PRO dustem_extract_sed_example ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_extract_sed_example ; ; PURPOSE: ; This routine contains a simple example of how to extract an SED to use with DustEMWrap. ; ; CATEGORY: ; DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_extract_sed_example ; ; INPUTS: ; None ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; None ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEM fortran code must be installed ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; ; PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: ; ; EXAMPLES ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by JPB Jan 2022 ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_extract_sed_example' goto,the_end END define_la_common use_model='DBP90' use_polarization=0 dustem_init,model=use_model,polarization=use_polarization Nmaptypes=2 ; number of map types in the structure. Here 2 (Stokes I, variance in I) filters=['IRAS3','IRAS4','PACS1','PACS2','PACS3','PILOT1','SPIRE1','SPIRE2','SPIRE3','HFI3','HFI4','HFI5','HFI6'] Ndata_sets=n_elements(filters) maps=fltarr(100,100,Nmaptypes,Ndata_sets) maps[*]=la_undef() ;; Define the region of interest (ON) and OFF region mask=maps[*,*,0,0] mask[5:35,5:35]=1 ; OFF will be a guard band of 5 pixel around the ON defined below mask[10:30,10:30]=mask[10:30,10:30]+1 ; ON source index_on=where(mask EQ 2,count_on) index_off=where(mask EQ 1,count_off) indI=0 indII=1 maps_order=[indI,indII] ;; Loop through the maps corresponding to different filters ;; Generate some fake data using a BB function ;; ON pixels will be set to blackbody emission at 40K ;; OFF pixels will be set to blackbody emission at 20K ;; Loop through the maps corresponding to different filters temp_on=40. ;Kelvin temp_off=20. FOR i=0L,Ndata_sets-1 DO BEGIN wave=dustem_filter2wav(filters[i]) this_map0=maps[*,*,indI,i] this_map=this_map0 this_map[index_on]=dustem_planck_function(temp_on,wave) this_map[index_off]=dustem_planck_function(temp_off,wave) maps[*,*,indI,i]=this_map ;; assign a variance value to each valid pixel maps[*,*,indII,i]=la_power(la_mul(maps[*,*,indI,i],0.3),2.) ENDFOR ;; extract the default type of Stokes I only SED for the ON pixels (method = 'MEAN') sed=dustem_sed_extractor(maps,index_on,filters,maps_order=maps_order,/total_intensity_only) ;; show SED with 3-sigma error bars nsigma=3 cgplot,sed.wave,sed.stokesI,/xlog,/ylog,xtit='Wavelength [mic]',ytit='SED [MJy/sr]' cgoplot,sed.wave,sed.stokesI,psym='Filled Circle',color='red' cgerrplot,sed.wave,sed.stokesI-nsigma*sqrt(sed.sigmaII),sed.stokesI+nsigma*sqrt(sed.sigmaII) ;; extract a MEAN_ONOFF Stokes I only SED for the ON pixels (method = 'MEAN_ONOFF') sed2=dustem_sed_extractor(maps,index_on,filters,maps_order=maps_order,/total_intensity_only,index_off=index_off,method='MEAN_ONOFF') cgoplot,sed2.wave,sed2.stokesI cgoplot,sed2.wave,sed2.stokesI,psym='Filled Circle',color='blue' ;; Try a simple BB fit of a dust model to SED using the continuum plugin ;=== INFORMATION TO RUN THE FITS tol=1.e-16 ;fit tolerence use_Nitermax=20 ;=== INFORMATION TO MAKE THE PLOTS yr=[1.00e1,8.00E8] ; y-axis limits xr=[5.00E0,2.00e4] ; x-axis limits tit='DUSTEM SED EXTRACT EXAMPLE' ; plot title ytit=textoidl('I_\nu (MJy/sr)') ; y-axis title xtit=textoidl('\lambda (\mum)') ; x-axis title pd = [ $ 'dustem_plugin_continuum_1', $ ;Temperature of a BB 'dustem_plugin_continuum_2'] ;Peak amplitude of a BB iv = [15., 1.e6] ; initial guess Npar=n_elements(pd) ulimed=replicate(0,Npar) llimed=replicate(1,Npar) llims=replicate(1.e-15,Npar) ;; DustEM requires a physical dust model. Here we have used DBP90, but ;; fix all grain components to ~zero. fpd = [ $ '(*!dustem_params).G0', $ ;G0 '(*!dustem_params).grains(0).mdust_o_mh',$ ;PAH '(*!dustem_params).grains(1).mdust_o_mh',$ ;VSG '(*!dustem_params).grains(2).mdust_o_mh'] ;BG fiv = [1.0, 1.e-12,1.e-12,1.e-12] dustem_set_data,m_fit=sed,m_show=sed dustem_init_params,use_model,pd,iv,fpd=fpd,fiv=fiv,ulimed=ulimed,llimed=llimed,ulims=ulims,llims=llims res=dustem_mpfit_data(tol=tol,Nitermax=use_Nitermax,gtol=gtol $ ,/xlog,/ylog,xr=xr,yr=yr,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,title=tit $ ,legend_xpos=legend_xpos,legend_ypos=legend_ypos $ ,errors=errors,chi2=chi2,rchi2=rchi2,show_plot=show_plot) the_end: END