setScopeVariables($vars); // Show a couple of lines of call context for the debug session. // // @todo come up with a better way of doing this which doesn't involve injecting input :-P if ($sh->has('whereami')) { $sh->addInput('whereami -n2', true); } if (\is_string($bindTo)) { $sh->setBoundClass($bindTo); } elseif ($bindTo !== null) { $sh->setBoundObject($bindTo); } $sh->run(); return $sh->getScopeVariables(false); } } if (!\function_exists('Psy\info')) { /** * Get a bunch of debugging info about the current PsySH environment and * configuration. * * If a Configuration param is passed, that configuration is stored and * used for the current shell session, and no debugging info is returned. * * @param Configuration|null $config * * @return array|null */ function info(Configuration $config = null) { static $lastConfig; if ($config !== null) { $lastConfig = $config; return; } $xdg = new Xdg(); $home = \rtrim(\str_replace('\\', '/', $xdg->getHomeDir()), '/'); $homePattern = '#^' . \preg_quote($home, '#') . '/#'; $prettyPath = function ($path) use ($homePattern) { if (\is_string($path)) { return \preg_replace($homePattern, '~/', $path); } else { return $path; } }; $config = $lastConfig ?: new Configuration(); $core = [ 'PsySH version' => Shell::VERSION, 'PHP version' => PHP_VERSION, 'OS' => PHP_OS, 'default includes' => $config->getDefaultIncludes(), 'require semicolons' => $config->requireSemicolons(), 'error logging level' => $config->errorLoggingLevel(), 'config file' => [ 'default config file' => $prettyPath($config->getConfigFile()), 'local config file' => $prettyPath($config->getLocalConfigFile()), 'PSYSH_CONFIG env' => $prettyPath(\getenv('PSYSH_CONFIG')), ], // 'config dir' => $config->getConfigDir(), // 'data dir' => $config->getDataDir(), // 'runtime dir' => $config->getRuntimeDir(), ]; // Use an explicit, fresh update check here, rather than relying on whatever is in $config. $checker = new GitHubChecker(); $updateAvailable = null; $latest = null; try { $updateAvailable = !$checker->isLatest(); $latest = $checker->getLatest(); } catch (\Exception $e) { } $updates = [ 'update available' => $updateAvailable, 'latest release version' => $latest, 'update check interval' => $config->getUpdateCheck(), 'update cache file' => $prettyPath($config->getUpdateCheckCacheFile()), ]; if ($config->hasReadline()) { $info = \readline_info(); $readline = [ 'readline available' => true, 'readline enabled' => $config->useReadline(), 'readline service' => \get_class($config->getReadline()), ]; if (isset($info['library_version'])) { $readline['readline library'] = $info['library_version']; } if (isset($info['readline_name']) && $info['readline_name'] !== '') { $readline['readline name'] = $info['readline_name']; } } else { $readline = [ 'readline available' => false, ]; } $pcntl = [ 'pcntl available' => \function_exists('pcntl_signal'), 'posix available' => \function_exists('posix_getpid'), ]; $disabledFuncs = \array_map('trim', \explode(',', \ini_get('disable_functions'))); if (\in_array('pcntl_signal', $disabledFuncs) || \in_array('pcntl_fork', $disabledFuncs)) { $pcntl['pcntl disabled'] = true; } $history = [ 'history file' => $prettyPath($config->getHistoryFile()), 'history size' => $config->getHistorySize(), 'erase duplicates' => $config->getEraseDuplicates(), ]; $docs = [ 'manual db file' => $prettyPath($config->getManualDbFile()), 'sqlite available' => true, ]; try { if ($db = $config->getManualDb()) { if ($q = $db->query('SELECT * FROM meta;')) { $q->setFetchMode(\PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR); $meta = $q->fetchAll(); foreach ($meta as $key => $val) { switch ($key) { case 'built_at': $d = new \DateTime('@' . $val); $val = $d->format(\DateTime::RFC2822); break; } $key = 'db ' . \str_replace('_', ' ', $key); $docs[$key] = $val; } } else { $docs['db schema'] = '0.1.0'; } } } catch (Exception\RuntimeException $e) { if ($e->getMessage() === 'SQLite PDO driver not found') { $docs['sqlite available'] = false; } else { throw $e; } } $autocomplete = [ 'tab completion enabled' => $config->useTabCompletion(), 'custom matchers' => \array_map('get_class', $config->getTabCompletionMatchers()), 'bracketed paste' => $config->useBracketedPaste(), ]; // Shenanigans, but totally justified. if ($shell = Sudo::fetchProperty($config, 'shell')) { $core['loop listeners'] = \array_map('get_class', Sudo::fetchProperty($shell, 'loopListeners')); $core['commands'] = \array_map('get_class', $shell->all()); $autocomplete['custom matchers'] = \array_map('get_class', Sudo::fetchProperty($shell, 'matchers')); } // @todo Show Presenter / custom casters. return \array_merge($core, \compact('updates', 'pcntl', 'readline', 'history', 'docs', 'autocomplete')); } } if (!\function_exists('Psy\bin')) { /** * `psysh` command line executable. * * @return \Closure */ function bin() { return function () { $usageException = null; $input = new ArgvInput(); try { $input->bind(new InputDefinition([ new InputOption('help', 'h', InputOption::VALUE_NONE), new InputOption('config', 'c', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED), new InputOption('version', 'v', InputOption::VALUE_NONE), new InputOption('cwd', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED), new InputOption('color', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE), new InputOption('no-color', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE), new InputArgument('include', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY), ])); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { $usageException = $e; } $config = []; // Handle --config if ($configFile = $input->getOption('config')) { $config['configFile'] = $configFile; } // Handle --color and --no-color if ($input->getOption('color') && $input->getOption('no-color')) { $usageException = new \RuntimeException('Using both "--color" and "--no-color" options is invalid'); } elseif ($input->getOption('color')) { $config['colorMode'] = Configuration::COLOR_MODE_FORCED; } elseif ($input->getOption('no-color')) { $config['colorMode'] = Configuration::COLOR_MODE_DISABLED; } $shell = new Shell(new Configuration($config)); // Handle --help if ($usageException !== null || $input->getOption('help')) { if ($usageException !== null) { echo $usageException->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } $version = $shell->getVersion(); $name = \basename(\reset($_SERVER['argv'])); echo <<getOption('version')) { echo $shell->getVersion() . PHP_EOL; exit(0); } // Pass additional arguments to Shell as 'includes' $shell->setIncludes($input->getArgument('include')); try { // And go! $shell->run(); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; // @todo this triggers the "exited unexpectedly" logic in the // ForkingLoop, so we can't exit(1) after starting the shell... // fix this :) // exit(1); } }; } }