#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""Socket Client Telescope (abstract) implementation

To be used as a base class (interface) for any concrete socket client telescope class

# Standard library imports
#from enum import Enum
import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import functools
#import inspect
import logging
import os
import pprint
import socket
import sys
import threading
import time
from typing import Dict

# Third party imports

# Local application imports

#import src.core.pyros_django.utils.celme as celme
import src.core.celme as celme
from src.logpyros import LogPyros

#from src.client.socket_client_abstract import UnknownNativeCmdException, SocketClientAbstract
##from src_socket.client.socket_client_abstract import *
##from src_device.client.client_channel import *
##from device_controller.logs import *
from device_controller.channels.client_channel import ChannelCommunicationException
from device_controller.channels.client_channel_socket import ClientChannelSocket
from device_controller.channels.client_channel_serial import ClientChannelSerial
from device_controller.channels.client_channel_usb import ClientChannelUSB

import config

# Execute also "set" and "do" commands
# Execute only "get" commands

# Default timeouts

logger = LogPyros(__name__)
def log(self, *args, **kwargs): logger.print(*args, **kwargs)
# DEBUG print
def printd(self, *args, **kwargs): logger.printd(*args, **kwargs)
def tprintd(self, *args, **kwargs): printd('(THREAD):', *args, *kwargs)
def printd(*args, **kwargs): 
    if os.environ.get('PYROS_DEBUG', '0')=='1': print(*args, **kwargs)

class c(Enum):

    # GET, SET
    DEC = 'DEC'
    RA = 'RA'
    RA_DEC = 'RA_DEC'
    # DO
    PARK = 'PARK'

def generic_cmd(func):
    #def wrapper_generic_cmd(*args, **kwargs):
    def wrapper_generic_cmd(self, values_to_set=None):
        #printd("func name is", func.__name__)
        return self.exec_generic_cmd(func.__name__, values_to_set)
    return wrapper_generic_cmd

def recursive_search(f):
    def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
    #def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        #return f(*args, **kwargs)
        ko_return_value = f(self, *args, **kwargs)
        return self.do_command_recursive_search_using_function(ko_return_value, f.__name__, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapped

class DeviceCmd:

    full_name:str = ''
    name = None
    args = None
    # Device component type
    devtype = None

    def __init__(self, cmd_full_name:str, dev_comp_type:str=None, cmd_args:str=None):
        self.full_name = cmd_full_name
        self.name = cmd_full_name
        self.devtype = dev_comp_type
        self.args = cmd_args
        if self.is_generic():
            dev_comp_type,cmd_name,cmd_args = self.get_full_name_parts()
            self.name = cmd_name
            if dev_comp_type: self.devtype = dev_comp_type
            if cmd_args: self.args = cmd_args

    def __str__(self):
        return (f"Commmand '{self.full_name}'")

    def is_generic(self):
        cmd_name = self.full_name
        if '.' in self.full_name:
            cmd_name = self.full_name.split('.')[1]
        cmd_name = self.full_name[self.full_name.find('.')+1:]
        return cmd_name.startswith('do_') or cmd_name.startswith('get_') or cmd_name.startswith('set_')

    def is_generic_cmd_name(cls, cmd_name:str):
        if '.' in cmd_name:
            cmd_name = cmd_name.split('.')[1]
        return cmd_name.startswith('do_') or cmd_name.startswith('get_') or cmd_name.startswith('set_')

    def is_generic(self):
        #return type(self).is_generic_cmd_name(self.full_name)
        return self.is_generic_cmd_name(self.full_name)
        #return DeviceCmd.is_generic_cmd_name(self.full_name)
        #return self.name.startswith('do_') or self.name.startswith('get_') or self.name.startswith('set_')

    def name_and_args(self):
        cmd_name_and_args = self.full_name
        if '.' in cmd_name_and_args:
            cmd_name_and_args = cmd_name_and_args.split('.')[1]
        return cmd_name_and_args

    def get_full_name_parts(self):
        cmd_name = self.full_name
        devtype = None
        cmd_args = None
        if '.' in cmd_name:
            devtype, cmd_name = cmd_name.split('.')
        if ' ' in cmd_name:
            cmd_name, *cmd_args = cmd_name.split(' ')
        return devtype, cmd_name, cmd_args

class GenericResult:
    ''' Usage:
        res = execute(command)
        printd("result is", res)
        if res.ko: raise UnexpectedReturnCode()
        if res.ok:
    # By default, bad result
    ok = True
    ko = not ok

    def __init__(self, native_result:str, ok=True, unknown_command=False, unknown_result=False):
        self.txt = native_result
        self.ok = ok
        self.ko = not ok
        self.unknown_command = unknown_command
        self.unknown_result = unknown_result
    def __str__(self):
        return self.txt
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.txt
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        return self.b
    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        self.b = value

    See https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/errors.html

class DCCNotFoundException(Exception):
    ''' Raised when a specific DCC is not available '''

class UnknownNativeCmdException(Exception):
    ''' Raised when a NATIVE command name is not recognized by the controller '''
    def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):

class UnknownNativeResException(Exception):
    ''' Raised when a NATIVE command result is not recognized by the controller '''

class UnknownGenericCmdException(Exception):

class UnimplementedGenericCmdException(Exception):
    ''' Raised when a GENERIC cmd has no implementation in the controller (no native cmd available for the generic cmd) '''
    def __str__(self):
        #return f"({type(self).__name__}): Generic command '{self.args[0]}' has no implementation in the controller"
        return f"({type(self).__name__}): Device Generic command has no implementation in the controller"

class UnknownGenericCmdArgException(Exception):
    ''' Raised when a GENERIC cmd argument is not recognized by the controller (no native cmd available for the generic cmd) '''
    def __init__(self, name, arg):
        self.name = name
        self.arg = arg
    def __str__(self):
        return f"The argument '{self.arg}' does not exist for generic cmd {self.name}"

class UnexpectedCommandReturnCode(Exception):

class DeviceTimeoutException(Exception):

# PYTHON 3.7+ only
class Cmd:
    generic_name: str = 'generic name'
    native_name: str = ''
    desc: str = 'Description'
    params: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
    final_simul_response: str = 'simulator response'
    final_device_responses: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
    immediate_responses: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
    errors: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)

class Cmd2:
    def __init__(self, 
        generic_name: str = 'generic name',
        native_name: str = 'native name',
        params: Dict[str, str] = {},
        final_device_responses: Dict[str, str] = {},
        final_simul_response: str = 'simulator response',
        immediate_responses: Dict[str, str] = {},
        errors: Dict[str, str] = {}
        self.generic_name = generic_name
        self.native_name = native_name
        self.params = params
        self.final_device_responses = final_device_responses
        self.final_simul_response = final_simul_response
        self.immediate_responses = immediate_responses
        self.errors = errors

# TODO: move dans classe Cmd
def cmd_get_native_name(native_cmd_infos:Cmd):
    #if isinstance(native_cmd_infos, Cmd): return [native_cmd_infos.native_name, native_cmd_infos.final_simul_response]
    if isinstance(native_cmd_infos, Cmd): return native_cmd_infos.native_name
    return native_cmd_infos[0]
def cmd_get_simul_response(native_cmd_infos:Cmd):
    if isinstance(native_cmd_infos, Cmd):
        return native_cmd_infos.final_simul_response if native_cmd_infos.final_simul_response!='simulator response' else None
    return native_cmd_infos[1] if len(native_cmd_infos)>1 else None
def cmd_set_simulated_answer(get_cmd:Cmd, simulated_answer:str):
    if isinstance(get_cmd, Cmd): 
        get_cmd.final_simul_response = simulated_answer
        get_cmd[1] = simulated_answer
def cmd_native_name_upper_is(native_cmd_infos:Cmd, cmd:str):
    if isinstance(native_cmd_infos, Cmd):
        return cmd.upper() == native_cmd_infos.native_name.upper()
    return cmd in native_cmd_infos and cmd.upper() == native_cmd_infos[0].upper()
def cmd_native_name_is(native_cmd_infos:Cmd, cmd:str):
    if isinstance(native_cmd_infos, Cmd):
        return cmd == native_cmd_infos.native_name
    return cmd in native_cmd_infos and cmd == native_cmd_infos[0]
def cmd_has_native_infos(native_infos):
    if isinstance(native_infos, Cmd): return native_infos.native_name != ''
    return native_infos is not None
def cmd_get_native_infos(native_infos):
    if isinstance(native_infos, Cmd): return [native_infos.native_name, native_infos.final_simul_response]
    return native_infos

class Gen2NatCmds:
    # To be set by constructor
    GEN2NAT_CMDS = {}
    # NEW format
    #cmds = {}

    def __init__(self, cmds:dict={}):
        #self.cmds = {}
        # cmds is a dict of cmd:
        self.GEN2NAT_CMDS = cmds
        # cmds is a list of cmd:
        if isinstance(cmds, list):
            self.GEN2NAT_CMDS = {}

    def __str__(self)->str: return str(self.GEN2NAT_CMDS)

    # build cmd as dict
    def build_cmd(self, 
            generic_name: str, native_name: str,
            params: dict = {},
            final_device_responses: dict = {},
            final_simul_response: str = '',
            immediate_responses: dict = {},
            errors: dict = {},
        cmd = {
            'generic_name': generic_name,
            'native_name': native_name,
            'params': params,
            # ready
            'final_device_responses': final_device_responses,
            'final_simul_response': final_simul_response,
            'immediate_responses': immediate_responses,
            # native error codes
            'errors': errors
        return cmd

    # TODO:
    def build_cmd_get_set(self, generic_name:str, native_get_name:str, native_set_name:str)->(dict,dict):
        get_cmd = set_cmd = {}
        return (get_cmd, set_cmd)
    # TODO:
    def build_cmd_do(self, generic_name:str, native_name:str):
        return {}

    def add_cmd(self, cmd:dict): 
        self.cmds[cmd['generic_name']] = cmd
    def add_cmd(self, cmd:Cmd): 
        self.GEN2NAT_CMDS[cmd.generic_name] = cmd
    def add_cmds(self, *cmds):
        # add a dict 
        elif isinstance(cmds[0], dict):
        # add another instance 
        if isinstance(cmds[0], Gen2NatCmds):
        # add a list
        elif isinstance(cmds[0], list):
            for cmd in cmds[0]: self.add_cmd(cmd)
        elif isinstance(cmds[0], str):
            #if len(cmds) == 1: raise Exception("Missing second arg (obj, list or dict)")
            if len(cmds) == 1: raise Exception("Missing second arg (a list)")
            # add a key:dict
            elif isinstance(cmds[1], dict):
                self.GEN2NAT_CMDS[cmds[0]] = cmds[1]
            # add a key:list
            if isinstance(cmds[1], list):
                self.GEN2NAT_CMDS[cmds[0]] = { cmd.generic_name:cmd for cmd in cmds[1] }
            # add another instance 
            if isinstance(cmds[1], Gen2NatCmds):
                self.GEN2NAT_CMDS[cmds[0]] = cmds[1].get_as_dict()
                #raise Exception("Second arg should be a obj, list, or dict")
                raise Exception("Second arg should be a list")
            raise Exception("bad arguments")
        # add a list of cmd (cmd1, cmd2, cmd3, ...)
        elif isinstance(cmds[0], Cmd):
            for cmd in cmds: self.add_cmd(cmd)
    def get_as_dict(self): return self.GEN2NAT_CMDS
    def print_mes_commandes(self):
        pprint.sorted = lambda x, key=None: x
        #for cmd in self.cmds: print(cmd)

    def get(self, cmd:str=None): 
        #if cmd: return self.GEN2NAT_CMDS.get(cmd)
        #return self.GEN2NAT_CMDS
        if cmd is None: return self.GEN2NAT_CMDS
        # 1) search in my MAIN commands
        native_infos = self.GEN2NAT_CMDS.get(cmd)
        printd("native infos:", native_infos)
        # native_cmd can be [] or [infos] (or None)
        ##if native_infos is not None: return native_infos
        if cmd_has_native_infos(native_infos) : return cmd_get_native_infos(native_infos)
        # 2) search in each DCC commands
        # !! BAD !! because general dict is not complete for each dcc (especially, does not contain macro-commands, like get_radec, ...)
        # So, better not to use this
        for key in self.GEN2NAT_CMDS.keys():
            if isinstance(self.GEN2NAT_CMDS[key], dict):
                native_infos = self.GEN2NAT_CMDS[key].get(cmd)
                printd('key is', key, 'native cmd is', native_infos)
                if native_infos is not None: return native_infos
        # Native infos not found
        return None
    #def update(self, newdict:dict): self.GEN2NAT_CMDS = { **self.GEN2NAT_CMDS, **newdict }
    def get_native_infos_for_generic_cmd(self, cmd:str)->str: 
        return self.get(cmd)
    def get_native_cmd_for_generic(self, cmd:str)->str:
        val = self.get_native_infos_for_generic_cmd(cmd)
        if not val: return None
        return val[0]
    def get_simulated_answer_for_generic_cmd(self, cmd:str)->str:
        val = self.get(cmd)
        if not val: return None
        # no answer available
        if len(val) == 1: return None
        return val[1]
    #TODO: get answer from dict
    def get_related_native_get_cmd_name_for_set_cmd(self, cmd:str):
        return 'G'+ cmd[1]
    def get_simulated_answer_for_native_cmd(self, cmd:str)->str:
        for val in self.GEN2NAT_CMDS.values():
            if isinstance(val, Cmd):
                if val.native_name == cmd: return val.final_simul_response
            if cmd in val:
                # No native cmd defined
                if cmd != val[0]: return None
                # no answer available
                if len(val) < 2: return None
                # return simulated answer
                return val[1]
        # no simulated answer found
        return None
    def set_simulated_answer_for_native_get_cmd(self, get_cmd_name:str, get_cmd_simulated_answer:str):
        for key,val in self.GEN2NAT_CMDS.items():
            # do not search in components (it will be done anyway at another level)
            #if isinstance(val, dict): return False
            if isinstance(val, dict): continue
            ##if val and get_cmd_name.upper() in val[0].upper():
            if cmd_native_name_upper_is(val, get_cmd_name):
                # no answer available
                ##if len(val) < 2: return False
                if not cmd_get_simul_response(val): return False
                ##val[1] = get_cmd_simulated_answer[3:-1]
                cmd_set_simulated_answer(val, get_cmd_simulated_answer[3:-1])
                self.GEN2NAT_CMDS[key] = val
                return True
        # nothing set
        return False

    #TODO: chercher dans les DCC !! (recursive)
    def is_valid_native_cmd(self, cmd:str)->bool:
        # 1) search in my MAIN commands
        if cmd in self.GEN2NAT_CMDS.values(): return True
        # 2) search in each DCC commands
        for key in self.GEN2NAT_CMDS.keys():
            if isinstance(self.GEN2NAT_CMDS[key], dict):
                if cmd in self.GEN2NAT_CMDS[key].values(): return True
        return False
    def has_native_cmd(self, cmd:str)->bool:
        # Simplist version
        ##return cmd in self.GEN2NAT_CMDS.values()
        # More elaborated version
        for native_cmd_infos in self.GEN2NAT_CMDS.values():
            #if cmd in native_cmd_infos and cmd == native_cmd_infos[0]: return True
            if cmd_native_name_is(native_cmd_infos, cmd): return True
        # no notive cmd found
        return False
    def print_available_cmds(self):
        #printd("All commands are:", self._gen2nat_cmds.keys())
        print("\nAvailable commands:")
        # 1) print general commands
        # 2) print commands for each DCC:
        for key in self.GEN2NAT_CMDS.keys():
            if isinstance(self.GEN2NAT_CMDS[key], dict):
    def print_available_cmds_for_dcc(self, dcc_key):
        d = self.GEN2NAT_CMDS if dcc_key=="General" else self.GEN2NAT_CMDS[dcc_key]
        print(f"\n{dcc_key} commands are:")
        print("- GET commands:")
        #print (list(cmd.replace('_',' ') for cmd in self._gen2nat_cmds.keys() if cmd.startswith('get_')))
        print(list(cmd for cmd in d.keys() if cmd.startswith('get_')))
        print("- SET commands:")
        print(list(cmd for cmd in d.keys() if cmd.startswith('set_')))
        print("- DO commands:")
        print(list(cmd for cmd in d.keys() if cmd.startswith('do_')))

#TODO: remove ClientChannelAbstract, and set instead a ClientChannel
#class DeviceController(SocketClientAbstract):
##class DeviceController(ClientChannel):
class DeviceController():

    DEBUG = False

    _device_simulator = None
    _thread_device_simulator = None

    _device_host = "localhost"
    _device_port = None

    # List of device controller (dc) components (by default, None)
    _my_dc_components = []

    # ClientChannel used by the device controller (to be set during __init__ via set_client_channel())
    _my_channel = None

    # @abstract (to be overriden)
    _cmd_device_concrete = {}
    _cmd_device_abstract = {}
    ##_cmd = {
    GEN2NAT_CMDS_obj = Gen2NatCmds([

        # General format:
        #'cmd_generic_name': ['cmd_native_name', 'default_simulator_answer', 'native_answer1', 'native_answer2', ...],

        # GET-SET commands:

        # for test only

        # DO commands:
    print("(DC) Mes commandes")

    GEN2NAT_CMDS_dict = {

        # General format:
        #'cmd_generic_name': ['cmd_native_name', 'default_simulator_answer', 'native_answer1', 'native_answer2', ...],

        # GET-SET commands:
        'get_timezone': [],
        'set_timezone': [],
        'get_date': [],
        'set_date': [],
        'get_time': [],
        'set_time': [],

        # for test only

        # DO commands:
        'do_init': ['do_init'],
        'do_park': [],

    #GEN2NAT_CMDS = my_cmds3.get_as_dict()

    class Protocol:

        # By default, do nothing
        def formated_cmd(cls, cmd:str, value:str=None)->str:
            return cmd

        # Encapsulate useful data to be ready for sending
        # By default, do nothing
        #def encapsulate_data_to_send(self, data:str):
        def encap(cls, data:str):
            printd("*** Default encap ***")
            ##return data
            return "stamp", data
        def format_data_to_send(self, data:str):
            return self.encapsulate_data_to_send(data)

        # Extract useful data from received raw data    
        # By default, do nothing
        #def uncap_received_data(self, data:str):
        #def uncap(cls, dcc_name:str, data:str):
        def uncap(cls, dcc_name:str, stamp:str, data:str):
            #return data_received.decode()
            printd(f"*** Default uncap (from {dcc_name})***")
            return data
        def unformat_received_data(self, data:str):
            return self.uncap_received_data(data)

        def encapsulate_data_to_send(self, command:str):
            return self._my_channel.encapsulate_data_to_send(command)
        def uncap_received_data(self, data_received:str):
            return self._my_channel.uncap_received_data(data_received)

    # WRAPPER methods
    def getp(self)->Protocol: return self._protoc
    def formated_cmd(self, cmd:str, value:str=None)->str:
        ##return self._protoc.formated_cmd(self, cmd, value)
        return self._protoc.formated_cmd(cmd, value)
    def encap(self, data:str):
        ##return self._protoc.encap(self, data)
        return self._protoc.encap(data)
        self.log_w("WARNING", "watch your step !!!")

    ##def uncap(self, data:str):
    def uncap(self, stamp:str, data:str):
        #return self._protoc.uncap(self, data)
        ##return self._protoc.uncap(type(self).__name__, data)
        return self._protoc.uncap(type(self).__name__, stamp, data)

    ##def __init__(self, device_host:str="localhost", device_port:int=11110, PROTOCOL:str="TCP", buffer_size=1024, DEBUG=False):
    #def __init__(self, device_host:str="localhost", device_port:int=11110, channel="TCP", buffer_size=1024, protoc=None, gen2nat_cmds={}, device_sim=None, DEBUG=False):
    #def __init__(self, device_host:str="localhost", device_port:int=11110, channel="TCP", buffer_size=1024, protoc=None, gen2nat_cmds={}, device_sim=None):
    def __init__(self, device_host:str="localhost", device_port:int=11110, channel="TCP", buffer_size=1024, protoc=None, gen2nat_cmds:Gen2NatCmds=None, device_sim=None):
        :param device_host: server IP or hostname
        :param device_port: server port
        :param channel: "SOCKET-TCP", "SOCKET-UDP", "SERIAL", "USB", or instance of Channel

        self.stamp_current = None

        #self.DEBUG_MODE = DEBUG
        ##self.DEBUG_MODE = os.environ.get('PYROS_DEBUG', '0') == '1'
        self.DEBUG_MODE = config.is_debug()
        ##log_d("Logger configured")
        self.log = LogPyros(self.__class__.__name__)
        if self.DEBUG_MODE: self.log.set_global_log_level(LogPyros.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG)

        # Set host (IP) and port
        #printd("IN DeviceController")
        self._device_host = device_host
        self._device_port = device_port

        # Set Protocol
        self._protoc = protoc if protoc else self.Protoc

        # Set Commands
        # overwrite abstract _cmd dictionary with subclass native _cmd_native dictionary:
        # Merge my commands dictionary with the one passed by subclass
        # _gen2nat_cmds = GEN2NAT_CMDS + gen2nat_cmds
        #printd("(dc1) MY COMMANDS ARE (before merge):", self.GEN2NAT_CMDS)
        #printd("(dc3) GIVEN CMDS (before merge):", gen2nat_cmds)
        #self._gen2nat_cmds = copy.deepcopy(self.GEN2NAT_CMDS)
        ##self._gen2nat_cmds = { **self.GEN2NAT_CMDS, **gen2nat_cmds }
        #self._gen2nat_cmds = { **DeviceController.GEN2NAT_CMDS, **gen2nat_cmds }
        self._gen2nat_cmds = { **(DeviceController.GEN2NAT_CMDS.get_as_dict()), **(gen2nat_cmds.get_as_dict()) }
        self.printd(self, "MY COMMANDS ARE (after merge):", self._gen2nat_cmds)
        #self._gen2nat_cmds = self.Gen2NatCmds
        #self._gen2nat_cmds = {**self._gen2nat_cmds, **self._gen2nat_cmds_native}
        ##self._gen2nat_cmds = {**self._gen2nat_cmds, **self._gen2nat_cmds_device_abstract, **self._gen2nat_cmds_device_concrete}
        self._my_cmds = Gen2NatCmds(self._gen2nat_cmds)

        # Set Channel and Simulator
        if not isinstance(channel, str):
            self._my_channel = channel
            self._device_simulator = None
            if channel.startswith("SOCKET"): 
                #self._my_channel:ClientChannel = ClientChannelSocket(device_host, device_port, channel, buffer_size, DEBUG)
                self._my_channel:ClientChannel = ClientChannelSocket(device_host, device_port, channel, buffer_size)
            elif channel == "SERIAL": 
                self._my_channel:ClientChannel = ClientChannelSerial(device_host, device_port, buffer_size)
            elif channel == "USB": 
                self._my_channel:ClientChannel = ClientChannelUSB(device_host, device_port, buffer_size)
            else: raise Exception("Unknown Channel", channel)
            # If LOCALHOST, launch the device SIMULATOR
            if device_host=="localhost":
                if not device_sim: raise Exception("No simulator class available") 
                ##self._device_simulator = device_sim(protoc, gen2nat_cmds)
                self._device_simulator = device_sim
                # Pass to my simulator a reference to myself
                # TODO: a virer car plus necessaire vu qu'on passe le DC au simu
                ##self._device_simulator.set_protoc_and_cmds(protoc, self._my_cmds)
                self.printd("SIMU IS", device_sim, self._device_simulator)
                self._thread_device_simulator = threading.Thread(target=self.device_simulator_run)

        #self.log_w("WARNING", "watch your step !!")

    # Set my list of dc components
    def set_dc_components(self, dc_components:list): self._my_dc_components = dc_components

    # So that we can use this with the "with" statement (context manager)
    def __enter__(self):
        return self
    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        self._my_channel.__exit__(type, value, traceback)

    def set_logger(self, DEBUG):

    def print(self, *args, **kwargs): self.log.print(*args, **kwargs)
    def printd(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.log.printd(*args, **kwargs)
    def tprintd(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.printd('(THREAD):', *args, *kwargs)
    def log_d(self, *args, **kwargs): self.log.log_d(*args, **kwargs)
    def log_i(self, *args, **kwargs): self.log.log_i(*args, **kwargs)
    def log_w(self, *args, **kwargs): self.log.log_w(*args, **kwargs)
    def log_e(self, *args, **kwargs): self.log.log_e(*args, **kwargs)
    def log_c(self, *args, **kwargs): self.log.log_c(*args, **kwargs)

    def device_simulator_run(self):
        #HOST, PORT = "localhost", 11110
        #with get_SocketServer_UDP_TCP(HOST, PORT, "UDP") as myserver:
        self.printd("******* (DC) Starting device simulator on (host:port): ", self._device_host+':'+str(self._device_port))
        #with get_SocketServer_UDP_TCP(self.HOST, self.PORT, "UDP") as myserver: myserver.serve_forever()
        myserver = get_SocketServer_UDP_TCP(self.HOST, self.PORT, "UDP")

    def _connect_to_device(self):

    def get_celme_longitude(self, longitude):
        return celme.Angle(longitude).sexagesimal("d:+0180.0")
    def get_celme_latitude(self, latitude):
        return celme.Angle(latitude).sexagesimal("d:+090.0")

    #@override ClientChannel send_data
    def send_data(self, data:str):
        ##data_encapsulated = self.format_data_to_send(data)
        self.stamp_current, data_encapsulated = self.encap(data)
        The chosen way to send data is this:
        # - :GD#
        Another way to send data (which also works), is it better ?
        # - :GD#
        ###tsock.mysock.sendto(b'\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x3A\x47\x44\x23\x00', (HOST, PORT))
        # - :GR#
        ###tsock.mysock.sendto(b'\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x3A\x47\x52\x23\x00', (HOST, PORT))
        # - ACK 06 OK !!! :
        tsock.mysock.sendto(b'\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00', (HOST, PORT))
        Which one is the best method ?
        #log_d("NATIVE Command to send is "+repr(data))
        ##encapsulated_data = self.encapsulate_data_to_send(data)
        #printd("before _send", encapsulated_data)
        #printd("before _send", repr(encapsulated_data))
        #log_i(f'Sent: {encapsulated_data}')
    def _send_data(self, data):

    #@override ClientChannel receive_data
    def receive_data(self)->str:
        ##data_received_bytes = self._receive_data()
        data_received = self._my_channel.receive_data()
        #log_d("Received (all data): {}".format(data_received))
        #log_d("data in bytes: "+str(bytes(data_received, "utf-8")))
        ##data = self.unformat_received_data(data_received)
        data = self.uncap(self.stamp_current, data_received)
        self.printd(f"(dc) ({self}) RECEIVED (useful data): {data}")
        ##log_i(f"(dc) ({self}) RECEIVED (useful data): {data}")
        return data
    def _receive_data(self):
        return self._my_channel._receive_data()

    def get_utc_date(self):
        return celme.Date("now").iso(0)
        #return celme.Date("now").ymdhms()

    def close(self):
        # Stop device simulator (only if used)
        if self._device_host=="localhost":
            self.printd("Stopping device simulator")

    def is_generic_cmd(self, raw_input_cmd:str) -> bool:
        printd("raw_input_cmd is", raw_input_cmd)
        # Using Google documentation format (https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/example_google.html#example-google) 
        #"" Is this a generic command ?

            raw_input_cmd: a command in string format (like 'set_state active' or 'get_ra' or 'set_ra 20:00:00' or 'set_radec 20:00:00 90:00:00" or 'do_park'...)

            either False or (cmd, [args]) with cmd like "get_ra" and [args] like ['20:00:00', '90:00:00']

        #return cmd.startswith('get_') or cmd.startswith('set_') or cmd.startswith('do_')
        #cmds = ['get ', 'get_', 'set ', 'set_', 'do ', 'do_']
        seps = (" ", "_")
        #cmds = list(x+y for x in cmd for y in sep)
        for cmd in cmds:
            for sep in seps:
                generic_cmd = cmd+sep
                if raw_input_cmd.startswith(generic_cmd):
                    # Is there value(s) passed ?
                    if len(raw_input_cmd) > len(generic_cmd):
                        values = raw_input_cmd[len(generic_cmd):]
                        values = values.split(' ')
                    # return cmd like "get_ra", [and values]
                    return generic_cmd.replace(' ','_'), values
        return False, False
        ##cmds = ("get","set","do")

        # ex: "set radec" => "set_radec"
        raw_input_cmd = raw_input_cmd.strip()
        cmd_splitted = raw_input_cmd.split(' ')
        if len(cmd_splitted) == 1: return False,False
        generic_cmd = cmd_splitted[0] + '_' + cmd_splitted[1]
        # Ex: "set_radec 15 30", "do_init", "get_radec", "set_state active", "do_goto_radec 15 45"...
        tokens = raw_input_cmd.split(' ')
        generic_cmd = tokens[0]

        # Check this generic command exists    
        #if (generic_cmd not in self._gen2nat_cmds.keys()): return False,False
        if generic_cmd not in self._gen2nat_cmds: return False,False
        # Is there value(s) passed ?
        ###if len(cmd_splitted) > 2: values_to_set = cmd_splitted[2:]
        args = tokens[1:] if len(tokens)>1 else None
        # ex: return "set_radec", ["20:00:00", "90:00:00"]
        return generic_cmd, args

    def has_dc_component_for_type(self, dc_component_type:str):
        for dcc in self._my_dc_components:
            self.printd(dc_component_type, "in ??????", type(dcc).__name__)
            #if dc_component_type in dcct.__class__.__name__:
            if dc_component_type in type(dcc).__name__: return True
        return False

    #res = self.getDeviceControllerForType(cmd.device_type).execute_cmd(cmd.full_name)
    def get_dc_component_for_type(self, dc_component_type:str): #->DeviceController:
        # By default, return myself (as a DeviceController component)
        # ex1: None
        # ex2: "Telescope" (is in "AgentDeviceTelescopeGemini")
        #if dc_component_type is None or dc_component_type in self.__class__.__name__ : return self
        if dc_component_type is None or dc_component_type in type(self).__name__ : return self
        #for dcc in type(self).mro():
        #for dcc in type(self).__bases__ :
        self.printd("components are", self._my_dc_components)
        self.printd("1st component is", self._my_dc_components[0])
        for dcc in self._my_dc_components:
            self.printd(dc_component_type, "in ??????", type(dcc).__name__)
            #if dc_component_type in dcct.__class__.__name__:
            if dc_component_type in type(dcc).__name__:
                return dcc
        raise DCCNotFoundException("DEVICE CONTROLLER COMPONENT NOT FOUND: "+dc_component_type)

    def is_valid_cmd(self, cmd:DeviceCmd):
        self.printd("cmd.name is", cmd.name)
        self.printd("generic ?", cmd.is_generic())
        self.printd("is valid generic ?", self.is_valid_generic_cmd(cmd))
        return (
            ( cmd.is_generic() and self.is_valid_generic_cmd(cmd) ) 

    def is_generic_but_UNIMPLEMENTED_cmd(self, cmd:DeviceCmd):
        return cmd.is_generic() and not self.is_implemented_generic_cmd(cmd)

    # WRAPPER methods
    def has_generic_cmd(self, cmd:DeviceCmd):
        #return self._my_cmds.get(cmd.name) is not None
        return cmd.name in self._my_cmds.get()

    def has_native_cmd(self, cmd:DeviceCmd)->bool:
        #return self._my_cmds.get(cmd.name) is not None
        return self._my_cmds.has_native_cmd(cmd.name)

    def has_native_cmd_for_generic(self, generic_cmd:DeviceCmd):
        return self._my_cmds.get_native_infos_for_generic_cmd(generic_cmd.name) not in [None, []]

    # check if generic cmd exists
    def is_valid_generic_cmd(self, cmd:DeviceCmd):
        #printd("_my_cmds", self._my_cmds)
        # 1) If a DCC given, return search result in this DCC commands
        if cmd.devtype:
            if not self.has_dc_component_for_type(cmd.devtype): return False
            return self.get_dc_component_for_type(cmd.devtype).has_generic_cmd(cmd)
        # 2) Search in my general commands
        if self.has_generic_cmd(cmd): return True
        # 3) Search in all my DCCs
        for dcc in self._my_dc_components:
            if dcc.has_generic_cmd(cmd): return True
        # 4) not found
        return False
        ##if not cmd.devtype: return self._my_cmds.get(cmd.name) is not None
        if not cmd.devtype: return self.has_generic_cmd(cmd)
        if not self.has_dc_component_for_type(cmd.devtype): return False
        ##return self.get_dc_component_for_type(cmd.devtype)._my_cmds.get(cmd.name) is not None
        return self.get_dc_component_for_type(cmd.devtype).has_generic_cmd(cmd)

    # check if generic cmd exists and is implemented as a native cmd (in dictionary)
    def is_implemented_generic_cmd(self, cmd:DeviceCmd):
        self.printd("is implemented generic ?")
        self.printd("cmd.devtype", cmd.devtype)
        #printd("_my_cmds", self._my_cmds)
        #return self._my_cmds.get_native_infos_for_generic_cmd(cmd.name) not in [None, []]
        # 1) If a DCC given, return search result in this DCC commands
        if cmd.devtype:
            if not self.has_dc_component_for_type(cmd.devtype): return False
            return self.get_dc_component_for_type(cmd.devtype).has_native_cmd_for_generic(cmd)
        # 2) Search in my general commands
        if self.has_native_cmd_for_generic(cmd): 
            return True
        # 3) Search in all my DCCs
        for dcc in self._my_dc_components:
            if dcc.has_native_cmd_for_generic(cmd): return True
        # 4) not found
        return False
        ##if not cmd.devtype: return self._my_cmds.get_native_infos_for_generic_cmd(cmd.name) not in [None, []]
        if not cmd.devtype: return self.has_native_cmd_for_generic(cmd)
        if not self.has_dc_component_for_type(cmd.devtype): return False
        ##return self.get_dc_component_for_type(cmd.devtype)._my_cmds.get(cmd.name) not in [None, []]
        return self.get_dc_component_for_type(cmd.devtype).has_native_cmd_for_generic(cmd)

    def is_valid_native_cmd(self, cmd:DeviceCmd)->bool:
        ##return self._my_cmds.is_valid_native_cmd(cmd.name)
        # 1) If a DCC given, return search result in this DCC commands
        if cmd.devtype:
            if not self.has_dc_component_for_type(cmd.devtype): return False
            return self.get_dc_component_for_type(cmd.devtype).has_native_cmd(cmd)
        # 2) Search in my general commands
        if self.has_native_cmd(cmd): return True
        # 3) Search in all my DCCs
        for dcc in self._my_dc_components:
            if dcc.has_native_cmd(cmd): return True
        # 4) not found
        return False

    def get_dcc_and_native_cmd_for_generic(self, generic_cmd:str):
        #if generic_cmd not in self._gen2nat_cmds.keys(): raise UnknownNativeCmdException()
        # Is it a general command for the (general) controller ?
        if generic_cmd in self._gen2nat_cmds:
            return self, self._gen2nat_cmds[generic_cmd]
        # 1) Search in my MAIN commands
        nc_infos = self._my_cmds.get_native_infos_for_generic_cmd(generic_cmd)
        # return nc_infos only if not None (but can be an empty answer like [])
        # same as "if nc_infos is not None"
        if nc_infos: return self, nc_infos

        # 2) Search in each DCC commands
        # Is it a command for one of my dcc ?
        # Bad because general dict is not complete for each dcc (especially, does not contain macro-commands, like get_radec, ...)
        for key in self._gen2nat_cmds.keys():
            if isinstance(self._gen2nat_cmds[key], dict):
                # dcc = key
                if generic_cmd in self._gen2nat_cmds[key]:
                    return key, self._gen2nat_cmds[key][generic_cmd]
        for dcc in self._my_dc_components:
            _, native_cmd_infos = dcc.get_dcc_and_native_cmd_for_generic(generic_cmd)
            if native_cmd_infos: return dcc, native_cmd_infos
        # Native command not found
        return None, None
    def get_native_cmd_for_generic(self, generic_cmd:str):
        native = self.get_dcc_and_native_cmd_for_generic(generic_cmd)[1]
        print("native", native)
        if isinstance(native, Cmd):
            return [native.native_name, native.final_simul_response]
        return native

    def get_related_native_get_cmd_name_for_set_cmd(self, native_cmd:str):
        #return self._my_cmds.get_related_native_get_cmd_name_for_set_cmd(cmd)
        # 1) Search in my MAIN commands
        answer = self._my_cmds.get_related_native_get_cmd_name_for_set_cmd(native_cmd)
        if answer: return answer
        # 2) Search in each DCC commands
        for dcc in self._my_dc_components:
            answer = dcc.get_related_native_get_cmd_name_for_set_cmd(native_cmd)
            if answer: return answer
        # Native command not found
        return None
    def get_related_native_get_cmd_name_for_set_cmd(self, native_cmd:str):
        #return self.do_command_recursive_search_using_function(None, "get_related_native_get_cmd_name_for_set_cmd", native_cmd)
        return None

    def get_simulated_answer_for_native_cmd(self, native_cmd:str):
        # 1) Search in my MAIN commands
        answer = self._my_cmds.get_simulated_answer_for_native_cmd(native_cmd)
        if answer: return answer
        # 2) Search in each DCC commands
        for dcc in self._my_dc_components:
            answer = dcc.get_simulated_answer_for_native_cmd(native_cmd)
            if answer: return answer
        # Native command not found
        return None
    def get_simulated_answer_for_native_cmd(self, native_cmd:str):
        #return self.do_command_recursive_search_using_function(None, "get_simulated_answer_for_native_cmd", native_cmd)
        return None

    def set_simulated_answer_for_native_get_cmd(self, get_cmd_name:str, get_cmd_simulated_answer:str):  
        # 1) Search in my MAIN commands
        answer = self._my_cmds.set_simulated_answer_for_native_get_cmd(get_cmd_name, get_cmd_simulated_answer)
        if answer: return answer
        # 2) Search in each DCC commands
        for dcc in self._my_dc_components:
            answer = dcc.set_simulated_answer_for_native_get_cmd(get_cmd_name, get_cmd_simulated_answer)
            if answer: return answer
        # Native command not found
        return False

    def set_simulated_answer_for_native_get_cmd(self, get_cmd_name:str, get_cmd_simulated_answer:str):
        #return self.do_command_recursive_search_using_function(False, "set_simulated_answer_for_native_get_cmd", get_cmd_name, get_cmd_simulated_answer)
        return False

    def do_command_recursive_search_using_function(self, ko_return_value, fname, *args):
        # 1) Search in my MAIN commands
        ##answer = self._my_cmds.get_simulated_answer_for_native_cmd(native_cmd)
        answer = getattr(self._my_cmds, fname)(*args)
        if answer: return answer
        # 2) Search in each DCC commands
        for dcc in self._my_dc_components:
            ##answer = dcc.get_simulated_answer_for_native_cmd(native_cmd)
            answer = getattr(dcc, fname)(*args)
            if answer: return answer
        # Native command not found
        return ko_return_value

    This method is either called 
    - DIRECTLY from AgentDevice.routine_process().get_device_status() (NO THREAD)
    - FROM A THREAD from AgentDevice._thread_exec_specific_cmd().exec_specific_cmd()
    #def execute_cmd(self, cmd:DeviceCmd)->GenericResult:
    def exec_cmd(self, raw_input_cmd:str)->GenericResult:
        :param raw_input_cmd:

        #generic_cmd, args = self.is_generic_cmd(raw_input_cmd)
        cmd = DeviceCmd(raw_input_cmd)
        self.tprintd("cmd is", cmd, raw_input_cmd)

        # GENERIC command (pyros grammar)
        #if generic_cmd is not False:
        if cmd.is_generic():
            self.tprintd("GENERIC COMMAND")
            if not self.is_valid_generic_cmd(cmd): raise UnknownGenericCmdException(cmd.name)
            #return self.exec_generic_cmd(generic_cmd, args)
                res = self.exec_generic_cmd(cmd.name, cmd.args, cmd.devtype)
            # Set dcc
            # Default is myself
            dcc = self
            # But can be a component
            if cmd.devtype:
                # Get the dcc in charge of this command
                    dcc = self.get_dc_component_for_type(cmd.devtype)
                    self.tprintd("*** EXECUTÉ PAR COMPONENT", dcc)
                except DCCNotFoundException as e:
                    self.log_e(f"(THREAD?) EXCEPTION caught by {type(self).__name__}", e)
                #return (DCC)(self.exec_generic_cmd(generic_cmd, values_to_set, None))
            # Delegate cmd execution to the dcc
                res = dcc.exec_generic_cmd(cmd.name, cmd.args)
            ##except (UnknownGenericCmdException, UnimplementedGenericCmdException, DCCNotFoundException) as e:
            except (UnknownGenericCmdException, UnimplementedGenericCmdException, UnknownNativeCmdException, UnknownNativeResException) as e:
                self.log_e(f"(THREAD?) EXCEPTION caught by {type(self).__name__} (from DC {dcc})", e)
                # not executed ?
                return None
            return res

        # NATIVE command
        if cmd.startswith('get_'):
            #generic_cmd,_ = request[4:].split('(')
            generic_cmd = cmd[4:]
            if (generic_cmd not in self._gen2nat_cmds_getset.keys()) and (generic_cmd not in self._gen2nat_cmds_do.keys()):
                return self.get_radec()
            printd("cmd is", generic_cmd)
            return self._get(generic_cmd)
        # NATIVE command
        self.tprintd("NATIVE COMMAND")
        if not self.is_valid_native_cmd(cmd): raise UnknownNativeCmdException(cmd.name)
        #res_native = self.exec_native_cmd(raw_input_cmd)
            res_native = self.exec_native_cmd(cmd.name_and_args)
        except (UnknownNativeCmdException, UnknownNativeResException) as e:
            self.log_e(f"THREAD EXCEPTION caught by {type(self).__name__} (from DC)", e)
        return GenericResult(res_native)

    # To be overriden by subclasses
    def means_unknown_cmd(self, native_res:str)->bool: return False
    # To be overriden by subclasses
    def is_unknown_res(self, native_res:str)->bool: return False

    #def exec_native_cmd(self, request:str, awaited_res_if_ok=None)->GenericResult:
    def exec_native_cmd(self, native_cmd:str) -> str:
        """ Execute a native command

            native_cmd: a native command

            the command result

        self.tprintd("NATIVE Command to send is "+ repr(native_cmd))

        # SEND command TO my device
        except ChannelCommunicationException as e:
            self.log_e("Channel error while sending command", e)

        # RECEIVE device answer FROM my device
            native_res = self.receive_data()
        except ChannelCommunicationException as e:
            self.log_e("Channel error while sending command", e)

        if self.means_unknown_cmd(native_res): raise UnknownNativeCmdException(native_cmd)
        if self.is_unknown_res(native_res): raise UnknownNativeResException(native_res)
        return native_res
        ok = True if not awaited_res_if_ok else (native_res == awaited_res_if_ok)
        return GenericResult(native_res, ok)

    def exec_native_cmd_OLD(self, request:str)->str:
        native_res = self.receive_data()
        return native_res

    def execute_unformated_native_cmd(self, request:str) -> str:
        request = self.formated_cmd(request)
        #return self.exec_native_cmd_OLD(request)
        return self.exec_native_cmd(request)

    def send_native_cmd(self, native_cmd:str)->str:
        return self.send_data(native_cmd)

    def send_request(self, request:str)->str:
        return self.send_native_cmd(request)

    # wrapper shortcut methods
    def print_available_cmds(self): 
        self.printd("Here are my available commands:")
    def print_available_cmds_for_dcc(self, dcc_key): 
        self.printd("DCC available commands:")

    def print_available_commands(self):
        #printd("All commands are:", self._gen2nat_cmds.keys())
        printd("\nAvailable commands:")
        # 1) print general commands
        # 2) print commands for each DCC:
        for key in self._gen2nat_cmds.keys():
            if isinstance(self._gen2nat_cmds[key], dict):

    def print_available_commands_for_dcc(self, dcc_key):
        d = self._gen2nat_cmds if dcc_key=="General" else self._gen2nat_cmds[dcc_key]
        printd(f"\n{dcc_key} commands are:")
        printd("- GET commands:")
        #print (list(cmd.replace('_',' ') for cmd in self._gen2nat_cmds.keys() if cmd.startswith('get_')))
        print (list(cmd for cmd in d.keys() if cmd.startswith('get_')))
        printd("- SET commands:")
        print (list(cmd for cmd in d.keys() if cmd.startswith('set_')))
        printd("- DO commands:")
        print (list(cmd for cmd in d.keys() if cmd.startswith('do_')))

    def available_commands(self):
        return list(self._gen2nat_cmds.keys())

    #def run_func(self, func, arg=None):
    def run_func(self, func, *args):
        #printd("args", args)
        if args: 
            return getattr(self, func)(*args)
            return getattr(self, func)()

    def cmd_get_simul_response(self, native_cmd_infos:Cmd):
        if isinstance(native_cmd_infos, Cmd):
            return native_cmd_infos.final_simul_response if native_cmd_infos.final_simul_response!='simulator response' else None
        return native_cmd_infos[1] if len(native_cmd_infos)>1 else None
    #def exec_generic_cmd(self, generic_cmd:DeviceCmd)->str:
    ##def exec_generic_cmd(self, generic_cmd:str, values_to_set:str=None, dcc_type:str=None)->str:
    def exec_generic_cmd(self, generic_cmd:str, values_to_set:str=None)->str:
        ''' Execute a generic command

        :param generic_cmd: str like "get_ra" or "set_ra" or "do_park"...
        :param value: only for a "set_" cmd

        self.tprintd("(DC):exec_generic_cmd() from", self)
        #log_d("\n\nGENERIC Command to send is "+generic_cmd)
        self.tprintd("\n(DC): GENERIC Command to execute is ", generic_cmd)
        ##printd("(DC): My ("+type(self).__name__+") commands are:", self._gen2nat_cmds)
        #printd("(DC): My ("+type(self).__name__+") commands are:", self._my_cmds.get())
        #printd("(DC): My ("+type(self).__name__+") commands are:", self._my_cmds.get())
        if self.DEBUG_MODE: 
            self.tprintd("(DC): My ("+type(self).__name__+") commands are:")

        # 1) Get Native command corresponding to the generic one
        dcc, native_cmd_infos = self.get_dcc_and_native_cmd_for_generic(generic_cmd)
        self.tprintd("native_cmd_infos", native_cmd_infos)
        # Command is unknown
        if native_cmd_infos is None: raise UnknownGenericCmdException(generic_cmd)
        # Command is not implemented (empty native infos)
        if not native_cmd_infos: raise UnimplementedGenericCmdException(generic_cmd)
        # Command is one of my dcc's, so pass it the command for exec
        if dcc != self:
            #dcc = self.get_dc_component_for_type(dcc_type)
            return dcc.exec_generic_cmd(generic_cmd, values_to_set)
        # Get corresponding native command:
        #native_cmd = native_cmd_infos[0]
        native_cmd = cmd_get_native_name(native_cmd_infos)
        print("***** generic, native_cmd", generic_cmd, native_cmd)
        if not native_cmd: raise UnimplementedGenericCmdException(generic_cmd)


        # 2.a) MACRO-COMMAND (ex: native_cmd == "do_goto", "do_init", "get_radec")
        if native_cmd == generic_cmd:
            #printd("cmd,val", native_cmd, values_to_set)
            #res:GenericResult = self.run_func(native_cmd, *values_to_set)
                if values_to_set:
                    self.tprintd("with args")
                    res = dcc.run_func(native_cmd, *values_to_set)
                    ##res = self.run_func(native_cmd, *values_to_set)
                    #res = getattr(self, native_cmd)(values_to_set)
                    res = dcc.run_func(native_cmd)
                    ##res = self.run_func(native_cmd)
                    #res = getattr(self, native_cmd)()
            except (AttributeError, ChannelCommunicationException) as e:
                self.log_e("Unknown Native command ?", native_cmd)
                raise UnknownNativeCmdException(native_cmd)
            #if res is None: res = 'ok'
            # res should be a GenericResult
            if not isinstance(res, GenericResult): raise Exception("Should be a GenericResult", res)
            # raise Exception if ERROR
            if res.unknown_command: raise UnknownNativeCmdException(native_cmd)
            if res.unknown_result: raise UnknownNativeResException(res.txt)
            # Return Generic result
            return res

        # 2.b) NORMAL NATIVE COMMAND (ex: native_cmd == "GR")
        ##native_cmd = self.formated_cmd(native_cmd, values_to_set)
        native_cmd = dcc.formated_cmd(native_cmd, values_to_set)
        awaited_res_if_ok = cmd_get_simul_response(native_cmd_infos)
        awaited_res_if_ok = None
        if isinstance(native_cmd_infos, Cmd) and native_cmd_infos.final_simul_response!='simulator response':
            awaited_res_if_ok = native_cmd_infos.final_simul_response
        elif len(native_cmd_infos) > 1: 
            awaited_res_if_ok = native_cmd_infos[1]
        #native_res = self.exec_native_cmd(self.formated_cmd(native_cmd,value), awaited_res_ok)
        ##native_res = self.exec_native_cmd(native_cmd)
            native_res = dcc.exec_native_cmd(native_cmd)
        except (ChannelCommunicationException, UnknownNativeCmdException, UnknownNativeResException) as e:  # TODO: a implementer dans exec_native_cmd()
            self.log_e(f"THREAD Native command execution caught by {type(self).__name__} (from DC)", e)

        # 3) Make Generic result from native and return it
        ok = True if not awaited_res_if_ok else (native_res == awaited_res_if_ok)
        return GenericResult(native_res, ok)

    GENERIC TELESCOPE COMMANDS (abstract methods)

     GENERIC GET & SET commands 

    def get_timezone(self): pass
    #def get_timezone(self):    return self.exec_generic_cmd('get_timezone')
    def set_timezone(self, hh): pass
    #def set_timezone(self, hh):    return self.exec_generic_cmd('set_timezone', hh)
    def get_date(self): pass
    def set_date(self, mmddyy): pass
    def get_time(self): pass
    def set_time(self, hhmmss): pass

     GENERIC DO commands 

    # @abstract
    #def do_INIT(self):              return self._do("INIT")

    ''' do_PARK() (p103)
    - STARTUP position = CWD
        - :hC#
        - position required for a Cold or Warm Start, pointing to the celestial pole of the given hemisphere (north or south), 
        with the counterweight pointing downwards (CWD position). From L4, V1.0 up
    - HOME position parking => par defaut, c'est CWD, mais ca peut etre different
        - :hP#
        - defaults to the celestial pole visible at the given hemisphere (north or south) and can be set by the user
    # @abstract
    def do_PARK(self): pass
    #def do_PARK(self):              return self._do("PARK")

    # @abstract
    def do_start(self): pass
    def do_stop(self): pass
    # @abstract MACRO
    def do_init(self): raise UnimplementedGenericCmdException


# TODO: empecher de creer une instance de cette classe abstraite
# Avec ABC ?

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #HOST, PORT = "localhost", 9999
    #HOST, PORT = "localhost", 20001
    HOST, PORT = "localhost", 11110

    # Classic usage:
    #tsock = SocketClient_UDP_TCP(HOST, PORT, "UDP")
    # More elegant usage, using "with":
    with SocketClient_ABSTRACT(HOST, PORT, "UDP") as tsock:
        # 0) CONNECT to server (only for TCP, does nothing for UDP)
        while True:
            # 1) SEND REQUEST data to server
            # saisie de la requête au clavier et suppression des espaces des 2 côtés
            data = input("REQUEST TO SERVER [ex: ':GD#' (Get Dec), ':GR#' (Get RA)']: ").strip()
            # test d'arrêt
            if data=="": break
            #data_to_send = bytes(data + "\n", "utf-8")
            #mysock.sendto("%s" % data, (HOST, PORT))
            #printd("Sent: {}".format(data))
            # 2) RECEIVE REPLY data from server
            data_received = tsock.receive_data()
            #reponse, adr = mysock.recvfrom(buf)
            #printd("Received: {}".format(data_received))
            #printd("Useful data received: {}".format(data_useful))
