\========= instrument_description.xcat
\instru: instrument name -- must match the non-numerical part of filter name
\filter: filter name used by DustEMWrap 
\wave: reference wavelength in microns (see IRAS explanatory supplement for a clear definition of the reference frequency for wide-band instruments).
\NB This is the wavelength used for color correction and absolute calibration. It may not be the same as the wavelength used for the PSF information.
\bunit: typical brightness unit of archival data -- for convenience only
\flux_conv : flux convention  -- must be known to dustem_cc.pro, see the User Guide 'Color Corrections' for more information
\reso_orig: typical intrinsic angular resolution in degrees -- for convenience only, this may differ from value used in calibration
\sighit: sigma for one hit -- for convenience only
\sigabs: absolute uncertainty in percent (%) -- for convenience only
\name : filter name used by original instrument team -- for convenience only
\filename : file containing filter transmission information (in subdirectories of Data/FILTERS/) -- instrument-dependent, not fully implemented yet
\ttype : transmission convention (energy/photon) -- for convenience only, not fully implemented yet. Information from SVO.
|INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
|char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
|NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
\========= JWST/NIRCAM throughputs extracted from Pandeia Engine v2.0 (Dec 2022) 
\========= according to https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/jwst-exposure-time-calculator-overview/jwst-etc-pandeia-engine-tutorial/jwst-etc-instrument-throughputs 
\========= Contact Scientist: Bryan Hilbert, STScI, hilbert@stsci.edu 
\========= Reference wavelength = pivot wavelength, see Gordon et al (2022) AJ, 163, 267G 
\========= Transmissions represent total throughput of energy (including the blocking filter if relevant) 
\========= DustEMWrap uses averaged module A and B throughputs 
\========= RESO_ORIG values are empirical PSF FWHMs, except for F150W2 and F322W2, which use simulated PSF FWHM values 
\========= Note that the wavelength for the PSF measurement is not necessarily the pivot wavelength for the flux calibration 
\========= see Table 1 https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/jwst-near-infrared-camera/nircam-performance/nircam-point-spread-functions 
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
NIRCAM     NIRCAM1    0.704374               flambda=cste  8.05556e-06                  F070W                nircam_f070w_totaleff.fits                               photon           
NIRCAM     NIRCAM2    0.902676               flambda=cste  9.16667e-06                  F090W                nircam_f090w_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM3    1.154008               flambda=cste  1.11111e-05                  F115W                nircam_f115w_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM4    1.405461               flambda=cste  1.33333e-05                  F140M                nircam_f140m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM5    1.501331               flambda=cste  1.38889e-05                  F150W                nircam_f150w_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM6    1.627067               flambda=cste  1.52778e-05                  F162M                nircam_f162m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM7    1.644496               flambda=cste  1.55556e-05                  F164N                nircam_f164n_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM8    1.670903               flambda=cste  1.25000e-05                  F150W2               nircam_f150w2_totaleff.fits                              photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM9    1.845224               flambda=cste  1.72222e-05                  F182M                nircam_f182m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM10   1.874044               flambda=cste  1.77778e-05                  F187N                nircam_f187n_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM11   1.987502               flambda=cste  1.83333e-05                  F200W                nircam_f200w_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM12   2.095654               flambda=cste  1.97222e-05                  F210M                nircam_f210m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM13   2.121253               flambda=cste  2.00000e-05                  F212N                nircam_f212n_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM14   2.503264               flambda=cste  2.36111e-05                  F250M                nircam_f250m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM15   2.776153               flambda=cste  2.55556e-05                  F277W                nircam_f277w_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM16   2.996149               flambda=cste  2.77778e-05                  F300M                nircam_f300m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM17   3.246888               flambda=cste  2.66667e-05                  F322W2               nircam_f322w2_totaleff.fits                              photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM18   3.236783               flambda=cste  3.00000e-05                  F323N                nircam_f323n_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM19   3.362345               flambda=cste  3.08333e-05                  F335M                nircam_f335m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM20   3.565652               flambda=cste  3.22222e-05                  F356W                nircam_f356w_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM21   3.623313               flambda=cste  3.33333e-05                  F360M                nircam_f360m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM22   4.053120               flambda=cste  3.77778e-05                  F405N                nircam_f405n_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM23   4.083447               flambda=cste  3.80556e-05                  F410M                nircam_f410m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM24   4.281304               flambda=cste  4.00000e-05                  F430M                nircam_f430m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM25   4.401087               flambda=cste  4.02778e-05                  F444W                nircam_f444w_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM26   4.630002               flambda=cste  4.36111e-05                  F460M                nircam_f460m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM27   4.654336               flambda=cste  4.38889e-05                  F466N                nircam_f466n_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM28   4.707872               flambda=cste  4.44444e-05                  F470N                nircam_f470n_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM29   4.814268               flambda=cste  4.55556e-05                  F480M                nircam_f480m_totaleff.fits                               photon
\========= JWST/MIRI throughputs extracted from Pandeia Engine v2.0 (Dec 2022) 
\========= according to https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/jwst-exposure-time-calculator-overview/jwst-etc-pandeia-engine-tutorial/jwst-etc-instrument-throughputs 
\========= Contact Scientist: Karl Gordon, STScI, kgordon@stsci.edu  
\========= Reference wavelength = pivot wavelength, see Gordon et al (2022) 
\========= Transmissions represent total throughput of energy 
\========= RESO_ORIG values are empirical PSF FWHMs for MIRI Wide filters  
\========= Note that the wavelength for the PSF measurement is not necessarily the pivot wavelength for the flux calibration 
\========= see Table 1 https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/jwst-mid-infrared-instrument/miri-performance/miri-point-spread-functions 
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
MIRI       MIRI1      5.63501415             flambda=cste  5.75000e-05                  F0560W               miri_f0560w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI2      7.63926083             flambda=cste  7.47222e-05                  F0770W               miri_f0770w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI3      9.95294785             flambda=cste  9.11111e-05                  F1000W               miri_f1000w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI4      10.5953262             flambda=cste                               F1065C               miri_f1065c_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI5      11.3039289             flambda=cste                               F1140C               miri_f1140c_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI6      11.3086580             flambda=cste  0.000104167                  F1130W               miri_f1130w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI7      12.8100925             flambda=cste  0.000116667                  F1280W               miri_f1280w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI8      15.0635204             flambda=cste  0.000135556                  F1500W               miri_f1500w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI9      15.5129386             flambda=cste                               F1550C               miri_f1550c_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI10     17.9839002             flambda=cste  0.000164167                  F1800W               miri_f1800w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI11     20.7945621             flambda=cste  0.000187222                  F2100W               miri_f2100w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI12     22.6753973             flambda=cste                               F2300C               miri_f2300c_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI13     25.3650244             flambda=cste  0.000223056                  F2550W               miri_f2550w_totaleff.fits                                photon
\========= JWST/NIRISS throughputs extracted from Pandeia Engine v2.0 (Dec 2022)  
\========= according to https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/jwst-exposure-time-calculator-overview/jwst-etc-pandeia-engine-tutorial/jwst-etc-instrument-throughputs 
\========= Contact Scientist: Steph LaMassa, slamassa@stsci.edu  
\========= Reference wavelength = pivot wavelength, see Gordon et al (2022) AJ, 163, 267G 
\========= Transmissions represent total throughput of energy (including the blocking filter if relevant) 
\========= RESO_ORIG values are empirical PSF FWHMs for NIRISS filters  
\========= Note that the wavelength for the PSF measurement is not necessarily the pivot wavelength for the flux calibration 
\========= see Table 1 https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/jwst-near-infrared-imager-and-slitless-spectrograph/niriss-performance/niriss-point-spread-functions 
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
NIRISS     NIRISS1    0.900389                flambda=cste 2.44444e-05                    F090W              niriss_f090w_totaleff.fits                               photon               
NIRISS     NIRISS2    1.150102                flambda=cste 2.61111e-05                    F115W              niriss_f115w_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS3    1.405134                flambda=cste 2.55556e-05                    F140M              niriss_f140m_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS4    1.498293                flambda=cste 2.55556e-05                    F150W              niriss_f150w_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS5    1.586646                flambda=cste 2.63889e-05                    F158M              niriss_f158m_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS6    1.983678                flambda=cste 2.94444e-05                    F200W              niriss_f200w_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS7    2.775790                flambda=cste 3.16667e-05                    F277W              niriss_f277w_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS8    3.594819                flambda=cste 3.63889e-05                    F356W              niriss_f356w_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS9    3.828358                flambda=cste 3.86111e-05                    F380M              niriss_f380m_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS10   4.285510                flambda=cste 4.16667e-05                    F430M              niriss_f430m_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS11   4.434596                flambda=cste 4.11111e-05                    F444W              niriss_f444w_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS12   4.816824                flambda=cste 4.66667e-05                    F480M              niriss_f480m_totaleff.fits                               photon                
\========= Information for PILOT taken from Bernard et al (2022) 
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
PILOT      PILOT1     240.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.03666667            
\========= Filter transmission information for SOFIA/HAWC+ from SVO Filter Service
\========= Reference WAVE, RESO_ORIG and SIGABS from Chuss et al. (2019) ApJ 872 187 --> DEPRECATED this WAVE and FLUX_CONV (6/2/2023)
\========= Note: The filter at 63 microns is not in Chuss et al (2019)
\========= Reference WAVE and FLUX_CONV from https://www.sofia.usra.edu/sites/default/files/Instruments/HAWC_PLUS/Documents/HAWC_ColorCorrecns_OC5.pdf
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS1  53.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00141667           15       BAND_A                SOFIA_HAWC.A.dat                                        photon                         
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS2  63.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.002916667                   BAND_B                SOFIA_HAWC.B.dat                                        photon
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS3  89.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00219444           15       BAND_C                SOFIA_HAWC.C.dat                                        photon   
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS4  155.       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0038888890         15       BAND_D                SOFIA_HAWC.D.dat                                        photon     
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS5  214.       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0051944447         20       BAND_E                SOFIA_HAWC.E.dat                                        photon   
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS1  53.560     MJy/sr      flambda=cste  0.00141667           15       BAND_A                SOFIA_HAWC.A.dat                                        photon                         
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS2  63.253     MJy/sr      flambda=cste  0.002916667                   BAND_B                SOFIA_HAWC.B.dat                                        photon
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS3  89.305     MJy/sr      flambda=cste  0.00219444           15       BAND_C                SOFIA_HAWC.C.dat                                        photon   
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS4  156.480    MJy/sr      flambda=cste  0.0038888890         15       BAND_D                SOFIA_HAWC.D.dat                                        photon     
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS5  216.969    MJy/sr      flambda=cste  0.0051944447         20       BAND_E                SOFIA_HAWC.E.dat                                        photon   
HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS1  53.560     MJy/sr      fnu=cste      0.00141667           15       BAND_A                SOFIA_HAWC.A.dat                                        photon                         
HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS2  63.253     MJy/sr      fnu=cste      0.002916667                   BAND_B                SOFIA_HAWC.B.dat                                        photon
HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS3  89.305     MJy/sr      fnu=cste      0.00219444           15       BAND_C                SOFIA_HAWC.C.dat                                        photon   
HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS4  156.480    MJy/sr      fnu=cste      0.0038888890         15       BAND_D                SOFIA_HAWC.D.dat                                        photon     
HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS5  216.969    MJy/sr      fnu=cste      0.0051944447         20       BAND_E                SOFIA_HAWC.E.dat                                        photon   
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS1  53.560     MJy/sr       nuInu=cste    0.00141667           15       BAND_A                SOFIA_HAWC.A.dat                                        photon                         
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS2  63.253     MJy/sr       nuInu=cste    0.002916667                   BAND_B                SOFIA_HAWC.B.dat                                        photon
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS3  89.305     MJy/sr       nuInu=cste    0.00219444           15       BAND_C                SOFIA_HAWC.C.dat                                        photon   
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS4  156.480    MJy/sr       nuInu=cste    0.0038888890         15       BAND_D                SOFIA_HAWC.D.dat                                        photon     
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS5  216.969    MJy/sr       nuInu=cste    0.0051944447         20       BAND_E                SOFIA_HAWC.E.dat                                        photon   
\========= Information for JCMT/SCUBA2 from SVO Filter Service
\========= http://svo2.cab.inta-csic.es/theory/fps3/index.php
\========= Note misnomer of SVO filenames. 450GHz is actually 450um, 850GHz is actually 850um
\========= RESO_ORIG values are typical values from SCUBA2 public legacy surveys
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
SCUBA2     SCUBA21    449.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00222222                  SC450um               JCMT_SCUBA2.450GHz.dat                                   energy                                     
SCUBA2     SCUBA22    861.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00375000                  SC850um               JCMT_SCUBA2.850GHz.dat                                   energy
\========= Information for NIKA2 from SVO Filter Service and IRAM NIKA2 wiki
\========= Contact Scientist: Carsten Kramer, kramer@iram.fr
\========= http://svo2.cab.inta-csic.es/theory/fps3/index.php
\========= https://publicwiki.iram.es/Continuum/NIKA2/Main
\========= WAVE (150.0, 260.0GHz), FLUX_CONV and RESO_ORIG (12".5, 18".5) from Perotto et al (2020)
\========= Previous release RESO_ORIG =[11".2,17".7] from NIKA2 wiki
\========= The transmission curve at 1mm used by DustEMWrap is the average of A1 and A3
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
NIKA2      NIKA21     1153.04789  MJy/sr     NIKA2        0.0034722222                  NIKA1mm              NIKA2_1mm_avg.xcat                                       energy
NIKA2      NIKA22     1998.61648  MJy/sr     NIKA2        0.0051388890                  NIKA2mm              NIKA2_2mm.xcat                                           energy
\========= Information for Spitzer IRS PU imaging filters from SVO Filter Service 
\========= http://svo2.cab.inta-csic.es/theory/fps3/index.php
\========= WAVE (sec 4.2.4) and RESO_ORIG (4.2.3) values are from the Spitzer IRS Handbook
\========= https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/SPITZER/docs/irs/irsinstrumenthandbook/8/
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
IRS        IRS1       15.80      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0010555555                 IRS_PU_BLUE            Spitzer_IRS.Blue.dat                                    photon
IRS        IRS2       22.30      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0014722223                 IRS_PU_RED             Spitzer_IRS.Red.dat                                     photon
\========= Information for S-PASS taken from Carretti et al (2019)
\========= Flux convention does not really matter (narrow band of 8 MHz for 2.3 GHz). Resolution is 8.9' (0.148333 deg)
\========= Reference frequency is 2.303 GHz (130174.74 micron)
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
SPASS      SPASS1     130174.74  MJy/sr      NULL         0.14833333           5.0
\========= Information for ZOA-FF (Zone of Avoidance Free-Free) taken from Alves, M. I. R., et al, 2015, MNRAS, 450, 2025
\========= Flux convention does not really matter (narrow band of ? MHz for 1.4 GHz)
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
\CHIPASS    ZOA_FF1    214286.    MJy/sr      NULL         0.24                5.0
\========= Information for CHIPASS taken from Calabretta, M. et al. 2014, PASA, 31, 7
\========= Flux convention does not really matter (narrow band of 64 MHz for 1.4 GHz)
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
CHIPASS    CHIPASS1   214286.    MJy/sr      NULL         0.24                5.0
\========= Information for IRAC taken from SVO filter service and Spitzer IRAC handbook at IRSA
\========= https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/SPITZER/docs/irac/iracinstrumenthandbook/15/
\========= https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/SPITZER/docs/irac/iracinstrumenthandbook/IRAC_Instrument_Handbook.pdf
\========= RESO_ORIG are typical values taken from public legacy data (1.7", 1.7", 1.9", 2.0", e.g.  Meixner et al 2006)
\========= FLUX_CONV: "The conventions used by IRAC are the same as those used by IRAS (Beichman et al. 1988), COBE/DIRBE (Hauser et al. 1998), and ISO (Blommaert et al. 2003)" (IRAC instrument hand book).
\========= FLUX_CONV: This is nu*Inu=cste.
\========= FLUX_CONV: "Note that our definition of the color correction (Eq4.8) looks slightly different from that of IRAS, because we used the system spectral response R in electrons/photon, instead of ergs/photon"
\========= FLUX_CONV: This color correction is called "IRAC" in DustemWrap
\========= WAVE: is taken as lambda_0 of Tab 4.3 of the IRAC instrument hand book. Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
IRAC       IRAC1      3.544      MJy/sr      IRAC         0.000472222                  IRAC3p6                irac1.dat                                                energy
IRAC       IRAC2      4.487      MJy/sr      IRAC         0.000472222                  IRAC4p5                irac2.dat                                                energy  
IRAC       IRAC3      5.710      MJy/sr      IRAC         0.000527778                  IRAC5p8                irac3.dat                                                energy  
IRAC       IRAC4      7.841      MJy/sr      IRAC         0.000555556                  IRAC8                  irac4.dat                                                energy
\========= Information for IRAS taken from SVO filter service and IRAS handbook at IRSA
\========= https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/IRASdocs/exp.sup/toc.html
\========= RESO_ORIG are typical values for the IRIS reprocessing of the IRAS data
\========= https://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~mamd/IRIS/IrisTechnical.html 
\========= ang resolution [arcmin]: [3.8,3.8,4.0,4.3]
\========= ang resolution error: +-0.2 in all bands
\========= sig_hit=[0.04,0.05,0.03,0.06] errors in MJy/sr (according to MAMD, this is for "average" coverage, not 1 hit)
\========= iris_abs_error=[5.1,15.1,10.4,13.5] expressed as % 
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
IRAS       IRAS1      12.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      IRAS1                 IRAS12.txt                                               energy
IRAS       IRAS2      25.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.05    15.1     IRAS2                 IRAS25.txt                                               energy
IRAS       IRAS3      60.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0666667    0.03    10.4     IRAS3                 IRAS60.txt                                               energy
IRAS       IRAS4      100.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0716667    0.06    13.5     IRAS4                 IRAS100.txt                                              energy
\========= Information for AKARI taken from SVO filter service and AKARI handbook at JAXA
\========= https://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/AKARI/about/
\========= WAVE for AKARI/IRC: see Table 4.6.6 https://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/AKARI/Observation/support/IRC/IDUM/IRC_DUM.pdf
\========= WAVE for AKARI/FIS: see Table 4.6 https://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/AKARI/Observation/support/FIS/IDUM/FIS_IDUM_1.3.pdf
\========= RESO_ORIG for AKARI/FIS: see Section 3.1.1 PSFs https://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/AKARI/Observation/support/FIS/IDUM/FIS_IDUM_1.3.pdf
\========= RESO_ORIG for AKARI/IRC: see Wada et al (2008) Table 5
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
\========= AKARI ====================================================================================================
AKARI      AKARI1     2.40        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0012222222                  N2                    AKARI_IRC.N2.dat                                        energy 
AKARI      AKARI2     3.20        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0012222222                  N3                    AKARI_IRC.N3.dat                                        energy 
AKARI      AKARI3     4.10        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0012222222                  N4                    AKARI_IRC.N4.dat                                        energy 
AKARI      AKARI4     7.00        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0014166667                  S7                    AKARI_IRC.S7.dat                                        energy 
AKARI      AKARI5     9.00        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0014166667                  S9W                   AKARI_IRC.S9W.dat                                       energy 
AKARI      AKARI6     11.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0014166667                  S11                   AKARI_IRC.S11.dat                                       energy 
AKARI      AKARI7     15.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0015000000                  L15                   AKARI_IRC.L15.dat                                       energy 
AKARI      AKARI8     18.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0015000000                  L18W                  AKARI_IRC.L18W.dat                                      energy 
AKARI      AKARI9     24.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0015000000                  L24                   AKARI_IRC.L24.dat                                       energy 
AKARI      AKARI10    65.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.010277778                   N60                   AKARI_FIS.N60.dat                                       energy 
AKARI      AKARI11    90.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.010833333                   WIDE-S                AKARI_FIS.WIDE-S.dat                                    energy 
AKARI      AKARI12    140.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.016111111                   WIDE-L                AKARI_FIS.WIDE-L.dat                                    energy 
AKARI      AKARI13    160.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.016944444                   N160                  AKARI_FIS.N160.dat                                      energy 
\========= Information for MIPS taken from SVO filter service and Spitzer MIPS handbook at IRSA
\========= https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/SPITZER/docs/mips/mipsinstrumenthandbook/
\========= https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/SPITZER/docs/mips/mipsinstrumenthandbook/MIPS_Instrument_Handbook.pdf
\========= RESO_ORIG are typical values taken from public legacy data (6, 18, 40", e.g.  Meixner et al 2006)
\========= WAVE taken from mips instrument handbook, p99 of PDF
\========= Caution, the flux convention is not nuInu=cste, see Eq 4.2 of MIPS instrument handbook, p99. verified JPB 17/01/2023
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
MIPS       MIPS1      23.675     MJy/sr      MIPS         0.00166667                    MIPS24                MIPSfiltsumm_24.txt                                      energy
MIPS       MIPS2      71.440     MJy/sr      MIPS         0.00500000                    MIPS70                MIPSfiltsumm_70.txt                                      energy
MIPS       MIPS3      155.899    MJy/sr      MIPS         0.0111111                     MIPS160               MIPSfiltsumm_160.txt                                     energy
\========= Information for SPIRE taken from SVO filter service and SPIRE handbook at IRSA
\========= https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/Herschel/docs/nhsc/spire/spire_om.pdf
\========= By default, DustEMWrap uses the transmission curves for extended sources (_E.dat)
\========= Point-sources transmission curves are provided (but commented here by default)
\========= RESO_ORIG [18.1,25.2,36.9"] are typical values taken from Matt Griffin SDP2009 slides
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
\Following three lines for point source transmission curves
SPIRE      SPIRE1     250.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00502778                   PSW                    Herschel_SPIRE.PSW.dat                                 energy                  
SPIRE      SPIRE2     350.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00700000                   PMW                    Herschel_SPIRE.PMW.dat                                 energy
SPIRE      SPIRE3     500.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0102500                    PLW                    Herschel_SPIRE.PLW.dat                                 energy
\Following three lines for extended source transmission curves
\SPIRE      SPIRE1     250.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00502778                   PSW                    Herschel_SPIRE.PSW_E.dat                                energy                  
\SPIRE      SPIRE2     350.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00700000                   PMW                    Herschel_SPIRE.PMW_E.dat                                energy
\SPIRE      SPIRE3     500.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0102500                    PLW                    Herschel_SPIRE.PLW_E.dat                                energy
\========= Information for PACS taken from SVO filter service and PACS handbook at ESA
\========= https://www.cosmos.esa.int/documents/12133/996891/PACS+Explanatory+Supplement/
\========= RESO_ORIG [5.6, 6.8, 10.7] are from Table 4.3 of the handbook. Likely to be a lower limit for fast scanning mode obs (see Table 7.3)
\========= WAVE is from the reference wavelength quoted in PACS Explanatory Supplement, p142,143, Table 7.5. Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
PACS       PACS1      70.0        Jy/pixel    nuInu=cste   0.001555556                  PACS_BLUE             Herschel_Pacs.blue.dat                                   energy
PACS       PACS2      100.0       Jy/pixel    nuInu=cste   0.001888889                  PACS_GREEN            Herschel_Pacs.green.dat                                  energy
PACS       PACS3      160.0       Jy/pixel    nuInu=cste   0.002972222                  PACS_RED              Herschel_Pacs.red.dat                                    energy
\========= RESO_ORIG from Lambda: [0.88   0.66    0.51    0.35    0.22]
\========= sigabs 1% from Guilaine Lagache (paper ?) but ...
\========= sigabs 0.1% from Bennett et al 2003
\========= sig-hit as computed in psd_wmap_data.pro in MJy/sr from Tab 1 of Bennett 2003 :
\========= W: 1.7616037
\========= V: 0.35912723
\========= Q: 0.11226172
\========= Ka: 0.049682426
\========= K: 0.022302618
\========= WAVE (computed from 23,33,41,61,94 GHz) taken from Bennett et al ApJSup 148:97–1172003, Tab1, frequency.
\========= Apparently the same as used in Miville Deschenes et al 2008, A&A 490, 1093–1102
\========= no confirmation in WMAP explanatory supplement ...
\========= IDL> print,cmic/([23,33,41,61,94.]*1.e9)    = 13034.454       9084.6201       7312.0109       4914.6305       3189.2816
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
WMAP       WMAP1      3189.2816  MJy/sr      CMB          0.22        1.762    0.1      WMAP_W                wmap_bandpass_W_v3.xcat                                  energy
WMAP       WMAP2      4914.6305  MJy/sr      CMB          0.35        0.359    0.1      WMAP_V                wmap_bandpass_V_v3.xcat                                  energy
WMAP       WMAP3      7312.0109  MJy/sr      CMB          0.51        0.112    0.1      WMAP_Q                wmap_bandpass_W_v3.xcat                                  energy
WMAP       WMAP4      9084.6201  MJy/sr      CMB          0.66        0.049    0.1      WMAP_Ka               wmap_bandpass_Ka_v3.xcat                                 energy
WMAP       WMAP5      13034.454  MJy/sr      CMB          0.88        0.022    0.1      WMAP_K                wmap_bandpass_K_v3.xcat                                  energy
\========= Information for MSX from SVO filter service and MSX handbooks at IRSA
\========= Transmission curves are in the PSC explanatory guide V1.2 (but not v2.3)
\========= https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/MSX/docs/MSX_psc_es.pdf
\========= https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/MSX/docs/msxpsc2.3_explguide.pdf
\========= https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/MSX/MSX/imageDescriptions.htm
\========= https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/W3Browse/all/msxpsc.html
\========= RESO_ORIG values [18.3"] from Price et al (2001) corresponds to full res MSX Galactic Plane survey
\========= WAVE : MSX_psc_es.pdf clearly states how color correction should be done. I did not check that this is nuInu=cste (signed JPB)
\========= WAVE : MSX_psc_es.pdf uses ``isophotal'' wavelengths listed in Table 1 of the Explanatory Guide, which are the ones listed below
\========= NAME : Also consistent with msxpsc2.3_explguide.pdf
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
MSX        MSX1       4.29        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083                     MSXB1                 MSX_MSX.B1.dat                                          energy
MSX        MSX2       4.35        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083                     MSXB2                 MSX_MSX.B2.dat                                          energy
MSX        MSX3       8.28        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083                     MSXA                  MSX_MSX.A.dat                                           energy
MSX        MSX4       12.13       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083                     MSXC                  MSX_MSX.C.dat                                           energy
MSX        MSX5       14.65       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083                     MSXD                  MSX_MSX.D.dat                                           energy
MSX        MSX6       21.34       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083                     MSXE                  MSX_MSX.E.dat                                           energy
\========= Information for BOLOCAM is from Bolocam website at CSO and Aguirre et al (2010)
\========= http://www.cso.caltech.edu/bolocam/ProposerInfo.html
\========= Origin of transmission file unknown
\========= RESO_ORIG [33"] is typical value for BGPS from Aguirre et al (2010)
\========= WAVE from Aguirre et al (2011) -- 271.1GHz = 0.0011058371650761754 m
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
BOLOCAM    BOLOCAM1   1105.837165 MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0091666663                  BOLOCAM_1p1mm         bolocam_1p1.txt                                         energy
\========= Information for WISE from SVO filter service and WISE website
\========= Filters from http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/prelim/expsup/sec4_3g.html#WISEZMA
\========= RESO_ORIG are typical values from https://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allsky/
\========= WAVE values are isophotal wavelenghts given by Wright et al (2010)
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
WISE       WISE1      3.35260    MJy/sr      flambda=cste   0.0016944                   W1                    RSR-W1.EE.txt                                           energy
WISE       WISE2      4.60280    MJy/sr      flambda=cste   0.0017778                   W2                    RSR-W2.EE.txt                                           energy   
WISE       WISE3      11.5608    MJy/sr      flambda=cste   0.0018055                   W3                    RSR-W3.EE.txt                                           energy    
WISE       WISE4      22.0883    MJy/sr      flambda=cste   0.0033333                   W4                    RSR-W4.EE.txt                                           energy    
\========= Information for LABOCA from SVO filter service and APEX website
\========= http://www.apex-telescope.org/bolometer/laboca/technical/
\========= RESO_ORIG [18".6] is from http://www.apex-telescope.org/bolometer/laboca/technical/
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
LABOCA     LABOCA1    876.000    MJy/sr      LABOCA       0.005166667                   LABOCA_345GHz        laboca_passband_normalized.txt                           energy  
\========= Information for SABOCA from SVO filter service and APEX website
\========= http://www.apex-telescope.org/bolometer/saboca/technical/
\========= RESO_ORIG [7".8] is typical value from Ragan et al (2013)
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
SABOCA     SABOCA1    357.000    MJy/sr      SABOCA       0.0021666668                   SABOCA_852GHz        saboca_passband_normalized.txt                           energy  
\========= Information for GISMO is from IRAM wiki https://publicwiki.iram.es/Continuum/GISMO/Main
\========= RESO_ORIG [16".7] is from IRAM GISMO wiki
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
GISMO      GISMO1     2000.00    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0046389                     GISMO_2mm             GISMO_TRANSMISSION.txt 
\========= Information for DIRBE is from SVO filter service and LAMBDA
\========= https://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/cobe/c_spectral_res.html
\========= https://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/cobe/dirbe_exsup.html
\========= dirbe_abs_errs=[3.1,3.1,3.1,3.0,5.1,15.1,10.4,13.5,10.6,11.6]  ;in %, from Hauser et al 98 ApJ 508, 25 tab 2
\========= nuInu=[2.4,1.6,0.9,0.8,0.9,0.9,0.9,0.5,32.8,10.7] ;1-sig nuInu in nW/m2/sr from Hauser et al 98 ApJ 508, 25 tab 2
\========= above are in 0.7deg*0.7deg
\========= gives in MJy/sr in 1deg beam:
\========= 0.0007, 0.089, 0.00046, 0.00065, 0.001, 0.0025, 0.0052, 0.007, 0.766, 0.35 (see dustem_dirbe_errors.pro)
\========= WAVE taken from https://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/cobe/dirbe_exsup.html, chapt 2, tab 2.2-2. Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\========= NAME are not the names from the official documentation
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
DIRBE      DIRBE1     1.25       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.0007  3.1       DIRBE_1p25m           COBE_DIRBE.1p25m.dat                                    photon
DIRBE      DIRBE2     2.2        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.089   3.1       DIRBE_2p2m            COBE_DIRBE.2p2m.dat                                     photon
DIRBE      DIRBE3     3.5        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.00046 3.1       DIRBE_3p5m            COBE_DIRBE.3p5m.dat                                     photon
DIRBE      DIRBE4     4.9        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.00065 3.0       DIRBE_4p9m            COBE_DIRBE.4p9m.dat                                     photon
DIRBE      DIRBE5     12.0       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.001   5.1       DIRBE_12m             COBE_DIRBE.12m.dat                                      photon
DIRBE      DIRBE6     25.0       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.0025  15.1      DIRBE_25m             COBE_DIRBE.25m.dat                                      photon
DIRBE      DIRBE7     60.0       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.0052  10.4      DIRBE_60m             COBE_DIRBE.60m.dat                                      photon
DIRBE      DIRBE8     100.0      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.007   13.5      DIRBE_100m            COBE_DIRBE.100m.dat                                     photon
DIRBE      DIRBE9     140.0      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.766   10.6      DIRBE_140m            COBE_DIRBE.140m.dat                                     photon
DIRBE      DIRBE10    240.0      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.35    11.6      DIRBE_240m            COBE_DIRBE.240m.dat                                     photon
\========= Information for ARCHEOPS from SVO filter service and Macias-Perez et al 2007 A&A 467, 1313–1344
\========= WAVE assumed to correspond to reference frequencies [545.,353.,217.,143.] GHz ==> [550.07791,849.27043,1381.5321,2096.4509] microns
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
ARCHEOPS   ARCHEOPS1  550.07791  K           CMB                                        KS3.545GHz            ARCHEOPS_KS3.545GHz.dat                                 energy
ARCHEOPS   ARCHEOPS2  849.27043  K           CMB                                        KS3.353GHz            ARCHEOPS_KS3.353GHz.dat                                 energy
ARCHEOPS   ARCHEOPS3  1381.5321  K           CMB                                        KS3.217GHz            ARCHEOPS_KS3.217GHz.dat                                 energy
ARCHEOPS   ARCHEOPS4  2096.4509  K           CMB                                        KS3.143GHz            ARCHEOPS_KS3.143GHz.dat                                 energy
\========= Information for  PLANCK HFI from SVO filter service and Planck-HFI DR3 products at IRSA
\========= https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/Planck/release_3/ancillary-data/HFI_Products.html
\========= The HFI flux convention forces compute cc using the official Planck routine
\========= RESO_ORIG from Planck wiki https://wiki.cosmos.esa.int/planck-legacy-archive/index.php/Beams
\========= in arcmin: [9.60,7.18,4.87,4.78,4.71,4.51]
\========= Origin of following uncertainty information unknown...
\========= sig-hit taken from internal noise in PSD
\========= values below from FRB table:
\========= in muK for 1 sq deg: 1.8 0.9 1.3 4.7 70 4.E3
\========= lead to:0.121905    0.0523205    0.0180480   0.00796892   0.00281441   0.00274250 (see dustem_hfi_errors)
\========= WAVE from Planck collaboration, 2014, A&A 571, A9.
\========= It is assumed that the filter frequencies (857, 545,353,217, 143 100 GHz are the reference frequencies used for color correction. This is TBC)
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
HFI        HFI1       349.81618  MJy/sr       HFI          0.0735000   0.1219  7.       HFI857GHz             PLANCK_HFI.857GHz.dat                                   energy
HFI        HFI2       550.07791  MJy/sr       HFI          0.0780000   0.118   7.       HFI545GHz             PLANCK_HFI.545GHz.dat                                   energy
HFI        HFI3       849.27043  MJy/sr       HFI          0.0750000   0.0785  2.       HFI353GHz             PLANCK_HFI.353GHz.dat                                   energy
HFI        HFI4       1381.5321  MJy/sr       HFI          0.0785000   0.075   2.       HFI217GHz             PLANCK_HFI.217GHz.dat                                   energy
HFI        HFI5       2096.4509  MJy/sr       HFI          0.118000    0.075   2.       HFI143GHz             PLANCK_HFI.143GHz.dat                                   energy
HFI        HFI6       2997.9246  MJy/sr       HFI          0.158833    0.0735  2.       HFI100GHz             PLANCK_HFI.100GHz.dat                                   energy
\========= Information for  Planck LFI  from SVO filter service and Planck-HFI DR3 products at IRSA
\========= https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/Planck/release_3/ancillary-data/LFI_Products.html
\========= RESO_ORIG from Planck wiki https://wiki.cosmos.esa.int/planckpla2015/index.php/Beams_LFI
\========= in deg: [0.53899997,0.45200002,0.22183333]
\========= WAVE same assumption as for HFI leads to: 4282.7494       6813.4647       9993.0817. This is also TBC
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
LFI        LFI1       4282.7494   MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.22183333                   LFI70GHz              PLANCK_LFI.070GHz.dat                                   energy
LFI        LFI2       6813.4647   MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.45200000                   LFI44GHz              PLANCK_LFI.044GHz.dat                                   energy            
LFI        LFI3       9993.0817   MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.53900000                   LFI30GHz              PLANCK_LFI.030GHz.dat                                   energy            
\========= Information for PRONAOS SPM 
\====== There is no such document as a expalanory supplement for PRONAOS-SPM.
\====== The values below reflect the knowledge of JPB and what was done in the PRONAOS papers, in particular Pajot et al. 2006, A&A 447, 769–781
\====== WAVE from Pajot 2006. Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\====== RESO_ORIG from Pajot 2006, geometrical beam FWHM in tab 4 (2.0,2.0,2.5,3.5'). Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\====== FLUX_CONV assumed nuInu=cste, like in Pajot et al. 2006. Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\====== SIGABS taken to be 8%, as quoted in Pajot et al. 2006. Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
SPM        SPM1       200.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0333333            8.0
SPM        SPM2       260.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0333333            8.0
SPM        SPM3       360.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0416667            8.0
SPM        SPM4       580.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0583333            8.0
\========= Information for  ISOCAM 
\========= reso_orig values arbitrary
\========= sighit values arbitrary
\========= sigabs values arbitrary
\========= WAVE taken from ISOCAM Handbook : http://general-tools.cosmos.esa.int/iso/manuals/HANDBOOK/cam_hb/ p97 (color correction) and Tab. 2.3 (SW filters) and 2.4 (LW filters). Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
ISOCAM     ISOCAM1     2.80       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW4                    ISOCAM_SW4_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM2     3.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW7                    ISOCAM_SW7_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM3     3.30       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW2                    ISOCAM_SW2_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM4     3.60       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW1                    ISOCAM_SW1_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM5     3.70       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW6                    ISOCAM_SW6_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM6     3.90       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW9                    ISOCAM_SW9_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM7     4.05       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW8                    ISOCAM_SW8_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM8     4.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW5                    ISOCAM_SW5_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM9     4.26       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW11                   ISOCAM_SW11_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM10    4.50       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW3                    ISOCAM_SW3_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM11    4.50       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW1                    ISOCAM_LW1_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM12    4.60       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW10                   ISOCAM_SW10_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM13    6.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW4                    ISOCAM_LW4_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM14    6.80       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW5                    ISOCAM_LW5_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM15    6.70       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW2                    ISOCAM_LW2_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM16    7.70       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW6                    ISOCAM_LW6_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM17    9.60       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW7                    ISOCAM_LW7_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM18   11.30       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW8                    ISOCAM_LW8_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM19   12.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW10                   ISOCAM_LW10_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM20   14.30       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW3                    ISOCAM_LW3_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM21   14.90       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW9                    ISOCAM_LW9_transmission.xcat                           photon
\========= Information for  ISOPHOTP 
\========= reso_orig values arbitrary
\========= sighit values arbitrary
\========= sigabs values arbitrary
\========= WAVE, NAME from http://general-tools.cosmos.esa.int/iso/manuals/HANDBOOK/pht_hb/ p233 for color correction, Tab 2.2 for lambda_ref
\========= WAVE, NAME Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP1  3.30       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P3.29
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP2  3.60       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P3.6
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP3  4.80       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P4.85
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP4  7.30       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P7.3
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP5  7.70       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P7.7
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP6  10.0       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P10
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP7  11.30      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P11.3
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP8  12.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P11.5
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP9  12.80      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P12.8
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP10 15.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P16
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP11 20.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P20
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP12 25.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P25
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP13 60.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P60
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP14 100.0      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P100
\========= Information for  ISOPHOT C 
\========= reso_orig values arbitrary
\========= sighit values arbitrary
\========= sigabs values arbitrary
\========= WAVE, NAME from http://general-tools.cosmos.esa.int/iso/manuals/HANDBOOK/pht_hb/ p233 for color correction, Tab 2.2 for lambda_ref
\========= WAVE, NAME Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC1  65.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C50                  ISO_PHT-C.50mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC2  60.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C60                  ISO_PHT-C.60mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC3  80.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C70                  ISO_PHT-C.70mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC4  90.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C90                  ISO_PHT-C.90mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC5  100.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C100                 ISO_PHT-C.100mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC6  105.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C105                 ISO_PHT-C.105mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC7  120.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C120                 ISO_PHT-C.120mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC8  150.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C135                 ISO_PHT-C.135mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC9  170.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C160                 ISO_PHT-C.160mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC10 180.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C180                 ISO_PHT-C.180mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC11 200.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C200                 ISO_PHT-C.200mu.dat                                       energy
\================ DUMMY FILTER, DO NOT DELETE!
\================ This last dummy filter needs to be included so that DustEMWrap copes with spectral data
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
UNKNOWN    SPECTRUM   -32768.    MJy/sr      NONE         0

\===============FILTERS AND MODIFS PLANNED FOR FUTURE RELEASES===================================
\============== http://svo2.cab.inta-csic.es/theory/fps3/index.php================================
\==== Priority A
\ 2MASS - J,H, Ks
\ BLAST - 250, 350, 500
\ IRSF - J H Ks
\ WMAP -- cross check SVO
\ ISO -- cross check SVO
\ APEX -- cross check SVO, add current instruments
\ SOFIA instruments
\==== Priority B
\ Subaru IR instruments
\ HST NIR instruments
\ Gemini IR instruments
\ CFHT IR instruments
\ Keck IR instruments
\ Euclid IR instruments
\ Roman (WFIRST) IR instruments
\ LaSilla IR instruments
\ Paranal IR instruments
\==== Priority C
\ CAHA IR instruments
\ OVRO / Polatron
\ WHT IR instruments
\ Paranal UV/VIS instruments
\==== Priority D
\ Liverpool IR

\=============== END FILE instrument_description_DEV_VERSION.xcat ===================================