pro/structure December 2006 This directory contains IDL procedures for working with IDL structure variables. The *procedure* CREATE_STRUCT will dynamically create an IDL structure and is useful when the structure properties are not known before run time. The intrinsic *function* CREATE_STRUCT() in IDL has a similar purpose, but requires that each tag value be input as a separate parameter. This makes the intrinisc function awkward to use when the *number* of tags is not known prior to run time. The procedure MRD_STRUCT is similar to CREATE_STRUCT and was developed for the MRDFITS procedure. This directory also contains following IDL routines for working with structures, written by Frank Varosi (Hughes STX): COPY_STRUCT, struct_FROM, struct_TO, NF_copied, EXCEPT=["except_Tags"] ,$ /RECUR_FROM ,$ /RECUR_TO ,$ /RECUR_TANDEM Copies all Fields with matching Tag names (except for "except_Tags") from one structure array to a different structure array. Keyword options /RECUR_xxxx will cause recursive calls, in order to copy from/to nested sub-structures. NF_copied is incremented by # fields actually copied. diff_List = COMPARE_STRUCT( struct_A, struct_B, EXCEPT=["except_Tags"] ,$ /RECUR_A, /RECUR_B ) Compares all matching Tag names (except for "except_Tags") between two structure arrays (may be different struct.defs.). Returned Diff_List is a structure containing field names and # diffs. nbytes = SIZE_STRUCT( structure, /PRINT ) Obtain the size in bytes of an IDL structure definition. /PRINT = to print all sub-structure sizes. ns = N_STRUCT( structure, Ntags ) Return number of elements in array, if structured, and number of tags. Returns zero if not structured, also works on file assoc. structs. PRINT_STRUCT, structure, ["tags_print"], LUN_OUT=Lun Print specified tags from structure (to LUN if given). wsubs = WHERE_TAG( Struct, Nfound, TAG_NAME="Tag_Name", $ ISELECT=ipart, /NOPRINT, $ RANGE=[min,max], VALUES=[values] ) Obtain subscripts of elements in structure array for which specified Tag has values in a RANGE or matching specified VALUES. Useful in programming when Tag_Name is a variable.