diff --git a/src/core/pyros_django/majordome/agent/Agent.py b/src/core/pyros_django/majordome/agent/Agent.py
index 9cab48a..1478048 100755
--- a/src/core/pyros_django/majordome/agent/Agent.py
+++ b/src/core/pyros_django/majordome/agent/Agent.py
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ from datetime import datetime
 from typing import Final, Sequence, Iterable, Mapping, MutableMapping, Dict, List, Tuple, Union, Any, Optional, Literal
 import ast
 from inspect import signature
+import numpy as np
 import os
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -3517,9 +3518,80 @@ class Agent:
             ephem_target = pickle.load(open(eph_file,"rb"))
         self._oc['config'].fn.fcontext = fcontext0
         return ephem_target
+    def update_sun_moon_ephems(self):
+        """Update the files in the ephems folder.
+        The file 'duration.pickle' contains the start, end for each night and other informations to make quota computations.
+        Check if the file 'duration.pickle' exists in the ephem/period directory. 
+        If yes, returns the contents of the 'duration.pickle' file.
+        If not, check each ephemeris file existance for Sun and Moon and compute them if needed.
+        Returns:
+            Dictionary with night string as key. Values are a list of integers:
+                * total1: Cumulative sum of seconds of previous night durations at the start of the night.
+                * total2: Cumulative sum of seconds of previous night durations at the end of the night.
+                * total_night: Number of seconds available during this night.
+                * sec1: Index of seconds for the start of the night.
+                * sec2: Index of seconds for the end of the night.
+        """
+        # --- Get the period object
+        operiod = Period.objects.exploitation_period()
+        # --- Get the period ID
+        period_id = operiod.get_id_as_str() 
+        # --- Select the context of ephemeris
+        fcontext0 = self._oc['config'].fn.fcontext
+        self._oc['config'].fn.fcontext = "pyros_eph"
+        # --- Check if durations.pickle file exists
+        rootdir = self._oc['config'].fn.rootdir
+        filename = os.path.join(rootdir, period_id, "durations.pickle")
+        self.dprint(f"Read {filename=}")
+        if os.path.exists(filename):
+            self._oc['config'].fn.fcontext = fcontext0
+            return pickle.load(open(filename, "wb"))
+        # --- Get the period limit dates jd1, jd2
+        self.dprint(f"{dir(operiod)=}")
+        d = operiod.start_date.isoformat()
+        night_start = d[0:4]+d[5:7]+d[8:10]
+        jd1, _ = self.config.fn.night2date(night_start)
+        d = operiod.end_date.isoformat()
+        night_end = d[0:4]+d[5:7]+d[8:10]
+        jd2, _ = self.config.fn.night2date(night_end)
+        self.dprint(f"{night_start=} {night_end=}")
+        self.dprint(f"{jd1=} {jd2=}")
+        # --- Loop over dates of the period to create ephems
+        targets = ['sun', 'moon']
+        jd = jd1 + 0.1
+        total1 = 0
+        night_info = {}
+        while jd < jd2:
+            night = self._oc['config'].fn.date2night(jd)
+            for target in targets:
+                self.dprint(f"{night=} {target=}")
+                ephem = self.ephem_target2night(target, jd)
+                if target == "sun":
+                    ks = np.where(ephem['alt'] < self._duskelev)
+                    total_night = len(ks[0])
+                    total2 = total1 + total_night
+                    sec1 = ks[0][0]
+                    sec2 = ks[0][-1]
+                    night_info[night] = [int(total1), int(total2), int(total_night), sec1, sec2]
+                    total1 = total2
+            jd += 1
+        night_info['total'] = [0, int(total2), int(total2), -1, -1]
+        self.dprint(f"Write {filename=}")
+        pickle.dump(night_info, open(filename, "wb"))
+        return night_info
@@ -3541,7 +3613,6 @@ def parse_args(args):
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Start an agent.')
     parser.add_argument("--computer",dest="computer",help='Launch agent with simulated computer hostname',action="store")
     parser.add_argument("-t", action="store_true")
-    parser.add_argument("-d", action="store_true" )
     args = vars(parser.parse_args(args))
     return args
diff --git a/src/core/pyros_django/scheduling/A_Scheduler.py b/src/core/pyros_django/scheduling/A_Scheduler.py
index 3c13afc..9b66dba 100755
--- a/src/core/pyros_django/scheduling/A_Scheduler.py
+++ b/src/core/pyros_django/scheduling/A_Scheduler.py
@@ -639,80 +639,7 @@ class A_Scheduler(Agent):
     def load_sequence(self):
         sequence = ""
         return sequence
-    def update_sun_moon_ephems(self):
-        """Update the files in the ephems folder.
-        The file 'duration.pickle' contains the start, end for each night and other informations to make quota computations.
-        Check if the file 'duration.pickle' exists in the ephem/period directory. 
-        If yes, returns the contents of the 'duration.pickle' file.
-        If not, check each ephemeris file existance for Sun and Moon and compute them if needed.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary with night string as key. Values are a list of integers:
-                * total1: Cumulative sum of seconds of previous night durations at the start of the night.
-                * total2: Cumulative sum of seconds of previous night durations at the end of the night.
-                * total_night: Number of seconds available during this night.
-                * sec1: Index of seconds for the start of the night.
-                * sec2: Index of seconds for the end of the night.
-        """
-        # --- Get the period object
-        operiod = Period.objects.exploitation_period()
-        # --- Get the period ID
-        period_id = operiod.get_period_id_as_str() 
-        # --- Select the context of ephemeris
-        fcontext0 = self._oc['config'].fn.fcontext
-        self._oc['config'].fn.fcontext = "pyros_eph"
-        # --- Check if durations.pickle file exists
-        rootdir = self._oc['config'].fn.rootdir
-        filename = os.path.join(rootdir, period_id, "durations.pickle")
-        self.dprint(f"Read {filename=}")
-        if os.path.exists(filename):
-            self._oc['config'].fn.fcontext = fcontext0
-            return pickle.load(open(filename, "wb"))
-        # --- Get the period limit dates jd1, jd2
-        self.dprint(f"{dir(operiod)=}")
-        d = operiod.start_date.isoformat()
-        night_start = d[0:4]+d[5:7]+d[8:10]
-        jd1, _ = self.config.fn.night2date(night_start)
-        d = operiod.end_date.isoformat()
-        night_end = d[0:4]+d[5:7]+d[8:10]
-        jd2, _ = self.config.fn.night2date(night_end)
-        self.dprint(f"{night_start=} {night_end=}")
-        self.dprint(f"{jd1=} {jd2=}")
-        # --- Loop over dates of the period to create ephems
-        targets = ['sun', 'moon']
-        jd = jd1 + 0.1
-        total1 = 0
-        night_info = {}
-        while jd < jd2:
-            night = self._oc['config'].fn.date2night(jd)
-            for target in targets:
-                self.dprint(f"{night=} {target=}")
-                ephem = self.ephem_target2night(target, jd)
-                if target == "sun":
-                    ks = np.where(ephem['alt'] < self._duskelev)
-                    total_night = len(ks[0])
-                    total2 = total1 + total_night
-                    sec1 = ks[0][0]
-                    sec2 = ks[0][-1]
-                    night_info[night] = [int(total1), int(total2), int(total_night), sec1, sec2]
-                    total1 = total2
-            jd += 1
-        night_info['total'] = [0, int(total2), int(total2), -1, -1]
-        self.dprint(f"Write {filename=}")
-        pickle.dump(night_info, open(filename, "wb"))
-        return night_info
     def get_infos(self):
         self._fn.fcontext = "pyros_seq"
         rootdir = self._fn.rootdir
@@ -722,7 +649,7 @@ class A_Scheduler(Agent):
             self._routine_running = self.RUNNING_NOTHING
         # retourne un str -> id de la période sous le format Pxxx
-        period_id = operiod.get_period_id_as_str() 
+        period_id = operiod.get_id_as_str() 
         night_id = self._fn.date2night("now")
         subdir = os.path.join(period_id, night_id)
libgit2 0.21.2