function numlines,file ;+ ; NAME: ; NUMLINES() ; PURPOSE: ; Return the number of lines in a file. ; ; This procedures became obsolete in V5.6 with the introduction of ; the FILE_LINES() procedure ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; nl = NUMLINES( filename ) ; INPUT: ; filename = name of file, scalar string ; OUTPUT: ; nl = number of lines in the file, scalar longword ; Set to -1 if the number of lines could not be determined ; METHOD: ; Call FILE_LINES() ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; W. Landsman February 1996 ; Use /bin/sh shell with wc under Unix March 1997 ; Use EXPAND_TILDE() under Unix September 1997 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Call intrinsic FILE_LINES() if V5.6 or later December 2002 ; Always return a scalar even if 1 element array is input March 2004 ; Always assume FILE_LINES is available ;- On_error,2 if N_params() EQ 0 then begin print,'Syntax - nl = NUMLINES( file)' return,-1 endif return,file_lines(file[0]) end