PRO dustem_show_file_dependencies,help=help,outfile=outfile,compfile=compfile ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_show_file_dependencies ; ; PURPOSE: ; Generate a list of routines used during a DustEMWrap run ; ; CATEGORY: ; DustEMWrap, Distributed, Low-Level, Development ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_show_file_dependencies[,help=help][,outfile=] ; ; INPUTS: ; None ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; outfile = string, .xcat file (and path) with list of compiled routines and ; functions. Default is './DustEMWrap_dependencies.xcat' ; compfile = string, .xcat file (and path) with list of unused ; routines in !dustem_wrap_soft_dir/src/idl/. Default is './DustEMWrap_unused_routines.xcat' ; OUTPUTS: ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set, print this help ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEM fortran code must be installed ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; ; PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: ; ; EXAMPLES ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by JPB Apr-2011 ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. if keyword_set(help) then begin doc_library,'dustem_show_file_dependencies' goto,the_end END use_outfile='./DustEMWrap_dependencies.xcat' use_compfile='./DustEMWrap_unused_routines.xcat' if keyword_set(outfile) then use_outfile=outfile if keyword_set(compfile) then use_compfile=compfile ; HERE IS WHERE YOU PUT THE TOP-LEVEL ROUTINES TO RUN ;/Users/jpb/Soft_Libraries/dustem-wrapper_idl/src/idl/ ;/Users/jpb/Soft_Libraries/dustem-wrapper_idl/src/idl/ ;===== The following is the list of non regression tests performed under idl and fawlty dustem_init,/wrap,/plot dustem_run_example,'MC10',show="all" dustem_make_polarization_sed_example,model='G17_MODELA' dustem_fit_intensity_example,Nitermax=1,fits_save_and_restore='/tmp/mysavefile1.fits' dustem_fit_polarization_example,Nitermax=1,fits_save_and_restore='/tmp/mysavefile2.fits' dustem_fit_ext_pol_example,Nitermax=1,fits_save_and_restore='/tmp/mysavefile3.fits' dustem_fit_sed_ext_pol_example,Nitermax=1,fits_save_and_restore='/tmp/mysavefile4.fits' dustem_fit_intensity_mbb_example,Nitermax=1,postscript='/tmp/' ;=== for some reason plot goes red here under fawlty ;=== and fails when run with only the minimal dustemwrap installed (stellar . txt file is missing) dustem_myisrf_example,Nitermax=1,fits_save_and_restore='/tmp/mysavefile5.fits' ;=== fails when run with only the minimal dustemwrap installed (stellar . txt file is missing) dustem_stellarpopisrf_example,Nitermax=1,fits_save_and_restore='/tmp/mysavefile6.fits' dustem_fit_intensity_example,Nitermax=1,/noobj ; END LIST OF TOP-LEVEL ROUTINES ; CONSTRUCT A STRUCTURE WITH ROUTINES THAT WERE COMPILED DURING ABOVE RUNS help,/function,output=ff help,/pro,output=pp ff=ff[1:*] pp=pp[2:*] nff=n_elements(ff) npp=n_elements(pp) one_func={name:'',path:'',args:ptr_new()} one_pro={name:'',path:'',args:ptr_new()} func_list=replicate(one_func,nff) pro_list=replicate(one_pro,npp) message,'Found '+string(nff)+' functions',/info FOR i=0L,nff-1 DO BEGIN str=strcompress(ff(i)) vv=str_sep(str,' ') func_list(i).name=vv(0) func_list(i).args=ptr_new(vv(1:*)) wh=which_pro(strlowcase(func_list(i).name)) func_list(i).path=wh(0) ENDFOR message,'Found '+string(npp)+' routines',/info FOR i=0L,npp-1 DO BEGIN str=strcompress(pp(i)) vv=str_sep(str,' ') pro_list(i).name=vv(0) pro_list(i).args=ptr_new(vv(1:*)) wh=which_pro(strlowcase(pro_list(i).name)) pro_list(i).path=wh(0) ENDFOR one_st={name:'',path:''} st=replicate(one_st,nff+npp)[,] st.path=[func_list.path,pro_list.path] ;=== remove empty names ind=where( NE '') st=st(ind) ;=== remove empty path (are entries without .pro) ind=where(st.path NE '') st=st(ind) ;=== order by path order=sort(st.path) st=st(order) write_xcat,st,use_outfile,/wiki write_xcat,st,use_outfile message,'Wrote '+use_outfile,/info ; CONSTRUCT A STRUCTURE WITH ROUTINES IN SRC/IDL THAT WERE NOT ; COMPILED DURING THE EXAMPLES allpro=file_search(!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'src/idl/*pro',count=nall) mathch2,st.path,allpro,a,b idx=where(b eq -1, ct) if ct ne 0 then begin ust=replicate(one_st,ct) ust.path=allpro[idx][xx],'.pro')) write_xcat,ust,use_compfile message,'Wrote '+use_compfile,/info end else begin message,'No unused DustEMWrap routines',/info end stop the_end: END