format(static::DATE_FORMAT); } /** * Gets an array of all the existing migration class names. * * @return string[] */ public static function getExistingMigrationClassNames($path) { $classNames = array(); if (!is_dir($path)) { return $classNames; } // filter the files to only get the ones that match our naming scheme $phpFiles = glob($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.php'); foreach ($phpFiles as $filePath) { if (preg_match('/([0-9]+)_([_a-z0-9]*).php/', basename($filePath))) { $classNames[] = static::mapFileNameToClassName(basename($filePath)); } } return $classNames; } /** * Get the version from the beginning of a file name. * * @param string $fileName File Name * @return string */ public static function getVersionFromFileName($fileName) { $matches = array(); preg_match('/^[0-9]+/', basename($fileName), $matches); return $matches[0]; } /** * Turn migration names like 'CreateUserTable' into file names like * '12345678901234_create_user_table.php' or 'LimitResourceNamesTo30Chars' into * '12345678901234_limit_resource_names_to_30_chars.php'. * * @param string $className Class Name * @return string */ public static function mapClassNameToFileName($className) { $arr = preg_split('/(?=[A-Z])/', $className); unset($arr[0]); // remove the first element ('') $fileName = static::getCurrentTimestamp() . '_' . strtolower(implode($arr, '_')) . '.php'; return $fileName; } /** * Turn file names like '12345678901234_create_user_table.php' into class * names like 'CreateUserTable'. * * @param string $fileName File Name * @return string */ public static function mapFileNameToClassName($fileName) { $matches = array(); if (preg_match(static::MIGRATION_FILE_NAME_PATTERN, $fileName, $matches)) { $fileName = $matches[1]; } return str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $fileName))); } /** * Check if a migration class name is unique regardless of the * timestamp. * * This method takes a class name and a path to a migrations directory. * * Migration class names must be in CamelCase format. * e.g: CreateUserTable or AddIndexToPostsTable. * * Single words are not allowed on their own. * * @param string $className Class Name * @param string $path Path * @return boolean */ public static function isUniqueMigrationClassName($className, $path) { $existingClassNames = static::getExistingMigrationClassNames($path); return !(in_array($className, $existingClassNames)); } /** * Check if a migration/seed class name is valid. * * Migration & Seed class names must be in CamelCase format. * e.g: CreateUserTable, AddIndexToPostsTable or UserSeeder. * * Single words are not allowed on their own. * * @param string $className Class Name * @return boolean */ public static function isValidPhinxClassName($className) { return (bool) preg_match('/^([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)+$/', $className); } /** * Check if a migration file name is valid. * * @param string $fileName File Name * @return boolean */ public static function isValidMigrationFileName($fileName) { $matches = array(); return preg_match(static::MIGRATION_FILE_NAME_PATTERN, $fileName, $matches); } /** * Check if a seed file name is valid. * * @param string $fileName File Name * @return boolean */ public static function isValidSeedFileName($fileName) { $matches = array(); return preg_match(static::SEED_FILE_NAME_PATTERN, $fileName, $matches); } /** * Expands a set of paths with curly braces (if supported by the OS). * * @param array $paths * @return array */ public static function globAll(array $paths) { $result = array(); foreach ($paths as $path) { $result = array_merge($result, static::glob($path)); } return $result; } /** * Expands a path with curly braces (if supported by the OS). * * @param $path * @return array */ public static function glob($path) { return glob($path, defined('GLOB_BRACE') ? GLOB_BRACE : 0); } }