parse() // ->putenv() // ->toEnv() // ->toServer(); // } /* * Read configuration file and inject configuration into various * CakePHP classes. * * By default there is only one configuration file. It is often a good * idea to create multiple configuration files, and separate the configuration * that changes from configuration that does not. This makes deployment simpler. */ try { Configure::config('default', new PhpConfig()); Configure::load('app', 'default', false); } catch (\Exception $e) { exit($e->getMessage() . "\n"); } /* * Load an environment local configuration file to provide overrides to your configuration. * Notice: For security reasons app_local.php will not be included in your git repo. */ if (file_exists(CONFIG . 'app_local.php')) { Configure::load('app_local', 'default'); } /* * When debug = true the metadata cache should only last * for a short time. */ if (Configure::read('debug')) { Configure::write('Cache._cake_model_.duration', '+2 minutes'); Configure::write('Cache._cake_core_.duration', '+2 minutes'); // disable router cache during development Configure::write('Cache._cake_routes_.duration', '+2 seconds'); } // ORIG /* // When debug = false the metadata cache should last // for a very very long time, as we don't want // to refresh the cache while users are doing requests. if (!Configure::read('debug')) { Configure::write('Cache._cake_model_.duration', '+1 years'); Configure::write('Cache._cake_core_.duration', '+1 years'); } */ # Affiche "true" si on est en mode test # (cette constante est définie dans /tests/bootstrap.php) //debug ( defined('_IN_TEST_MODE') ); // (EP 2021 09 Ajout nouveaux fichiers config pour les champs obligatoires (et les autorisations)) //$config_mandatory_fields_file_name = 'app_labinvent_mandatory_fields'; // Si le fichier de conf n'existe pas, on le crée en copiant le fichier par défaut //if ( !file_exists(CONFIG.DS.$config_mandatory_fields_file_name.'.yml') ) //$config_matos_full_file_name = $config_matos_full_file_name_default = CONFIG.DS.CONFIG_MATERIEL_FIELDS_FILE_NAME; $config_matos_file_name = $config_matos_file_name_default = CONFIG_MATERIEL_FIELDS_FILE_NAME; //$config_matos_full_file_name_default = $config_matos_full_file_name; if (defined('_IN_TEST_MODE')) $config_matos_file_name .= '_test'; //if ( !file_exists($config_matos_full_file_name) ) copy($config_matos_full_file_name_default, $config_matos_full_file_name); try { Configure::config('my_yaml_engine', new YamlConfig()); //Configure::load($config_mandatory_fields_file_name, 'yaml', true); Configure::load($config_matos_file_name, 'my_yaml_engine'); //Configure::load(CONFIG_MATERIEL_FIELDS_FILE_NAME, 'my_yaml_engine'); //Configure::load('app_labinvent_mandatory_fields_IP2I', 'yaml'); //Configure::load('app_labinvent_authorizations', 'yaml'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $config_matos_file_name .= '.yml'; $config_matos_file_name_default .= '.default.yml'; echo("
config/bootstrap.php: Impossible de charger le fichier de configuration des champs matériels (".CONFIG.DS.$config_matos_file_name.")"); echo("
- soit ce fichier n'est pas accessible en lecture par le serveur web (attention, il faut aussi qu'il soit accessible en écriture)"); echo("
- soit il n'existe pas => dans ce cas, créez le en faisant une copie du fichier de configuration par défaut :"); echo("
cd ".CONFIG); echo("
cp $config_matos_file_name_default $config_matos_file_name"); echo("
chown webserver_user_name $config_matos_file_name"); echo("
chmod 600 $config_matos_file_name"); echo("
(si vous ne voulez pas faire le chown, faite plutot un chmod 666, moins propre, mais marche aussi)"); die(); } /* Pour voir quelle config on lit (test ou prod ?) $data = Configure::read('MANDATORY_AND_READONLY_FIELDS.MANDATORY_FIELDS_FOR_LOT2'); debug($data); */ /* * Set the default server timezone. Using UTC makes time calculations / conversions easier. * Check for list of valid timezone strings. */ // 3.10 date_default_timezone_set(Configure::read('App.defaultTimezone')); //date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); // GMT+0 // ORIG //date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris'); /* * Configure the mbstring extension to use the correct encoding. */ mb_internal_encoding(Configure::read('App.encoding')); /* * Set the default locale. This controls how dates, number and currency is * formatted and sets the default language to use for translations. */ ini_set('intl.default_locale', Configure::read('App.defaultLocale')); /* * Register application error and exception handlers. */ $isCli = PHP_SAPI === 'cli'; if ($isCli) { (new ConsoleErrorHandler(Configure::read('Error')))->register(); } else { (new ErrorHandler(Configure::read('Error')))->register(); } /* * Include the CLI bootstrap overrides. */ if ($isCli) { require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap_cli.php'; } /* * Set the full base URL. * This URL is used as the base of all absolute links. * * If you define fullBaseUrl in your config file you can remove this. */ if (!Configure::read('App.fullBaseUrl')) { $s = null; if (env('HTTPS')) { $s = 's'; } $httpHost = env('HTTP_HOST'); if (isset($httpHost)) { Configure::write('App.fullBaseUrl', 'http' . $s . '://' . $httpHost); } unset($httpHost, $s); } Cache::setConfig(Configure::consume('Cache')); ConnectionManager::setConfig(Configure::consume('Datasources')); TransportFactory::setConfig(Configure::consume('EmailTransport')); Email::setConfig(Configure::consume('Email')); Log::setConfig(Configure::consume('Log')); Security::setSalt(Configure::consume('Security.salt')); /* * The default crypto extension in 3.0 is OpenSSL. * If you are migrating from 2.x uncomment this code to * use a more compatible Mcrypt based implementation */ //Security::engine(new \Cake\Utility\Crypto\Mcrypt()); /* * Setup detectors for mobile and tablet. */ ServerRequest::addDetector('mobile', function ($request) { $detector = new \Detection\MobileDetect(); return $detector->isMobile(); }); ServerRequest::addDetector('tablet', function ($request) { $detector = new \Detection\MobileDetect(); return $detector->isTablet(); }); /** * ORIG only * Connect middleware/dispatcher filters. */ /* DispatcherFactory::add('Asset'); DispatcherFactory::add('Routing'); DispatcherFactory::add('ControllerFactory'); */ /* * Enable immutable time objects in the ORM. * * You can enable default locale format parsing by adding calls * to `useLocaleParser()`. This enables the automatic conversion of * locale specific date formats. For details see * @link */ // EP : ajout de useLocaleParser() pour que les dates soient bien lues au format français (JJ/MM/AA) et non pas US (MM/JJ/AA) !! Type::build('time') ->useImmutable() // ORIG ->useLocaleParser(); Type::build('date') ->useImmutable() // ORIG ->useLocaleParser(); Type::build('datetime') ->useImmutable() // ORIG ->useLocaleParser(); // 3.10 NEW Type::build('timestamp') ->useImmutable(); /* * Custom Inflector rules, can be set to correctly pluralize or singularize * table, model, controller names or whatever other string is passed to the * inflection functions. */ //Inflector::rules('plural', ['/^(inflect)or$/i' => '\1ables']); //Inflector::rules('irregular', ['red' => 'redlings']); //Inflector::rules('uninflected', ['dontinflectme']); //Inflector::rules('transliteration', ['/å/' => 'aa']); // (EP) je sais pas trop comment faire ça... Inflector::rules('irregular', ['SurCategory' => 'Domaine']); Inflector::rules('irregular', ['SurCategories' => 'Domaines']); /* ORIG only */ /* (EP) * TODO: * Depuis cakephp3.7 les plugins sont à mettre dans src/Application.php * cf */ //Plugin::load('Migrations'); /* (EP) * Pour générer du pdf (à la place de fpdf qui ne marche pas au CRAL) */ //Plugin::load('Dompdf'); /* // DebugKit (cf // Only try to load DebugKit in development mode // Debug Kit should not be installed on a production system if (Configure::read('debug')) { // Whitelister mes sites locaux : Configure::write('DebugKit.safeTld', ['localhost', 'dev', 'invalid', 'test', 'example', 'local', 'devv']); /S (EP 20200316 added pour éviter l'erreur suivante retrouvée dans logs/error.log : * 2020-03-16 12:20:28 Warning: DebugKit is disabling itself as your host `labinvent.devv` is not in the known safe list of top-level-domains * (localhost, invalid, test, example, local). If you would like to force DebugKit on * use the `DebugKit.forceEnable` Configure option. S/ //Configure::write('DebugKit.forceEnable', true); // Autres options dispo : //Configure::write('DebugKit.ignoreAuthorization', true); //Configure::write('DebugKit.panels', ['DebugKit.Packages' => false]); // Maintenant on peut charger DebugKit normalement //Plugin::load('DebugKit', ['bootstrap' => true]); Plugin::load('DebugKit', ['bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true]); } */ /* * Bootstrap-ui (EP added 28/1/2020) * */ //Cake\Core\Plugin::load('BootstrapUI'); //Plugin::load('BootstrapUI'); //Plugin::load('BootstrapUI', ['autoload' => true]); /* ORIG // Activer Stats via src/Routing/Filter/SessionTimeoutFilter.php $SessionTimeoutON = false; //$SessionTimeoutON = true; // (EP20201022) Pour gérer le timeout auto if ($SessionTimeoutON) DispatcherFactory::add('SessionTimeout'); */