# # DEV only # django-debug-toolbar==4.0.0 # Modifications 2021 : # removing plantuml because we need a unofficial version (maybe we could force to go back on an old version where the bug wasn't happening # added httplib2 which is needed for plantuml # added dataclasses which was missing for the model controller script #plantuml httplib2==0.20.2 dataclasses==0.6 # For YAML Config pykwalify==1.8.0 PyYAML==6.0 # For SP TAC Assignation matplotlib==3.5.1 numpy==1.24.3 # For working with GIT within Python GitPython==3.1.31 # For working with date python-dateutil==2.8.2 # For MCO CNES astropy==5.2.1 photutils==1.3.0 scipy==1.10.1 # for websocket channels==4.0.0 daphne==4.0.0 attrs==23.1.0 channels_redis==4.1.0 # To generate API documentation uritemplate==4.1.1