PRO dustem_variational_study_readme,model=model,help=help,png=png,postscript=postscript ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_variational_study_readme ; PURPOSE: ; This is an example of how to run a variational study on the dust model parameters with the dustem wrapper. ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_variational_study_readme[,model=][,/help][,/png][,/postscript] ; INPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; model = Selects one of the dust mixture used by dustem ; 'COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010' from Compiegne et al 2010 (default) ; 'DBP90' from Desert et al 1990 ; 'DL01' from Draine & Li 2001 ; 'DL07' from Draine & Li 2007 ; postscript = if set, plot is done in DUSTEM/Docs/Figures/ ; help = If set, print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The dustem fortran code must be installed ; The dustem idl wrapper must be installed ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; EXAMPLES ; dustem_variational_study_readme,model='DBP90',/postscript ; dustem_variational_study_readme,model='COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010',/postscript ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by J.P. Bernard July 15 2021 ; see evolution details on the dustem gitlab ; Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems. ;- ;This Readme shows how to run dustem from the wrapper IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_variational_study_readme' goto,the_end ENDIF ;loadct,13 IF keyword_set(model) THEN BEGIN use_model=strupcase(model) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_model='COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010' ;Default is last dustem model ENDELSE ;== This just initializes dustem wrapper dustem_init,model=use_model !dustem_verbose=1 !dustem_show_plot=1 IF keyword_set(png) THEN BEGIN dir_png=!dustem_dat+'/Figures/' force_mkdir,dir_png ENDIF IF keyword_set(postscript) THEN BEGIN dir_ps=!dustem_dat+'/Figures/' force_mkdir,dir_ps ENDIF IF not keyword_set(dir) THEN BEGIN ; CASE getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') OF CASE !dustem_which OF 'DESERT':dir='DESERT_POST_ISO_MORE/' 'COMPIEGNE': dir='MC_DAT/' 'VERSTRAETE': dir='d_3.5/' 'VERSTRAETE': dir='LV_DAT/' 'WEB3p8': dir_in=!dustem_soft_dir ELSE: dir='les_DAT/' ENDCASE ENDIF ;== The following structure contains the inputs to the model st_model=dustem_read_all(dir_in) ;These are the values of G0 to be explored g0s=[1.,2.,5.,10.,100.,1000.] n_g0s=n_elements(g0s) win=0L window,win,title='DUSTEMWrapper Variational study' CASE use_model OF 'DBP90': pd = ['(*!dustem_params).G0'] ;This is the parameter description of G0 for models without gas parameters 'COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010': pd = ['(*!dustem_params).gas.G0'] ;This is the parameter description of G0 for models with gas parameters 'AJ13' : pd = ['(*!dustem_params).G0'] ;This is the parameter description of G0 for models without gas parameters ENDCASE FOR i=0L,n_g0s-1 DO BEGIN iv = [g0s[i]] dustem_init_parinfo,pd,iv params=[g0s[i]] st=dustem_run(params) ;do the plot cleanplot xtit=textoidl('\lambda (\mum)') ;=== same plot as in Compiegne et al. 2010 ytit=textoidl('\nuI_\nu^{em} (W/m^2/sr for N_H=1.e20 H/cm^2)') tit='DUSTEMWrapper Emitted Intensity '+use_model+' G0='+strtrim(g0s[i],2) yr=[1e-11,1.e-4] xr=[1,5e3] ;stop dustem_plot_nuinu_em,st,yr=yr,/ysty,xr=xr,/xsty,/xlog,/ylog,title=tit,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit IF keyword_set(postscript) THEN BEGIN file_ps=dir_ps+use_model+'_variational_study_nuinuem_G0='+strtrim(g0s[i],2)+'.ps' spawn,'rm '+file_ps previous_device=! set_plot,'PS' device,filename=file_ps !p.charsize=0.8 dustem_plot_nuinu_em,st,yr=yr,/ysty,xr=xr,/xsty,/xlog,/ylog,title=tit,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit device,/close set_plot,previous_device message,'Wrote '+file_ps,/continue ENDIF ENDFOR ;stop the_end: END