PRO dustemwrap_plot, p_dim, $ st=st, $ dustem_sed = dustem_sed, $ SED_spec = SED_spec, $ dustem_qsed = dustem_qsed, $ Q_spec = Q_spec, $ dustem_used = dustem_used, $ U_spec = U_spec, $ dustem_polsed = dustem_polsed, $ P_spec = P_spec, $ dustem_polfrac = dustem_polfrac, $ SP_spec = SP_spec, $ dustem_psi_em = dustem_psi_em, $ PSI_spec = PSI_spec, $ dustem_ext = dustem_ext, $ EXT_spec = EXT_spec, $ dustem_qext = dustem_qext, $ QEXT_spec = QEXT_spec, $ dustem_uext = dustem_uext, $ UEXT_spec = UEXT_spec, $ dustem_polext = dustem_polext, $ POLEXT_spec = POLEXT_spec, $ dustem_fpolext = dustem_fpolext, $ SPEXT_spec = SPEXT_spec, $ dustem_psi_ext = dustem_psi_ext, $ PSIEXT_spec = PSIEXT_spec, $ _extra=_extra, $ help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustemwrap_plot ; ; PURPOSE: ; plots dustemwrap observed sed, predicted sed, predicted spectra for total intensity, polarization in emission and extinction ; ; CATEGORY: ; DustEMWrap, Distributed, Plotting, Mid-Level ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustemwrap_plot,p_dim,st=st,dustem_sed=dustem_sed,SED_spec=SED_spec,dustem_qsed=dustem_qsed,Q_spec=Q_spec,dustem_used=dustem_used,U_spec=U_spec $ ; ,dustem_polsed,P_spec,dustem_polfrac,SP_spec,dustem_psi_em,PSI_spec $ ; ,dustem_ext,EXT_spec,dustem_qext,QEXT_spec,dustem_uext,UEXT_spec $ ; ,dustem_polext,POLEXT_spec,dustem_fpolext,SPEXT_spec,dustem_psi_ext,PSIEXT_spec $ ; ,_extra=_extra ; ; INPUTS: ; p_dim ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; st = dustem output structure ; dustem_sed = dustem predicted SED ; dustem_qsed = dustem predicted StokesQ SED ; dustem_used = dustem predicted StokesU SED ; dustem_polsed = dustem predicted LargeP SED ; dustem_polfrac = dustem predicted smallP SED ; dustem_psi_em = dustem predicted PSI SED ; dustem_ext = dustem predicted EXT ; dustem_qext = dustem predicted StokesQ EXT ; dustem_uext = dustem predicted StokesU EXT ; dustem_polext = dustem predicted LargeP EXT ; dustem_fpolext = dustem predicted smallP EXT ; dustem_psi_ext = dustem prediced PSI EXT ; SED_spec = dustem predicted total emission spectrum (total = all-grain) ; Q_spec = dustem precicted total StokesQ emission spectrum ; U_spec = dustem predicted total Stokes U emission spectrum ; P_spec = dustem predicted total LargeP emission spectrum ; SP_spec = dustem predicted total smallP emission spectrum ; PSI_spec = dustem predicted total PSI emission spectrum ; EXT_spec = dustem predicted total extinction spectrum ; QEXT_spec = dustem predicted total StokesQ extinction spectrum ; UEXT_spec = dustem predicted total StokesU extinction spectrum ; POLEXT_spec = dustem predicted total LargeP extinction spectrum ; SPEXT_spec = dustem predicted total smallP extinction spectrum ; PSIEXT_spec = dustem predicted total PSI extinction spectrum ; ; OUTPUTS: ; dustem_sed = dustem predicted SED ; dustem_qsed = dustem predicted StokesQ SED ; dustem_used = dustem predicted StokesU SED ; dustem_polsed = dustem predicted LargeP SED ; dustem_polfrac = dustem predicted smallP SED ; dustem_psi_em = dustem predicted PSI SED ; dustem_ext = dustem predicted EXT ; dustem_qext = dustem predicted StokesQ EXT ; dustem_uext = dustem predicted StokesU EXT ; dustem_polext = dustem predicted LargeP EXT ; dustem_fpolext = dustem predicted smallP EXT ; dustem_psi_ext = dustem prediced PSI EXT ; SED_spec = dustem predicted total emission spectrum ; Q_spec = dustem precicted total StokesQ emission spectrum ; U_spec = dustem predicted total Stokes U emission spectrum ; P_spec = dustem predicted total LargeP emission spectrum ; SP_spec = dustem predicted total smallP emission spectrum ; PSI_spec = dustem predicted total PSI emission spectrum ; EXT_spec = dustem predicted total extinction spectrum ; QEXT_spec = dustem predicted total StokesQ extinction spectrum ; UEXT_spec = dustem predicted total StokesU extinction spectrum ; POLEXT_spec = dustem predicted total LargeP extinction spectrum ; SPEXT_spec = dustem predicted total smallP extinction spectrum ; PSIEXT_spec = dustem predicted total PSI extinction spectrum; ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; Generates plots! ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEM fortran code must be installed ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; ; PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Ilyes Choubani 2022 ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustemwrap_plot' goto,the_end END ;===========Making sure Plugins are activated IF not keyword_set(st) THEN BEGIN dustem_activate_plugins,p_dim/(*(*!dustem_fit).param_init_values),st=st ; 0/0 division case? ENDIF ;===========Making sure the predicted dustem SEDs are set if not keyword_set(dustem_sed) and isa((*!dustem_data).sed) then begin ;better test? dustem_sed = dustem_compute_sed(p_dim,st=st,SED_spec=SED_spec) if !run_pol and tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qsed') && !run_lin then begin dustem_polsed = dustem_compute_polsed(p_dim,st=st,P_spec=P_spec,SP_spec=SP_spec,dustem_polfrac=dustem_polfrac) toto = dustem_compute_stokes(p_dim,st=st,Q_spec=Q_spec,U_spec=U_spec,PSI_spec=PSI_spec,dustem_psi_em=dustem_psi_em) dustem_qsed = toto[0] dustem_used = toto[1] endif endif ;===========Making sure the predicted dustem EXTs are set if not keyword_set(dustem_ext) and isa((*!dustem_data).ext) then begin dustem_ext = dustem_compute_ext(p_dim,st=st,EXT_spec=EXT_spec) if !run_pol and tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qext') && !run_lin then begin ;any polarization tag (qsed,used,qext,usext,polfrac) can be used for this test ;stop dustem_polext = dustem_compute_polext(p_dim,st=st,POLEXT_spec=POLEXT_spec,SPEXT_spec=SPEXT_spec,dustem_fpolext=dustem_fpolext) toto = dustem_compute_stokext(p_dim,st=st,QEXT_spec=QEXT_spec,UEXT_spec=UEXT_spec,PSIEXT_spec=PSIEXT_spec,dustem_psi_ext=dustem_psi_ext) dustem_qext = toto[0] dustem_uext = toto[1] endif endif ;===========We should call this something more adequate mouchard=*!iteration_mouchard new_mouchard=mouchard[0] new_mouchard.iteration=!dustem_iter.act new_mouchard.chi2=(*!dustem_fit).chi2 new_mouchard.rchi2=(*!dustem_fit).rchi2 mouchard=[mouchard,new_mouchard] !iteration_mouchard=ptr_new(mouchard) ;===========Initializing tests test_sed = isa((*!dustem_data).sed) test_ext = isa((*!dustem_data).ext) ;===========Bunch of tests that are not important now but that ;might be in future releases. To adjust the layout of the dashboard for instance if !run_pol then begin if tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qsed') then begin ;testing to account for the fact that the user can activate the !run_pol keyword without knowing ;ie: using a dust model with polarization w/o polarization data present... test_polsed = isa((*!dustem_show).polsed) test_polfrac = isa((*!dustem_show).polfrac) test_qsed = isa((*!dustem_show).qsed) test_used = isa((*!dustem_show).used) test_psi_em = isa((*!dustem_show).psi_em) endif if tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qext') then begin test_polext = isa((*!dustem_show).polext) test_psi_ext = isa((*!dustem_show).psi_ext) test_fpolext = isa((*!dustem_show).fpolext) test_qext = isa((*!dustem_show).qext) test_uext = isa((*!dustem_show).uext) endif if tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qsed') then test_m = test_sed or test_polsed $ or test_polfrac or test_qsed $ or test_used or test_psi_em if tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qext') then test_x = test_ext or test_polext $ or test_fpolext or test_qext $ or test_uext or test_psi_ext if ~tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qsed') then test_m = test_sed if ~tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qext') then test_x = test_ext endif else begin test_m = test_sed test_x = test_ext endelse n_plgns = n_tags(*!dustem_plugin) frmt0='(A36)' frmt1='(1E10.2)' frmt2='(10F10.2)' ;===========Loops over the _extra structure and retrieves ;the keywords pertaining to each data set. ;It places them in a system variable that is ;always refreshed (@ each call). dustem_set_plot_range,test_sed, test_ext,_extra= _extra ;===========Keeping track of the command indices to adress the different datasets ;Doing this manually because I don't see another way. cmdind_m = 0 ;for emission cmdind_x = 0 ;for extinction cmdind_prms = 0 ;for parameters cmdind_plgns = 0 ;for plugins ;===========Keeping track of the windows' indices ;-emission and extinction- iswinsed = !dustemcgwin_id.sed EQ la_undef() iswinext = !dustemcgwin_id.ext EQ la_undef() ;===========Keeping track of the windows' indices ;-parameters and plugins- iswinprms = !dustemcgwin_id.prms EQ la_undef() iswinplgns = !dustemcgwin_id.plgns EQ la_undef() ;===========Retrieving some data relevant to the plotting if isa((*!dustem_fit).current_param_errors) then begin errors = (*(*!dustem_fit).current_param_errors) ;* (*(*!dustem_fit).param_init_values) ;multiplied internally in dustem_mpfit. Should maybe be changed. endif else begin errors = (*(*!dustem_fit).param_init_values)*0.;+la_undef();Initialized to 0 instead of la_undef() ENDELSE if isa((*!dustem_fit).chi2) then begin chi2 = (*!dustem_fit).chi2 endif else begin chi2 = la_undef();maybe not the best initialization endelse if isa((*!dustem_fit).rchi2) then begin rchi2 = (*!dustem_fit).rchi2 endif else begin rchi2 = la_undef();maybe not the best initialization endelse ;===========Window positionning parameters if !run_pol and tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qsed') then BEGIN ;qsed tag is sufficient for the test wdelta_x=60 main_wxsize=910 main_wysize=658 param_wxpos=main_wxsize+wdelta_x param_wypos=15 param_wxsize=350 param_wysize=200 plugin_wxpos=main_wxsize+wdelta_x plugin_wypos=300 plugin_wxsize=350 plugin_wysize=200 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN wdelta_x=60 main_wxsize=640 ;default of cgwindow main_wysize=512 ;default of cgwindow param_wxpos=main_wxsize+wdelta_x;700 param_wypos=15 param_wxsize=350 param_wysize=200 plugin_wxpos=main_wxsize+wdelta_x;700 plugin_wypos=300 plugin_wxsize=350 plugin_wysize=200 ENDELSE ;===========EMISSION WINDOW if test_m then begin ;===========If window not set, create it and plot data anew if iswinsed then begin if !run_pol and tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qsed') then cgwindow,wxsize=main_wxsize,wysize=main_wysize,wtitle='DUSTEMWRAP '+!dustem_version.version+' (EMISSION)' else cgwindow,wxsize=main_wxsize,wysize=main_wysize,wtitle='DUSTEMWRAP '+!dustem_version.version+' (EMISSION)';, wback='grey';,wobject=winobj_m winid_m = cgquery(dimensions=dim_m,/current) ;dimension is not used... !dustemcgwin_id.sed = winid_m cgcontrol, winid_m, execute=0 ;===========Display Model string xxpos = 0.015 yypos = 0.97 cgtext, xxpos, yypos,'Model : '+!dustem_model,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.2,/addcmd ;& cmdind_m+=1 This is the first command in the window ;===========Display Hydrogen Column Density yypos = 0.95 cgtext, xxpos, yypos,textoidl('N_{H}')+textoidl(' (H/cm^2) : ')+strmid(string(*!dustem_HCD,format='(1E10.2)'),2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.2,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 ;===========Displaying current iteration xxpos = 0.015 yypos = 0.015 ;FROZEN part that does not change in-between displays. cgtext, xxpos, yypos,'Iteration : ',color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.25,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 ;generating the equivalent escape string for the frozen part of the string esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen('Iteration : '))) ;Refreshed part that changes in-between iterations/displays. cgtext, xxpos, yypos,esc_txt+strtrim(!dustem_iter.act,2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.25,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 ; ! = cmdind_m ;#plotting of (mostly) fixed data for rchi2 yypos = 0.97 ;#Displaying fixed part ;replacing the chi2 value (refreshed part of the string) by spaces esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen(strtrim(string(chi2,format=frmt2),2)))) cgtext, 0.985, yypos,textoidl('\chi^{2} : ')+esc_txt,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,alignment=1.0,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 ;#Displaying refreshed part (first run . This is the command that will be replaced) ;generating the equivalent escape string for the frozen part of the string esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen(textoidl('\chi^{2} : ')))) cgtext, 0.985, yypos,esc_txt+strtrim(string(chi2,format=frmt2),2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,alignment=1.0,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 ;saving the command id to replace it ! = cmdind_m ;plotting of (mostly) fixed data for rchi2 yypos = 0.95 ;#Displaying fixed part ;replacing the rchi2 value (refreshed part of the string) by spaces esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen(strtrim(string(rchi2,format=frmt2),2)))) txt = textoidl('r_{\chi^{2}} : ') cgtext, 0.985, yypos,txt+esc_txt,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.35,alignment=1.0,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 ;#Displaying refreshed part (first run . This is the command that will be replaced) ;generating the equivalent escape string for the frozen part of the string esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen(textoidl('r_{\chi^{2}} : ')))) txt = strtrim(string(rchi2,format=frmt2),2) cgtext, 0.985, yypos,esc_txt+txt,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,alignment=1.0,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 ;saving the command id to replace it ! = cmdind_m ;Saving the title for the emission plot tit=!dustem_plot_range.title_m ;See if JP and Annie don't like plotting this on the bottom of the window cgtext, 0.5, 0.96,tit,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.6,alignment=0.5,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 cgtext, 0.5, 0.015,'(RUNNING)',color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.6,/addcmd,alignment=0.5 & cmdind_m+=1 ! = cmdind_m endif else begin ;This is when the cgwindow exists already winid_m = !dustemcgwin_id.sed cgcontrol, winid_m, execute=0 cgset, winid_m ;apparently specifying the window index in the above command isn't enough. This might be because of the use of cgcontrol ;Refreshing chi2 data: cmdin_m = ! xxpos = 0.985;1 - !dustemcgwin_ncmds.chi2.txtwdth - 0.03 yypos = 0.97 ;using cgwindow's weakness to fix the ps output. if !dustem_end ne 0 then esc_txt = textoidl('\chi^{2} : ') else esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen(textoidl('\chi^{2} : ')))) cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,esc_txt+strtrim(string(chi2,format=frmt2),2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,alignment=1.0,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdin_m, winid=winid_m ;& cmdind_m+=1 if !dustem_end ne 0 then cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,'',color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,alignment=1.0,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdin_m-1, winid=winid_m ;& cmdind_m+=1 ;Refreshing number of runs data: ;Refreshing rchi2 data: cmdin_m = ! xxpos = 0.985;1 - !dustemcgwin_ncmds.rchi2.txtwdth - 0.03 yypos = 0.95 ;using cgwindow's weakness to fix the ps output. if !dustem_end ne 0 then esc_txt = textoidl('r_{\chi^{2}} : ') else esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen(textoidl('r_{\chi^{2}} : ')))) cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,esc_txt+strtrim(string(rchi2,format=frmt2),2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,alignment=1.0,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdin_m, winid=winid_m ;& cmdind_m+=1 if !dustem_end ne 0 then cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,'',color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,alignment=1.0,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdin_m-1, winid=winid_m ;& cmdind_m+=1 ;Refreshing number of runs data: cmdin_m = ! xxpos = 0.015;0.03 + !dustemcgwin_ncmds.runs.txtwdth*1.35 ;(because of charsize) yypos = 0.015 esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen('Iteration : '))) if !dustem_iter.act eq 0 then txt = esc_txt+'Fit failed. ' else begin if !dustem_end ne 0 then esc_txt='Iteration : ' txt = esc_txt+strtrim(!dustem_iter.act,2) endelse cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,txt,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.25,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdin_m, winid=winid_m ;& cmdind_m+=1 ;update of the title here ? if !dustem_end EQ 1 then begin ;IF & ONLY IF we're at the last iteration (refreshing title) ;tit=!dustem_plot_range.title_m cmdin_m = ! xxpos = 0.5;!dustemcgwin_ncmds.pltit.txtwdth_m yypos = 0.015 cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,'(Final Run)',alignment=0.5,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.6,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdin_m, winid=winid_m endif if !dustem_end EQ -1 then begin ;Adjusting title for subsequent displays to the end of the fit tit=!dustem_plot_range.title_m cmdind_m = ! xxpos = 0.5 yypos =0.96 cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,tit,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.6,/replacecmd,alignment=0.5,cmdindex=cmdind_m-1, winid=winid_m ;this following/below call is needed so that the string disappears (string is '(FINAL RUN)' or '(RUNNING)') ;just to be safe yypos = 0.015 cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos, yypos,'',color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.6,/replacecmd,alignment=0.5,cmdindex=cmdind_m, winid=winid_m ENDIF endelse ;This block needs to be replicated inside the dustem_plot_dataset routine if !run_pol and tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qsed') then begin ;position arrays for plot and normalized graph ;THIS IS HARD-CODED IN A VERY SILLY WAY p_sed = [0.05,0.67,0.475,0.90] p_psed = [0.525,0.67,0.95,0.90] p_spsed = [0.05,0.375,0.475,0.575] p_psised = [0.525,0.375,0.95,0.575] p_qsed = [0.05,0.12,0.475,0.35] p_used = [0.525,0.12,0.95,0.35] np_sed = [0.05,0.60,0.475,0.67] np_psed = [0.525,0.60,0.95,0.67] np_qsed = [0.05,0.05,0.475,0.12] np_used = [0.525,0.05,0.95,0.12] p_sed[1]+= 0.0125 & p_sed[3]+= 0.0125 p_psed[1]+= 0.0125 & p_psed[3]+= 0.0125 p_spsed[1]+= 0.0125 & p_spsed[3]+= 0.0125 p_psised[1]+= 0.0125 & p_psised[3]+= 0.0125 p_qsed[1]+= 0.0125 & p_qsed[3]+= 0.0125 p_used[1]+= 0.0125 & p_used[3]+= 0.0125 np_sed[1]+= 0.0125 & np_sed[3]+= 0.0125 np_psed[1]+= 0.0125 & np_psed[3]+= 0.0125 np_qsed[1]+= 0.0125 & np_qsed[3]+= 0.0125 np_used[1]+= 0.0125 & np_used[3]+= 0.0125 endif else begin p_sed = [0.07,0.30,0.97,0.88] np_sed = [0.07,0.12,0.97,0.30] endelse plotsym,0,/fill if !run_pol and tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qsed') then begin ;This part can be adjusted for future releases if the user wants to plot ;specific datasets ;lists because elements have different dimensions and/or we want entire arrays as elements dustem_interp = list(dustem_sed,dustem_polfrac,dustem_qsed,dustem_used,dustem_psi_em,dustem_polsed) ;DustEmWrap SED predictions dustem_spec = list(SED_spec,SP_spec,Q_spec,U_spec,PSI_spec,P_spec) ;DustEM spectra predictions extra_spec = list(0,SED_spec,0,0,0,0) ;extra spectra that the dataset needs in order to be plotted. ;This (extra_spec use) actually should not be generalized since the only case we need an extra spectrum is when plotting the polarization fraction. position = list(list(p_sed,np_sed),list(p_spsed),list(p_qsed,np_qsed),list(p_used,np_used),list(p_psised),list(p_psed,np_psed)) ;these don't have to be lists datasets = ['SED','POLFRAC','QSED','USED','PSI_EM','POLSED'] ;but these can be combined using a list but we're leaving it as is for the moment... positiveonly = [0,0,1,1,0,0] ;used for q and u negativeonly = [0,0,1,1,0,0] ;used for q and u ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dustem_interp = list(dustem_sed) ;DustEmWrap SED predictions . dustem_spec = list(SED_spec) ;DustEM spectra predictions position = list(p_sed,np_sed);list(list(p_sed,np_sed)) ; I think I need this ... ;position_n =list(np_sed) datasets = ['SED'] ;replace by one keyword? positiveonly=[0] ;kept it for completeness. Also this loop reminds me that JP also wants the user to be able to display one dataset. negativeonly=[0] ENDELSE if ~iswinsed then begin ;PLOTTING OF REFRESHED DATA ;REFRESHING DATA cmdind_m = ! cgwindow,'dustem_plot_dataset', st, dustem_interp,dustem_spec,extra_spec=extra_spec,dataset=datasets, /refresh,position=position, positive_only=positiveonly,negative_only=negativeonly,winid=winid_m,cmdindex=cmdind_m,/replacecmd,_extra=_extra endif else begin ; PLOTTING OF DATA THAT IS UNCHAED cgwindow,'dustem_plot_dataset', st, dataset=datasets, position=position,positive_only=positiveonly,negative_only=negativeonly, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ; REFRESHING DATA - to plot the refreshed data for the first time. cgwindow,'dustem_plot_dataset', st, dustem_interp,dustem_spec,extra_spec=extra_spec,dataset=datasets,positive_only=positiveonly,negative_only=negativeonly, /refresh ,position=position, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ! = cmdind_m ;if this works I'll be able to get rid of one of the pointers endelse cgcontrol, winid_m, execute=1 ENDIF ;===========EXTINCION WINDOW if test_x then begin ;===========If window not set, create it and plot data anew if iswinext then begin if !run_pol and tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qext') then cgwindow,wxsize=main_wxsize,wysize=main_wysize,wtitle='DUSTEMWRAP '+!dustem_version.version+' (EXTINCTION)' else cgwindow,wxsize=main_wxsize,wysize=main_wysize,wtitle='DUSTEMWRAP '+!dustem_version.version+' (EXTINCTION)';, wback='grey';,wobject=winobj_m winid_x = cgquery(dimensions=dim_x,/current) ;dimension is not used... !dustemcgwin_id.ext = winid_x cgcontrol, winid_x, execute=0 ;===========Display Model string xxpos = 0.015 yypos = 0.97 ;===========Display Hydrogen Column Density cgtext, xxpos, yypos,'Model : '+!dustem_model,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.2,/addcmd ;& cmdind_m+=1 This is the first command in the window yypos = 0.95 cgtext, xxpos, yypos,textoidl('N_{H}')+textoidl(' (H/cm^2) : ')+strmid(string(*!dustem_HCD,format='(1E10.2)'),2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.2,/addcmd & cmdind_x+=1 ;===========Displaying current iteration xxpos = 0.015 yypos = 0.015 ;FROZEN part that does not change in-between displays. cgtext, xxpos, yypos,'Iteration : ',color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.25,/addcmd & cmdind_x+=1 ;generating the equivalent escape string for the frozen part of the string esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen('Iteration : '))) ;Refreshed part that changes in-between iterations/displays. cgtext, xxpos, yypos,esc_txt+strtrim(!dustem_iter.act,2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.25,/addcmd & cmdind_x+=1 ; ! = cmdind_x ;plotting of (mostly) fixed data for rchi2 ;Since the format of the strings is specified, the length/width of the string in thex direction is fixed. yypos = 0.97 ;Displaying fixed part ;replacing the chi2 value (refreshed part of the string) by spaces esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen(strtrim(string(chi2,format=frmt2),2)))) cgtext, 0.985, yypos,textoidl('\chi^{2} : ')+esc_txt,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,alignment=1.0,/addcmd & cmdind_x+=1 ;Displaying refreshed part (first run . This is the command that will be replaced) ;generating the equivalent escape string for the frozen part of the string esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen(textoidl('\chi^{2} : ')))) cgtext, 0.985, yypos,esc_txt+strtrim(string(chi2,format=frmt2),2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,alignment=1.0,/addcmd & cmdind_x+=1 ;saving the command id to replace it ! = cmdind_x ;plotting of (mostly) fixed data for rchi2 yypos = 0.95 ;Displaying fixed part ;relpacing the rchi2 value (refreshed part of the string) by spaces esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen(strtrim(string(rchi2,format=frmt2),2)))) cgtext, 0.985, yypos,textoidl('r_{\chi^{2}} : ')+esc_txt,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.35,alignment=1.0,/addcmd & cmdind_x+=1 ;Displaying refreshed part (first run . This is the command that will be replaced) ;generating the equivalent escape string for the frozen part of the string esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen(textoidl('r_{\chi^{2}} : ')))) cgtext, 0.985, yypos,strtrim(string(rchi2,format=frmt2),2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,alignment=1.0,/addcmd & cmdind_x+=1 ;saving the command id to replace it ! = cmdind_x ;Plotting of the title of the dashboard (plot(s)) ;Saving the title for the extinction plot tit=!dustem_plot_range.title_x; cgtext, 0.5, 0.96,tit,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.6,alignment=0.5,/addcmd & cmdind_x+=1 ;plotting the status on the bottom of the display window cgtext, 0.5, 0.015,'(RUNNING)',color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.6,alignment=0.5,/addcmd & cmdind_x+=1 ! = cmdind_x endif else begin ; refreshed runs winid_x = !dustemcgwin_id.ext cgcontrol, winid_x, execute=0 cgset, winid_x ;apparently specifying the window index above isn't enough. This might be because of the use of cgcontrol ;Refreshing chi2 data: cmdin_x = ! xxpos = 0.985;1 - !dustemcgwin_ncmds.chi2.txtwdth - 0.03 yypos = 0.97 ;using cgwindow's weakness to fix the ps output. if !dustem_end ne 0 then esc_txt = textoidl('\chi^{2} : ') else esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen(textoidl('\chi^{2} : ')))) cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,esc_txt+strtrim(string(chi2,format=frmt2),2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,alignment=1.0,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdin_x, winid=winid_x ;& cmdind_m+=1 if !dustem_end ne 0 then cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,'',color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,alignment=1.0,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdin_x-1, winid=winid_x ;& cmdind_m+=1 ;Refreshing number of runs data: ;Refreshing rchi2 data: cmdin_x = ! xxpos = 0.985;1 - !dustemcgwin_ncmds.rchi2.txtwdth - 0.03 yypos = 0.95 ;using cgwindow's weakness to fix the ps output. if !dustem_end ne 0 then esc_txt = textoidl('r_{\chi^{2}} : ') else esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen(textoidl('r_{\chi^{2}} : ')))) cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,esc_txt+strtrim(string(rchi2,format=frmt2),2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,alignment=1.0,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdin_x, winid=winid_x ;& cmdind_m+=1 if !dustem_end ne 0 then cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,'',color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,alignment=1.0,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdin_x-1, winid=winid_x ;& cmdind_m+=1 ;Refreshing number of runs data: cmdin_x = ! xxpos = 0.015;0.03 + !dustemcgwin_ncmds.runs.txtwdth*1.35 ;(because of charsize) yypos = 0.015 esc_txt = strjoin(replicate(' ', strlen('Iteration : '))) if !dustem_iter.act eq 0 then txt = esc_txt+'Fit failed. ' else begin if !dustem_end ne 0 then esc_txt='Iteration : ' txt = esc_txt+strtrim(!dustem_iter.act,2) endelse cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,txt,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.25,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdin_x, winid=winid_x ;& cmdind_m+=1 ;update of the title here ? if !dustem_end EQ 1 then begin ;IF & ONLY IF we're at the last iteration (refreshing title) ;tit=!dustem_plot_range.title_m cmdin_x = ! xxpos = 0.5;!dustemcgwin_ncmds.pltit.txtwdth_m yypos = 0.015 cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,'(Final Run)',alignment=0.5,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.6,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdin_x, winid=winid_x endif if !dustem_end EQ -1 then begin ;Adjusting title for subsequent displays to the end of the fit tit=!dustem_plot_range.title_x cmdind_x = ! xxpos = 0.5 yypos =0.96 cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,tit,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.6,/replacecmd,alignment=0.5,cmdindex=cmdind_x-1, winid=winid_x ;this following/below call is needed so that the string disappears (string is '(FINAL RUN)' or '(RUNNING)') ;just to be safe yypos = 0.015 cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos, yypos,'',color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.6,/replacecmd,alignment=0.5,cmdindex=cmdind_x, winid=winid_x ENDIF endelse if !run_pol and tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qext') then begin ;position arrays for plot and normalized graph ;THIS IS HARD-CODED IN A VERY SILLY WAY p_ext = [0.05,0.67,0.475,0.90] p_pext = [0.525,0.67,0.95,0.90] p_spext = [0.05,0.375,0.475,0.575] ; Should we plot this? tau_polext/tau_ext_tot. YES FOR NOW... p_psiext = [0.525,0.375,0.95,0.575] p_qext = [0.05,0.12,0.475,0.35] p_uext = [0.525,0.12,0.95,0.35] np_ext = [0.05,0.60,0.475,0.67] np_pext = [0.525,0.60,0.95,0.67] np_qext = [0.05,0.05,0.475,0.12] np_uext = [0.525,0.05,0.95,0.12] p_ext[1]+= 0.0125 & p_ext[3]+= 0.0125 p_pext[1]+= 0.0125 & p_pext[3]+= 0.0125 p_spext[1]+= 0.0125 & p_spext[3]+= 0.0125 p_psiext[1]+= 0.0125 & p_psiext[3]+= 0.0125 p_qext[1]+= 0.0125 & p_qext[3]+= 0.0125 p_uext[1]+= 0.0125 & p_uext[3]+= 0.0125 np_ext[1]+= 0.0125 & np_ext[3]+= 0.0125 np_pext[1]+= 0.0125 & np_pext[3]+= 0.0125 np_qext[1]+= 0.0125 & np_qext[3]+= 0.0125 np_uext[1]+= 0.0125 & np_uext[3]+= 0.0125 endif else begin p_ext = [0.07,0.30,0.97,0.85] np_ext = [0.07,0.10,0.97,0.30] endelse ;Plotting of sed data axes (whether or not data is present) plotsym,0,/fill ;you might need to execute this again. hmm... if !run_pol and tag_exist(*!dustem_show,'qext') then begin ;This part can be adjusted for future releases if the user wants to plot ;specific datasets ;lists because elements have different dimensions and/or we want entire arrays as elements dustem_interp = list(dustem_ext,dustem_fpolext,dustem_qext,dustem_uext,dustem_psi_ext,dustem_polext) ;DustEmWrap SED predictions dustem_spec = list(EXT_spec,SPEXT_spec,QEXT_spec,UEXT_spec,PSIEXT_spec,POLEXT_spec) ;DustEM spectra predictions extra_spec = list(0,EXT_spec,0,0,0,0) ;extra spectra that the dataset needs in order to be plotted. ;This (extra_spec use) actually should not be generalized since the only case we need an extra spectrum is when plotting the polarization fraction. position = list(list(p_ext,np_ext),list(p_spext),list(p_qext,np_qext),list(p_uext,np_uext),list(p_psiext),list(p_pext,np_pext)) ;these don't have to be lists datasets = ['EXT','FPOLEXT','QEXT','UEXT','PSI_EXT','POLEXT'] ;but these can be combined using a list but we're leaving it as is for the moment... positiveonly = [0,0,1,1,0,0] ;used for q and u negativeonly = [0,0,1,1,0,0] ;used for q and u ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dustem_interp = list(dustem_ext) ;DustEmWrap EXT predictions . dustem_spec = list(EXT_spec) ;DustEM spectra predictions position = list(p_ext,np_ext);list(list(p_sed,np_sed)) ; I think I need this ... ;position_n =list(np_sed) datasets = ['EXT'] ;replace by one keyword? positiveonly=[0] ;kept it for completeness. Also this loop reminds me that JP also wants the user to be able to display one dataset. negativeonly=[0] ENDELSE if ~iswinsed then begin ;PLOTTING OF REFRESHED DATA ;REFRESHING DATA cmdind_x = ! cgwindow,'dustem_plot_dataset', st, dustem_interp,dustem_spec,extra_spec=extra_spec,dataset=datasets, /refresh,position=position, positive_only=positiveonly,negative_only=negativeonly,winid=winid_x,cmdindex=cmdind_x,/replacecmd,_extra=_extra endif else begin ; PLOTTING OF DATA THAT IS UNCHAED cgwindow,'dustem_plot_dataset', st, dataset=datasets, position=position,positive_only=positiveonly,negative_only=negativeonly, /addcmd, winid=winid_x, _extra=_extra & cmdind_x+=1 ; REFRESHING DATA - to plot the refreshed data for the first time. cgwindow,'dustem_plot_dataset', st, dustem_interp,dustem_spec,extra_spec=extra_spec,dataset=datasets,positive_only=positiveonly,negative_only=negativeonly, /refresh ,position=position, /addcmd, winid=winid_x, _extra=_extra & cmdind_x+=1 ! = cmdind_x ;if this works I'll be able to get rid of one of the pointers endelse cgcontrol, winid_x, execute=1 ENDIF IF ~iswinprms THEN BEGIN;(NEXT RUNS) winid_prms = !dustemcgwin_id.prms cgcontrol, winid_prms, execute=0 cgset, winid_prms cmdind_prms = ! cgwindow,'dustem_plot_dataset', st, p_dim, errors,dataset=['PARAMETERS'], /refresh,winid=winid_prms,cmdindex=cmdind_prms,/replacecmd, _extra=_extra ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;(FIRST RUN) cgwindow,wxpos=param_wxpos,wypos=param_wypos,wxsize=param_wxsize,wysize=param_wysize,wtitle='DUSTEMWRAP '+!dustem_version.version+' (PARAMETERS)' ; keeping the same y dimension of the emission/extinction plot? winid_prms = cgquery(dimensions=dim_prms,/current) ;we don't need the dimension of the window so far/ I don't know why I needed it before cgcontrol, winid_prms, execute=0 !dustemcgwin_id.prms = winid_prms cgwindow,'dustem_plot_dataset', st, p_dim, errors,dataset=['PARAMETERS'], /addcmd , winid=winid_prms,_extra=_extra ;& cmdind_prms+=1 cgwindow,'dustem_plot_dataset', st, p_dim, errors,dataset=['PARAMETERS'], /addcmd, /refresh , winid=winid_prms, _extra=_extra & cmdind_prms+=1 ! = cmdind_prms ENDELSE cgcontrol, winid_prms ,execute=1 IF (tag_names(*!dustem_plugin))(0) NE 'NONE' THEN BEGIN IF ~iswinplgns THEN BEGIN;(NEXT RUNS) winid_plgns = !dustemcgwin_id.plgns cgcontrol, winid_plgns, execute=0 cgset, winid_plgns cmdind_plgns = ! cgwindow,'dustem_plot_dataset', st, p_dim, errors,dataset=['PLUGINS'], /refresh, winid=winid_plgns,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdind_plgns, _extra=_extra ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;(FIRST RUN) cgwindow,wxpos=plugin_wxpos,wypos=plugin_wypos,wxsize=plugin_wxsize,wysize=plugin_wysize,wtitle='DUSTEMWRAP '+!dustem_version.version+' (PLUGINS)' ; keeping the same y dimension of the emission/extinction plot? cgcontrol, winid_plgns, execute=0 !dustemcgwin_id.plgns = winid_plgns cgwindow,'dustem_plot_dataset', st, p_dim, errors,dataset=['PLUGINS'], /addcmd , winid=winid_plgns,_extra=_extra ;& cmdind_prms+=1 cgwindow,'dustem_plot_dataset', st, p_dim, errors,dataset=['PLUGINS'], /addcmd, /refresh , winid=winid_plgns, _extra=_extra & cmdind_plgns+=1 ! = cmdind_plgns ENDELSE ENDIF cgcontrol, winid_plgns ,execute=1 if !dustem_end then !dustem_end = -1 ;so that the last iteration is only plotted once. the_end: END