le CACHE LDAP (table users) est systématiquement utilisé const LDAP_CACHE_ALWAYS_ON = true; // - NON => le CACHE LDAP (table users) n'est utilisé QUE si l'option ldap_cached est activée dans la config //const LDAP_CACHE_ALWAYS_ON = false; // DEBUG temporaire, uniquement pour ce fichier (module level) //const DEBUG = true; const DEBUG = false; class LdapConnectionsTable extends AppTable { private $DEBUG_MODE; // read from config private $authenticationType; // (EP 23/5/19) Optimisation: // Les utilisateurs sont stockés dans un cache (BD) // pour limiter les accès au LDAP private $LDAP_CACHED = FALSE; // Max time for ldap cache validity (in minutes) : 60 = 1h private $LDAP_CACHE_VALIDITY_DURATION = 2; public $useTable = false; private $host; private $port; private $baseDn; private $filter; /*MCM*/ // EP //private $anonymous; private $ldap_authentified; private $bindDn; private $bindPass; /* fin MCM*/ private $LDAP_USED = TRUE; private $fakeLDAPUsers = []; // print only if debug mode ON private function mydebugmsg($arg, $stop = false) { if ($this->DEBUG_MODE) { //Configure::write('debug', true); debug($arg); if ($stop) exit(); } } public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } // EP /* public function useFakeLdap() { return ! $this->useLdap(); } public function useLdap() { $this->_checkConfiguration(); return $this->LDAP_USED; } */ // LDAP format ==> DB format // @param: array $user (LDAP-like formatted) // @return: object(App\Model\Entity\User) private function _getLDAPuserFormattedAsDB($user_from_LDAP) { /* (INPUT) Voici le format d'un user du LDAP : [ 'sn' => [ (int) 0 => 'Pallier' ], 'mail' => [ (int) 0 => 'Etienne.Pallier@irap.omp.eu' ], 'givenname' => [ (int) 0 => 'Etienne' ], 'uid' => [ (int) 0 => 'epallier' ], 'userpassword' => [ (int) 0 => '' ] ] */ /* (OUTPUT) Voici le format d'un user de la table users (BD) ( object(App\Model\Entity\User) ) : // - Champs de la table : 'id' => (int) 2, 'nom' => 'Pallier Etienne', 'username' => 'epallier', 'email' => 'Etienne.Pallier@irap.omp.eu', 'role' => 'Super Administrateur', 'groupes_metier_id' => (int) 3, 'password' => 'pass crypté...', 'groupes_thematique_id' => null, 'sur_categorie_id' => null, // - Champs ajoutés par CakePhp3: '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ '*' => true, 'id' => false ], '[dirty]' => [], '[original]' => [], '[virtual]' => [], '[hasErrors]' => false, '[errors]' => [], '[invalid]' => [], '[repository]' => 'Users' */ $usersTable = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Users'); $user = $usersTable->newEntity(); $user->nom = $user_from_LDAP['sn'][0].' '.$user_from_LDAP['givenname'][0]; //$user->username = $user_from_LDAP['uid']; $user->username = $user_from_LDAP[$this->authenticationType][0]; $user->email = isset($user_from_LDAP['mail']) ? $user_from_LDAP['mail'][0] : "NO_MAIL"; // Par defaut, role = UTILISATEUR $user->role = 'Utilisateur'; /* * (EP 5/6/19 on ne fait plus ça car le ldap ne retourne pas les passwords) // C'est la version "cryptée" qui doit etre stockée $user->password = $user_from_LDAP['userpassword'][0]; */ return $user; } private function _getDBusersFormattedAsLDAP($usersfromDB) { $usersFormattedAsLDAP = []; foreach ($usersfromDB as $userfromDB) $usersFormattedAsLDAP[] = $this->_getDBuserFormattedAsLDAP($userfromDB); $usersFormattedAsLDAP['count'] = sizeof($usersFormattedAsLDAP); //$this->mydebugmsg("count : ".$usersFormattedAsLDAP['count']); return $usersFormattedAsLDAP; } // DB format ==> LDAP format private function _getDBuserFormattedAsLDAP($user) { $names = explode(" ", $user['nom']); $givenName = isset($names[1]) ? $names[1] : " "; return [ // Nom 'sn' => [ $names[0] ], // Email 'mail' => [ $user['email'] ], // Pnom 'givenname' => [ $givenName ], // Login ("uid" for IRAP, "samaccountname" for CRAL) $this->authenticationType => [ $user['username'] ], // Pass 'userpassword' => [ $user['password'] ] ]; } private function _getFakeDBuserFormattedAsLDAP($user) { return [ // Nom 'sn' => [ $user['sn'] ], // Email 'mail' => [ $user['mail'] ], // Pnom 'givenname' => [ $user['givenname'] ], // Login ("uid" for IRAP, "samaccountname" for CRAL) //$this->authenticationType => [ /* 'uid' => [ $user['uid'] ], */ DEFAULT_AUTH_TYPE => [ $user[DEFAULT_AUTH_TYPE] ], // Pass 'userpassword' => [ $user['userpassword'] ] ]; } private function _buildFakeLdapUsers() { return $this->_buildFakeLdapUsersFromDB(); } // return users list from DB table fakeldapusers, formatted as LDAP private function _buildFakeLdapUsersFromDB() { //NEW //$users = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Users')->find(); $users = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Fakeldapusers')->find(); $ldapUsers = []; //$ldapUsers = $users->toArray(); foreach ($users as $user) { //debug($user); /* Voici le format d'un user de la table users (BD) // - Champs de la table : 'id' => (int) 2, 'nom' => 'Pallier Etienne', 'username' => 'epallier', 'email' => 'Etienne.Pallier@irap.omp.eu', 'role' => 'Super Administrateur', 'groupes_metier_id' => (int) 3, 'password' => 'pass crypté...', 'groupes_thematique_id' => null, 'sur_categorie_id' => null, // - Champs ajoutés par CakePhp3: '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ '*' => true, 'id' => false ], '[dirty]' => [], '[original]' => [], '[virtual]' => [], '[hasErrors]' => false, '[errors]' => [], '[invalid]' => [], '[repository]' => 'Users' */ //NEW //$ldapUsers[] = $this->_getDBuserFormattedAsLDAP($user); $ldapUsers[] = $this->_getFakeDBuserFormattedAsLDAP($user); /* $names = explode(" ", $user['nom']); $givenName = isset($names[1]) ? $names[1] : " "; $ldapUsers[] = [ // Nom 'sn' => [ $names[0] ], // Email 'mail' => [ $user['email'] ], // Pnom 'givenname' => [ $givenName ], // Login ("uid" for IRAP, "samaccountname" for CRAL) $this->authenticationType => [ $user['username'] ], // Pass 'userpassword' => [ $user['password'] ] ]; */ } /* EP (aout 2017) * ATTENTION : Utilisateur IMPORTANT. * Avec cet utilisateur, on simule un utilisateur qui n'est PAS dans la table utilisateurs * Il devrait donc se voir attribuer un role "Utilisateur" sans pour autant que ça soit écrit dans la table !!! * login = '_NouvelUtilisateur_username' * pass = '_NouvelUtilisateur_password' * $prefix = "_NouvelUtilisateur_"; */ /* (EP 20210201) : DÉSORMAIS INUTILE * car TOUS les utilisateurs doivent être dans la table users, sinon ils ne peuvent pas se connecter. * Avant, on avait besoin de ça car en mode LDAP, la table users ne contenait QUE les users privilégiés * et donc un user du ldap pouvait se connecter même s'il n'était pas dans la table users, * et on lui affectait automatiquement un profil "Utilisateur" * $ldapUsers[] = [ 'sn' => [ 'UTILISATEUR' ], 'givenname' => [ 'FAKE_LDAP' ], // 'mail' => [$login.'email'], 'mail' => [ 'fakeldapuser@domain.fr' ], // $this->authenticationType => [$prefix.'username'], //'uid' => [ $this->authenticationType => [ $this->_getTheFakeLdapUser()['login'] ], // $this->authenticationType => ['usere'], 'userpassword' => [ $this->_getTheFakeLdapUser()['pass'] ] // 'userpassword' => ['toto'], ]; $ldapUsers[] = [ 'sn' => [ 'SUPERADMIN' ], 'givenname' => [ 'FAKE_LDAP' ], // 'mail' => [$login.'email'], 'mail' => [ 'fakeldapuser@domain.fr' ], // $this->authenticationType => [$prefix.'username'], //'uid' => [ $this->authenticationType => [ 'superadmin' ], // $this->authenticationType => ['usere'], 'userpassword' => [ '$2y$10$LZzpws3oDidBcqO/Fy1RTedLLk3ENTmplny5J7bZ6R1PqFoGOw3Ma' ] // 'userpassword' => ['toto'], ]; */ return $ldapUsers; } private function _checkAndGetConfiguration() { $this->configurationsTable = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Configurations'); $this->CONF = $this->configurationsTable ->find() ->where(['id =' => 1]) ->first(); // Activation forcée de l'option ldap_cached si LDAP_CACHE_ALWAYS_ON // (EP) Ca résoud un bug dû au fait que des infos sont cherchées dans la table users alors que le user n'y est pas... if (LDAP_CACHE_ALWAYS_ON) $this->CONF->ldap_cached = true; $config = $this->CONF; $this->usersTable = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Users'); $this->DEBUG_MODE = $config->mode_debug; $this->LDAP_USED = $config->ldap_used; // (1) Mode "local" (sans ldap, ou FAKE ldap) if (! $this->LDAP_USED) { // Seulement pour tester le mode ldap_cached en mode FAKE LDAP: //$this->CONF->ldap_cached = TRUE; // (EP 202102) bugfix, en mode fakldap, on est toujours en 'uid' //$this->authenticationType = $config->ldap_authenticationType; $this->authenticationType = DEFAULT_AUTH_TYPE; if (empty($this->fakeLDAPUsers)) $this->fakeLDAPUsers = $this->_buildFakeLdapUsers(); return true; } // debug($this->fakeLDAPUsers); // (2) Mode "LDAP" (avec ldap) if (! empty($config->ldap_host) && ! empty($config->ldap_port) && ! empty($config->ldap_baseDn) && ! empty($config->ldap_authenticationType) && ! empty($config->ldap_filter)) { $this->host = $config->ldap_host; $this->port = $config->ldap_port; $this->baseDn = $config->ldap_baseDn; $this->filter = $config->ldap_filter; $this->authenticationType = $config->ldap_authenticationType; $this->ldap_authentified = $config->ldap_authentified; $this->bindDn = $config->ldap_bindDn; $this->bindPass = $config->ldap_bindPass; return true; } // (3) Si on est toujours là, c'est pas normal => EXCEPTION $ldapConfig = $config->toArray(); throw new Exception('The ldap configuration is not valid :
'); } // @return ldap users from DB users table private function _getAllUsersFromDB($do_update=false) { // (EP202102) inutile puisque on fait déjà ça à la connexion (login) if ($do_update) $this->_updateUsersCacheIfNeeded(); return $this->usersTable->find(); } private function _getAllUsersFromLDAP() { return $this->LDAP_USED ? $this->_ldapSearch($this->filter, []) : $this->fakeLDAPUsers; } /** * @return $users_fetched or FALSE */ // REAL or FAKE LDAP public function getAllLdapUsers() { if (! $this->_checkAndGetConfiguration()) return FALSE; // By default, nothing found, ERROR $users_fetched = FALSE; // LDAP optimized (cached) if ($this->CONF->ldap_cached) { //TODO: // Les 3 types de LDAP (cache, real, et fake) doivent etre 3 objets ayant exactement les MEMES methodes // Par defaut, $this-> doit pointer vers le REAL ldap, les 2 autres sont accessibles via $this->cache-> et $this->fake-> // $this->cache->_getAllLdapUsers(); // envoyés directement dans le bon format $users_fetched = $this->_getAllUsersFromDB(); $users_fetched = $this->_getDBusersFormattedAsLDAP($users_fetched); } // LDAP direct (no optimization) else { //try { $users_fetched = $this->_getAllUsersFromLDAP(); // $from = $this->LDAP_USED ? $this : $this->fake // return $from->_getllLdapUsers(); // Noter que $user_fetched peut etre egal a FALSE (si rien trouvé) //return $users_fetched; //} //catch (Exception $e) {} } return $users_fetched; } public function getAuthenticationType() { return $this->authenticationType; } // EP added public function getFakeLdapUser($login) { foreach ($this->fakeLDAPUsers as $user) { //debug($login); //debug($user[DEFAULT_AUTH_TYPE][0]); //if ($login == $user[$this->authenticationType][0]) if ($login == $user[DEFAULT_AUTH_TYPE][0]) return $user; } return FALSE; } /** * Return a list of Users with key = username => value = [login, email] */ public function getUsersLoginAndEmail() { $usersWithNameAndEmail = []; // Get all users (with ALL their attributes) $u = $this->getAllLdapUsers(); // Sort users //sort($u); //debug($u); $this->mydebugmsg("ldap users 0 and 1:"); $this->mydebugmsg($u[0]); //$this->mydebugmsg($u[1]); // (EP) Refactorisation pour éviter code redondant du "bon vieux" temps des stagiaires... // Il suffit souvent de réfléchir un peu pour résumer 10 lignes en 1 seule... if ($this->LDAP_USED) $this->mydebugmsg("total count is : ".$u['count']); // 440 for IRAP 6/6/19 (LDAP direct), 441 (LDAP cached because 1 old user to be deleted = imoro) //$this->mydebugmsg($u); $nb_users = $this->LDAP_USED ? $u['count'] : sizeof($u)-1; for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_users; $i ++) { // $utilisateurs["Pallier Etienne"] = ["email"] ////$usersWithNameAndEmail[ $u[$i]['sn'][0].' '.$u[$i]['givenname'][0] ] = $u[$i]['mail'][0]; $email = isset($u[$i]['mail']) ? $u[$i]['mail'][0] : "NO_MAIL"; $usersWithNameAndEmail[ $u[$i]['sn'][0].' '.$u[$i]['givenname'][0] ] = array( //"login" => $u[$i]['uid'][0] // (IRAP) //"login" => $u[$i]['samaccountname'][0] // CRAL "login" => $u[$i][$this->authenticationType][0], "email" => $email ); } // Sort users (without modifying the keys, don't use sort() but asort() !!!!!!!!!!!!!) ksort($usersWithNameAndEmail); //debug($usersWithNameAndEmail); return $usersWithNameAndEmail; } /** * Return a list of Users with key = username & value = username */ public function getListUsers() { $utilisateurs = []; // Get all users (with ALL their attributes) $u = $this->getAllLdapUsers(); // Sort users //sort($u); //debug($u); // (EP) Refactorisation pour éviter code redondant ci-dessous, c'était pourtant pas compliqué, poil dans la main... $nb_users = $this->LDAP_USED ? $u['count'] : sizeof($u)-1; // $utilisateurs["Pallier Etienne"] = "Pallier Etienne" for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_users; $i ++) $utilisateurs[ $u[$i]['sn'][0].' '.$u[$i]['givenname'][0] ] = $u[$i]['sn'][0].' '.$u[$i]['givenname'][0]; //debug($utilisateurs); // Sort users (without modifying the keys, don't use sort() but asort() !!!!!!!!!!!!!) ksort($utilisateurs); //debug($utilisateurs); return $utilisateurs; } /** * Return a list of login of Users with key = username & value = login */ public function getListLoginUsers() { $u = $this->getAllLdapUsers(); $utilisateurs = []; if ($this->LDAP_USED) { for ($i = 0; $i < $u['count']; $i ++) { $utilisateurs[$u[$i]['sn'][0] . ' ' . $u[$i]['givenname'][0]] = $u[$i][$this->authenticationType][0]; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($u) - 1; $i ++) { $utilisateurs[$u[$i]['sn'][0] . ' ' . $u[$i]['givenname'][0]] = $u[$i][$this->authenticationType][0]; } } return $utilisateurs; } /** * Return a list of mail of Users with key = username & value = mail */ public function getListEmailUsers() { $u = $this->getAllLdapUsers(); $utilisateurs = []; if ($this->LDAP_USED) { for ($i = 0; $i < $u['count']; $i ++) { if (isset($u[$i]['mail'][0])) { $utilisateurs[$u[$i]['sn'][0] . ' ' . $u[$i]['givenname'][0]] = $u[$i]['mail'][0]; } else { $utilisateurs[$u[$i]['sn'][0] . ' ' . $u[$i]['givenname'][0]] = 'N/A'; } } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($u) - 1; $i ++) { $utilisateurs[$u[$i]['sn'][0] . ' ' . $u[$i]['givenname'][0]] = $u[$i]['mail'][0]; } } return $utilisateurs; } /** * Return size of list users public function getNbUsers() { $u = $this->getAllLdapUsers(); if ($this->LDAP_USED) { $nbUsers = $u['count']; } else { $nbUsers = sizeof($u) - 1; } return $nbUsers; } */ // Utilisateur du ldap qui n'est pas dans la table utilisateurs // => il a donc le role "Utilisateur" PAR DEFAUT private function _getTheFakeLdapUser() { return [ 'login' => '_fake_ldap_user_', //'pass' => '_fake_ldap_user_pass' 'pass' => '$2y$10$Vx8E8VirQGnoLYpn7qqNAO4UhTJMyrUVCzkcy0Obh3ceABuxMxk.q' ]; } // @return user from DB user table whith login = $userLogin (or NULL) //private function _getUserFromDBByLogin) { private function _getCachedUserByLogin($userLogin) { //debug($userLogin); exit; //$ldapUser = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Users')->find() return $this->usersTable->find() ->where([ 'username' => $userLogin ]) ->first(); } /** * @return boolean * - FALSE if cache is up to date * - TRUE if cache is expired (outdated or NULL) */ private function _ldapCacheIsExpired() { if (is_null($this->CONF->ldap_cache_last_update)) return TRUE; /* About strtotime("") : * - forward slash (/) signifies American M/D/Y formatting => strtotime("11/12/10") * - a dash (-) signifies European D-M-Y => strtotime("11-12-10")) * - a period (.) signifies ISO Y.M.D. => strtotime("11.12.10") */ $date_now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); ####$this->mydebugmsg("now :".$date_now); $date_now = new \DateTime($date_now); $date_cached = $this->CONF->ldap_cache_last_update; // Pourquoi j'ai pas les secondes qui s'affichent ???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ####$this->mydebugmsg("cached :".$date_cached); /* bugfixing $date_cached pour Inventirap (IRAP) (php5 ou vieux mysql ou pb de config ???) : * Inventirap affiche l'année sur 2 chiffres : 'cached :05/06/19 15:36' * Ma version perso affiche l'année sur 4 chiffres : 'cached :05/06/2019 15:36' * => Il faut donc remettre l'année sur 4 chiffres si besoin */ //$date_cached='05/06/19 15:36'; //$this->mydebugmsg("cached :".$date_cached); // '05/06/19 15:36' (if wrong format) if ( strpos($date_cached,'/') !== FALSE ) { $year = substr(strrchr($date_cached, '/'), 0,4); // '/19 ' ou '/201' if (substr($year,-1) == ' ') //$year = '20'.substr($y,1,2); // '2019' $date_cached = substr($date_cached,0,6)."20".substr($year,1,2).substr($date_cached,8); // '05/06/19 15:36'; } ####$this->mydebugmsg("cached2 :".$date_cached); $date_cached = \DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y H:i',$date_cached); //debug("now :".$date_now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ); //debug("cached :".$date_cached->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ); ####$this->mydebugmsg("Temps écoulé depuis last save:"); $this->mydebugmsg($date_now->diff($date_cached)->format('%i mn %s sec')); $date_cached->add(new \DateInterval('PT'.$this->CONF->ldap_cache_validity_duration.'M')); ####$this->mydebugmsg("date_cached (added) :".$date_cached->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ); /* $date_now = $date_now->getTimestamp(); $date_cached = $date_cached->getTimestamp(); debug("now :".$date_now); debug("cached :".$date_cached); $date_now = strtotime($date_now); $date_cached = strtotime($date_cached); debug("now :". date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date_now)); debug("cached :". date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date_cached)); //debug($this->CONF->ldap_cache_last_update ." plus ".$this->CONF->ldap_cache_validity_duration." minutes < $now ?"); debug($date_cached ." plus ".$this->CONF->ldap_cache_validity_duration." minutes < $date_now ?"); $last_save_date_plus_delay = strtotime( "+".$this->CONF->ldap_cache_validity_duration." minutes", strtotime($this->CONF->ldap_cache_last_update) ); */ //debug("decalage ?"); //debug($date_cached < $date_now); // TEST /* $now = new \DateTime("2019-05-29 15:32:00"); debug("now :".$now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ); $d = $this->CONF->ldap_cache_last_update; $d = \DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y H:i',$d); debug("d :".$d->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ); $d->add(new \DateInterval('PT1M')); debug("d :".$d->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ); debug($d > $now); $d->sub(new \DateInterval('PT2M')); debug("d :".$d->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ); debug($d < $now); $d->add(new \DateInterval('PT1M')); debug("d :".$d->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ); debug($d == $now); */ ####$this->mydebugmsg("expired ?"); $this->mydebugmsg($date_cached < $date_now); return ($date_cached < $date_now); //return TRUE; } private function _updateUserPassword($userId, $newPwd) { $query = $this->usersTable->query(); $query->update() ->set(['password' => $newPwd]) ->where(['id' => $userId]) ->execute(); } private function _isUserAlreadyCachedForLogin(array $user_login) { //debug($user_logged); //$user_login = $this->_getUserLogin($user_logged); return $this->_getCachedUserByLogin($user_login) !== null; } private function _getUserLogin(array $user) { return $user[$this->authenticationType][0]; } // Return true if logged user $user_logged is exactly same user as cached user $user_cached private function _isExactSameUser($userFromLDAP,$user_cached) { $BOURRIN=false; //$this->mydebugmsg("user already exists => update it"); // Same email ? if ( isset($userFromLDAP['mail']) && ( $BOURRIN || ($user_cached->email != $userFromLDAP['mail'][0]) ) ) return false; // Same name AND firstname ? if ( ( isset($userFromLDAP['sn']) && isset($userFromLDAP['givenname']) ) && strtolower($user_cached->nom) != strtolower( $userFromLDAP['sn'][0].' '.$userFromLDAP['givenname'][0] ) ) return false; // SAME user return true; } private function _addNewUserInCacheFromLdapUser($userFromLDAP) { $this->usersTable->save($this->_getLDAPuserFormattedAsDB($userFromLDAP)); ####$this->mydebugmsg("added new user"); $this->mydebugmsg($userFromLDAP); } private function _updateChangedUserInCacheFromLdapUser($userFromLDAP, $user_cached) { $user_cached->email = $userFromLDAP['mail'][0]; // Tant qu'on y est, on met aussi à jour le nom et prenom $user_cached->nom = $userFromLDAP['sn'][0].' '.$userFromLDAP['givenname'][0]; $this->usersTable->save($user_cached); ####$this->mydebugmsg("updated changed user"); $this->mydebugmsg($userFromLDAP); } /* * UPDATE users CACHE * (save all (fake)LDAP users into "users" db table) * ONLY if necessary */ //private function _updateLdapCacheIfNeeded() { private function _updateUsersCacheIfNeeded(array $user_logged = null) { /* $user_logged looks like this (from fakeLDAP) : [ 'sn' => [ (int) 0 => 'SuperAdmin' ], 'mail' => [ (int) 0 => 'superadmin@emailnew.com' ], 'givenname' => [ (int) 0 => 'Stephane' ], 'uid' => [ (int) 0 => 'superadminnew' ], 'userpassword' => [ (int) 0 => '$2y$10$LZzpws3oDidBcqO/Fy1RTedLLk3ENTmplny5J7bZ6R1PqFoGOw3Ma' ] ] */ // Si cache pas activé => return //debug("C1"); //if (!LDAP_CACHE_ALWAYS_ON && !$this->CONF->ldap_cached) return; /* TODO: EP 22/12/2022 DEAC Je désactive cette ligne car on est bien OBLIGÉ d'utiliser un cache Puisqu'on va toujours chercher la liste des users dans la table users ET que c'est dans cette table qu'on trouve leurs rolez !!! if (! $this->CONF->ldap_cached) return; */ # # 1) ADD or UPDATE user $user_logged (if not null), only if NEW or CHANGED # if ($user_logged) { //$user_cached = $this->_getUserCachedForUserLogged($user_logged); $user_cached = $this->_getCachedUserByLogin($this->_getUserLogin($user_logged)); // NEW user ? if (is_null($user_cached)) $this->_addNewUserInCacheFromLdapUser($user_logged); // Existing user but CHANGED ? elseif ( ! $this->_isExactSameUser($user_logged,$user_cached) ) $this->_updateChangedUserInCacheFromLdapUser($user_logged, $user_cached); // UPDATE THIS user in CACHE (users table) } # # 2) Update all users, only if CACHE expired # if (! $this->_ldapCacheIsExpired()) return; #DEBUG && debug("NEW User (pas dans DB users table)"); // Get all users from (fake)LDAP $usersFromLDAP = $this->_getAllUsersFromLDAP(); // LDAP should return at least some users, otherwise ERROR assert(!empty($usersFromLDAP)); // Get all users from DB $users_cached = $this->_getAllUsersFromDB(FALSE); // Add new(fake)ldap users (only) and update existing users foreach ($usersFromLDAP as $userFromLDAP) { //$this->mydebugmsg("current user is ".$userFromLDAP['uid'][0]); ////$this->mydebugmsg("current user is ".$userFromLDAP[$this->authenticationType][0]); // Si utilisateur mal formé (pas de nom, pas de login, pas de mail) => ne pas l'enregistrer, passer au suivant if ( ( // pas de champ login !isset($userFromLDAP[$this->authenticationType]) || !isset($userFromLDAP[$this->authenticationType][0]) || $userFromLDAP[$this->authenticationType][0]=='' ) || ( // pas de champ sn !isset($userFromLDAP['sn']) || !isset($userFromLDAP['sn'][0]) || $userFromLDAP['sn'][0]=='' ) ) { $this->mydebugmsg("Utilisateur LDAP mal formé => je ne le stocke pas"); continue; } //$userFromLDAPLogin = $userFromLDAP[$this->authenticationType][0]; $userFromLDAPLogin = $this->_getUserLogin($userFromLDAP); // (EP 5/6/19 : on n'a pas accès au password stocké dans le ldap, on ne peut donc pas le stocker dans le cache) //$currentLdapUserPwd = $userFromLDAP['userpassword'][0]; //$this->mydebugmsg("current user is ".$currentLdapUserLogin); // Do not save fake ldap user in DB if ($userFromLDAPLogin == '_fake_ldap_user_') continue; $user_cached = $this->_getCachedUserByLogin($userFromLDAPLogin); // (1) NEW user ? => ADD if (is_null($user_cached)) $this->_addNewUserInCacheFromLdapUser($userFromLDAP); // (2) Existing user but CHANGED ? => UPDATE elseif ( ! $this->_isExactSameUser($userFromLDAP,$user_cached) ) $this->_updateChangedUserInCacheFromLdapUser($userFromLDAP, $user_cached); } // (3) DELETE old users (which are no more in LDAP) // dangereux, et faire attention de ne pas supprimer le user superadmin ldap créé au début du projet... //$DO_DELETE = false; $DO_DELETE = true; // - Select only the login (['uid']) column $usersFromLDAPLogins = array_column($usersFromLDAP, $this->authenticationType); ####$this->mydebugmsg($usersFromLDAPLogins); /* * Avec LDAP IRAP, on obtient pour $usersFromLDAPLogins, 0 à 439 (440 users) : [ (int) 0 => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'chillembrand' ], (int) 1 => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'ablanchard' ], (int) 2 => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'ahui-bon-hoa' ], (int) 3 => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'jatteia' ], ... ] */ // - Select only the [0] column $usersFromLDAPLogins = array_column($usersFromLDAPLogins, 0); ####$this->mydebugmsg($usersFromLDAPLogins); /* * Avec LDAP IRAP, on obtient pour $usersFromLDAPLogins, 0 à 439 (440 users) : [ [0]=> string(12) "chillembrand" [1]=> string(10) "ablanchard" [2]=> string(12) "ahui-bon-hoa" [3]=> string(7) "jatteia" ... ] */ foreach ($users_cached as $user_cached) { /* debug("DELETE"); debug("look for $userFromDB->username"); debug("in "); */ //debug($usersFromLDAP); //$usersFromLDAPLogins = array_column($usersFromLDAP, 'uid'); if (! in_array($user_cached->username, $usersFromLDAPLogins)) { // (6/6/19) 3 users found (superadmin, imoro, mimelhaine) ####$this->mydebugmsg("OLD user should be deleted:"); $this->mydebugmsg($user_cached->username); #$this->mydebugmsg($user_cached); $DO_DELETE && $this->usersTable->delete($user_cached); } } // Update LDAP cache last update time (= NOW) $this->CONF->ldap_cache_last_update = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // 2019-05-28 03:25:34 $this->configurationsTable->save($this->CONF); DEBUG && debug("CACHE (table users) mis à jour"); //exit; } // _updateUsersCacheIfNeeded() /* // REAL LDAP only // from DB ==> to LDAP // @return: ldap user if ok (else FALSE) //private function checkAndFetchLDAPUserFromDB($user_login, $user_password) { private function _getLdapUserFromDB($user_login) { // Doit aussi return false si ce user_login est "périmé" (sa date "created" est > 2 mois par exemple), // ce qui obligera à relire ses données dans le LDAP et donc se mettre à jour //if (! $this->LDAP_CACHED) return FALSE; // If LDAP cache (in users table) is expired, update it (save again ldap into DB) //if ($this->_ldapCacheIsExpired()) $this->_updateLdapCache(); $this->_updateUsersCacheIfNeeded(); // 1) Search user in DB $ldapUser = $this->_getUserFromDBByCachedLogir_login); /S $ldapUser = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Users')->find() ->where([ 'username' => $user_login ]) ->first(); S/ // User not found => fail if (is_null($ldapUser)) return FALSE; /S // 2) Check password // Bad password => fail if ( ! (new DefaultPasswordHasher())->check($user_password,$ldapUser['userpassword'][0]) ) return FALSE; // User found and password ok => return it S/ // User found ok => return it formatted as ldap return $this->_getDBuserFormattedAsLDAP($ldapUser); } */ /* (EP202102) inutile car il ne faut pas sauver (cacher) uniquement CE user, mais TOUS les users du (fake)ldap // from (fake)LDAP ==> to DB // SAVE new user in DB private function _saveNewUserInDB($user_from_LDAP) { if (! $this->CONF->ldap_cached) return TRUE; // 1) Format LDAP user as for DB $user_from_LDAP_formatted_as_DB = $this->_getLDAPuserFormattedAsDB($user_from_LDAP); // 2) Save DB formatted user into DB $usersTable = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Users'); if ( ! $usersTable->save($user_from_LDAP_formatted_as_DB, [ //'checkRules' => false, 'checkExisting' => TRUE ])) return FALSE; // user has been saved (cached) ok return TRUE; } */ // REAL LDAP only // SEARCH en 4 étapes //private function _ldapSearch($filter, $just_these, $user_login=NULL, $user_password=NULL) { private function _ldapSearch($filter, $just_these) { // (1) CONNEXION // Pour faire du ldaps : entrer 'ldaps://' devant $this->host $ldapConnection = ldap_connect($this->host, $this->port) or die("Impossible de se connecter au serveur ldap $this->host:$this->port"); // (2) SET OPTIONS ldap_set_option($ldapConnection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3) or die("Impossible de positionner l'option LDAP LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION=".LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION.", 3"); // (3) BINDING simple // Signature de ldap_bind : ($link_identifier, $bind_rdn = null, $bind_password = null) // => return bool true on success or false on failure if ($this->ldap_authentified) // - ldap authentifié => binding authentifié $ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ldapConnection, $this->bindDn, $this->bindPass); else // - ldap anonyme => binding anonyme $ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ldapConnection); if (! $ldapbind) { die("Impossible de faire un BIND simple sur le serveur ldap " . $this->ldap_authentified ? "(mode authentifié) !" : "(mode anonyme) !"); } // (4) SEARCH : Recherche d'infos (sur le user qui se connecte, ou bien sur tous les users) // $filter = "(&".$this->filter."(".$this->authenticationType . '=' . $user_login."))"; // ex: (&(compteinfo=Oui)(uid=epallier)) $results = ldap_search($ldapConnection, $this->baseDn, $filter, $just_these) or die("Impossible de faire une recherche sur le serveur LDAP, réponse: " . ldap_error($ldapConnection) ); $search = ldap_get_entries($ldapConnection, $results); //echo $results["count"]." entries returned\n"; if ($search === FALSE) die("Impossible de récupérer les attributs utilisateur(s) du serveur LDAP, réponse: " . ldap_error($ldapConnection) ); //return $search[0]; return $search; } // _ldapSearch() private function _ldapAuth($user, $password) { $ldapConnection = ldap_connect($this->host, $this->port) or die("Impossible de se connecter au serveur ldap $this->host:$this->port"); ldap_set_option($ldapConnection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3) or die("Impossible de positionner l'option LDAP LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION=".LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION.", 3"); $ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ldapConnection, $user, $password); if ($ldapbind) return TRUE; return FALSE; } private function _ldapAuthenticationREAL($user_login, $user_password) { // No connexion allowed without password if (strlen(trim($user_password)) == 0) return FALSE; /* // TODO: optimisation possible // 1) Search user in CACHE (DB) $user_fetched = $this->checkAndFetchLDAPUserFromDB($user_login, $user_password); $this->mydebugmsg("(1) user found in DB is:"); $this->mydebugmsg($user_fetched); //TODO: A VIRER !!! //$user_fetched = FALSE; // 2) If not CACHED, search user in LDAP if ($user_fetched === FALSE) { */ //$user_fetched = $this->checkAndFetchUserFromLdap($user_login, $user_password); $just_these = []; // TODO: vérifier si cette ligne est bien utile ou pas... (avant on faisait ça) //if (! $this->ldap_authentified) $just_these = array("cn"); // Construction du filtre avec le filtre de la base de données avec un & sur le login de l'utilisateur // Si aucun filtre n'est défini dans la base de données on aura juste (& ($this->authenticationType=$user_login)) // ex: "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=cn=ucbl.osu.cral,ou=groups,ou=27,ou=sim,ou=univ-lyon1,dc=univ-lyon1,dc=fr)(sAMAccountName=$user_login))"; $filter = '(&'.$this->filter.'('.$this->authenticationType.'='.$user_login.'))'; //TODO: optimisation, refactoriser si comportement général //$binddn .= ','.$this->baseDn; //$user_fetched = $this->_ldapSearch($filter, $just_these, $user_login, $user_password); $user_fetched = $this->_ldapSearch($filter, $just_these); //$this->mydebugmsg("(1) user found in LDAP is:"); //$this->mydebugmsg($user_fetched); //$this->mydebugmsg($user_fetched[0]); if ($user_fetched['count'] != 0) { $user_fetched = $user_fetched[0]; if ($this->_ldapAuth($user_fetched["dn"], $user_password)) { // CACHE the new user in DB for next time ///$this->_saveNewUserInDB($user_fetched[0]); // CACHE ALL ldap users ####$this->_updateUsersCacheIfNeeded($user_fetched); // return logged user (authentified) return $user_fetched; } //return null; //return FALSE; } return FALSE; //return $user_fetched; // Noter que $user_fetched peut etre egal a FALSE (si pas trouvé) } private function _ldapAuthenticationFAKE($user_login, $user_password) { //debug($this->baseDn); $user_fetched = $this->getFakeLdapUser($user_login); /* debug($this->fakeLDAPUsers); debug($user_login); debug($user_password); debug($user_fetched); exit; */ ####$this->mydebugmsg("(1) user found in FAKE LDAP is:"); $this->mydebugmsg($user_fetched); /* Voici un exemple de ce qui est dans $user_fetched (fake ldap) : [ 'sn' => [ (int) 0 => 'Pallier' ], 'mail' => [ (int) 0 => 'Etienne.Pallier@irap.omp.eu' ], 'givenname' => [ (int) 0 => 'Etienne' ], 'uid' => [ (int) 0 => 'epallier' ], 'userpassword' => [ (int) 0 => '' ] ] */ // debug($user); //if ($user === false) return FALSE; if ($user_fetched !== false) { /* $user_fetched looks like this (from fakeLDAP) : [ 'sn' => [ (int) 0 => 'SuperAdmin' ], 'mail' => [ (int) 0 => 'superadmin@emailnew.com' ], 'givenname' => [ (int) 0 => 'Stephane' ], 'uid' => [ (int) 0 => 'superadminnew' ], 'userpassword' => [ (int) 0 => '$2y$10$LZzpws3oDidBcqO/Fy1RTedLLk3ENTmplny5J7bZ6R1PqFoGOw3Ma' ] ] */ // $this->authenticationType peut valoir "uid" ou "cn"... (par défaut "uid" pour le fake ldap, à confirmer...) // if ($user['uid'][0] == "_NouvelUtilisateur_username" && $user['userpassword'][0] == "_NouvelUtilisateur_password") return $user; // if ($user[$this->authenticationType][0] == "_NouvelUtilisateur_username" && $user['userpassword'][0] == "_NouvelUtilisateur_password") return $user; /* EP 23/12/22 On n'utilise plus ça * // Est-ce le user FAKE LDAP par defaut (_fake_ldap_user_) ? si oui, on le laisse passer //if ($user_fetched[$this->authenticationType][0] == $this->_getTheFakeLdapUser()['login'] && $user_fetched['userpassword'][0] == $this->_getTheFakeLdapUser()['pass']) if ($user_fetched[DEFAULT_AUTH_TYPE][0] == $this->_getTheFakeLdapUser()['login'] && $user_fetched['userpassword'][0] == $this->_getTheFakeLdapUser()['pass']) return $user_fetched; */ /* debug("user_password = ".$user_password); debug("user found in db is "); debug($user_fetched); debug($user_fetched['userpassword'][0]); debug($user_fetched['userpassword'][0]); exit; */ // Sinon, on regarde si c'est un user de la table fakeldapusers if ( (new DefaultPasswordHasher())->check($user_password,$user_fetched['userpassword'][0]) ) { ####$this->_updateUsersCacheIfNeeded($user_fetched); return $user_fetched; } } // Ce login n'existe pas, ou alors il y a eu un problème sur fake ldap return FALSE; // END FAKE_LDAP // On met à jour le cache des users (si nécessaire) //if ($user_fetched !== FALSE) $this->_updateUsersCacheIfNeeded($user_fetched); // Retourne le user authentifié ou bien FALSE //return $user_fetched; } // MAIN ENTRY POINT of this class /* * @param string $user_login * @param string $user_password * @return logged user LDAP attributes (FALSE if user not found in LDAP) */ public function ldapAuthentication($user_login, $user_password) { // Bad configuration => FAIL if (! $this->_checkAndGetConfiguration()) return FALSE; // Par défaut, on retourne FALSE (échec de connexion) //$user_fetched = FALSE; // (EP 5/6/19 : on n'a pas accès au password stocké dans le ldap, on ne peut donc pas le stocker dans le cache) # # 1 - REAL LDAP # if ($this->LDAP_USED) try { $user_fetched = $this->_ldapAuthenticationREAL($user_login, $user_password); } catch (Exception $e) { //echo 'Exception LDAP : ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; debug('Exception LDAP : '); debug($e->getMessage()); exit; } // REAL LDAP # # 2 - FAKE LDAP used # else $user_fetched = $this->_ldapAuthenticationFAKE($user_login, $user_password); if ($user_fetched !== FALSE) // Update Users cache if needed (especially for the logged user) $this->_updateUsersCacheIfNeeded($user_fetched); return $user_fetched; } // ldapAuthentication() /* Voici un exemple de ce qui est dans $user_fetched[0] (structure LDAP IRAP) : // ce qui est retourné par le fake ldap (imitation bien faite non ?) [ 'sn' => [ (int) 0 => 'Pallier' ], 'mail' => [ (int) 0 => 'Etienne.Pallier@irap.omp.eu' ], 'givenname' => [ (int) 0 => 'Etienne' ], 'uid' => [ (int) 0 => 'epallier' ], 'userpassword' => [ (int) 0 => '' ] ] // VRAI LDAP, juste un extrait utile : [ 'sn' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'Pallier' ], (int) 14 => 'sn', 'givenname' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'Etienne' ], ] // VRAI LDAP, au complet : [ 'cn' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'Etienne Pallier' ], (int) 0 => 'cn', 'homedirectory' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => '/home/epallier' ], (int) 1 => 'homedirectory', 'uidnumber' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => '20172' ], (int) 2 => 'uidnumber', 'objectclass' => [ 'count' => (int) 9, (int) 0 => 'top', (int) 1 => 'person', (int) 2 => 'organizationalPerson', (int) 3 => 'inetOrgPerson', (int) 4 => 'posixAccount', (int) 5 => 'shadowAccount', (int) 6 => 'irap', (int) 7 => 'hostObject', (int) 8 => 'sambaSamAccount' ], (int) 3 => 'objectclass', 'sambasid' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'S-1-5-21-3149873848-2002230563-1027543705-41344' ], (int) 4 => 'sambasid', 'mail' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'Etienne.Pallier@irap.omp.eu' ], (int) 5 => 'mail', 'olddn' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'uid=pallier,ou=users,ou=laboratoire,dc=cesr,dc=fr' ], (int) 6 => 'olddn', 'userpassword' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => '{SASL}epallier@IRAP.OMP.EU' ], (int) 7 => 'userpassword', 'sambantpassword' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'ED9A0ECE0C6C7560A8DDF6A23B2C7C36' ], (int) 8 => 'sambantpassword', 'sambapwdlastset' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => '1317291687' ], (int) 9 => 'sambapwdlastset', 'loginshell' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => '/bin/bash' ], (int) 10 => 'loginshell', 'shadowexpire' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => '-1' ], (int) 11 => 'shadowexpire', 'host' => [ 'count' => (int) 3, (int) 0 => 'gitlab1.irap.omp.eu', (int) 1 => 'gw.irap.omp.eu', (int) 2 => 'version2.irap.omp.eu' ], (int) 12 => 'host', 'uid' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'epallier' ], (int) 13 => 'uid', 'sn' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'Pallier' ], (int) 14 => 'sn', 'givenname' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'Etienne' ], (int) 15 => 'givenname', 'gecos' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'Etienne.Pallier' ], (int) 16 => 'gecos', 'gidnumber' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => '2001' ], (int) 17 => 'gidnumber', 'tagmail' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'Oui' ], (int) 18 => 'tagmail', 'compteinfo' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'Oui' ], (int) 19 => 'compteinfo', 'arrivaldate' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => '01/01/1933' ], (int) 20 => 'arrivaldate', 'birthday' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => '07/08/1968' ], (int) 21 => 'birthday', 'telephonenumber' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => '0561556648' ], (int) 22 => 'telephonenumber', 'roomnumber' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'J039' ], (int) 23 => 'roomnumber', 'mailperso' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'N/A' ], (int) 24 => 'mailperso', 'title' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'M' ], (int) 25 => 'title', 'site' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'Roche' ], (int) 26 => 'site', 'manager' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'uid=mgiard,ou=users,dc=irap,dc=omp,dc=eu' ], (int) 27 => 'manager', 'statut1' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'ITA' ], (int) 28 => 'statut1', 'o' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'UPS' ], (int) 29 => 'o', 'gt1' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'PEPS' ], (int) 30 => 'gt1', 'gt2' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'GAHEC' ], (int) 31 => 'gt2', 'statut2' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'GT2I' ], (int) 32 => 'statut2', 'affichageannuaire' => [ 'count' => (int) 1, (int) 0 => 'Oui' ], (int) 33 => 'affichageannuaire', 'count' => (int) 34, 'dn' => 'uid=epallier,ou=users,dc=irap,dc=omp,dc=eu' ] */ } // fin de class LdapConnectionsTable ?>