FUNCTION dustem_mask_data, data_struct, $ filters, $ data_set=data_set, $ default=default, $ help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_mask_data ; PURPOSE: ; Set dataset values to la_undef() for specified filter/spectrum data in an input DustEmWrap data structure. ; CATEGORY: ; DUSTEM Wrapper ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; data_struct=dustem_mask_data(data_struct,filters,data_set=,/default) ; INPUTS: ; data_struct : SED Data structure following the format explained in the DustermWrap Users' Guide ; ; filters : Can be an array or list. In both cases it should contain the filter names as character strings. ; ie: filters=['SPIRE1','SPIRE2'] for an array or filters=list(['SPIRE2','SPIRE1','PACS2'],['HFI5','HFI4']) for a list. ; When using a list, its shape (dimension) and the number of elements of the data_set array should be equal. ; Each dimension is an array of filters to be removed from the corresponding data set in the data_set array. ; ie: filters=list(['SPIRE2','SPIRE1','PACS2'],['LFI2','LFI3']) for datas_set=['STOKESI','STOKESQ'] ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; data_set : Array of character strings containing the different data sets to be filtered. ; ie: ['STOKESI','STOKESQ','STOKESU'] or just ['STOKESQ'] for example. ; OUTPUTS: ; data_struct ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = if set, print this help ; ; default = if set, remove targeted filter/spectrum point(s) from datasets that depend on the filtered dataset(s). ; EAMPLE ; masked_structure = dustem_mask_data(data_struct,['IRAS1','IRAS2'],data_set=['STOKESI']) ; COMMENTS ; IC: ; If a wavelength value is supplied instead of a filter name, the procedure masks for a spectrum point with that corresponding wavelength ; If the dataset array isn't supplied, all the datasets in the input data structure will be considered. ; If both filters and dataset are arrays, all mentioned filters will be masked from all mentioned datasets. ; This procedure does not change the shape of the output structure partly because does. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by IC 2022 ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_mask_data' goto,the_end ENDIF IF arg_present(data_struct) and arg_present(filters) THEN BEGIN ;Array of filters present in dustem filters_dustem=[((*!dustem_filters).(0).filter_names)] for i=1L,n_elements(tag_names(*!dustem_filters))-1 do begin filters_dustem=[filters_dustem,((*!dustem_filters).(i).filter_names)] endfor ;Array of filters present in data_struct filters_data = data_struct.filter ;Tag names present in data_struct (to be able to test on the different data sets) tagnames = tag_names(data_struct) if typename(filters) EQ 'LIST' then ind0 = filters[*] else ind0=intarr(n_elements(filters)) ;because types can be float or double but not long. for i=0L,n_elements(filters)-1 do begin dim_i = n_elements(filters(i)) ;getting the dimension of each element of the list/array ind0[i] = intarr(dim_i) + la_undef() ;initializing to la_undef() endfor ;Gathering the indices of the filters to remove. for i=0L,n_elements(filters)-1 do begin dim_i=n_elements(filters(i)) ;Getting the dimension of each element of the list arr_i=intarr(dim_i) + la_undef() ;initializing to la_undef() for j=0L,dim_i-1 do begin ;testing whether the element corresponds to a specific wavelength. ;accepts both numbers/strings if valid_num((filters[i])[j]) then begin ind=where(float((filters[i])[j]) EQ data_struct.wave,test0) if test0 ne 0 and data_struct[ind].filter EQ 'SPECTRUM' then arr_i[j] = ind else message, 'WAVELENGTH '+strtrim((filters[i])[j],2)+' does not correspond to any spectrum point in the supplied data strucure.' endif else begin ind = where((filters[i])[j] EQ filters_dustem,test1) if test1 eq 0 then message, "Filter "+strtrim((filters[i])[j],2)+" isn't in the DustEMWrap Filters' list" ind = where((filters[i])[j] EQ filters_data,test2) ;Test if the filter in in the data itself if test2 ne 0 then arr_i[j] = ind else message, 'Filter '+strtrim((filters[i])[j],2)+' cannot be found in the supplied data structure.' endelse endfor ind0[i] = arr_i ;Indices of the filters to be removed in the data structure endfor If typename(ind0) EQ 'LIST' then indices = ind0[i] ELSE indices = ind0 ;If default isn't set, errors in can occur because of differences in tag values. A common behavior of ;example: filter removed for StokesI but not for SIGMAII IF keyword_set(default) THEN BEGIN ;Part pertainig to the /default keyword ;bunch of tests to locate datasets depending on STOKESI, STOKESQ, STOKESU, LARGEP, SMALLP and PSI ;is it an emission or extinction structure? ind_m = where(tagnames EQ 'STOKESI', ctm) ind_x = where(tagnames EQ 'EXT_I', ctx) IF ctm NE 0 THEN BEGIN ;no counters are used in the following because it's a consequence of the test being valid. ;Getting the indices this way because it allows for an easy modification if/when tagnames in the xcat emission/extinction file change ind_set_StokesI = fix([where(strmatch(tagnames,'STOKESI')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGMAII'))]) ind_set_StokesQ = fix([where(strmatch(tagnames,'STOKESQ')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGMAQQ')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGMAIQ')) ]) ind_set_StokesU = fix([where(strmatch(tagnames,'STOKESU')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGMAUU')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGMAIU')) ]) ind_set_LargeP = fix([where(strmatch(tagnames,'LARGEP')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGMA_LARGEP'))]) ind_set_smallp = fix([where(strmatch(tagnames,'SMALLP')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGMA_SMALLP'))]) ind_set_psi = fix([where(strmatch(tagnames,'PSI')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGMA_PSI'))]) ENDIF IF ctx NE 0 THEN BEGIN ind_set_EXT_I = fix([where(strmatch(tagnames,'EXT_I')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGEXTII')) ]) ind_set_EXT_Q = fix([where(strmatch(tagnames,'EXT_Q')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGEXTQQ')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGEXTIQ')) ]) ind_set_EXT_U = fix([where(strmatch(tagnames,'EXT_U')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGEXTUU')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGEXTIU')) ]) ind_set_EXT_P = fix([where(strmatch(tagnames,'EXT_P')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGEXTP'))]) ind_set_EXT_smallp = fix([where(strmatch(tagnames,'EXT_SMALLP')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGEXTSMALLP'))]) ind_set_psi = fix([where(strmatch(tagnames,'PSI')), $ where(strmatch(tagnames,'SIGEXTPSI'))]) ENDIF ENDIF ;setting filters' data to la_undef() IF keyword_set(data_set) then begin FOR i=0L,n_elements(data_set)-1 DO BEGIN ind_set = where(tagnames EQ data_set(i),ctset) if ctset ne 0 then begin ;the requires the default keyword to be set IF keyword_set(default) THEN BEGIN ;EMISSION CASE IF ctm NE 0 THEN BEGIN ;testing data_set(i) against the above strings. test_StokesI = where(ind_set_StokesI EQ ind_set, ct_StokesI) IF ct_StokesI NE 0 THEN data_struct(indices).(ind_set_StokesI) = la_undef() test_StokesQ = where(ind_set_StokesQ EQ ind_set, ct_StokesQ) IF ct_StokesQ NE 0 THEN data_struct(indices).(ind_set_StokesQ) = la_undef() test_StokesU = where(ind_set_StokesU EQ ind_set, ct_StokesU) IF ct_StokesU NE 0 THEN data_struct(indices).(ind_set_StokesU) = la_undef() test_LargeP = where(ind_set_LargeP EQ ind_set, ct_LargeP) IF ct_LargeP NE 0 THEN data_struct(indices).(ind_set_LargeP) = la_undef() test_smallp = where(ind_set_smallp EQ ind_set, ct_smallp) IF ct_smallp NE 0 THEN data_struct(indices).(ind_set_smallp) = la_undef() test_psi = where(ind_set_psi EQ ind_set, ct_psi) IF ct_psi NE 0 THEN data_struct(indices).(ind_set_psi) = la_undef() ENDIF ;EXTINCTION CASE IF ctx NE 0 THEN BEGIN ;testing data_set(i) against the above strings. test_EXT_I = where(ind_set_EXT_I EQ ind_set, ct_EXT_I) IF ct_EXT_I NE 0 THEN data_struct(indices).(ind_set_EXT_I) = la_undef() test_EXT_Q = where(ind_set_EXT_Q EQ ind_set, ct_EXT_Q) IF ct_EXT_Q NE 0 THEN data_struct(indices).(ind_set_EXT_Q) = la_undef() test_EXT_U = where(ind_set_EXT_U EQ ind_set, ct_EXT_U) IF ct_EXT_U NE 0 THEN data_struct(indices).(ind_set_EXT_U) = la_undef() test_EXT_P = where(ind_set_EXT_P EQ ind_set, ct_EXT_P) IF ct_EXT_P NE 0 THEN data_struct(indices).(ind_set_EXT_P) = la_undef() test_EXT_smallp = where(ind_set_EXT_smallp EQ ind_set, ct_EXT_smallp) IF ct_EXT_smallp NE 0 THEN data_struct(indices).(ind_set_EXT_smallp) = la_undef() test_psi = where(ind_set_psi EQ ind_set, ct_psi) IF ct_psi NE 0 THEN data_struct(indices).(ind_set_psi) = la_undef() ENDIF ENDIF ELSE data_struct(indices).(ind_set) = la_undef() ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;If no datasets are supplied, all tag values are set to la_undef() ind_tags = where(tagnames ne 'INSTRU' and tagnames ne 'FILTER' and tagnames ne 'WAVE') FOR j=0L,n_elements(ind_tags)-1 DO BEGIN data_struct(indices).(ind_tags(j)) = la_undef() ENDFOR endelse ENDIF ELSE message, 'Cannot proceed. Keyword(s) missing. Refer to help for keyword options.' RETURN, data_struct the_end: END