PRO dustem_plot_fit_extsed,st,sed, $ res=res, $ help=help, $ win=win, $ ps=ps, $ UV=UV, $ _extra=_extra ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_plot_fit_extsed ; PURPOSE: ; Plots a Dustem model and SED. Parameter values and error are ; printed on plot. Used for plotting results during fit. ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_plot_fit_sed,st,sed,cont[,/no_spec_error][,res=][,errors=][,chi2=][,rchi2=][/help][_extra=] ; INPUTS: ; st = Dustem model output structure ; sed = Dustem model SED ; cont = Dustem model NIR continuum ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; res = fit result values. If set values are written on plot. ; errors = fit result errors. If set values are written on plot. ; chi2 = fit chi^2. if set value is written on plot. ; rchi2 = Reduced fit chi^2. if set value is written on plot. ; _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set, print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; SED and model are plotted ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The dustem idl wrapper must be installed ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; EXAMPLES ; dustem_plot_fit_sed,st,sed,cont ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by J.-Ph. Bernard ; see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR ; Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems. ;- ;stop IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_plot_fit_extsed' goto,the_end ENDIF IF keyword_set(ps) THEN BEGIN set_plot, 'PS' device, filename=ps, /color, /encapsulated ENDIF ;ELSE BEGIN ; set_plot,'X' ; IF keyword_set(win) then window,win ;ENDELSE ;fact = 1.e4*1.E20/(4.*!pi)/(3.e8/1.e-6/st.sed.wav)*1.e20/1.e7 ;use_col_data_filt=70 ;use_col_sed_spec=170 use_col_data_filt='blue' ;use_col_sed_spec='red' use_col_sed_spec='grey' IF not keyword_set(col_sed) THEN BEGIN ;use_col_sed_filt=250 ;red use_col_sed_filt='red' ;red ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_col_sed_filt=col_sed ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(col_tot) THEN BEGIN ;use_col_tot=200 use_col_tot='black' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_col_tot=col_tot ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(line_tot) THEN BEGIN use_line_tot=0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_line_tot=line_tot ENDELSE ;color and linestyle for continuum IF not keyword_set(col_cont) THEN BEGIN ;use_col_cont=30 use_col_cont='Navy' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_col_count=col_cont ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(line_cont) THEN BEGIN use_line_cont=0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_line_cont=line_cont ENDELSE ;color and linestyle for freefree IF not keyword_set(col_freefree) THEN BEGIN ;use_col_cont=30 use_col_freefree='Dark Red' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_col_freefree=col_freefree ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(line_freefree) THEN BEGIN use_line_freefree=0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_line_freefree=line_freefree ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(col_synchrotron) THEN BEGIN ;use_col_cont=30 use_col_synchrotron='Dark Red' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_col_synchrotron=col_synchrotron ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(line_synchrotron) THEN BEGIN use_line_synchrotron=0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_line_synchrotron=line_synchrotron ENDELSE ;win=1 dustem_ext = interpol(st.ext.ext_tot,st.ext.wav,(*!dustem_data.ext).wav) chi2_ext = total(((*!dustem_data.ext).values-dustem_ext)^2/(*!dustem_data.ext).sigma^2) n_ext = n_elements((*!dustem_data.ext).values) rchi2_ext = chi2_ext / n_ext wrchi2_ext = rchi2_ext * (*!fit_rchi2_weight).ext print,"chi2 EXT = ",chi2_ext," rchi2 EXT = ",rchi2_ext;," weighted rchi2 EXT=",wrchi2_ext ;xr=[0.3,40] ;yr=[1.e-26,1.e-21] ;dustem_plot_ext,st,yr=yr,/ysty,xr=xr,/xsty,ps=filename,win=win,mergePAH=mergePAH,/donotclose,multi=1,_extra=_extra dustem_plot_ext,st,ps=filename,mergePAH=mergePAH,/donotclose,multi=1,_extra=_extra,UV=UV dustem_plot_ext,st,ps=filename,mergePAH=mergePAH,multi=2,UV=UV,_extra=_extra ;win+=1 ;dustem_plot_ext,st,/UV,yr=[0,2.5],/ysty,xr=[0,10],/xsty,win=win ;xr=[0.2,10] ;yr=[0,3e-21] ;dustem_plot_ext,st,/UV,yr=yr,/ysty,xr=xr,/xsty,ps=filename,win=win,mergePAH=mergePAH,/donotclose,multi=1 ;dustem_plot_ext,st,/UV,yr=yr,/ysty,xr=xr,/xsty,ps=filename,win=win,mergePAH=mergePAH,multi=2 ;stop the_end: END