FUNCTION dustem_plugin_stellar_population, key=key, val=val, scope=scope, paramtag=paramtag,help=help,test=test,initialize=initialize ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_plugin_stellar_population ; PURPOSE: ; replaces the default DUSTEM ISRF with a composite stellar spectrum ; CATEGORY: ; DUSTEM Wrapper ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_plugin_stellar_population(key=key,val=val) ; INPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; key = input parameter number ; val = input parameter value ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = if set, print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The dustem fortran code must be installed ; The dustem idl wrapper must be installed ; PROCEDURE: ; This is a dustem plugin ;- ;- HISTORY: ADDED STELLAR LUMINOSITY CLASSES IF keyword_set(test) THEN stop IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_plugin_stellar_population' goto,the_end ENDIF IF keyword_set(scope) THEN BEGIN message,'Scope keyword was set',/continue stop ENDIF IF keyword_set(paramtag) THEN BEGIN message,'paramtag keyword was set',/continue stop ; out=0 ; goto, the_paramtag ENDIF scope='STELLAR_POPULATION' stellar_isrf=0. ;==== read stellar population parameters if not already in memory IF keyword_set(initialize) THEN BEGIN defsysv,'!dustem_plugin_stellar_population',exist=exist IF exist EQ 0 THEN BEGIN message,'Initializing stellar population parameters',/continue file = !dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'Data/STELLARPOPS/EEM_dwarf_UBVIJHK_colors_Teff.xcat' st=read_xcat(file,/silent) defsysv,'!dustem_plugin_stellar_population',st ENDIF goto,the_end ENDIF ;stop ;===========Constants (in cgs)========== (except for the stellar population distance (in pc)) rsun2cm = 6.957e10 ;Rsun in cm c2a = 3e18 ;speed of light in ansgtroms/s (because of the Astron's PLANCK function) pc2cm = 3.086e18 ;cm (cgs) ;================NOTA BENE========================================================================== ;DATA IS NOW RETRIEVED FROM THIS TEXT FILE: "A Modern Mean Dwarf Stellar Color and Effective Temperature Sequence" ;NB: intermediate spectral classes '.5' are not taken into account - this will probably have to change ;NB: Also contact we need to contact the reasercher who wrote the text file because he said so in it. ;Other luminosity classes Should be included (only MS so far). ;BB approximation is a first degree 'bad' approximation because of the lack of radiative transfer especially at the ;photosphere of stars. ;REMARKS: BECAUSE WE STILL HAVEN'T SET THE DEFAULT VALUE FOR THE MAJORIY OF THE STELLAR POULATIONS,THE CORRESPONDING LINES ARE COMMENTED INSTEAD OF SETTING ARBITRARY VALUES. ;CONSIDERED STARS: SPEC_TYPE(N=5) = OBAFG, LUM_CLASS(N=10) = IA+,IA,IAB,IB,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII ;KM spectral types are not included because their UV part was not that important to excite the dust. ;This will help ease and shorten the fitting procedure ;If the user wants to use them without having to read the entirety of this plugin please contact the DustEmWrap team. Nstars=n_elements(!dustem_plugin_stellar_population) paramvalues=fltarr(Nstars,2) ;first parameter is distance to the stars in pc, second is the number of such stars Nparam=Nstars*2 stellar_isrf=0. spectral_types=!dustem_plugin_stellar_population.spt paramtag=strarr(Nparam) ii=0L FOR i=0L,Nparam-1 DO BEGIN ij=index2ij([i],[Nstars,2]) IF ij[0,1] EQ 0 THEN cc='dist to' ELSE cc='N of ' paramtag[ii]=cc+spectral_types[ij[0,0]] ii=ii+1 ENDFOR IF keyword_set(key) THEN BEGIN ;stop FOR i=0L,n_elements(key)-1 DO BEGIN ij=index2ij([key[i]-1],[Nstars,2]) paramvalues[ij[0,0],ij[0,1]]=val[i] ENDFOR ;stop ;=== compute ISRF isrf_st=((*!dustem_params).isrf) stellar_isrf=dblarr(n_elements(isrf_st)) ; array of zeros to contain the new ISRF values. FOR i=0L,Nstars-1 DO BEGIN IF paramvalues[i,0] NE 0. THEN BEGIN TEFF=!dustem_plugin_stellar_population[i].TEFF ;in K Rstar=!dustem_plugin_stellar_population[i].R_Rsun ;in solar radius Lstar=!dustem_plugin_stellar_population[i].logL dist=paramvalues[i,0]*pc2cm ; in cm number_of_stars=paramvalues[i,1] omega=(Rstar*rsun2cm/dist)^2 print,number_of_stars,dist,Teff,omega this_component=number_of_stars*omega*dustem_planck_function(Teff,isrf_st.lambisrf) ;MJy stellar_isrf=stellar_isrf+this_component ENDIF ENDFOR ;pass output into ergs/cm2/s/Hz fact=1./1.e20*1.e7/1.e4 stellar_isrf=stellar_isrf*fact ;ergs/cm2/s/Hz ENDIF ;the_scope: ;scope='STELLAR_POPULATION' the_end: ;print,minmax(stellar_isrf) ;stop RETURN, stellar_isrf END