This documentation is on completion. Some images don't match exactly the soft and some functionnalities may have the same problem too.
Some comments are in the Release file if you can't do, in the soft, some operations you want to.
Some images are not actualized with the distributed version but they will soon.
And images will be displayed in orginal size too.
The first action to begin a project, is to select a workspace.
You can click on the first button of the toolBar
You can also open an existing project.
Projects are stored in XML format file.
You can click on the second button of the toolBar
Select the menu "Project",
and then click on "Open" sub-menu item.
A file chooser dialog window is opened, allowing you to choose the existing file describing your project. |
The project can be saved using the third button of the toolBar | |
Or selecting the "Save" option of the "Project" menu |
The name of the project must be filled in the next window |
Display settings of the instrument.
This function is not yet implemented. There is no effects in the soft
Load an image from a local file.
The first method to load an image is to open a FITS file located on your personal computer.
Select the menu "Image",
then "Load From"
and click on "Local File" sub-menu item. |
A file chooser dialog window is opened, allowing you to browse your disks
and find your favorite FITS file.
When your file is selected, press the "OPEN" button to watch your image on the display. |
Load an image from an image server.
The second method to load an image is to open a FITS file
from an image server.
or Select the menu "Image",
then "Load From"
and click on "Image Server" sub-menu item.
A catalog navigator window is opened, allowing you to browse catalogs. When you click on your favorite, the query panel appears on the right. |
First, fill the name of the object or give an alpha delta position. Then don't forget to put width and height of your image and click on the "Query" button. |
This will send a request and a loading window will be displayed |
Repeat the process until you find the good one, then use the "Close" button
to close the window.
The last selected image is still loaded on the display.
Once your image choosen, it's added in the left side, under the field of view tree. |
You can add several images in the project following this procedures.
Then you can work on different images selecting it on this field of view tree.
Move and Zoom on the Field Of View (FoV)
When your image is displayed you can move and zoom on the Field of View. |
To move your image :
To zoom in or out : [**]
You can change colors of the image display, using the menu Image, then Edit colors. |
Or double clicking on the
image colorbar
on the right, open the "Image Colors" dialog window. |
Change cut levels of the display
To change the cut levels of the current image, click on the menu Image, then on the sub-menu Edit Cut Levels. The cut levels window dialog is open. |
It's possible to add objects over the current image by loading from catalogs or manually.
From catalogs.
To choose objects from catalog, click on the sub-menu item from Catalog.
This will open a the same window as to load an image from catalogs, but with the objects catalogs list.
Once the catalog choosen, the image properties will be displayed in the query panel.
Click on Query button will bring the objects list in the botton panel
You can sort objects by their parameters clicking on the title of the column. Also, with a selection of lines, and right-click, you can delete some objects. This way, they will be unploted in display and not imported when the window will be closed. | |
------------------------- |
When your selection is ready, clic on the Add Objects and Close button
at the bottom of the dialog window. |
This add the selected objects and some of their characteristics in the simulator. |
Add Objects manually.
To add an object manually, choose the sub-menu item Add Objects Manually in the
Object menu.
Or you can right-click in the image display, a sub-menu "Add object" appears.
All these choices open a pick Objects dialog window. Put the mouse on your favorite object in the display window. The object appears in the zoom panel of the dialog window, as well all its characteristics as in the image statistics panel. |
When you want to add the object just click on it. A cross will be displayed on the object, either in the zoom of the pick window,and on the image display. The object is added to the sky object list at the bottom of the main window. You can add as many objects you want. When you finish, you just close the pick window. |
When objects are loaded by catalog, it's possible that the centroid is not good enought. It can be recaculated. |
You put the mouse on the object, clic-right, and choose the "recalculate Centroid" option. |
The cross displayed on image will turn light-green, and in the bottom array, recalcul is mentionned in the calaog column, and the new centroid value displayed in columns forward. |
Recalcul Centroid for all Objects.
After loading by catalogs, sometimes all objects need recalculation.
You can do that with the "Object" menu option, and the "Recalcul centroid for all objects " sub-item. |
The informations will be changed in the bottom array and the objects will be plotted (better) with green cross. |
Remove Object manually.
Removing an object is possible : You right-click in the image display, on the selected object.
A sub-menu will appears.
it will erase the cross in the display and the correspondant line in the bottom array. |
You can add several masks on an image. Select the menu "Mask",
and click on "Add on current Image" sub-menu item. |
A new mask is added in the left side, under the image name node
with a default name. You can add several masks in the project following this procedures, then you can work on different masks selecting it on the field of view tree. The coordinates of the mask center appears on the "Selected Mask Properties" panel. The mask is also overplotted on the image display. All slits are centered and opened to 0.6 arcsec by default. The selected slit is plotted in green and by default, it's the number 1. Slits characteristics are mentionned in the "Selected Slit Properties" panel. |
Move and Turn the selected mask
When your mask is added on your image display, you can move and/or turn it on the image. |
There is two methods to move the selected mask :
Press the mouse on the mask and drag it through the image. |
To turn the mask, methods are the same :
Press the mouse on the mask and drag it to change the angle. You can also change the angle directly on the "Selected Mask Properties". The coordinates of the mask center appears on the "Selected Mask Properties" panel. |
Clicking-right on the mouse where you're positionned on an object, a popup menu appears. This allows to manage the selected object. |
As you click on the mouse menu option "is reference" when you are on an object, |
It will change the cross symbol in a blue square on the image, and a sign is added in the reference column in the bottom array. |
Select a Slit and its properties
To select a slit, check the slit number with the
Slit selector,
And then slit will be selected (in green) and its characteristics will be displayed in the slit properties panel , |
Assign an object to a slit
When the Object is selected, you can assign the closest slit to the object with 2 methods :
1 - Right-click on the mouse and then choose the Assign to Slit option. |
2 - Or, on the mask, you can double-click on the approximate position you want for the slit.
It will be positionned and after, you can adjust its parameters with the
the slit properties panel , and with the help of the "go and zoom" button.
Join contiguous slits.
You can join slits or by menu, or with mouse selection :
By menu : click on the Slit menu and then Join slits sub-item.
Enter the number of the first slit and the numbers of the last slit you want to join, and the slit reference position value that you want for all. |
The result : |
Split contiguous slits.
To split joined-slits, the methods are the same than to join.
You can click on the Slit menu then Split slits.
The same control panel appears but to split. Select the first and the last number of the slits. |
Or you can select the slits with the mouse and make appear the panel to split. | |
The result : Attention, the slits positions stay at the position defined before split. |
Undo some moves.
It's possible to undo somes moves.
The Undo button is activated when it's possible.
It concerne masks moves, turn and move, and slits corrections.
Plot the spectra over the image.
The spectrum of the selected Slit or all the spectra could be displayed over the mask,
to watch the extends.( Not yet good curvature ) Click on the menu Display Then select the appropriate plot option. |
When you selected All spectra : |
Search automatically slits positions.
This search method propose severals mask positions. It take calculations from the center of the position of the field of view. It tests several angles with the objects in the field of view, and optimizes the slits positions for them. It's not on all the image and with all the objects. But you can run several testes from different situations in field of view. There is a search window, with a progress bar which is displayed during calculations. The ratio displayed aside the calculated mask is the number of objects in slits in the mask over the total number of objects loaded.
To lauch the research, click on the Search button. The search window is displayed. This window must be closed after calculations to display the mask solutions. |
After a small time, depending on the number of object in the sky object list, the tenth better masks are added to the list of masks.
Some examples :
Result 1:
Validate and/or Write a mask.
After all manipulations, masks can be validated and saved.
For this, you select the Validate button.
Once you've got enought reference objects and all requierements completed, you can validate the mask.
You will have a confirmation message that says the mask is validated.
At this point, the procedure is the same if you have clicked on the write button.
When you do that, the example generated xml file:
Reload a Mask.
To be completed
A written file of mask can be re-load.
With the Mask menu option, you can choose Load a mask.
A file chooser will be opened, and a file can be choosen.
The mask properties will be tested to verify it's in the image and after that, it will be loaded.