is_authorized_action[]) as $a) if ($a != 'display') unset($this->is_authorized_action[$a]); $this->is_authorized_action = []; // admin (+) only $this->setAuthorizationsForAction('index', -1, ['admin'=>0, 'super'=>0]); $this->setAuthorizationsForAction('view', -1, ['admin'=>0, 'super'=>0]); $this->setAuthorizationsForAction('edit', -1, ['admin'=>0, 'super'=>0]); $this->setAuthorizationsForAction('resetToDefault', -1, ['admin'=>0, 'super'=>0]); // tous //$this->setAuthorizationsForAction('index', 0); // Superadmin only : //$this->setAuthorizationsForAction('index', -1, ['super'=>0]); } public function index() { $this->view(); } public function view() { $this->edit(true); // Lecteurs configurés : 'default', 'yaml' //debug(Configure::configured()); //$fields = Configure::readOrFail('MANDATORY_FIELDS_FOR_LOT'.$lot_num); /* $fields = Configure::readOrFail('MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS'); $this->set(compact('fields')); */ } public function resetToDefault() { $config_mandatory_fields_file_name = CONFIG.DS.CONFIG_MATERIEL_FIELDS_FILE_NAME.'.yml'; $config_mandatory_fields_file_name_default = CONFIG.DS.CONFIG_MATERIEL_FIELDS_FILE_NAME.'.default.yml'; $config_default = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($config_mandatory_fields_file_name_default)); //parse le fichier $config_default_as_yaml = Yaml::dump($config_default); //remet en yaml if (! file_put_contents($config_mandatory_fields_file_name, $config_default_as_yaml) ) throw new \ErrorException("Impossible de remettre la configuration des champs de matériel aux valeurs par défaut - le fichier de config $config_mandatory_fields_file_name n'est pas accessible en écriture"); $this->Flash->success("La configuration des champs de matériel a bien été réinitialisée aux valeurs par défaut"); return $this->redirect(['action' => 'view']); } public function edit($READONLY=false) { $contact = new ConfigurationFieldsForm(); //debug($contact); // - En mode POST if ($this->request->is('post')) { /* * We use the execute() method to run our form’s _execute() method only when the data is valid, * and set flash messages accordingly. * We could have also used the validate() method to only validate the request data: * $isValid = $form->validate($this->request->getData()); */ //debug($this->request->getData()); // - OK if ($contact->execute($this->request->getData())) { $fieldsets = $this->request->getData(); //debug($fieldsets); $contact->setData($fieldsets); // On sauvegarde le contenu de $fieldsets dans le fichier de config (array => yaml) //debug($contact); // See : /* Configure::write('','Pizza, Inc.'); Configure::write('Company.slogan','Pizza for your body and soul'); // idem : Configure::write('Company', [ 'name' => 'Pizza, Inc.', 'slogan' => 'Pizza for your body and soul' ]); */ //$data1 = Configure::read('MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS'); //debug($data1); /* Configure::write('MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS',$data); $data2 = Configure::read('MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS'); */ //debug($data2); //$name = $contact->getData('name'); /* NE MARCHE PAS, WHY ??? $config_mandatory_fields_file_name = 'app_labinvent_mandatory_fields'; if ( Configure::dump($config_mandatory_fields_file_name, 'my_yaml', ['MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS']) ) $this->Flash->success("La configuration des champs matériels a bien été sauvegardée"); */ //$config_mandatory_fields_file_name = CONFIG.DS.'app_labinvent_mandatory_fields'.'.yml'; $config_mandatory_fields_file_name = CONFIG.DS.CONFIG_MATERIEL_FIELDS_FILE_NAME.'.yml'; // Symfony YAML component : /* $array = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($config_mandatory_fields_file_name)); //parse le fichier debug($array); $res = Yaml::dump($array); //remet en yaml */ $fieldsets_new = []; $fieldsets_new['MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS']=$fieldsets; //debug($fieldsets_new); $fieldsets_as_yaml = Yaml::dump($fieldsets_new); //remet en yaml //debug($res); exit; if (! file_put_contents($config_mandatory_fields_file_name, $fieldsets_as_yaml) ) throw new \ErrorException("Impossible d'enregistrer la configuration des champs de matériel - le fichier de config $config_mandatory_fields_file_name n'est pas accessible en écriture"); $this->Flash->success("La configuration des champs de matériel a bien été sauvegardée"); return $this->redirect(['action' => 'view']); } // - KO else { // Once a form has been validated you can retrieve the errors from it: $errors = $form->getErrors(); // $form->errors(); // prior to 3.7.0 debug($errors); /* $errors contains [ 'email' => ['A valid email address is required'] ] */ $this->Flash->error("La configuration n'a pas pu être enregistrée"); } } // - En mode GET (ou POST avec erreur) if ($this->request->is('get')) { /* $contact->setData([ 'name' => 'John Doe', 'email' => '' ]); */ } $this->set('contact', $contact); $fieldsets = Configure::readOrFail('MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS'); $this->set(compact('READONLY', 'fieldsets')); //debug($fieldsets); } // edit() public function OLD_edit($READONLY=false) { $contact = new ConfigurationFieldsForm(); //debug($contact); // - En mode POST if ($this->request->is('post')) { /* * We use the execute() method to run our form’s _execute() method only when the data is valid, * and set flash messages accordingly. * We could have also used the validate() method to only validate the request data: * $isValid = $form->validate($this->request->getData()); */ //debug($this->request->getData()); // - OK if ($contact->execute($this->request->getData())) { $fieldsets = $this->request->getData(); //debug($data); $contact->setData($fieldsets); /* * 1) On retouche $fieldsets pour qu'il puisse être sauvegardé au format fichier texte (yaml) : * * Ex: 'designation' => [ 'selected' => '0', 'labl' => 'commentaire', 'roles' => [ (int) 0 => 'Responsable', (int) 1 => 'Administration' ] ], * * - '.selected' : si = 0 => on préfixe le nom du champ par "OFF_" * => 'OFF_designation' * - '.labl' : on l'ajoute entre parenthèse à la suite du nom du champ * => 'OFF_designation (commentaire)' * - '.roles' : on les ajoute entre parenthèse à la fin du nom du champ => * => 'OFF_designation (commentaire) (sauf Responsable, Administration)' */ $fieldsets_new = []; $fieldsets_new['MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS']=[]; //$fn = &$fieldsets_new['MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS']; foreach ($fieldsets as $fieldset_name=>$fields) { $fieldsets_new['MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS'][$fieldset_name] = []; foreach ($fields as $field_name=>$attributes) { $field_name_new = $field_name; // - selected if (! $attributes['selected'] ) $field_name_new = 'OFF_'.$field_name_new; // - labl if ($attributes['labl']) $field_name_new .= ' ('. $attributes['labl'] .')'; // - roles if (isset($attributes['except_roles']) && $attributes['except_roles']) $field_name_new .= ' (sauf '. implode(',',$attributes['except_roles']) .')'; //debug($field_name_new); $fieldsets_new['MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS'][$fieldset_name][] = $field_name_new; } } //debug($fieldsets_new); exit; // 2) On sauvegarde le contenu de $fieldsets dans le fichier de config (array => yaml) //debug($contact); // See : /* Configure::write('','Pizza, Inc.'); Configure::write('Company.slogan','Pizza for your body and soul'); // idem : Configure::write('Company', [ 'name' => 'Pizza, Inc.', 'slogan' => 'Pizza for your body and soul' ]); */ //$data1 = Configure::read('MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS'); //debug($data1); /* Configure::write('MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS',$data); $data2 = Configure::read('MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS'); */ //debug($data2); //$name = $contact->getData('name'); /* NE MARCHE PAS, WHY ??? $config_mandatory_fields_file_name = 'app_labinvent_mandatory_fields'; if ( Configure::dump($config_mandatory_fields_file_name, 'my_yaml', ['MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS']) ) $this->Flash->success("La configuration des champs matériels a bien été sauvegardée"); */ //$config_mandatory_fields_file_name = CONFIG.DS.'app_labinvent_mandatory_fields'.'.yml'; $config_mandatory_fields_file_name = CONFIG.DS.CONFIG_MATERIEL_FIELDS_FILE_NAME.'.yml'; // Symfony YAML component : /* $array = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($config_mandatory_fields_file_name)); //parse le fichier debug($array); $res = Yaml::dump($array); //remet en yaml */ $fieldsets_new_as_yaml = Yaml::dump($fieldsets_new); //remet en yaml //debug($res); exit; if ( file_put_contents($config_mandatory_fields_file_name, $fieldsets_new_as_yaml) ) $this->Flash->success("La configuration des champs matériels a bien été sauvegardée"); return $this->redirect(['action' => 'view']); } // - KO else { // Once a form has been validated you can retrieve the errors from it: $errors = $form->getErrors(); // $form->errors(); // prior to 3.7.0 debug($errors); /* $errors contains [ 'email' => ['A valid email address is required'] ] */ $this->Flash->error("La configuration n'a pas pu être enregistrée"); } } // - En mode GET (ou POST avec erreur) if ($this->request->is('get')) { /* $contact->setData([ 'name' => 'John Doe', 'email' => '' ]); */ } $this->set('contact', $contact); $fieldsets = Configure::readOrFail('MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS'); $this->set(compact('READONLY', 'fieldsets')); } // edit() } // end of class