#!/bin/bash # Step 1) (if not done) change the file attribute: # > chmod +x make_doc # Step 2) execute the file: # > ./make_doc echo echo "-- generating guitastro_device_deltatau UML class diagrams (with pyreverse)" echo cd ../src pyreverse -p guitastro_device_deltatau -o png guitastro_device_deltatau mv classes_guitastro_device_deltatau.png ../docs/source/doc_images/generated/ mv packages_guitastro_device_deltatau.png ../docs/source/doc_images/generated/ cd ../docs echo echo "-- Generating guitastro_device_deltatau API doc in HTML format (from RST with sphinx)" echo "-- You can open this doc by pointing your browser to docs/build/html/index.html (from guitastro_device_deltatau dir)" echo sphinx-build -b html ./source/ ./build/html/ echo echo "-- Generating guitastro_device_deltatau API doc in PDF format (from RST with sphinx)" echo "-- You can open this doc by opening docs/build/pdf/guitastro_device_deltatau.pdf (from guitastro_device_deltatau dir)" echo sphinx-build -b pdf ./source/ ./build/pdf/