PRO dustem_run_example, model $ ,show=show $ ,postscript=postscript $ ,help=help $ ,noexit=noexit ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_run_example ; ; PURPOSE: ; This is an example of how to run the DustEM fortran code using DustEMWrap ; ; CATEGORY: ; DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_run_example,model,show=show,postscript=postscript,help=help ; ; INPUTS: ; model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by ; DustEM. See userguide or ; for more details about available models in current release. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; show = vector specifying the type of plot(s) to show. Possible ; values (for all dust models) are ; ["emis", "extuv", "extir", "alb", "sdist","rfield"] ; Additionally, for the G17_MODEL?s with polarisation, you can specify ; [ "polext", "polsed", "align"] ; "emis" -- Stokes I SED in emission predicted by the model ; "extuv" -- Extinction in the UV predicted by the model ; "extir" -- Extinction in the IR predicted by the model ; "alb" -- Albedo of the grain types ; "sdist" -- Size distribution of the grain types ; "rfield" -- Dust-heating radiation field ; "polsed" -- Polarised intensity SED predicted by the model ; "polext" -- Polarised extinction predicted by the model ; "align" -- Grain alignment fraction predicted by the model ; "all" -- All plots appropriate to the model ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Plots ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; postscript = on/off if set, plots are saved as postscript in the ; current working directory (and not shown on screen) ; help = if set, print this help ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEM fortran code must be installed ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; ; EXAMPLES ; dustem_run_example,'DBP90',show="all",/post ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written JPB Apr-2011 ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_run_example' goto,the_end ENDIF IF keyword_set(show) THEN BEGIN use_show=show ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_show=['all'] ;Default is to show everything ENDELSE exists=dustem_test_model_exists(model) if exists ne 1 then $ message,'Unknown dust model' polct=dustem_test_model_exists(model,/pol,/silent) ;== INITIALISE DUSTEM dustem_init,model=model !dustem_verbose=1 !dustem_show_plot=1 !dustem_which='RELEASE' dir_in=!dustem_soft_dir ;== Fill the following structure contains with default inputs to the model st_model=dustem_read_all(dir_in) ;=== You could modify the model inputs here by directly editing the values in the ;=== st_model structure. To inspect contents, type IDL> help,st_model,/str ;=== e.g. ;=== st_model.G0=2.0 ; change the default value of the ISRF intensity used by DustEM ;=== st_model.isrf.isrf=sqrt(st_model.isrf.isrf) ; change the shape of ISRF ;=== st_model.grains[0].mdust_O_mh=5.e-4 ; change the abundance of grain[0] ;=== st_model.grains[1].type_keywords='plaw' ; change the size distribution description of grain[1] ;== The following line saves the modified inputs for use by the fortran dustem_write_all,st_model,!dustem_dat ;== The following line runs the Fortran. The ouput structure st contains the results st=dustem_run() known_plots=["emis", "extuv", "extir", "alb", "sdist"] if polct gt 0 then known_plots=["emis", "extuv", "extir", "alb", "sdist","polext", "polsed", "align"] if n_elements(use_show) eq 1 then $ if strupcase(use_show) eq "ALL" then use_show=[known_plots,"rfield"] ;== The following lines generate plots that show the outputs of the fortran. ;=== For this release (V2.0), we use the old method (dustem_show_fortran) to ;=== access model quantities. ;=== This method will be deprecated in a future release and plots will be ;=== constructed directly from the st and st_model structures. match,known_plots,use_show,a,b if total(a,/nan) ne -1 and keyword_set(postscript) then $ dustem_show_fortran,model=model,st=st,show=known_plots[a],hard=1,tit="DustEM_run_example "+model+" :" if total(a,/nan) ne -1 and not keyword_set(postscript) then $ dustem_show_fortran,model=model,st=st,show=known_plots[a],tit="DustEM_run_example "+model+" :" ;== The following lines generate a plot of the ISRF using the ;== st_model structure. For illustration purposes. use_win=12 rfield_plot=["rfield"] match,rfield_plot,use_show,a,b if total(a,/nan) ne -1 then begin xtit=textoidl('\lambda (\mum)') ytit=textoidl('log ISRF [4 \pi I_\nu (erg/cm^2/s/Hz)]') tit='DustEM_run_example : ISRF' yr=[min(st_model.isrf.isrf),5.*max(st_model.isrf.isrf)] xr=[min(st_model.isrf.lambisrf),max(st_model.isrf.lambisrf)] IF not keyword_set(postscript) THEN BEGIN window,use_win,xs=600,ys=400,tit='DustEM-run_example: ISRF '+strtrim(use_win,2) & use_win=use_win+2 cgplot,st_model.isrf.lambisrf,st_model.isrf.isrf $ ,yr=yr,/ysty,xr=xr,/xsty,/xlog,/ylog $ ,title=tit,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,color=cgcolor('black'),/nodata oplot,st_model.isrf.lambisrf,st_model.isrf.isrf,col=cgcolor('black') END ELSE BEGIN file_ps="" previous_device=! !y.thick = 5 !x.thick = 5 !p.thick = 5 !p.charsize = 1.3 !p.charthick = 5 !x.ticklen = 0.04 set_plot,'PS' device,filename=file_ps,/portrait,/color cgplot,st_model.isrf.lambisrf,st_model.isrf.isrf $ ,yr=yr,/ysty,xr=xr,/xsty,/xlog,/ylog $ ,title=tit,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,color=cgcolor('black'),/nodata oplot,st_model.isrf.lambisrf,st_model.isrf.isrf ,col=cgcolor('black') device,/close !y.thick = 0 !x.thick = 0 !p.thick = 0 !p.charsize = 1 !p.charthick = 0 !x.ticklen = 0.02 set_plot,previous_device END end goto,the_end ;;== The following lines plot the resulting SED (emission) ;;== using st/st_model structure and a dedicated plotting function ;;== Prototype for future releases. ;; win=0L ;; window,win & win=win+2 ;; xtit=textoidl('\lambda (\mum)') ;; ytit=textoidl('\nuI_\nu^{em} (W/m^2/sr for N_H=1.e20 H/cm^2)') ;; tit='DustEMWrap Emission: '+model ;; yr=[1e-11,6.e-7] ;; xr=[1,5e3] ;; dustem_plot_nuinu_em,st,yr=yr,/ysty,xr=xr,/xsty,/xlog,/ylog,title=tit,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,post=postscript ;;== The following plots the resulting SED (extinction) ;;== using st/st_model structure and a dedicated plotting function ;;== Prototype for future releases. ;; window,win & win=win+1 ;; yr=[0,2.5] ;range of 1/lambda ;; xr=[1,10] ;range of sigma ;; xtit=textoidl('1/\lambda (\mum^{-1})') ;; ytit=textoidl('\sigma_{ext} (1e-21 cm^2/H)') ;; tit='DustEMWrap extinction: '+model ;; dustem_plot_extinction,st,st_model,xr=xr,yr=yr,/xsty,/ysty,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,title=tit,post=postscript the_end: message,'Finished dustem_run_example',/info if keyword_set(noexit) then stop END