',action="store") parser.add_argument("-t", action="store_true" ) args = vars(parser.parse_args()) agent = build_agent(AgentSST,param_constr=args) # agent = build_agent(AgentSST) agent.run()