{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Request an estimation of your travel footprint{% endblock %} {% block hero %}

{{ content.estimate.hero.title | safe }}

{{ content.estimate.hero.description | markdown | safe }}

{% endblock %} {#############################################################################} {# MACROS ######################################################################} {% macro render_field(field) %}
{{ field.label }} {% if not field.flags.optional %} * {% endif %}
{{ field(title=field.description, class_="form-control", **kwargs) | safe }} {% if field.errors -%} {%- endif %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro render_checkbox(field) %} {{ field(class="form-check-input") }} {{ field.label( class="form-check-label", title=field.description ) }} {% if field.errors -%}

{{ field.errors[0] | safe }}

{%- endif %} {% endmacro %} {#############################################################################} {# BODY ######################################################################} {% block body %}
{{ form.hidden_tag() }} {#
#} {# {{ render_field(form.email) }}#} {# We will never share your email with anyone.#} {#
{{ render_field(form.first_name) }} Fill these to say hello.
{{ render_field(form.last_name) }} We will never share your data with anyone.
{{ render_field(form.institution) }}
{{ render_field(form.origin_addresses) }} Use en_US city and country names, without diacritics.   The comma matters.
These usually are the addresses of your participants.
{{ render_field(form.destination_addresses) }} Provide multiple destinations to compare them and compute optimum.
These usually are the possible locations for an event.
#} {# {{ render_checkbox(form.compute_optimal_destination) }}#} {#
#} {#
#} {# {{ render_checkbox(form.use_atmosfair_rfi) }}#} {# Disabled. Work in Progress. RFI=1.9#} {#
Emission Models to consider
{% for model in models %}
{{ render_checkbox(form['use_model_'~model.slug]) }}
{% endfor %}
We will use a mean of the selected models.   Please select at least one.
{{ render_field(form.comment) }}
{% endblock %} {% block js %} {% endblock %}