PRO dustem_write_lambda,file,st,help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_write_lambda ; ; PURPOSE: ; writes information relating to wavelength grid ; corresponding .DAT file ; ; CATEGORY: ; DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_write_lambda,file,st ; ; INPUTS: ; st : dustem data structure ; file : output file to be written ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help : writes this help ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; Files are written ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEM fortran code must be installed ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; ; PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_write_lambda' goto,the_end ENDIF ;stop openw,unit,file,/get_lun Nwaves=n_elements(st) printf,unit,fix(st(0).lambda) FOR i=1L,Nwaves-1 DO BEGIN printf,unit,st(i).lambda,format=frmt ENDFOR close,unit free_lun,unit the_end: END