FUNCTION dustem_brute_force_fit,sed,table_name,filters,normalize=normalize,fact=fact,chi2=chi2,rchi2=rchi2,show_sed=show_sed ;stop ;sed must be normalized to NH=1e20 H/cm2 defsysv,'!dustem_grid',0,exist=exist IF exist EQ 0 THEN BEGIN dustem_define_grid,table_name,filters ENDIF ;help,!dustem_grid,/str ;** Structure <33fa4168>, 6 tags, length=544, data length=540, refs=2: ; NSED LONG 8 ; NFILTERS LONG 8 ; NPARAMS LONG 3 ; FILTERS STRING Array[8] ; PARAMS STRING Array[3] ; SEDS STRUCT -> Array[8] ;help,!dustem_grid.seds,/str ;IDL> help,!dustem_grid.seds,/str ;** Structure <33f4de68>, 11 tags, length=44, data length=44, refs=3: ; P1 FLOAT 0.500000 ; P2 FLOAT 0.00100000 ; P3 FLOAT 0.00100000 ; INIRCAM11 FLOAT 1.90915e-05 ; INIRCAM16 FLOAT 2.40584e-05 ; INIRCAM19 FLOAT 0.00566705 ; INIRCAM21 FLOAT 0.00130508 ; IMIRI2 FLOAT 0.0194735 ; IMIRI3 FLOAT 0.0153818 ; IMIRI6 FLOAT 0.0844443 ; IMIRI11 FLOAT 0.0264565 seds=!dustem_grid.seds Nseds=!dustem_grid.Nsed Nfilters=!dustem_grid.Nfilters Nparams=!dustem_grid.Nparams chi2s=dblarr(Nseds) grid_seds=fltarr(Nseds,Nfilters) grid_param_values=fltarr(Nseds,Nparams) ;=== compute sed grid Array FOR i=0L,Nseds-1 DO BEGIN FOR j=0L,Nfilters-1 DO BEGIN grid_seds[i,j]=seds[i].(j+Nparams) ENDFOR ENDFOR ;=== compute the parameter values Array FOR i=0L,Nseds-1 DO BEGIN FOR j=0L,Nparams-1 DO BEGIN grid_param_values[i,j]=seds[i].(j) ENDFOR ENDFOR ;stop ;=== loop over to compute chi2 ;we should actually store the total of grid sed for each grid sed into the grid fits file (!) ;we could also store the total of observed seds in the observed sed save fits file (!) facts=dblarr(Nseds) facts[*]=1.d0 IF keyword_set(normalize) THEN BEGIN FOR i=0L,Nseds-1 DO BEGIN facts[i]=total(sed.stokesI)/total(grid_seds[i,*]) this_sed=sed.stokesI/facts[i] this_var=sed.sigmaII/facts[i]^2 ;chi2s[i]=total((sed.stokesI-grid_seds[i,*])^2/sed.sigmaII) chi2s[i]=total((this_sed-grid_seds[i,*])^2/this_var) ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN FOR i=0L,Nseds-1 DO BEGIN chi2s[i]=total((sed.stokesI-grid_seds[i,*])^2/sed.sigmaII) ENDFOR ENDELSE ;stop chi2=min(chi2s) ind=where(chi2s EQ chi2,count) IF keyword_set(show_sed) THEN BEGIN xtit='Wavelength [mic]' ytit='SED (model=red,data=blue)' cgplot,sed.wave,sed.stokesI,psym='Filled Circle',color='blue',/ylog,yrange=[0.01,10],/ysty,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,/xlog cgoplot,sed.wave,grid_seds[ind[0],*],psym='Filled Square',color='red' ENDIF params=grid_param_values[ind[0],*] fact=facts[ind[0]] Nfreedom=Nseds-Nparams-1 rchi2=chi2/Nfreedom RETURN,params END