confLabinvent; * $role = TableRegistry::get('Users')->find()->where(['username' => $user[$configuration->authentificationType_ldap][0]])->first()['role']; * * $action = $this->request->getAttribute('params')['action']; * * if($this->userHasRoleAtLeast('Administration')) return true; * if($this->userHasRoleAtLeast('Responsable') && $action == 'fichemetro') return true; * //Pour un "utilisateur" * if (in_array($action, ['edit', 'delete'])) { * $id = (int)$this->request->getAttribute('params')['pass'][0]; * if($this->isOwnedBy($id, $user['sn'][0].' '.$user['givenname'][0])) return true; * if($role == 'Responsable' && $this->isRespGroup($id, $user[$configuration->authentificationType_ldap][0])) return true; * } * * //return parent::isAuthorized($user); S/ // Tout profil peut tout faire !!! (A affiner, non ?) return true; } */ /** * Index method * * @return \Cake\Network\Response|null */ public function index() { $this->paginate = [ 'contain' => [ 'Suivis' ] ]; $fichemetrologiques = $this->paginate($this->Fichemetrologiques->find('all')); $nbFichemetrologique = $this->Fichemetrologiques->find('all')->count(); $this->set(compact('fichemetrologiques', 'nbFichemetrologique')); $this->set('_serialize', [ 'fichemetrologique' ]); } /** * View method * * @param string|null $id * Fichemetrologique id. * @return \Cake\Network\Response|null * @throws \Cake\Datasource\Exception\RecordNotFoundException When record not found. */ public function view($id = null) { $fichemetrologique = $this->Fichemetrologiques->get($id, [ 'contain' => [ 'Suivis' ] ]); $unite = TableRegistry::get('Unites')->find() ->select('nom') ->where([ 'id =' => $fichemetrologique->suivi->unite_id ]) ->first()['nom']; $this->set('unite', $unite); $this->set('fichemetrologique', $fichemetrologique); $this->set('_serialize', [ 'fichemetrologique' ]); } /** * Add method * * @return \Cake\Network\Response|void Redirects on successful add, renders view otherwise. */ public function add() { $fichemetrologique = $this->Fichemetrologiques->newEntity(); $numunite = TableRegistry::get('Suivis')->find() ->select('unite_id') ->where([ 'id =' => $this->request->getAttribute('params')['pass'][0] ]) ->first()['unite_id']; $unite = TableRegistry::get('Unites')->find() ->select('nom') ->where([ 'id =' => $numunite ]) ->first()['nom']; $symbole = TableRegistry::get('Unites')->find() ->select('symbole') ->where([ 'id =' => $numunite ]) ->first()['symbole']; $resol = TableRegistry::get('Suivis')->find() ->select('resolution') ->where([ 'id =' => $this->request->getAttribute('params')['pass'][0] ]) ->first()['resolution']; $suivi = TableRegistry::get('Suivis')->find() ->where([ 'id =' => $this->request->getAttribute('params')['pass'][0] ]) ->first(); if ($this->request->is('post')) { $fichemetrologique = $this->Fichemetrologiques->patchEntity($fichemetrologique, $this->request->getData, [ 'associated' => 'Mesures' ]); if ($fichemetrologique->resolution == 0) $fichemetrologique->resolution = 'numerique'; else $fichemetrologique->resolution = 'cadran'; if ($fichemetrologique->etatmateriel == 0) $fichemetrologique->etatmateriel = 'Neuf'; else if ($fichemetrologique->etatmateriel == 1) $fichemetrologique->etatmateriel = 'RAS'; else $fichemetrologique->etatmateriel = 'dégradé'; $suivis = TableRegistry::get('Suivis')->get($this->request->getAttribute('params')['pass'][0], [ 'contain' => [] ]); if ($suivi->date_prochain_controle !== null) { if ($suivis->date_prochain_controle < $fichemetrologique->datefiche) { $fichemetrologique->retard = 'RAS'; } else { $fichemetrologique->retard = 'OUI'; } } else { $fichemetrologique->retard = 'RAS'; } if ($this->Fichemetrologiques->save($fichemetrologique)) { $suivis->conforme = $fichemetrologique->conformeEMTstandart; $suivis->date_controle = $fichemetrologique->datefiche; $datecontrole = $fichemetrologique->datefiche; $valfrequence = $suivis->frequence; if ($suivis->type_frequence == '/ Jours') $type_freque = ' day'; else if ($suivis->type_frequence == '/ Mois') $type_freque = ' month'; else if ($suivis->type_frequence == '/ Ans') $type_freque = ' year'; else $type_freque = ' week'; $suivis->date_prochain_controle = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+' . $valfrequence . ' ' . $type_freque, strtotime(date('Y-m-d')))); TableRegistry::get('Suivis')->save($suivis); $this->Flash->success(__('La fiche metrologique a bien été ajouté.')); return $this->redirect([ 'controller' => 'Suivis', 'action' => 'view', $fichemetrologique->suivi_id ]); } else { $this->Flash->error(__('La fiche metrologique n\'a pas pu être ajouté.')); } } $this->set(compact('suivi', 'resol', 'unite', 'symbole', 'fichemetrologique')); $this->set('_serialize', [ 'fichemetrologique' ]); } /** * Edit method * * @param string|null $id * Fichemetrologique id. * @return \Cake\Network\Response|void Redirects on successful edit, renders view otherwise. * @throws \Cake\Network\Exception\NotFoundException When record not found. */ public function edit($id = null) { $fichemetrologique = $this->Fichemetrologiques->get($id, [ 'contain' => [] ]); if ($this->request->is([ 'patch', 'post', 'put' ])) { $fichemetrologique = $this->Fichemetrologiques->patchEntity($fichemetrologique, $this->request->getData()); if ($fichemetrologique->typemesure == 0) $fichemetrologique->typemesure = 'direct'; else $fichemetrologique->typemesure = 'indirect'; if ($fichemetrologique->resolution == 0) $fichemetrologique->resolution = 'numerique'; else $fichemetrologique->resolution = 'cadran'; if ($this->Fichemetrologiques->save($fichemetrologique)) { $this->Flash->success(__('La fichemetrologique a bien été édité.')); return $this->redirect([ 'action' => 'view', $id ]); } else { $this->Flash->error(__('La fichemetrologique n\'a pas pu être édité.')); } } /* * $this->getView()->loadHelper('GoogleCharts.GoogleCharts'); * * $chart = new GoogleCharts(); * * $chart->type("LineChart"); * //Options array holds all options for Chart API * $chart->options(['title' => 'Recent Scores']); * $chart->columns([ * //Each column key should correspond to a field in your data array * 'event_date' => [ * //Tells the chart what type of data this is * 'type' => 'string', * //The chart label for this column * 'label' => 'Date' * ], * 'score' => [ * 'type' => 'number', * 'label' => 'Score', * //Optional NumberFormat pattern * 'format' => '#,###' * ] * ]); * $mesures = $this->Mesure->find('list', ['conditions' => [ 'fichemetrologique_id =' => $fichemetrologique->id]] ); * //Loop through our data and creates data rows * //Data will be added to rows based on the column keys above (event_date, score). * //If there are missing fields in your data or the keys do not match, then this will not work. * foreach($mesures as $mesure) { * $chart->addRow($round); * } * * //You can also use this way to loop through data and creates data rows: * foreach($rounds as $round) { * $chart->addRow([ * 'event_date' => $round['event_date'], * 'score' => $round['score'] * ]); * } * * //You can also manually add rows: * $chart->addRow([ * 'event_date' => '1/1/2012', * 'score' => 55 * ]); */ $this->set(compact('fichemetrologique', 'chart')); $this->set('_serialize', [ 'fichemetrologique' ]); } /* * Delete method * * @param string|null $id Fichemetrologique id. * @return \Cake\Network\Response|null Redirects to index. * @throws \Cake\Datasource\Exception\RecordNotFoundException When record not found. */ public function delete($id = null) { $this->request->allowMethod([ 'post', 'delete' ]); $fichemetrologique = $this->Fichemetrologiques->get($id); if ($this->Fichemetrologiques->delete($fichemetrologique)) { $this->Flash->success(__('La fiche metrologique a bien été supprimé.')); } else { $this->Flash->error(__('La fiche metrologique n\'a pas pu être supprimé.')); } return $this->redirect([ 'controller' => 'Suivis', 'action' => 'view', $fichemetrologique->suivi_id ]); } }