PRO dustem_plot_polext, st, p_dim, aligned=aligned IF keyword_set(ps) THEN BEGIN set_plot, 'PS' device, filename=ps, /color, /encapsulated ENDIF ELSE BEGIN set_plot,'X' IF keyword_set(win) then window,win,title='DUSTEM WRAP (SERKOWSKI)' ENDELSE fact = (3.e10/(1.e-4*(st.polsed.wav)))/1.d40 fact1 = (3.e10/(1.e-4*((*!dustem_data.qsed).wav)))/1.d40 for i = 0, Ngrains-1 do begin if aligned(i) then cgoplot,st.polsed.wav,st.polsed.(i+1)*fact/normpol,color=colors(i+1),psym=psym,line=ls(i+1) ;investigate this line of the plotting of the different components in polarization endfor IF keyword_set(ps) THEN BEGIN device,/close set_plot,'X' ENDIF END