PRO dustem_plot_fpol,dir_in=dir_in,_Extra=extra,help=help,ps=ps,win=win,xr=xr,yr=yr,donotclose=donotclose,polfile=polfile,multi=multi if not keyword_set(polfile) then polfile = ['blabla','blabla'] if not keyword_set(multi) then multi = 0 nsz_max = 200 ; Read DUSTEM_wrap fit files if not keyword_set(dir_in) then dir_in = !dustem_soft_dir ;!dustem_dat because it was looking for a file only there. My might need to be revised I'm not sure if multi ne 2 then begin if keyword_set(ps) then begin set_plot, 'PS' device, filename=ps, /color, /encapsulated endif else begin set_plot,'X' if keyword_set(win) then window,win endelse endif st_grains=dustem_read_grain(dir_in+'data/'+(*!dustem_inputs).grain,/silent) ;st_grains=dustem_read_grain(dir_in+'data/'+'GRAIN.DAT',/silent) ;ngrains = st_grains.ngrains I WILL BE REPLACING THIS LINE ngrains= ((*!dustem_params).ngrains) colors=dustem_grains_colors(ngrains,ls,ps=ps) ;j=where(polfile ne '', count) ;if count le 1 then begin ;ls = indgen(ngrains+2)*0 ;colors = indgen(ngrains+2)*0 + 255 ;if keyword_set(ps) then colors *= 0 ;endif if not keyword_set(ps) then tit='Grain alignment efficiency' ytit='Grain alignment efficiency' ytit='f(a)' xtit=textoidl('Grain size (nm)') amin = 0.1 amax = 1e8 nrad = 20000 a = amin * exp(alog(amax/amin)/(nrad-1)*indgen(nrad)) if multi eq 0 then cgplot,a,a,/nodata,xr=xr,yr=yr,/xs,/ys,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,tit=tit,/xlog if multi eq 2 then cgplot,a,a,/nodata,xr=xr,yr=yr,/xs,/ys,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,tit='',/xlog,position=[0.17,0.14,0.95,0.45],/noerase,ymino=2,xticklen=0.07 st_align=dustem_read_align(dir_in+'data/',st_grains,silent=silent) for i=0,ngrains-1 do begin if st_align.grains(i).aligned then begin f_pol = 0.5*st_align.grains(i).plev * (1 + TANH((alog(a*1e-3/(st_align.grains(i).athresh))) / st_align.grains(i).pstiff ) ) cgoplot,a,f_pol, line=ls(i+1),color='black';,col=colors(i+1) ; this line should be tested with multiple polarizing grain species endif endfor if keyword_set(ps) and not keyword_set(donotclose) then begin device,/close set_plot,'X' endif END