6.72 KB
import os
import sys

SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.expanduser(__file__))))
sys.path.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, PACKAGE_PARENT)))

from utils.Device import Device
from utils.StatusManager import StatusManager

class CameraNIRSimulator(Device, StatusManager):
    status = {"status" : "VALID"}
    exposure_time = 5
    shutter_time = 3
    cooler_timer = 5

    def __init__(self, argv):
        self.setStatusManager("cameraNIRSimulator", argv)

    def cameraNIRPrint(self, string: str):
        if DEBUG_FILE:
            print("cameraNIRSimulator : " + string)

    def handleConnection(self):
        for co in self.connections:
            data = self.readBytes(128, co)

            answer = ""
            cut_data = data.split(" ")

            if (len(cut_data) < 2):
                self.cameraNIRPrint("Received invalid message on socket : " + data)
            cmd_type = cut_data[0]
            cmd = cut_data[1]
            args = cut_data[2:]
            if (cmd_type == "GET"):
                if (cmd == "STATUS"):
                    answer = self.create_status()
                    answer = "Invalid cmd for GET: " + cmd
            elif (cmd_type == "DO"):
                if (cmd == "CAPTURE"):
                    folder_name = args[0]
                    nb_images = int(args[1])
                    duration = args[2]
                    i = 0
                    while i < nb_images:
                            with open(folder_name + os.sep + "nir_image_"+str(i), "w") as f:
                                f.write(folder_name+" "+str(nb_images)+" "+str(duration))
                        except Exception as e:
                        i += 1
                    answer = "CAPTURING"
                self.cameraNIRPrint("Ignored message " + data)

            if (len(answer) > 0):
                self.sendMessage(answer, co)
        return (0)

    def loop(self):
        i = 0

        if (self.ended == 0):
            self.cameraNIRPrint("No entry for cameraNIR found in config file : " + self.config_file)
            return (0)
        while (True):
            if (self.isConnected()):
            i += 1
            if (i > self.ended):
                return (0)
        return (1)

    def run(self):
        if DEBUG_FILE:
            print("cameraNIR simulator running")
        return (0)

if (__name__ == "__main__"):
    sim = CameraNIRSimulator(sys.argv)

# class CameraNIR(Camera):
#     def __init__(self):
#         super().__init__("CameraNIR")
#         ''' I will just fill the attributes with their names and params without regarding them '''
#         self.attributes = {}
#         self.attributes["FILENAME"] = "default_nir_" + str(randint(1, 10000))
#         self.status = "IDLE"
#         self.shutter_status = "CLOSE"
#     def loop(self):
#         # à gérer : la réception des paramètres, le temps de shutter (et son statut), le temps de start, le stop, le abort, la création d'images
#         cooler_timer = 0
#         shutter_timer = 0
#         exposure_timer = 0
#         while True:
#             try:
#                 conn, addr = self.sock.accept()
#             except socket.error as e:
#                 print("There was a socket error: " + repr(e))
#                 break
#             data = conn.recv(128).decode()
#             # print("Received: " + data)
#             answer = ""
#             cut_data = data.split(" ")
#             if cooler_timer != 0 and time.time() > cooler_timer:
#                 cooler_timer = 0
#                 status = "IDLE"
#                 print("Ended cooling")
#             if shutter_timer != 0 and time.time() > shutter_timer:
#                 shutter_timer = 0
#                 print("Ended shutter")
#             if exposure_timer > 0 and time.time() > exposure_timer:
#                 exposure_timer = -1
#                 print("Ended exposure")
#                 with open(os.path.join(IMAGES_FOLDER, self.attributes["FILENAME"]), 'w'):
#                     pass
#             if len(cut_data) < 2:
#                 print("Invalid message: " + data)
#             else:
#                 cmd_type = cut_data[0]
#                 cmd = cut_data[1]
#                 args = cut_data[2:]
#                 if cmd_type == "SET":
#                     if cmd == "FILENAME":
#                         if len(args) > 0:
#                             self.attributes["FILENAME"] = " ".join(args)
#                         else:
#                             print("An argument is needed for the FILENAME command")
#                     else:
#                         self.attributes[cmd] = args
#                 elif cmd_type == "GET":
#                     if cmd == "STATUS":
#                         answer = self.status
#                     elif cmd == "TEMPERATURE":
#                         answer = "GET TEMPERATURE answer not implemented"
#                     elif cmd == "SETUP":
#                         answer = "GET SETUP answer not implemented"
#                     elif cmd == "TIMER":
#                         if exposure_timer > 0:
#                             answer = str(int(exposure_timer - time.time()))
#                         else:
#                             answer = str(exposure_timer)
#                     else:
#                         answer = "Invalid cmd for GET: " + cmd
#                         print(answer)
#                 elif cmd_type == "DO":
#                     if cmd == "START":
#                         exposure_timer = time.time() + EXPOSURE_TIME
#                     elif cmd == "STOP":
#                         exposure_timer = -1
#                     elif cmd == "ABORT":
#                         exposure_timer = -1
#                     elif cmd == "COOLER":
#                         cooler_timer = time.time() + COOLER_TIME
#                     elif cmd == "SHUTTER":
#                         shutter_timer = time.time() + SHUTTER_TIME
#                     else:
#                         print("Invalid cmd for GET: " + cmd)
#                 else:
#                     print("Invalid message: " + data)
#             if len(answer) > 0:
#                 conn.send(bytes(answer, "UTF-8"))
#                 # print("send: " + answer)
#             conn.close()
# cam = CameraNIR()
# cam.loop()