PRO phangs_make_herschel_images,source_name=source_name $ ,save=save $ ,show_images=show_images $ ,nostop=nostop $ ,help=help $ ,resolution_filter=resolution_filter ;+ ; NAME: ; phangs_make_herschel_images ; PURPOSE: ; makes astrosat images usable by the Phangs ISRF project ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem Phangs ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; phangs_make_herschel_images[,source_name=][,/save][,/show_images][,/nostop] ; INPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; source_name : source name (default = 'ngc0628') ; resolution_filter : if set makes images at this resolution (default none) ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set, print this help ; save = If set, save result ; show_images= if set, show images ; nostop = if set, does not stop ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; A file is written ; RESTRICTIONS: ; None ; PROCEDURE: ; input Herschel images are assumed to be in Jy/beam and Jy/pixel for SPIRE and PACS respectively ; ; EXAMPLES ; phangs_make_herschel_images,source_name='ngc0628',/show,/nostop ; phangs_make_herschel_images,source_name='ngc0628',/save,/show,/nostop ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by J.-Ph. Bernard (2023) ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'phangs_make_herschel_images' goto,the_end ENDIF use_source_name='ngc0628' IF keyword_set(source_name) THEN use_source_name=source_name reso_str='' IF keyword_set(resolution_filter) THEN BEGIN reso_str='_'+resolution_filter ENDIF dustem_define_la_common ;JPB: I'm runing dustem_init there to get the filter informations into memory dustem_init ;window,0 obp=[1.1,0,1.15,1] ;JPB: see with image_cont20 how this is used. This is an offset position for where the color bar should be drawn. win=0L ;JPB: modified this as this is the arborescence where the files are located in alma1. ; make sure you put them in the same arborescence in your PC ;data_dir=!phangs_data_dir+'/phangs_drive/PHANGS_Herschel_JWST_cycle1/' data_dir=!phangs_data_dir+'/phangs_drive/Archive/Ancillary/herschel/PHANGS_Herschel_v1/' save_data_dir=!phangs_data_dir+'/ISRF/WORK/' ;This is to get the reference header ;JPB : I modified this since we now have a save set that contains only the reference Fits header ;restore,save_data_dir+'ngc0628_jwst_images.sav',/verb ;% RESTORE: Restored variable: JWST_IMAGES. ;% RESTORE: Restored variable: FILTERS. ;% RESTORE: Restored variable: HREF. ;% RESTORE: Restored variable: NHCO. restore,save_data_dir+'ngc0628_ref_header'+reso_str+'.sav',/verb ;% RESTORE: Restored variable: HREF. ;== I added PMW and PLW, since the data is available on alma1 ;name_loc_filters = ['PACS_BLUE','PACS_GREEN','PACS_RED','PSW'] name_loc_filters = ['PACS_BLUE','PACS_GREEN','PACS_RED','PSW','PMW','PLW'] herschel_filters=dustem_filter_names2filters(name_loc_filters) Nherschel_filter=n_elements(herschel_filters) herschel_images=fltarr(sxpar(href,'NAXIS1'),sxpar(href,'NAXIS2'),2,Nherschel_filter) ;JPB: added missing SPIRE filters name_filters = ['pacs70','pacs100','pacs160','spire250','spire350','spire500'] ;=== JPB: added .gz, as this is how files are nammed in alma1 and mrdfits can actually read .gz files (!) files=data_dir+use_source_name+'_scanamorphos_v25_'+name_filters+'_0.fits.gz' wavs_mic=dustem_filter2wav(herschel_filters) cmic=3.e14 ;mic/sec ;JPB; as I want arrays which all have the same number of elements, I added dummy values (la_undef()) for PACS filters ;spire_beams_as = [450., 795., 1665.] ; in arcsec^2 herschel_beams_as = [la_undef(),la_undef(),la_undef(),450., 795., 1665.] ; in arcsec^2 ;JPB: This below ;omega_250 = spire_beams_as[0]*(((1.0/3600.0)*!pi/180.0)^2) ;omega_beam in sr ;omega_350 = spire_beams_as[1]*(((1.0/3600.0)*!pi/180.0)^2) ;omega_beam in sr ;omega_500 = spire_beams_as[2]*(((1.0/3600.0)*!pi/180.0)^2) ;omega_beam in sr ;can be done like this in one line: ;omegas=spire_beams_as*(((1.0/3600.0)*!pi/180.0)^2) ;omega_beam in sr ;JPB: This is the same as above but preserves undefined values omegas=la_mul(herschel_beams_as,((1.0/3600.0)*!pi/180.0)^2) ;omega_beam in sr ;JPB: This array will tell you which instrument the filter is from (quite useful for your loop later) instrus=dustem_filter2instru(herschel_filters) imrange=[-10,100] ;MJy/sr FOR i=0L,Nherschel_filter-1 DO BEGIN file=files[i] d_narray=mrdfits(file,0,h) d = d_narray[*,*,0] d_err = d_narray[*,*,1] ind=where(finite(d) NE 1,count) IF count NE 0 THEN d[ind]=la_undef() ;JPB: look, I've reduced 4 IF statements into 1 statement, and no need to use clumpsy STRPOS IF instrus[i] EQ 'SPIRE' THEN BEGIN fact=1.e-6/omegas[i] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN steradians=(sxpar(h,'CDELT2')/!radeg)^2 ;pixel in sr fact=1.e-6/steradians ;This is to rescale from /pixel to /sr ENDELSE d=la_mul(d,fact) IF keyword_set(show_images) THEN BEGIN image_cont20,d,h,/square,imrange=0,image_color_table='jpbloadct',axis_color_table=1,/silent,tit=tit,off_bar_pos=obp ENDIF reso_str='' IF keyword_set(resolution_filter) THEN BEGIN ;stop reso_str='_'+resolution_filter data_reso=dustem_filter2reso(herschel_filters[i]) ;This is undefined in instrument_descritpion.xcat final_reso=dustem_filter2reso(resolution_filter) d=degrade_res(d,h,data_reso,final_reso,hout) d_err=degrade_res(d_err,h,data_reso,final_reso,hout) h=hout ENDIF IF sxpar(h,'NAXIS1') NE sxpar(href,'NAXIS1') OR sxpar(h,'NAXIS2') NE sxpar(href,'NAXIS2') THEN BEGIN d=project2(h,d,href,/silent,save_it='/tmp/saved_proj_info.sav') d_err=project2(h,d_err,href,/silent,restore_it='/tmp/saved_proj_info.sav') ENDIF tit=use_source_name+' '+herschel_filters[i] IF keyword_set(show_images) THEN BEGIN image_cont20,d,href,/square,imrange=imrange,image_color_table='jpbloadct',axis_color_table=1,/silent,tit=tit,off_bar_pos=obp IF not keyword_set(nostop) THEN stop ENDIF herschel_images[*,*,0,i]=d herschel_images[*,*,1,i]=la_power(d_err,2.) ENDFOR ;=== check for null variances ind=where(herschel_images[*,*,1,*] EQ 0.,count) IF count NE 0 THEN BEGIN message,'There are null variances ...',/continue stop ENDIF IF keyword_set(save) THEN BEGIN ;=== JPB: I changed the file name into images.sav, for compatibility with other files for other missions ;file_save=save_data_dir+use_source_name+'_herschel_data.sav' file_save=save_data_dir+use_source_name+'_herschel_images'+reso_str+'.sav' save,herschel_images,herschel_filters,href,file=file_save message,'Saved '+file_save,/info ENDIF ; ; mwrfits,herschel_images,save_data_dir+use_source_name+'_herschel_data.fits',href the_end: END