@echo off echo This batch must be launched with PowerShell in administrator mode. call :ResolvePath path_guitastro %cd%\.. echo Guitastro Device FLIPRO in the directory %path_guitastro% rem Search where is Anaconda set path_anacondas=c:\Users\%USERNAME%\Anaconda3 C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3 for %%p in (%path_anacondas%) do ( rem echo %%p if exist %%p ( rem file exists set path_anaconda=%%p ) ) echo Anaconda found in the directory %path_anaconda% rem pyreverse set pyreverse=%path_anaconda%\Scripts\pyreverse echo ===== Analyze source code with %pyreverse% echo cd %path_guitastro%\src cd %path_guitastro%\src echo %pyreverse% -p guitastro_device_flipro -o png guitastro_device_flipro %pyreverse% -p guitastro_device_flipro -o png guitastro_device_flipro echo move classes_guitastro_device_flipro.png %path_guitastro%\docs\source\doc_images\generated move classes_guitastro_device_flipro.png %path_guitastro%\docs\source\doc_images\generated echo move packages_guitastro_device_flipro.png %path_guitastro%\docs\source\doc_images\generated move packages_guitastro_device_flipro.png %path_guitastro%\docs\source\doc_images\generated rem sphinx echo Compile doc with sphinx set sphinx=%path_anaconda%\Scripts\sphinx-build.exe echo ===== Compile doc with %sphinx% echo cd %path_guitastro%\docs cd %path_guitastro%\docs echo %sphinx% -b html .\source .\build\html %sphinx% -b html .\source .\build\html %sphinx% -b pdf .\source .\build\pdf exit /b rem === Functions === rem Resolve path to absolute. rem Param 1: Name of output variable. rem Param 2: Path to resolve. rem Return: Resolved absolute path. :ResolvePath set %1=%~dpfn2 exit /b