FROM python:3.8 ARG uid RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ default-mysql-client \ git \ nano \ vim \ # for PNG diagrams generation with pyreverse (pylint) graphviz graphviz-dev # Get IRAP self signed certificate RUN echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 > /etc/ssl/certs/ RUN echo "$uid" > test.txt # adding new user (pyros_user) and creating his home folder RUN useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash pyros_user --uid $uid # Create the work dir and set permissions as pyros_user RUN mkdir -p /home/pyros_user/app/ && chown -R pyros_user:pyros_user /home/pyros_user/app WORKDIR /home/pyros_user/app # switch from root to pyros_user USER pyros_user RUN pip install --user --upgrade pip RUN pip install --user wheel RUN pip install --user numpy # copy local host machine files to image COPY --chown=pyros_user:pyros_user . . # adding local/bin to path to avoid pip warning ENV PATH "$PATH:/home/pyros_user/.local/bin" # installing click on the image to prevent error on the first execution of the installation script RUN pip install --user click # installing packages required for PyROS RUN pip install --user -r ./install/requirements.txt RUN pip install --user -r ./install/requirements_dev.txt