PRO dustem_set_data,m_fit,m_show,x_fit,x_show,rchi2_weight=rchi2_weight,f_HI=f_HI,help=help;,nocheck_data=nocheck_data ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_set_data ; PURPOSE: ; ## adapting the data structures to the format used by the fitting algorithm ; Initializes the dustem data structure (*!dustem_data) used in the fitting ; Initializes the !dustem_show structure which is either a copy or a more detailed version of !dustem_data ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_set_data(m_fit,x_fit,m_show,x_show,[/help]) ; INPUTS: ; ## used in initializing !dustem_data ; m_fit : dustemwrap structure contaning emission data to be fitted ; x_fit : dustemwrap structure containing extinction data to be fitted ; ## used in initializing !dustem_show ; m_show : dustemwrap structure containing emission data to be displayed ; x_show : dustemwrap structure containing extinctiond data to be displayed ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; initializes !dustem_data/!dustem_show ; wavelengths are forced to be the central filter wavelength for ; photometric data ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The dustem idl wrapper must be installed ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; EXAMPLES ; dustem_init ; dir=!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/' ; file=dir+'example_SED_1.xcat' ; spec=read_xcat(file,/silent) ; var = dustem_set_data(spec,x_fit,spec,x_show) ; #in this example !dustem_data and !dustem_show are identical ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by J.-Ph. Bernard ; see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR ; Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems. ; ; V. Guillet (2012) : dustem_set_data is turned into a function which can be used ; indifferently for sed, ext, polext ; I. Choubani (2022): dustem_check_data is introduced and the data structure format of the latest release is respected. ;- dustem_set_data is turned into a procedure. IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_set_data' goto,the_end ENDIF ;Cleaninig fitting/showing structure(s) for i=0L,n_tags(*!dustem_data)-1 do begin (*!dustem_data).(i) = ptr_new() (*!dustem_show).(i) = ptr_new() endfor ;#FITTING STRUCTURE ;To me this is unnecessary... as dustem_check_data is always needed as it shapes the output structures (that would otherwise not exist) ;in order to prepare them for the mpfit run. ;the *!dustem_data tags are always cleaned so data will never exist if this keyword is used. ;commenting the use of nocheck_data for now ;IF not keyword_set(nocheck_data) THEN BEGIN dustem_check_data,m_fit,x_fit,sed,ext,polext,polsed,polfrac,psi_em,qsed,used,qext,uext,psi_ext,fpolext ;ENDIF ;outputs whatever the input structure has, into organized seperate structures formatted for the fitting process. ;FITTING STRUCTURE INITIALIZATION IF isa(sed) THEN (*!dustem_data).sed = ptr_new(sed) IF isa(ext) THEN (*!dustem_data).ext = ptr_new(ext) ;#################### ;OLD VARIABLE. KEPT IT. ; If f_HI is specified, multiply the data by f_HI If keyword_set(f_HI) and ptr_valid((*!dustem_data).sed) then begin if f_HI gt 0 then (*(*!dustem_data).sed).values *= f_HI else f_HI = 1. endif else f_HI = 1. if keyword_set(f_HI) and ptr_valid((*!dustem_data).ext) then begin if f_HI gt 0 then (*(*!dustem_data).ext).values *= f_HI else f_HI = 1. endif else f_HI = 1. defsysv,'!dustem_f_HI',f_HI ;#################### if !run_pol then begin if keyword_set(m_fit) then begin teststks = isa(qsed) and isa(used) ;stop IF ~teststks then message, 'Stokes parameters are not set correctly. Please check the input structure. Aborting...' ;☆EMISSION message, 'Polarization component(s) to fit: QSED and USED' ,/continue ;☆Mandatory presence in polar mode IF isa(qsed) THEN BEGIN (*!dustem_data).qsed = ptr_new(qsed) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_data).qsed).values *= f_HI ENDIF ;☆Mandatory presence in polar mode if isa(used) then BEGIN (*!dustem_data).used = ptr_new(used) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_data).used).values *= f_HI ENDIF if isa(polsed) then BEGIN (*!dustem_data).polsed = ptr_new(polsed) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_data).polsed).values *= f_HI ENDIF if isa(polfrac) then BEGIN (*!dustem_data).polfrac = ptr_new(polfrac) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_data).polfrac).values *= f_HI ENDIF if isa(psi_em) then BEGIN (*!dustem_data).psi_em = ptr_new(psi_em) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_data).psi_em).values *= f_HI ENDIF endif if keyword_set(x_fit) then begin ;Two tests that determine what the user will eventually fit testexstks = isa(qext) and isa(uext) IF ~testexstks then message, 'Extinction stokes parameters/Polarization data is not set correctly. Please check the input structure. Aborting...' ;EXTINCTION - allowed for the default fitting of both because I do not know if the same formalism should be applied to the extinction data because it also implies deviding extinction data into two components. message, 'Extinction polarization component(s) to fit: QEXT and UEXT',/continue if isa(polext) then BEGIN (*!dustem_data).polext = ptr_new(polext) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_data).polext).values *= f_HI ENDIF IF isa(qext) THEN BEGIN (*!dustem_data).qext = ptr_new(qext) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_data).qext).values *= f_HI ENDIF if isa(uext) then BEGIN (*!dustem_data).uext = ptr_new(uext) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_data).uext).values *= f_HI ENDIF if isa(psi_ext) then BEGIN (*!dustem_data).psi_ext = ptr_new(psi_ext) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_data).psi_ext).values *= f_HI ENDIF ;added for completeness if isa(fpolext) then BEGIN (*!dustem_data).fpolext = ptr_new(fpolext) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_data).fpolext).values *= f_HI ENDIF endif endif ;#SHOWING STRUCTURE if keyword_set(m_fit) and not keyword_set(m_show) then m_show=m_fit if keyword_set(x_fit) and not keyword_set(x_show) then x_show = x_fit ;Setting of the structure that will be displayed ;IF not keyword_set(nocheck_data) THEN BEGIN dustem_check_data,m_show,x_show,sed,ext,polext,polsed,polfrac,psi_em,qsed,used,qext,uext,psi_ext,fpolext ;ENDIF IF isa(sed) THEN (*!dustem_show).sed = ptr_new(sed) IF isa(ext) THEN (*!dustem_show).ext = ptr_new(ext) ;#################### ;OLD VARIABLE. KEPT IT. ; If f_HI is specified, multiply the data by f_HI If keyword_set(f_HI) and ptr_valid((*!dustem_show).sed) then begin if f_HI gt 0 then (*(*!dustem_show).sed).values *= f_HI else f_HI = 1. endif else f_HI = 1. if keyword_set(f_HI) and ptr_valid((*!dustem_show).ext) then begin if f_HI gt 0 then (*(*!dustem_show).ext).values *= f_HI else f_HI = 1. endif else f_HI = 1. defsysv,'!dustem_f_HI',f_HI ;#################### if !run_pol then begin if isa(m_show) then begin ; because sometimes this keyword isn't set. teststks = isa(qsed) and isa(used) IF (~teststks and ~isa(polsed)) or (~teststks and ~isa(polfrac)) then message, 'Stokes parameters/Polarization showing data is not set correctly. Please check the input structure. Aborting...' if teststks and isa(polsed) and ~(isa(polfrac)) and ~(isa(psi_em)) then nowshowing = 'QSED, USED and POLSED' if teststks and isa(polsed) and ~(isa(polfrac)) and isa(psi_em) then nowshowing = 'QSED, USED, POLSED and PSI_EM' if teststks and ~(isa(polsed)) and isa(polfrac) and ~(isa(psi_em)) then nowshowing = 'QSED, USED and POLFRAC' if teststks and ~(isa(polsed)) and isa(polfrac) and isa(psi_em) then nowshowing = 'QSED, USED, POLFRAC and PSI_EM' if teststks and ~(isa(polsed)) and ~(isa(polfrac)) and ~(isa(psi_em)) then nowshowing = 'QSED and USED' if teststks and isa(polsed) and isa(polfrac) and ~(isa(psi_em)) then nowshowing = 'QSED, USED, POLSED and POLFRAC' if teststks and isa(polsed) and isa(polfrac) and isa(psi_em) then nowshowing = 'QSED, USED, POLFRAC, POLSED and PSI_EM' if teststks and ~(isa(polsed)) and ~(isa(polfrac)) and isa(psi_em) then nowshowing = 'QSED, USED and PSI_EM' message, 'Polarization component(s) to show: '+nowshowing ,/continue If isa(polsed) then BEGIN ;Apply changes to !dustem_data here. (*!dustem_show).polsed = ptr_new(polsed) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_show).polsed).values *= f_HI ENDIF If isa(polfrac) then BEGIN (*!dustem_show).polfrac = ptr_new(polfrac) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_show).polfrac).values *= f_HI ENDIF IF isa(qsed) THEN BEGIN (*!dustem_show).qsed = ptr_new(qsed) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_show).qsed).values *= f_HI ENDIF if isa(used) then BEGIN (*!dustem_show).used = ptr_new(used) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_show).used).values *= f_HI ENDIF if isa(psi_em) then BEGIN (*!dustem_show).psi_em = ptr_new(psi_em) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_show).psi_em).values *= f_HI ENDIF endif if isa(x_show) then begin teststks = isa(qext) and isa(uext) IF (~teststks) then message, 'Extinction stokes parameters/Polarization data is not set correctly. Please check the input structure. Aborting...' if teststks and isa(polext) and ~(isa(polextfrac)) and ~(isa(psi_ext)) then nowshowing = 'QEXT, UEXT and POLEXT' if teststks and isa(polext) and ~(isa(polextfrac)) and isa(psi_ext) then nowshowing = 'QEXT, UEXT, POLEXT and PSI_EXT' if teststks and ~(isa(polext)) and isa(polextfrac) and ~(isa(psi_ext)) then nowshowing = 'QEXT, UEXT and POLEXTFRAC' if teststks and ~(isa(polext)) and isa(polextfrac) and isa(psi_ext) then nowshowing = 'QEXT, UEXT, POLEXTFRAC and PSI_EXT' if teststks and ~(isa(polext)) and ~(isa(polextfrac)) and ~(isa(psi_ext)) then nowshowing = 'QEXT and UEXT' if teststks and isa(polext) and isa(polextfrac) and ~(isa(psi_ext)) then nowshowing = 'QEXT, UEXT, POLEXT and POLEXTFRAC' if teststks and isa(polext) and isa(polextfrac) and isa(psi_ext) then nowshowing = 'QEXT, UEXT, POLEXTFRAC, POLEXT and PSI_EXT' if teststks and ~(isa(polext)) and ~(isa(polextfrac)) and isa(psi_ext) then nowshowing = 'QEXT, UEXT and PSI_EXT' message, 'Polarization component(s) to show: '+nowshowing ,/continue ;EXTINCTION if isa(polext) then BEGIN (*!dustem_show).polext = ptr_new(polext) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_show).polext).values *= f_HI ENDIF IF isa(qext) THEN BEGIN (*!dustem_show).qext = ptr_new(qext) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_show).qext).values *= f_HI ENDIF if isa(uext) then BEGIN (*!dustem_show).uext = ptr_new(uext) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_show).uext).values *= f_HI ENDIF if isa(psi_ext) then BEGIN (*!dustem_show).psi_ext = ptr_new(psi_ext) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_show).psi_ext).values *= f_HI ENDIF ;Added for completeness if isa(fpolext) then BEGIN (*!dustem_show).fpolext = ptr_new(fpolext) if keyword_set(f_HI) then if f_HI gt 0 then $ (*(*!dustem_show).fpolext).values *= f_HI ENDIF endif endif IF keyword_set(rchi2_weight) THEN BEGIN !fit_rchi2_weight.sed = rchi2_weight.sed !fit_rchi2_weight.ext = rchi2_weight.ext IF !run_pol THEN BEGIN IF isa(qsed) THEN !fit_rchi2_weight.qsed = rchi2_weight.qsed IF isa(used) THEN !fit_rchi2_weight.used = rchi2_weight.used IF isa(qext) THEN !fit_rchi2_weight.qext = rchi2_weight.qext IF isa(uext) THEN !fit_rchi2_weight.uext = rchi2_weight.uext ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN !fit_rchi2_weight.sed=1. !fit_rchi2_weight.ext=1. If !run_pol THEN BEGIN IF isa(qsed) THEN !fit_rchi2_weight.qsed=1. IF isa(used) THEN !fit_rchi2_weight.used=1. IF isa(qext) THEN !fit_rchi2_weight.qext=1. IF isa(uext) THEN !fit_rchi2_weight.uext=1. ENDIF ENDELSE ; ;Setting the data and wavelength tags in '!dustem_fit' ; ;ask about it because !dustem_fit's tag was initially empty...s ; ((*!dustem_fit).data)=ptr_new(!dustem_data) the_end: ; ; return,0. END