// jQuery-free function draw_emissions_equidistant_map(containerSelector, worldDataUrl, emissionsDataUrl) { const EARTH_RADIUS = 6371000; // meters let margin = {top: 48, right: 88, bottom: 68, left: 98}, width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right, height = 540 - margin.top - margin.bottom; const baseAttendeeCircleRadius = 2; const legendAmount = 5; const baseAttendeeCircleRadiusRatio = 10.0; const baseAttendeeCircleColorRatio = 1500.0; let emissionsData = null; let worldData = null; let svg = null; let cartaContainer = null; let attendeesLayer = null; let geoPath = d3.geoPath(); let mapProjection = null; let center_latitude = 0.0; let center_longitude = 0.0; let projectionScale = 79.4188; // Per city let maxAttendeeAmount = 0; let maxFootprint = 0; // let coordinatesFromFile = null; // let geoJsonFromFile = null; // let attendeeAmountPerCountry = []; // let countryCoordinates = []; // let rotateForm = document.createElement("select"); // let processGeoJson = function (geojson, firstRead = true) { // geoJsonFromFile = geojson; // cartaContainer.selectAll("path") // .data(geojson.features) // .enter() // .append("path") // .attr("d", geoPath) // .style("fill", "#444444AA"); // if (firstRead) { // // Prepare country data // geojson.features.forEach((element) => { // let countryFound = false; // coordinatesFromFile.forEach((countryCoord) => { // if (countryFound) { // return; // } // if (countryCoord.country === element.properties.iso_a2 || countryCoord.country === element.properties.wb_a2) { // countryCoordinates.push({ // name: element.properties.name_long, // latitude: countryCoord.latitude, // longitude: countryCoord.longitude // }); // countryFound = true; // } // }); // if (!countryFound) { // console.log("missing country:" + element.properties.name_long + " by the alpha2:" + element.properties.iso_a2 + " or " + element.properties.wb_a2); // } // }); // // // Sort country data // function compare(a, b) { // if (a.name < b.name) { // return -1; // } // if (a.name > b.name) { // return 1; // } // return 0; // } // // countryCoordinates.sort(compare); // // Create Option Elements // countryCoordinates.forEach((element) => { // let option = document.createElement("option"); // option.text = element.name; // option.value = JSON.stringify([ // element.latitude, // element.longitude, // ]); // rotateForm.append(option); // }); // // Read actual data Sample // d3.csv(emissionsDataUrl, onEmissionsDatum) // .then(onEmissionsReady); // } // }; // let processCountryCoords = function (countryCoords) { // coordinatesFromFile = countryCoords; // if (geoJsonFromFile) { // processGeoJson(geoJsonFromFile, false); // onEmissionsReady(); // } else { // d3.json(worldDataUrl).then(processGeoJson); // } // let selector = containerSelector.slice(1, containerSelector.length); // document.getElementById(selector).insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", rotateForm); // rotateForm.onchange = function (event) { // const [latitude, longitude] = JSON.parse(rotateForm.value); // recenterOnLatLon(latitude, longitude); // // console.log(rotateForm.value); // cartaContainer.remove(); // cartaContainer = svg.append("g"); // processCountryCoords(coordinatesFromFile, false); // }; // // d3.select("svg").on("mousedown", function(event) { // // console.log(mapProjection.invert(d3.pointer(event))); // // }); // }; // const onEmissionsDatum = function (datum) { // let trainAttendee = parseInt(datum["train trips_amount"]); // let planeAttendee = parseInt(datum["plane trips_amount"]); // if (trainAttendee === 0 && planeAttendee === 0) { // return; // } // let attendeeAmount = trainAttendee + planeAttendee; // let distance_km = datum.distance_km / attendeeAmount; // let co2_kg = parseFloat(datum.co2_kg); // if (co2_kg === "NaN" || distance_km === "NaN") { // return; // } // let countryFound = false; // let countryName = datum["country"].slice(1, datum["country"].length); // attendeeAmountPerCountry.forEach((element) => { // if (element.country === countryName) { // element.attendeeAmount += attendeeAmount; // maxAttendeeAmount = Math.max(maxAttendeeAmount, element.attendeeAmount); // countryFound = true; // } // // }); // if (!countryFound) { // attendeeAmountPerCountry.push({ // country: countryName, // attendeeAmount: attendeeAmount // }); // maxAttendeeAmount = Math.max(maxAttendeeAmount, attendeeAmount); // } // }; const drawCircle = function (into, x, y, radius, color, className = "circle") { into.append("circle") .attr("class", className) .attr("cx", x) .attr("cy", y) .attr("r", radius) .style("fill", color) .style("stroke", "rgba(0,0,0,0.7)") .style("stroke-width", "1"); }; const setupLegend = function () { svg.append("rect") .attr("class", "legend") .attr("transform", "translate(" + 2 + "," + 2 + ")") .attr("width", 155) .attr("height", legendAmount * 34 + 15) .style("fill", "#EEEEEEFF") .style("stroke", "#000000") .style("stroke-width", "2"); svg.append("text") .attr("class", "legend") .attr("transform", "translate(" + 50 + " ," + (28) + ")") .style("text-anchor", "left") .text((1).toFixed(0) + " attendees"); let x = 10 + 20; let y = 25; let radius = baseAttendeeCircleRadius + (baseAttendeeCircleRadiusRatio / maxAttendeeAmount); let color = "rgba(" + (-(baseAttendeeCircleColorRatio / maxAttendeeAmount) + 255.0) + ", " + (-(baseAttendeeCircleColorRatio / maxAttendeeAmount) + 255.0) + ", 240, 0.7)"; drawCircle(svg, x, y, radius, color); for (let i = 1; i < legendAmount; i++) { svg.append("text") .attr("class", "legend") .attr("transform", "translate(" + 50 + " ," + (28 + 34 * i) + ")") .style("text-anchor", "left") .text((Math.floor(maxAttendeeAmount * (i / legendAmount))).toFixed(0) + " attendees"); let x = 10 + 20; let y = 25 + 34 * i; let radius = baseAttendeeCircleRadius + Math.sqrt(maxAttendeeAmount * (i / legendAmount)) * (baseAttendeeCircleRadiusRatio / maxAttendeeAmount); let color = "rgba(" + (-Math.sqrt(maxAttendeeAmount * (i / legendAmount)) * (baseAttendeeCircleColorRatio / maxAttendeeAmount) + 255.0) + ", " + (-Math.sqrt(maxAttendeeAmount * (i / legendAmount)) * (baseAttendeeCircleColorRatio / maxAttendeeAmount) + 255.0) + ", 240, 0.7)"; drawCircle(svg, x, y, radius, color, "legend"); } // todo: describe those in the legend // svg.append("circle") // .attr("cx", function (d) { return width /2; }) // .attr("cy", function (d) { return height/2; }) // .attr("r", function (d) { return 25; }) // .style("fill", function(d) { return "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7)"; }); // svg.append("circle") // .attr("class", "attendee-dot") // .attr("cx", function (d) { return width /2; }) // .attr("cy", function (d) { return height/2; }) // .attr("r", function (d) { return 3; }) // .style("fill", function(d) { return "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)"; }); }; // const onEmissionsReady = function () { // svg.selectAll("circle.attendee-dot").remove(); // svg.selectAll("rect.legend").remove(); // svg.selectAll("circle.legend").remove(); // svg.selectAll("text.legend").remove(); // // setupLegend(); // attendeeAmountPerCountry.forEach((element) => { // countryCoordinates.forEach((coordinate) => { // if (element.country === coordinate.name) { // let x = mapProjection([coordinate.longitude, coordinate.latitude])[0]; // let y = mapProjection([coordinate.longitude, coordinate.latitude])[1]; // let radius = baseAttendeeCircleRadius + Math.sqrt(element.attendeeAmount) * (baseAttendeeCircleRadiusRatio / maxAttendeeAmount); // let color = "rgba(" + (-Math.sqrt(element.attendeeAmount) * (baseAttendeeCircleColorRatio / maxAttendeeAmount) + 255.0) + // ", " + (-Math.sqrt(element.attendeeAmount) * (baseAttendeeCircleColorRatio / maxAttendeeAmount) + 255.0) + // ", 240, 0.7)"; // // drawCircle(x, y, radius, color, "attendee-dot"); // } // }) // }); // svg.append("circle") // .attr("class", "attendee-dot") // .attr("cx", width / 2) // .attr("cy", height / 2) // .attr("r", 3) // .style("fill", "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)"); // }; const crunchEmissionsData = () => { emissionsData.forEach((datum, idx) => { let trainAttendeesAmount = parseInt(datum["train trips_amount"]); let planeAttendeesAmount = parseInt(datum["plane trips_amount"]); if (trainAttendeesAmount === 0 && planeAttendeesAmount === 0) { return; } let attendeesAmount = trainAttendeesAmount + planeAttendeesAmount; maxAttendeeAmount = Math.max(maxAttendeeAmount, attendeesAmount); emissionsData[idx].attendeeAmount = attendeesAmount; maxFootprint = Math.max(maxFootprint, datum.co2_kg); }); }; const redrawCentralCircle = () => { svg.selectAll("circle.central-dot").remove(); svg.append("circle") .attr("cx", width / 2) .attr("cy", height / 2) .attr("r", 2) .classed("central-dot", true) .style("fill", "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.777)"); }; const redrawDistanceCircles = () => { // TODO: draw a few circles and a label with the distance for each // … // or not. // We might instead draw the circle under the mouse }; const redrawAttendees = () => { attendeesLayer.selectAll("circle.attendee-dot").remove(); emissionsData.forEach((datum) => { // console.log("Emission datum", datum); let x = mapProjection([datum.longitude, datum.latitude])[0]; let y = mapProjection([datum.longitude, datum.latitude])[1]; let radius = ( baseAttendeeCircleRadius + ( baseAttendeeCircleRadiusRatio * Math.sqrt( datum.attendeeAmount / maxAttendeeAmount ) ) ); let color = ( 255.0 - ( baseAttendeeCircleColorRatio * Math.sqrt( datum.co2_kg / maxFootprint ) ) ); drawCircle( attendeesLayer, x, y, radius, `rgba(${color}, ${color}, 240.0, 0.618)`, "attendee-dot" ); }); }; const redrawWorldMap = () => { cartaContainer.selectAll("path.world-map").remove(); cartaContainer.selectAll("path") .data(worldData.features) .enter() .append("path") .attr("d", geoPath) .classed("world-map", true) .style("fill", "#d5d5d5"); }; const rebuildProjection = () => { mapProjection = d3.geoAzimuthalEquidistant() .scale(projectionScale) .rotate([ // Don't ask me why -1 * center_longitude, -1 * center_latitude, ]) .translate([width / 2, height / 2]); geoPath.projection(mapProjection); }; const redrawProjected = () => { redrawWorldMap(); redrawDistanceCircles(); redrawAttendees(); redrawCentralCircle(); }; const recenterOnLatLon = (latitude, longitude) => { center_latitude = latitude; center_longitude = longitude; rebuildProjection(); // Draw in order from back to front redrawProjected() //setupLegend(); }; const distanceCircles = {}; const redrawDistanceCircle = (circle_name, distance_meters) => { let distance_tooltip; let distance_tooltip_shadow; if ( ! distanceCircles.hasOwnProperty(circle_name)) { distance_tooltip_shadow = svg .append("text") .classed("pointer-tooltip-"+circle_name, true) .style("pointer-events", "none") .style("stroke", "#FFFFFF99") .style("stroke-width", "0.2em"); distance_tooltip = svg .append("text") .classed("pointer-tooltip-"+circle_name, true) .style("pointer-events", "none"); distanceCircles[circle_name] = { 'distance_tooltip': distance_tooltip, 'distance_tooltip_shadow': distance_tooltip_shadow, }; } else { distance_tooltip = distanceCircles[circle_name]['distance_tooltip']; distance_tooltip_shadow = distanceCircles[circle_name]['distance_tooltip_shadow']; } const gCircleRadius = (distance_meters / EARTH_RADIUS) * 360 / Math.TAU; const gCircle = d3.geoCircle(); gCircle .center([center_longitude, center_latitude]) .radius(gCircleRadius); svg.selectAll("path.pointer-circle-"+circle_name).remove(); svg .append("path") .attr("d", geoPath(gCircle())) .classed("pointer-circle-"+circle_name, true) // .style("fill", "#21d51d"); .style("fill", "#00000000") .style("stroke", "#0e5b0c") .style("stroke-dasharray", 3); const tooltip_pos = mapProjection([center_longitude+gCircleRadius, center_latitude]); distance_tooltip .attr("transform", `translate(${tooltip_pos[0]}, ${tooltip_pos[1]})`) .text( ((distance_meters*0.001)).toFixed(0) + "km" ); distance_tooltip_shadow .attr("transform", `translate(${tooltip_pos[0]}, ${tooltip_pos[1]})`) .text( ((distance_meters*0.001)).toFixed(0) + "km" ); }; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { console.info("[Emissions Equidistant Map] Starting…"); width = document.querySelector(containerSelector).parentElement.offsetWidth; width = width - margin.left - margin.right; svg = d3.select(containerSelector) .append("svg") .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height); cartaContainer = svg.append("g").classed("carta-layer", true); attendeesLayer = svg.append("g").classed("attendees-layer", true); Promise.all([ d3.csv(emissionsDataUrl), d3.json(worldDataUrl), ]).then((allTheData) => { console.info("[Emissions Equidistant Map] Generating…"); [emissionsData, worldData] = allTheData; crunchEmissionsData(); recenterOnLatLon( parseFloat(emissionsData[0].latitude), parseFloat(emissionsData[0].longitude) ); console.info("[Emissions Equidistant Map] Done.-"); }); // console.log(d3.select(containerSelector)); let buttonContainer = d3.select(containerSelector) .append("div") .style("position", 'absolute') .style("top", d3.select(containerSelector).property("clientTop") + 12) .style("left", d3.select(containerSelector).property("clientLeft") + svg.attr("width") - 40); let zoomOutButton = buttonContainer .append("input") .attr("value", "-") .attr("type", "button") .style("width", 22); let zoomInButton = buttonContainer .append("input") .attr("value", "+") .attr("type", "button") .style("width", 22); zoomOutButton.on("click", () => { projectionScale *= 0.9; rebuildProjection(); redrawProjected(); }); zoomInButton.on("click", () => { projectionScale *= 1.10; rebuildProjection(); redrawProjected(); }); d3.select(containerSelector+" svg").on("mousedown", function(event) { const pointerLonLat = mapProjection.invert(d3.pointer(event)); recenterOnLatLon(pointerLonLat[1], pointerLonLat[0]); }); d3.select(containerSelector+" svg").on("mousemove", function(event) { if ( ! mapProjection) { console.warn("Too fast! Wait a little."); return; } const pointerLonLat = mapProjection.invert(d3.pointer(event)); const centerLonLat = [center_longitude, center_latitude]; // Great Circle Distance const gcd_radians = d3.geoDistance(pointerLonLat, centerLonLat); const gcd_meters = gcd_radians * EARTH_RADIUS; redrawDistanceCircle("pointer", gcd_meters) }); }); }