This is a (multiple allowed): * [x] bug * [ ] enhancement * [ ] feature-discussion (RFC) * CakePHP Version: EXACT RELEASE VERSION OR COMMIT HASH, HERE. * Migrations plugin version: EXACT RELEASE VERSION OR COMMIT HASH, HERE. * Bake plugin version (if relevant): EXACT RELEASE VERSION OR COMMIT HASH, HERE. * Database server (MySQL, SQLite, Postgres): EXACT RELEASE VERSION * PHP Version: EXACT RELEASE VERSION * Platform / OS: Preferably with version number ### What you did EXPLAIN WHAT YOU DID, PREFERABLY WITH CODE EXAMPLES, HERE. Give as much details as possible (preferably using [Gist]( : * if your migration file was created with the bake tool or not, * the exact shell command you used, * the FULL content of the migration files that cause the issue, * a way to recreate the schema of your database. ### Expected Behavior EXPLAIN WHAT IS TO BE EXPECTED, HERE. ### Actual Behavior EXPLAIN WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING, HERE. P.S. Remember, an issue is not the place to ask questions. You can use [Stack Overflow]( for that or join the #cakephp channel on, where we will be more than happy to help answer your questions. Before you open an issue, please check if a similar issue already exists or has been closed before.