PRO dustem_init_plugins,pd,fpd,help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_init_plugins ; PURPOSE: ; initializes variable !dustem_plugin ; CATEGORY: ; DustEMWrap ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_init_plugins,pd[,fpd] ; INPUTS: ; pd : variable parameters description ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; fpd : fixed parameters description ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; !dustem_plugin is set ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEM fortran code must be installed ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: ; ; EXAMPLES ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Ilyes Choubani ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_init_plugins' goto,the_end END plugin_names=[''] plugind_detect_string='dustem_plugin' Nplugins=0L for i=0L,n_elements(pd)-1 do begin fi=strtrim(strmid(pd(i),0,strlen(plugind_detect_string)),2) if fi eq plugind_detect_string then begin ftn = strmid(pd(i),0);strmid((*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs)(i),0) ;Try replacing this ;String containing the name of the plugin and the keyword used (ie: dustem_create_continuum_2) ii = strsplit(ftn,'_',count=countx) ii = ii(countx-1)-1 ; Locating the last underscore to automate the extraction of the plugin's keyword ftn = strmid(ftn,14,ii-14) ; String containing the name of the plugin without the associated keyword plugin_names=[plugin_names,ftn] Nplugins=Nplugins+1 ENDIF ENDFOR IF KEYWORD_SET(fpd) THEN BEGIN for i=0L,n_elements(fpd)-1 do begin fi=strtrim(strmid(fpd(i),0,strlen(plugind_detect_string)),2) if fi eq plugind_detect_string then begin ftn = strmid(fpd(i),0) ; String containing the name of the plugin and the keyword used (ie: dustem_create_continuum_2) ii = strsplit(ftn,'_',count=countx) ii = ii(countx-1)-1 ; Locating the last underscore to automate the extraction of the plugin's keyword ftn = strmid(ftn,14,ii-14) ; String containing the name of the plugin without the associated keyword plugin_names=[plugin_names,ftn] Nplugins+=1 ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF IF Nplugins EQ 0 THEN BEGIN plugin_names=['NONE'] Nplugins=1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN plugin_names=plugin_names[1:*] order=sort(plugin_names) plugin_names=plugin_names[order] un=uniq(plugin_names) plugin_names=plugin_names[un] Nplugins=n_elements(plugin_names) ENDELSE IF Nplugins NE 0 THEN BEGIN for i=0L, Nplugins-1 do begin If i EQ 0 then begin ;probably won't need the freezing part. strct = create_struct(plugin_names(i),{spec:ptr_new(),scope:ptr_new(),paramtag:ptr_new()});,freeze:{key:ptr_new(),val:ptr_new()}}) endif else begin ;IF i GE 1 strct = create_struct(strct,plugin_names(i),{spec:ptr_new(),scope:ptr_new(),paramtag:ptr_new()});,freeze:{key:ptr_new(),val:ptr_new()}}) endelse ENDFOR ENDIF ;--------------------------------------------- defsysv, '!dustem_plugin', ptr_new(strct) ; Need the use of the pointer because dustem_init_plugins is called in dustem_init (avoid conflicting structures error). the_end: END