{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Estimation {{ estimation.public_id }} of your ✈ travel footprint{% endblock %} {% block hero %}
{% if estimation.has_failed() %}

{{ content.estimation.failure.hero.title | safe }}

{{ content.estimation.failure.hero.description | markdown | safe }}

{% else %}

{{ content.estimation.hero.title | safe }}

{{ content.estimation.hero.description | markdown | safe }}

{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% macro render_cities(cities) %} {% endmacro %} {% block body %}

{{ estimation.public_id }} ({{ estimation.status.name }})

{% if estimation.errors %}


{{ estimation.errors }}
{% endif %}
Using {% for model in estimation.get_models() %} {{ model.name }}{{ ',' if not loop.last }} {% endfor %} {#

Total CO2 footprint (in kilograms-equivalent) of each city

#} {#
#} {#

A Legend here


{% if not estimation.has_failed() %} {#{% set estimation_output = estimation.get_output_dict() %}#}
{% if estimation.is_one_to_one() %} {{ content.estimation.lolliplot.one_to_one | markdown | safe }} {#

#} {# For each destination city, the sum of the travels from all the origins.#} {#

#} {{ render_cities(estimation_output.cities) }} {% elif estimation.is_many_to_one() %} {{ content.estimation.lolliplot.many_to_one | markdown | safe }} {#

#} {# For each destination city, the sum of the travels from all the origins.#} {#

#} {{ render_cities(estimation_output.cities) }} {% elif estimation.is_one_to_many() %} {{ content.estimation.lolliplot.one_to_many | markdown | safe }} {{ render_cities(estimation_output.cities) }} {% elif estimation.is_many_to_many() %} {{ content.estimation.lolliplot.many_to_many | markdown | safe }} {#

#} {# Carbon footprint for each city.#} {#

#} {{ render_cities(estimation_output.cities) }} {% endif %}

{% if estimation.warnings %}


{{ estimation.warnings }}
{% endif %} {#
#} {#
#} {#

Raw Output (YAML)

#} {#
{#{{ estimation.output_yaml }}#}
#} {#
#} {#
#} {% endif %}{# estimation.has_failed() #} {% endblock %} {#############################################################################} {#############################################################################} {% block js %} {##} {##} {% endblock %}