PRO dustem_show_fortran, model=model $ , st=st $ , restart=restart $ , data_dir=data_dir $ , dustem_dir=dustem_dir $ , nh=nh, fsed=fsed, sw=sw $ , inst=inst, smdat=smdat, com=com $ , wref=wref, bbpar=bbpar, wext=wext $ , xr=xr, yr=yr, tit=tit $ , CMB=cmb, COSMO=COSMO, DATA=data, SHOW=show $ , wn=wn, HARD=hard ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_show_fortran ; ; PURPOSE: ; shows various outputs of the DUSTEM fortran calculations, ; overlaid on an example observation of diffuse ISM dust ; ; CATEGORY: ; DustEM, Distributed, User-Example ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_show_fortran ; ; INPUTS: ; DATA_DIR : path to directory containing observational ; SED files. Defaults to Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/ subdirectory. ; DUSTEM_DIR : path to directory containing DustEM data files. Default ; is the !dustem_dat directory (which is defined in ; a user's idl_startup file) ; model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM ; 'MC10' model from Compiegne et al 2010 (default) ; 'DBP90' model from Desert et al 1990 ; 'DL01' model from Draine & Li 2001 ; 'WD01_RV5p5B' model from Weingartner & Draine 2002 with Rv=5.5 ; 'DL07' model from Draine & Li 2007 ; 'J13' model from Jones et al 2013, as updated in ; Koehler et al 2014 ; 'G17_ModelA' model A from Guillet et al (2018). Includes ; polarisation. See Tables 2 and 3 of that paper for details. ; 'G17_ModelB' model B from Guillet et al (2018) ; 'G17_ModelC' model C from Guillet et al (2018) ; 'G17_ModelD' model A from Guillet et al (2018) ; NH : float, fiducial column density for emission [Default is 1e20 cm-2]' ; FSED : string, read SED from the file FSED ; SW : integer, width of window to SMOOTH the PAH emission ; INST : string array, instruments to be shown. Default is ['DIRBE','FIRAS','HFI','WMAP'] ; COM : string to describe SMDAT structure ; WEXT : normalize the UV-extinction to be 1 at wavelength WEXT (in microns). Also applied to IR-extinction ; WREF : get the dust cross-section per H at wavelength WREF (in microns) ; BBPAR : float tuple, T and beta for modified BB to get dust opacity from FIRAS ; XR,YR : plot ranges ; TIT : title for SMDAT and plots ; CMB : keyword to overlay the CMB ; COSMO : keyword to plot long wavelengths ; DATA : if DATA=0, only the model spectrum is shown ; if DATA=1, only the observational SED is shown ; if DATA=2, both the model and data are shown ; both are shown (default)' ; SHOW : string array, defines what to plot display. Possible ; options include ; ''emis'', ''extuv'', ''extir'', ''alb'', ''sdist'', ''polext'', ''polsed'', ''align'' ; Default is [''emis'']. SHOW=0 no plot ; WN : array of window numbers for plots ; HARD : /HARD for postscript of requested plots (if set, plots will not ; show on screen) ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; SMDAT : from DUSTEM_GET_BAND_FLUX (see format there), structure containing model projected on data points: I_INST field in SMDAT. ; SMDAT also contains model direct outputs in M_EMIS, M_EXT fields (see format in ) ; ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set, print this help ; restart = If set, reinitialise DustEMWrap and use a new ; wavelength vector for integration. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEM fortran code must be installed ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; ; PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: ; ; EXAMPLES ;; print,' Examples:' ;; print,' path=''/Users/lverstra/DUSTEM_LOCAL/dustem4.0/''' ;; print,' to show SED only: dustem_show_fortran,path' ;; print,' SED+UV-extinction: dustem_show_fortran,path,show=''extuv'' ' ;; print,' SED+IR extinction+size dist.: dustem_show_fortran,path,show=[''extir'',''sdist''] ' ;; print,' ps files with default names: dustem_show_fortran,path,show=[''extir'',''alb''],/hard ' ;; print,' ps files with given names: dustem_show_fortran,path,show=[''extir'',''sdist''],hard=['''',''''] ' ;; print,' no plot : dustem_show_fortran,path,show=0' ;; print,' to get band fluxes in structure SM: dustem_show_fortran,path,smdat=sm' ;; print,' see structure SM (overall): help,/str,sm' ;; print,' see structure SM model field: help,/str,sm.m_emis' ;; print,' see structure SM inst field: help,/str,sm.i_dirbe' ;; print,' see structure SM inst flux field: help,/str,sm.i_dirbe.flx' ;; print,' array(i,j+1) i:index of inst band, j:index of grain type (ntype+1 is total SED) ' ;; print,' to select or add instrument field(s): dustem_show_fortran,path,smdat=sm,inst=[''spire''] (on existing SM to add instrumentx) ' ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Inherited from DustEM fortran repo, July 2022. ; Written by L Verstraete and M Compiegne, Spring 2010 ; Modified by LV : change to cgs, add band fluxes in SMDAT, 2011 ; Modified by LV & V Guillet : add polarization part, 2017 ; Further evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ; if keyword_set(help) then begin doc_library,'dustem_show_fortran' goto,the_end END ; specify the grain model IF keyword_set(model) THEN BEGIN use_model=strupcase(model) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_model='MC10' ;Default is the Compiegne et al 2010 model ENDELSE ; run the fortran via the wrapper once if keyword_set(restart) then begin dustem_init,model=use_model st_model=dustem_read_all(!dustem_soft_dir) dustem_write_all,st_model,!dustem_dat st=dustem_run() endif data_path = !dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/Data/' fortran_path = !dustem_dat if keyword_set(dustem_data_dir) then fortran_path = dustem_data_dir if keyword_set(data_dir) then data_path = data_dir if n_elements(NH) EQ 0 then nh = 1.d20 if n_elements(INST) EQ 0 then begin inst = ['DIRBE','FIRAS','HFI','WMAP'] endif else begin inst = strupcase(inst) inst = inst(UNIQ(inst, SORT(inst))) endelse n_inst = n_elements(inst) if n_elements(WREF) EQ 0 then wref = 2.5d2 if n_elements(BBPAR) EQ 0 then BBPAR = [17.75d, 1.8d0] if n_elements(SW) EQ 0 then sw = 0 if n_elements(TIT) EQ 0 then tit = 'DustEM' if n_elements(COM) EQ 0 then com = tit if n_elements(WN) EQ 0 then wn = [0, 2, 1, 3, 6, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] ; absolute display if n_elements( XR ) NE 2 then begin if keyword_set( COSMO ) then xr = [1., 1.e5] else xr = [ 1, 1.e3 ] endif else xr = [min(xr),max(xr)] if n_elements( YR ) NE 2 then begin if keyword_set( COSMO ) then yr = [1.e-12, 1.e-3] else yr = [1e-8, 1e-4] endif else yr = [min(yr),max(yr)] if n_elements( DATA ) EQ 0 then data = 0 if n_elements( SHOW ) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN show = ['emis'] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN show = [STRLOWCASE(STRTRIM(STRING(show),2))] IF SHOW(0) NE '0' THEN BEGIN show = ['emis',show] ; always show the SED show = show(UNIQ(show)) ENDIF ENDELSE pgrid = [ 'emis', 'extuv', 'extir', 'alb', 'sdist','polext', 'polsed', 'align' ] nplots = n_elements( SHOW ) ; nr of plots nhard = n_elements( HARD ) if nhard EQ 0 OR show(0) EQ '0' THEN hard=['0'] if nhard GT 0 then hard = [STRLOWCASE(STRTRIM(STRING(hard),2))] if ((nhard GT 0) AND (nhard LT nplots)) OR (hard(0) EQ '1') then begin ig = INTARR( nplots ) for i = 1, nplots-1 do begin ig(i) = WHERE( pgrid EQ show(i)) endfor hard = pgrid(ig(sort(ig))) + REPLICATE('.ps',nplots) endif hard = strtrim(hard,2) nhard = n_elements( HARD ) ; constants na = 6.02d23 clight = 2.9979246d10 ; cm/s ; ; plot inits ; ; set the rgb colors red =[0,1,1,0,0,1] green=[0,1,0,1,0,1] blue =[0,1,0,0,1,0] tvlct,255*red, 255*green, 255*blue ls = [ [ 0,3,1,4,5 ], [ 0,3,1,4,5 ] ] ihard = 0 ; ; get the SED data ; ; FarIR-mm SED from FBoulanger RESTORE, data_path+'/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/filters_ref_wave.xdr' fact_em = 0.77 ; to account for 20% of H to be in ionized form + 3% H2 to_sed_20 = 1d-17 * (1d20/1.82d18) ; MJy/sr->erg/s/cm2/sr and normalization to NH = 10^20 H/cm2 ; FIRAS READCOL, data_path+'/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/diffuse_ISM_SED.dat', wfirasf, firasf, ufirasf, skipline=5, numline=156, /sil nufirasf = clight/(wfirasf*1.d-4) firasf = firasf * nufirasf * fact_em * to_sed_20 ufirasf = ufirasf * nufirasf * to_sed_20 ; error ; DIRBE 60 --> 240 microns READCOL, data_path+'/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/diffuse_ISM_SED.dat', wdirbef, dirbef, udirbef, skipline=162, numline=4, /sil nudirbef = clight/ (wdirbef*1.d-4) dirbef = dirbef * nudirbef * fact_em * to_sed_20 udirbef = udirbef * nudirbef * to_sed_20 ; error dwdirbef = dwdirbe[6:9]/2. ; WMAP READCOL,data_path+'/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/diffuse_ISM_SED.dat', wwmapf, wmapf, uwmapf, skipline=167, numline=5,/sil wwmapf = wwmapf[3:4] wmapf = wmapf[3:4] uwmapf = uwmapf[3:4] nuwmapf = clight/(wwmapf*1.d-4) wmapf = wmapf * nuwmapf * fact_em * to_sed_20 uwmapf = uwmapf * nuwmapf * to_sed_20 ; error ; DIRBE Arendt et al (1998) for |b|>25 ; numbers from Li & Draine, apj, 2001, 554, 778-802 Wave_ARENDT = WDIRBE[2:*] Dwave_ARENDT = DWDIRBE[2:*] / 2. ARENDT = [0.97, 1.11, 7.16, 3.57, 5.30, 18.6, 22.5, 10.1] ; 10^-26 erg/s/H/sr ARENDT = ARENDT * 1.d-26 * 1.d20 ; To erg s-1 cm-2 sr-1 for NH=10^20 H/cm2 err_ARENDT = 0.2 * ARENDT ; from Dwek et al. 1997 DIRBE 1Sigma unc = 20% nu_arendt = nudirbe[2:*] * 1.e9 ; Normalization of the Arendt spectrum on the Boulanger 100 microns wave_arendt_midIR = wave_arendt[0:3] dwave_ARENDT_midir = Dwave_ARENDT[0:3] nu_arendt_midIR = nu_arendt[0:3] correl_coeff_midIR = [0.00183, 0.00291, 0.0462, 0.0480] ; for Inu ucorrel_coeff_midIR = [0.00001, 0.00003, 0.0001, 0.0002] ; For Inu arendt_midIR = correl_coeff_midIR * (dirbef[1]*100.*1e-4/clight*1e20) ; in (Inu) MJy sr-1 err_arendt_midIR = FLTARR(N_ELEMENTS(arendt_midIR)) for i=0,3 do begin tmp= SQRT( ((udirbef[1]*100.*1e-4/clight*1e20)/(dirbef[1]*100.*1e-4/clight*1e20))^2. + (ucorrel_coeff_midIR[i]/correl_coeff_midIR[i])^2. ) err_arendt_midIR[i] = arendt_midIR[i] * tmp endfor arendt_midIR = arendt_midIR / wave_arendt_midIR/1e-4*clight/1e20 ; to erg s-1 cm-2 sr-1 err_arendt_midIR = err_arendt_midIR / wave_arendt_midIR/1e-4*clight/1e20 ; to erg s-1 cm-2 sr-1 wdirbe_ful = [ wave_arendt_midir, wdirbef ] dwdirbe_ful = [ dwave_arendt_midir, dwdirbef ] dirbe_ful = [ arendt_midir, dirbef ] udirbe_ful = [ err_arendt_midir, udirbef ] ; isocam galactic spectrum RESTORE, data_path+'/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/spectre_gal.xdr' ; wgal in microns, spec_gal in MJy/sr nuisocam = clight / wgal/1.d-4 norm = 0.65*0.045/filters(9) ; normalization for Nh=1e20 cm-2 and I12/I100 =0.045 iso = 1d-17 * spec_gal*nuisocam * norm ; galactic mid-IR SED in erg/s/cm2/sr stars = 1d3 * wgal * DUSTEM_BLACKBODY(wgal, 3d3, unit='w') ; assumed spectrum for stars in cgs stars = 1.3d-6 * stars/stars(0) ; normalization of stellar spectrum err_cvf = 0.2 isocam = iso-stars smp = DUSTEM_GET_BAND_FLUX( data_path + 'FILTERS/', 'DIRBE', xs=wgal, ys=isocam ) isocam = isocam / smp.i_dirbe.ym(4) * arendt_midIR[2] ; factor is now 1.013027 (1.0235712 before) ; Arome 3.3 microns: Giard et al 1988 xg = [3.3d] yg = 1.1e-6 / 4./!pi * xg/0.05 ; SED erg/s/cm2/sr assumes a feature width of 0.05 mic eg = 0.5e-6 / 4./!pi * xg/0.05 ; error ; Modified BB overlaid to dust: default is 17.75 K and beta=1.8 (Miville-DeschĂȘnes et al 2013, Planck data) np = 1000 wbr = ALOG10( [20.,1.d5] ) dwbr = (wbr(1)-wbr(0)) / (np-1) lambdaf = 10.^(wbr(0) + findgen(np)*dwbr) temp1 = bbpar(0) beta = bbpar(1) lamb_ref = 250. qf = (lambdaf/ lamb_ref)^(-beta) bbm = 1d3 * lambdaf * DUSTEM_BLACKBODY(lambdaf, temp1, unit='w') SP1 = bbm*qf firas_nuinu = firasf ; normalize to FIRAS @ wave WREF < wfiras_max and get dust cross-section per H wfiras_max = 8d2 if WREF LE wfiras_max then lamb_ref = wref tt = MIN( ABS(lambdaf-lamb_ref), ibb ) tt = MIN( ABS(wfirasf-lamb_ref), ifiras ) nw = 1 eps_firas = median(firasf(ifiras-nw:ifiras+nw)) / INTERPOL(sp1/qf, lambdaf, lamb_ref) / nh SP1 = SP1 * median(firasf(ifiras-nw:ifiras+nw)) / INTERPOL(sp1, lambdaf, lamb_ref) ; add HFI (Planck2011t, Dust in the diffuse interstellar medium and the Galactic halo) nu_pep_dism = [5d3,3d3,857.,545.,353.] * 1d9 ; includes IRAS60 and 100 w_pep_dism = 1d4*clight / nu_pep_dism dw_pep_dism = dblarr(n_elements(nu_pep_dism)) dw_pep_dism(0:1) = [31.,35.6] / 2. dw_pep_dism(2:*) = w_pep_dism(2:*)/3. / 2. y_pep_dism = [ 1.288, 6.522,5.624, 1.905, 0.465 ] * 1d-1 ; MJy/sr/1e20cm-2 u_pep_dism = [ 0.436, 1.473, 1.015, 0.347, 0.100 ] * 1d-1 y_pep_dism = fact_em * y_pep_dism * nu_pep_dism * 1d-17 ; MJy/sr/1e20cm-2 to erg/s/cm2/sr u_pep_dism = fact_em * u_pep_dism * nu_pep_dism * 1d-17 y_hfi_dism = y_pep_dism(0:2) & u_hfi_dism = u_pep_dism(0:2) ; add cosmosomas IF keyword_set( COSMO ) then begin ; Watson et al 2005 ; nu=1.e9*[ 0.408, 1.42, 10.9, 12.7, 14.7, 16.3, 22.8, 33.0, 40.9, 61.3, 93.8, 1250, 2143., 3.e3 ] ; i_jy=[6.3,7.3,17.,18.7,26.2,32.6,42.3,40.3,33.9,34.7,77.5,9.68e4,1.31e5,6.44e4 ] ; e_jy=[7.8,2.,0.1,0.4,0.6,1.5,0.2,0.4,0.7,1.8,4.3,7d2,1.25d3,100.] ; beam = 4.9e-4 ; steradians ; lref = 140d ; wave for normalization ; nu in GHz and i_jy in Janskys ; Planck 2011p, "New light on anomalous microwave emission from spinning dust grains" nu=[0.408,0.82,1.42,10.9,12.7,14.7,16.3,22.8,28.5,33.0,40.9,44.1,61.3,70.3,93.8,100.,143.,217.,353.,545.,857.,1250,2143.,3.e3] iplck = where( (nu eq 33.) or (nu eq 40.9) or (nu eq 70.3) or (nu eq 100.) or (nu eq 143.) or (nu eq 217.) ) nu=1d9*[0.408,0.82,1.42,10.9,12.7,14.7,16.3,22.8,28.5,33.0,40.9,44.1,61.3,70.3,93.8,100.,143.,217.,353.,545.,857.,1250,2143.,3.e3] i_jy=[9.7,9.4,8.0,16.1,20.,28.4,35.8,39.8,38.1,36.7,30.8,28.5,27.4,32.2,63.,78.4,202.,1050.,3060.,1.53d4,4.87d4,9.3d4,1.17d5,5.36d4] e_jy=[3.3,4.7,1.7,1.8,2.2,3.1,4.,4.2,4.,3.9,3.3,3.2,3.4,3.9,7.8,15.4,22.,128.,467.,2.09d3,6.11d3,1.29d4,1.45d4,6.67d3] fwhm = 1.81d beam = !pi*(!pi/1.8d2 * fwhm/2d0)^2 ; steradians lref = 140d ; wave for normalization x_pep_ame = 1d4*clight/nu nc = n_elements(x_pep_ame) y_pep_ame = 1.e-23 * nu * i_jy / beam e_pep_ame = 1.e-23 * nu * e_jy / beam lref = 240d iref = WHERE( wdirbe_ful EQ lref, cr) if cr EQ 1 then begin yic = INTERPOL(y_pep_ame,x_pep_ame,wdirbe_ful[iref]) y_norm = dirbe_ful[iref]/yic y_norm = y_norm[0] endif else y_norm = 1d is = WHERE( x_pep_ame/lref GE 0.9, cs) x_pep_ame=x_pep_ame(is) & y_pep_ame=y_pep_ame(is)*y_norm & e_pep_ame=e_pep_ame(is)*y_norm ENDIF ; ; plot SED data ; IF SHOW(0) NE '0' THEN BEGIN if HARD(0) NE '0' then begin !y.thick = 5 !x.thick = 5 !p.thick = 5 !p.charsize = 1.3 !p.charthick = 5 !x.ticklen = 0.04 set_plot,'ps' ; device,file=hard(0),xs=26, ys=20,/portrait,/color device,file="",/portrait,/color ihard = ihard + 1 endif else begin cleanplot window, wn(0), xs=900,ys=600,tit='DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: SED '+strtrim(wn(0),2) endelse xtit = 'Wavelength (!4l!3m)' ytit = '!4m!3 I!d!4m!3!n (erg s!u-1!n cm!u-2!n sr!u-1!n)' fine = 1 ; plot_oo, INDGEN(1),/NODAT,/xs,/ys,XR=xr,YR=yr,XTIT=xtit,YTIT= ytit,tit=tit cgplot, INDGEN(1),/NODAT,/xs,/ys,/xlo,/ylo,XR=xr,YR=yr,XTIT=xtit,YTIT= ytit,tit=tit+" SED",color=cgcolor('black') ; axis, /data, xr=1d-5*clight/xr, xax=1,/xlo,xs=1,xtit='Frequency (GHz)',color=cgcolor('black'),ticksize_font=1.5 if DATA NE 0 then begin if HARD(0) NE '0' then begin oploterror,xg,yg,0.,eg,psym=5 oploterror, wfirasf, firasf, wfirasf*0d, ufirasf, errthick=0.7, /nohat oploterror, wdirbe_ful(0:3), dirbe_ful(0:3), dwdirbe_ful(0:3), udirbe_ful(0:3), psym=6 oploterror, wdirbe_ful(6:*), dirbe_ful(6:*), dwdirbe_ful(6:*), udirbe_ful(6:*), psym=6 ; oploterror, wdirbe_ful, dirbe_ful, dwdirbe_ful, udirbe_ful, psym=6 oploterror, wgal,isocam, wgal*0d, isocam*err_cvf, errthick=0.7, /nohat oploterror, wwmapf, wmapf, wwmapf*0d, uwmapf, psym=4 oploterror, w_pep_dism, y_pep_dism, dw_pep_dism, u_pep_dism, psym=5 endif else begin oploterror,xg,yg,0.,eg,psym=5 oploterror, wfirasf, firasf, wfirasf*0d, ufirasf, errthick=0.4, /nohat oploterror, wdirbe_ful(0:3), dirbe_ful(0:3), dwdirbe_ful(0:3), udirbe_ful(0:3), psym=6 oploterror, wdirbe_ful(6:*), dirbe_ful(6:*), dwdirbe_ful(6:*), udirbe_ful(6:*), psym=6 ; oploterror, wdirbe_ful, dirbe_ful, dwdirbe_ful, udirbe_ful, psym=6 oploterror, wgal,isocam, wgal*0d, isocam*err_cvf, errthick=0.4, /nohat oploterror, wwmapf, wmapf, wwmapf*0d, uwmapf, psym=4 oploterror, w_pep_dism, y_pep_dism, dw_pep_dism, u_pep_dism, psym=5 endelse endif if DATA EQ 1 then begin OPLOT, LAMBDAf, SP1, lines=1,color=cgcolor('black') ; FIR blackbody sp1_firas = INTERPOL( sp1, lambdaf, wfirasf ) firas_chi2 = DUSTEM_CHI2( firasf, sp1_firas, 3, err=ufirasf ) print,'Grey body: Td = ',strtrim(bbpar(0),2),' and beta = ',strtrim(bbpar(1),2) print,'Chi-squared of grey body to FIRAS: ', strtrim(firas_chi2,2) endif if keyword_set( CMB ) then begin lambda_cmb = 1.d2^( 1.d0 + dindgen(500)*0.01 ) sp_cmb = 1d3 * lambda_cmb * DUSTEM_BLACKBODY(LAMBDA_CMB, 2.728, unit='w') ; SED in erg/s/cm2/s/sr OPLOT, LAMBDA_CMB, SP_CMB, color=cgcolor('black'),lines=0 ; CMB endif if keyword_set( COSMO ) AND DATA NE 0 then begin oploterror, x_pep_ame, y_pep_ame, y_pep_ame*0d, e_pep_ame, ps=4 ; oploterror, x_pep_ame(iplck), y_pep_ame(iplck), y_pep_ame(iplck)*0d, e_pep_ame(iplck), ps=5, syms=1.5, col=3 endif ENDIF ; ; get the model SED ; fname = fortran_path + 'data/GRAIN.DAT' nlines = FILE_LINES( fname ) OPENR, uu, fname, /get_lun tmp = '#' print,'(W) DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: GRAIN.DAT' cnt = 0 WHILE STRPOS(tmp,'#') EQ 0 do begin READF, uu, tmp cnt = cnt + 1 ENDWHILE r_opt = STRLOWCASE(STRTRIM(STRING(tmp),2)) print,r_opt READF, uu, g0 ntype = nlines - (cnt+1) nsize=intarr(ntype) t_opt=strarr(ntype) gtype = strarr(ntype) propm = dblarr(ntype) rho = dblarr(ntype) for i=0,ntype-1 do begin READF,uu,tmp PRINT, tmp tt = strsplit(tmp, /extract) gtype(i) = strtrim(tt(0)) nsize(i)=fix(tt(1)) t_opt(i)=strlowcase(strtrim(tt(2))) propm(i) = double(tt(3)) rho(i) = double(tt(4)) endfor close,uu free_lun,uu nsz_max = MAX(nsize) IF n_elements(FSED) EQ 0 THEN fsed = fortran_path+'out/SED.RES' OPENR, uu, fsed, /get_lun tmp = '#' WHILE (STRPOS(tmp,'#') EQ 0) do begin READF, uu, tmp ENDWHILE tt = double( strsplit(tmp, ' ', /extract) ) ntype_sed = fix(tt(0)) if ntype_sed NE ntype then begin print,'(F) DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: SED.RES & GRAIN.DAT have different NTYPE' print,' data is not from present GRAIN.DAT' return endif nlamb = fix(tt(1)) ; nr of wavelengths x = dblarr(nlamb) sedh = dblarr(nlamb,ntype+1) for i=0,nlamb-1 do begin READF, uu, tmp tt = double( strsplit(tmp, ' ', /extract) ) x(i) = tt(0) sedh(i,*) = tt(1:*) endfor close,uu free_lun,uu xlamb= x sed = sedh * nh / 4. / !pi ; in erg/s/cm2/sr if keyword_set( SW ) then sed = SMOOTH( sed, sw) if (DATA NE 1) AND (SHOW(0) NE '0') then begin dy = 10.^((ALOG10(yr(1))-ALOG10(yr(0))) / 25.) dx = 10.^((ALOG10(xr(1))-ALOG10(xr(0))) / 50.) yps= 10.^((ALOG10(yr(1))+ALOG10(yr(0))) / 2. + (ALOG10(yr(1))-ALOG10(yr(0))) / 2.3) if keyword_set(COSMO) then begin xpr=10.^((ALOG10(xr(1))+ALOG10(xr(0)))/3.) yps= 10.^((ALOG10(yr(1))+ALOG10(yr(0))) / 2. - (ALOG10(yr(1))-ALOG10(yr(0))) / 4.) endif else xpr=xr(0) xpr = xpr*[dx,dx^4] ; overlay model SED in erg/s/cm2/sr for i=0,ntype-1 do begin oplot, x, sed(*,i), lin=ls(i+1),color=cgcolor('black') oplot,xpr,yps*[1.,1.], lin=ls(i+1),color=cgcolor('black') xyouts,/data,xpr(1)*1.1,yps,gtype(i),chars=1.3,color=cgcolor('black') yps = yps/dy endfor oplot, x, sed(*,ntype),lin=ls(0),col=cgcolor('blue') s1 = STRMID(STRTRIM(ROUND(1e1*g0)/1e1,2), 0, 4) s2 = STRMID(STRTRIM(ROUND(1e2*alog10(nh))/1e2,2), 0, 5) xyouts,/norm,0.6,0.85,'G!d0!n='+s1+' N!dH!n=10!u'+s2+'!ncm!u-2!n',color=cgcolor('black'),chars=1.3 ; overlay model polarized SED in erg/s/cm2/sr ;IF (C_POLSED EQ 1) THEN oplot, x, sed_p(*,ntype),lin=ls(0),col=3 endif ; ; fill in SMDAT ; ; first get model fluxes in instrument bands unit = 'x(microns) SED(erg/s/cm2/sr)' if n_elements(SMDAT) GT 0 then begin smdat = DUSTEM_GET_BAND_FLUX( data_path + 'FILTERS/', inst, xs=x, ys=sed, unit=unit, smi=smdat ) endif else smdat = DUSTEM_GET_BAND_FLUX( data_path + 'FILTERS/', inst, xs=x, ys=sed, unit=unit ) = com stag = TAG_NAMES(smdat) ;if c_polsed EQ 1 then smdat.m_emis.yp = sed_p ; then get diffuse data available here ii = WHERE( inst EQ 'DIRBE', cic) if cic GT 0 then begin smdat.i_dirbe.unit = smdat.i_dirbe.unit + ' YD(erg/s/cm2/sr)' smdat.i_dirbe.yd = [ 0d, 0d, dirbe_ful ] smdat.i_dirbe.err = [ 0d, 0d, udirbe_ful] nband = n_elements( smdat.i_dirbe.x) smdat.i_dirbe.isel = [ 0,0,intarr(nband-2)+1 ] smdat.i_dirbe.npar = ntype endif ii = WHERE( inst EQ 'HFI', cic) if cic GT 0 then begin smdat.i_hfi.unit = smdat.i_hfi.unit + ' YD(erg/s/cm2/sr)' ibx = indgen(3) ; only 3 first bands in PEP DISM smdat.i_hfi.yd(ibx) = y_hfi_dism smdat.i_hfi.err(ibx) = u_hfi_dism smdat.i_hfi.isel = [1,1,1,0,0,0] smdat.i_hfi.npar = 1 endif ii = WHERE( inst EQ 'WMAP', cic) if cic GT 0 then begin smdat.i_wmap.unit = smdat.i_wmap.unit + ' YD(erg/s/cm2/sr)' smdat.i_wmap.yd = [ 0d, 0d, 0d, wmapf ] ; only 61 and 94 GHz bands smdat.i_wmap.err = [ 0d, 0d, 0d, uwmapf] nband = n_elements( smdat.i_wmap.x) smdat.i_wmap.isel = [ 0,0,0,intarr(nband-3)+1 ] smdat.i_wmap.npar = 1 endif ; put FIRAS pts in SMDAT ii = WHERE( inst EQ 'FIRAS', cic) if cic GT 0 then begin nband = n_elements(wfirasf) smdat = DUSTEM_ADD_INST( smdat, 'FIRAS', [n_elements(firasf),ntype+1] ) smdat.i_firas.unit = 'x(microns) YM(erg/s/cm2/sr) FLX(MJy/sr) YD(erg/s/cm2/sr)' smdat.i_firas.yd = firasf smdat.i_firas.err = ufirasf sd_firas = dblarr(n_elements(wfirasf),ntype+1) for itp=0,ntype do sd_firas(*,itp) = INTERPOL( sed(*,itp), x, wfirasf ) smdat.i_firas.ym = sd_firas smdat.i_firas.isel = intarr(nband)+1 smdat.i_firas.npar = 2 endif ; overlay model band fluxes if (DATA NE 1) AND (SHOW(0) NE '0') then begin itg = WHERE( STRPOS(stag,'I_') GE 0 AND stag NE 'I_FIRAS', ctg ) ; then other instruments if ctg GT 0 then begin for k=0,ctg-1 do begin oplot, smdat.(itg(k)).x, smdat.(itg(k)).ym(*,ntype), ps=6, syms=1.5, col=cgcolor('red') endfor endif endif ; ; get extinction ; OPENR, uu, fortran_path+'out/EXT.RES', /get_lun tmp = '#' WHILE STRPOS(tmp,'#') EQ 0 do begin READF, uu, tmp ENDWHILE tt = double( strsplit(tmp, ' ', /extract) ) ntype_ext = fix(tt(0)) if ntype_ext NE ntype then begin print,'(F) DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: EXT.RES & GRAIN.DAT have different NTYPE' print,' data is not from present GRAIN.DAT' return endif nlamb = fix(tt(1)) ; nr of wavelengths x = dblarr(nlamb) stmp = dblarr(nlamb,2*ntype+1) ssca = dblarr(nlamb,ntype+1) sabs = dblarr(nlamb,ntype+1) sext = dblarr(nlamb,ntype+1) alb = dblarr(nlamb,ntype+1) for i=0,nlamb-1 do begin READF, uu, tmp tt = double( strsplit(tmp, ' ', /extract) ) x(i) = tt(0) stmp(i,*) = tt(1:*) endfor CLOSE,uu FREE_LUN,uu wlm = x x = 1. / wlm ; 1/micron mH = 1.67262158d-24 ; proton mass /gdust -> /gH pm = [propm,propm] for i=0,ntype-1 do begin sabs(*,i) = stmp(*,i) ssca(*,i) = stmp(*,ntype+i) sext(*,i) = sabs(*,i) + ssca(*,i) alb(*,i) = ssca(*,i) / sext(*,i) endfor for i=0,nlamb-1 do begin sabs(i,ntype) = TOTAL(sabs(i,0:ntype-1)) ssca(i,ntype) = TOTAL(ssca(i,0:ntype-1)) sext(i,ntype) = TOTAL(sext(i,0:ntype-1)) alb(i,ntype) = ssca(i,ntype)/sext(i,ntype) endfor ; get RV av = INTERPOL( sext(*,ntype), wlm, 0.55 ) ab = INTERPOL( sext(*,ntype), wlm, 0.44 ) rv = av / (ab-av) ; get 250 microns emissivity eps_a = dblarr(ntype+1) & eps_e = eps_a & eps_s = eps_a for i = 0,ntype-1 do begin eps_a(i)=INTERPOL(sabs(*,i), wlm, wref) eps_s(i)=INTERPOL(ssca(*,i), wlm, wref) eps_e(i)=INTERPOL(sext(*,i), wlm, wref) endfor eps_a(ntype) = INTERPOL(sabs(*,ntype), wlm, wref) eps_s(ntype) = INTERPOL(ssca(*,ntype), wlm, wref) eps_e(ntype) = INTERPOL(sext(*,ntype), wlm, wref) print,'(W) DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: model dust cross-section @ ',STRTRIM(wref,2),' per type and total (cm2/H)', $ format='(A44,1E10.3,A27)' print, ' Abs : ',eps_a, format='(A8,100(1E12.4))' print, ' Sca : ',eps_s, format='(A8,100(1E12.4))' print, ' Ext : ',eps_e, format='(A8,100(1E12.4))' if WREF GT wfiras_max then begin print,'(W) DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: WREF above longer FIRAS wave, using 250 microns' wp = lamb_ref endif else wp = wref print,'(W) DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: dust cross-section @ ', STRTRIM(wp,2), ' microns from FIRAS',format='(A38,1E10.3,A20)' print,' using T = ',bbpar(0), ' and beta = ',bbpar(1),' sigma(cm2/H) = ', eps_firas, $ format='(A27,1E8.2,A13,1E8.2,A17,1E12.4)' ; fill in model it = WHERE( stag EQ 'M_EXT', ct) if ct EQ 0 then begin smdat = DUSTEM_ADD_MOD( smdat, 'EXT', [n_elements(wlm),ntype+1]) smdat.m_ext.x = wlm smdat.m_ext.y = sext smdat.m_ext.abs = sabs = ssca smdat.m_ext.alb = alb smdat.m_ext.xr = wref smdat.m_ext.yr_abs = eps_a smdat.m_ext.yr_sca = eps_s smdat.m_ext.rv = rv endif ; get standard Savage & Mathis 79 + Mathis 1990 extinction and fill in data READCOL, data_path+'/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/mean_ism_ext.dat', skip=3, x_sm, e_sm, /SIL it = WHERE( stag EQ 'I_SM79', ct) if ct EQ 0 then begin smdat = DUSTEM_ADD_INST( smdat, 'SM79', [n_elements(x_sm),ntype+1] ) smdat.i_sm79.x = x_sm smdat.i_sm79.ym = INTERPOL( sext(*,ntype), wlm, x_sm) smdat.i_sm79.yd = e_sm smdat.i_sm79.err = smdat.i_sm79.yd*0.2 smdat.i_sm79.unit = 'x(microns) sigma(cm2/H)' smdat.i_sm79.npar = ntype smdat.i_sm79.isel = intarr(n_elements(x_sm)) + 1 endif ; ; plot the vis-UV extinction ; yscl = 1d0 ip = WHERE( STRPOS(show,'extuv') GE 0, cp ) IF (SHOW(0) NE '0') AND (CP EQ 1) THEN BEGIN if HARD(0) NE '0' then begin device, file="", /portrait,/color ihard = ihard + 1 endif else begin cleanplot window, wn(1), xs=600,ys=400, tit='DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: Extinction UV '+strtrim(wn(1),2) endelse xtit = 'x (!4l!3m!u-1!n)' xr = [0,11] if n_elements(WEXT) then begin xe = [x,1./wext] xe = xe(SORT(XE)) ei = INTERPOL(sext(*,ntype),x,xe) tmp = MIN( ABS(xe - 1./wext),iw ) yr = minmax( sext(*,ntype)/ei(iw) ) * [1.,1.] yscl = 1.d0 / ei(iw) ytit='Normalized !4r!3!dext!n ' print,'(W) DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: extinction normalized to 1 at ',wext, ' microns yscl=',yscl endif else begin yr=[ 0, 2.5 ] yscl = 1d0 ytit='!4r!3!dext!n (10!u-21!n cm!u2!n per H)' endelse cgplot, [1d], [1d], lin=ls(0), xr=xr,/xs,xtit=xtit, yr=yr,/ys,ytit=ytit, tit=tit+" Ext UV",col=cgcolor('black') oplot, x, sext(*,ntype)*yscl, lin=ls(0), col=cgcolor('blue') oplot, 1d/x_sm, e_sm*1d21*yscl, ps=4,col=cgcolor('red') ; oploterror, 1d/x_sm, e_sm*1d21, smdat.i_sm79.err*1d21, psym = 4, /nohat for i=0,ntype-1 do oplot, x, (sext(*,i))*yscl, lin=ls(i+1),col=cgcolor('black') xyouts,/norm,0.2,0.8,'R!dV!n='+STRMID(STRTRIM(ROUND(1e1*rv)/1e1,2), 0, 4) ENDIF ; plot IR extinction ip = WHERE( STRPOS(show,'extir') GE 0, cp ) IF (SHOW(0) NE '0') AND (CP EQ 1) THEN BEGIN if HARD(0) NE '0' then begin device, file="", /portrait,/color ihard = ihard + 1 endif else begin cleanplot window, wn(2), xs=600,ys=400, tit='DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: Extinction IR '+strtrim(wn(2),2) endelse xtit = textoidl('\lambda (\mum)') xr = [1,400] yr = [1e-6,1.] if yscl NE 1d0 THEN ytit='Normalized !4r!3!dext!n' ELSE $ ytit='!4r!3!dext!n (10!u-21!n cm!u2!n per H)' ; plot_oo, [1d], [1d], xr=xr,/xs,xtit=xtit, yr=yr,/ys,ytit=ytit, tit=tit cgplot, [1d], [1d], xr=xr,/xs,xtit=xtit, yr=yr,/ys,ytit=ytit, tit=tit+" Ext IR",col=cgcolor('black'),/xlo,/ylo oplot, wlm, sext(*,ntype)*yscl, lin=ls(0), col=cgcolor('blue') oplot, x_sm, e_sm*1d21*yscl, ps=4,col=cgcolor('red') ; oploterror, x_sm, e_sm*1d21, smdat.i_sm79.err*1d21, psym = 4, /nohat for i=0,ntype-1 do oplot, wlm, sext(*,i)*yscl, lin=ls(i+1),col=cgcolor('black') xyouts,/norm,0.8,0.85,'R!dV!n='+STRMID(STRTRIM(ROUND(1e1*rv)/1e1,2), 0, 4) ENDIF ; ; and the albedo ; ip = WHERE( STRPOS(show,'alb') GE 0, cp ) IF (SHOW(0) NE '0') AND (CP EQ 1) THEN BEGIN if HARD(0) NE '0' then begin device, file="", /portrait,/color ihard = ihard + 1 endif else begin cleanplot window, wn(3), xs=600,ys=400, tit='DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: Albedo '+strtrim(wn(3),2) endelse xtit = 'x (!4l!3m!u-1!n)' xr = [0,11] ytit='Albedo' yr=[ 0, 1] cgplot, x, alb(*,ntype), xr=xr,/xs,xtit=xtit, yr=yr,/ys,ytit=ytit, tit=tit+" Albedo",/nodata,col=cgcolor('black') oplot, x, alb(*,ntype), col=cgcolor('blue') for i=0,ntype-1 do oplot, x, alb(*,i), lin=ls(i+1),col=cgcolor('black') ENDIF ; ; get the size distribution and plot ; ip = WHERE( STRPOS(show,'sdist') GE 0, cp ) ir = WHERE( STRPOS(r_opt,'sdist') GE 0, cr ) IF CR EQ 0 THEN BEGIN cp = 0 print,'(W) DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: SDIST keyword not set in current run' ENDIF ELSE IF ((SHOW(0) NE '0') AND (CP EQ 1)) THEN BEGIN fn = fortran_path+'out/SDIST.RES' OPENR, uu, fn, /get_lun tt = '#' WHILE STRPOS(tt,'#') EQ 0 do begin READF, uu, tt ENDWHILE ax = dblarr(nsz_max,ntype) ava = dblarr(nsz_max,ntype) nsz_tot = TOTAL(nsize) ava_tot = dblarr(nsz_tot,ntype+1) ax_tot = 0d FOR i=0,ntype-1 do begin READF,uu,tt for is=0,nsize(i)-1 do begin READF, uu, tx, ty ax(is,i) = tx ava(is,i) = ty endfor ax_tot = [ax_tot, ax(0:nsize(i)-1,i)] ENDFOR close,uu free_lun,uu ax_tot = ax_tot(1:*) ax_tot = ax_tot(SORT(ax_tot)) FOR i=0,ntype-1 do begin tt = INTERPOL( ava(0:nsize(i)-1,i), ax(0:nsize(i)-1,i), ax_tot ) ix = WHERE( ax_tot LT MIN(ax(*,i)) OR ax_tot GT MAX(ax(*,i)), cx ) if cx GT 0 then tt(ix) = 0d ; no extrapolation ava_tot(*,i) = tt endfor for i=0, nsz_tot-1 do ava_tot(i,ntype) = TOTAL( ava_tot(i,0:ntype-1)) ; fill in model it = WHERE( stag EQ 'M_SDIST', ct) if ct EQ 0 then begin smdat = DUSTEM_ADD_MOD( smdat, 'SDIST', [nsz_tot,ntype+1,nsz_max]) smdat.m_sdist.xtot = ax_tot smdat.m_sdist.ytot = ava_tot smdat.m_sdist.xi = ax smdat.m_sdist.yi = ava endif if HARD(0) NE '0' then begin device, file="", /portrait,/color endif else begin cleanplot window, wn(5), xs=600,ys=400, xpos=0,ypos=0,tit='DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: Size Distribution '+strtrim(wn(5),2) endelse yscl = 1.D29 xr=[0.1,1e4] yr=[-3,3] xtit='a (nm)' ytit='log( 10!u29!n n!dH!u-1!n a!u4!n dn/da (cm!u3!n/H)) ' ; tit='DustEM' ; plot_oi, ax(0:nsize(0)-1,0)*1.e7, alog10(ava(0:nsize(0)-1,0)*yscl), line=ls(1),xr=xr,/xs,xtit=xtit,/ys,yr=yr,ytit=ytit,tit='DUSTEM' cgplot, ax(0:nsize(0)-1,0)*1.e7, alog10(ava(0:nsize(0)-1,0)*yscl), line=ls(1),xr=xr,/xs,xtit=xtit,/ys,yr=yr,ytit=ytit,tit=tit+" Size Dist",col=cgcolor('black'),/xlo FOR i=1,ntype-1 DO begin oplot, ax(0:nsize(i)-1,i)*1.e7, alog10(ava(0:nsize(i)-1,i)*yscl), line=ls(i+1),col=cgcolor('black') ENDFOR ENDIF ; Display polarized SED ; ip = WHERE( STRPOS(show,'polsed') GE 0, c_polsed ) IF (SHOW(0) NE '0') AND (C_POLsed EQ 1) THEN BEGIN if HARD(0) NE '0' then begin device, file="", /portrait,/color ihard = ihard + 1 endif else begin cleanplot window, wn(6), xs=600,ys=400, tit='DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: Polarized SED '+strtrim(wn(6),2) endelse ; get polarized SED OPENR, uu, fortran_path+'out/SED_POL.RES', /get_lun tmp = '#' WHILE (STRPOS(tmp,'#') EQ 0) do begin READF, uu, tmp ENDWHILE tt = double( strsplit(tmp, ' ', /extract) ) sedh_p = dblarr(nlamb,ntype+1) for i=0,nlamb-1 do begin readf, uu, tmp tt = double( strsplit(tmp, ' ', /extract) ) sedh_p(i,*) = tt(1:*) x(i) = tt(0) endfor close,uu free_lun,uu sed_p = sedh_p * nh / 4. / !pi ; in erg/s/cm2/sr yr = [1e-10,1e-5] xr = [10,1e4] dy = 10.^((ALOG10(yr(1))-ALOG10(yr(0))) / 25.) dx = 10.^((ALOG10(xr(1))-ALOG10(xr(0))) / 50.) yps= 10.^((ALOG10(yr(1))+ALOG10(yr(0))) / 2. + (ALOG10(yr(1))-ALOG10(yr(0))) / 2.3) xpr=xr(0) xpr = xpr*[dx,dx^4] xtit = 'Wavelength (!4l!3m)' ytit = '!4m!3 P!d!4m!3!n (erg s!u-1!n cm!u-2!n sr!u-1!n)' fine = 1 ; plot_oo, INDGEN(1),/NODAT,xs=9,/ys,XR=xr,YR=yr,XTIT=xtit,YTIT= ytit cgplot, INDGEN(1),/NODAT,/xs,/ys,XR=xr,YR=yr,XTIT=xtit,YTIT= ytit,tit=tit+" PolSED",col=cgcolor('black'),/xlo,/ylo ; axis, /data, xr=1d-5*clight/xr, xax=1,/xlo,xs=1,xtit='Frequency (GHz)',col=cgcolor('black') for i=0,ntype-1 do begin oplot, x, sed_p(*,i), lin=ls(i+1),col=cgcolor('black') oplot,xpr,yps*[1.,1.], lin=ls(i+1),col=cgcolor('black') xyouts,/data,xpr(1)*1.1,yps,gtype(i),chars=1.3,col=cgcolor('black') yps = yps/dy endfor oplot,x,sed_p(*,ntype),lin=ls(0),col=cgcolor('blue') ENDIF ; ; get the polarisation extinction ; ip = WHERE( STRPOS(show,'polext') GE 0, c_polext ) IF (SHOW(0) NE '0') AND (C_POLEXT EQ 1) THEN BEGIN itp = WHERE( STRPOS(t_opt,'pol') GE 0, ctp) IF ctp EQ 0 THEN BEGIN c_pol = 0 print,'(W) DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: no POL data in current run' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN OPENR, uu, fortran_path+'out/EXT_POL.RES', /get_lun tmp = '#' WHILE STRPOS(tmp,'#') EQ 0 do begin READF, uu, tmp ENDWHILE tt = double( strsplit(tmp, ' ', /extract) ) ntype_pol = fix(tt(0)) if ntype_pol NE ntype then begin print,'(F) DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: POL.RES & GRAIN.DAT have different NTYPE' print,' data is not from present GRAIN.DAT' return endif nlamb = fix(tt(1)) ; nr of wavelengths x = dblarr(nlamb) spabs = dblarr(nlamb,ntype+1) spsca = dblarr(nlamb,ntype+1) for i=0,nlamb-1 do begin READF, uu, tmp tt = double( strsplit(tmp, ' ', /extract) ) x(i) = tt(0) spabs(i,0:ntype-1) = tt(1:ntype) spsca(i,0:ntype-1) = tt(ntype+1:2*ntype) spabs(i,ntype) = TOTAL(spabs(i,0:ntype-1)) spsca(i,ntype) = TOTAL(spsca(i,0:ntype-1)) endfor close,uu free_lun,uu ; fill in model smdat.m_ext.abs_p = spabs smdat.m_ext.sca_p = spsca if HARD(0) NE '0' then begin device, file="", /portrait,/color ihard = ihard + 1 endif else begin cleanplot window, wn(7), xs=600,ys=400, xpos=0,ypos=0,tit='DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: Serkowski '+strtrim(wn(7),2) endelse ; plot Serkowski yscl = 1.D23 yscl2 = 1.D2 xr=[0.2,10.] yr=[0.1,5] xtit = textoidl('1/\lambda (\mum^{-1})') ytit = textoidl('\sigma_{pol} (10^{-23}cm^2/H)') ; tit='DUSTEM: Serkowski' ; plot_oo, 1./x, yscl2*(spabs(*,0)+spsca(*,0)), line=ls(1),xr=xr,/xs,xtit=xtit,/ys,yr=yr,ytit=ytit,tit=tit cgplot, 1./x, yscl2*(spabs(*,0)+spsca(*,0)), line=ls(1),xr=xr,/xs $ ,xtit=xtit,/ys,yr=yr,ytit=ytit,tit=tit+" Serkwoski",col=cgcolor('black'),/xlo,/ylo FOR i=1,ntype-1 DO oplot, 1./x, yscl2*(spabs(*,i)+spsca(*,i)), line=ls(i+1),col=cgcolor('black') oplot, 1./x, yscl2*(spabs(*,ntype)+spsca(*,ntype)), col=cgcolor('blue') ix = WHERE(x_sm LE 7d, csm) ; keep wave below 7 microns if csm GT 0 then begin xx = 1./x_sm(ix) xe = e_sm(ix) endif ix = SORT(xx) xx = xx(ix) & xe = xe(ix) fpol = DUSTEM_SERKOWSKI(xx) oplot,xx,yscl*fpol/5.8e21*3.1,ps=4,col=cgcolor('red') ; oplot,xx,25*fpol*3.1/5.8e21/xe, ps=5 ENDELSE ENDIF ; ; Polarization fraction in emission ; IF (SHOW(0) NE '0') AND (C_POLSED EQ 1) THEN BEGIN ; plot fractional polarisation if HARD(0) NE '0' then begin device, file="", /portrait,/color ihard = ihard + 1 endif else begin cleanplot window, wn(8), xs=600,ys=400, xpos=0,ypos=0,tit='DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: P/I '+strtrim(wn(8),2) endelse xr=[10,1.e4] yr=[0.,0.4] xtit = textoidl('\lambda (\mum)') ytit = textoidl('P/I') ; tit='' ; plot_oi, x, sed_p(*,0)/sed(*,0), line=ls(1),xr=xr,/xs,xtit=xtit,/ys,yr=yr,ytit=ytit,tit=tit cgplot, x, sed_p(*,0)/sed(*,0), line=ls(1),xr=xr,/xs,xtit=xtit,/ys,yr=yr,ytit=ytit,tit=tit+ "PolFrac",/xlo ; axis, /data, xr=1d-5*clight/xr, xax=1,/xlo,xs=1,xtit='Frequency (GHz)' FOR i=1,ntype-1 DO begin oplot, x, sed_p(*,i)/sed(*,i), line=ls(i+1),col=cgcolor('black') ENDFOR oplot, x, sed_p(*,ntype)/sed(*,ntype),col=cgcolor('blue') ENDIF ; ; Polarization fraction in extinction ; IF (SHOW(0) NE '0') AND (C_POLEXT EQ 1) THEN BEGIN ; plot fractional polarisation if HARD(0) NE '0' then begin device, file="", /portrait,/color ihard = ihard + 1 endif else begin cleanplot window, wn(9), xs=600,ys=400, xpos=0,ypos=0,tit='DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: p/tau '+strtrim(wn(9),2) endelse yscl = 1. xr=[1.e-1,1.e4] yr=[0.,0.5] xtit = textoidl('\lambda (\mum)') ytit = textoidl('p/\tau') ; tit='' ; plot_oi, x, yscl*(spabs(*,0)+spsca(*,0))/sext(*,0), line=ls(1),xr=xr,/xs,xtit=xtit,/ys,yr=yr,ytit=ytit,tit=tit cgplot, x, yscl*(spabs(*,0)+spsca(*,0))/sext(*,0), line=ls(1),xr=xr,/xs,xtit=xtit,/ys,yr=yr,ytit=ytit,tit=tit+" Pol Ext",/xlo FOR i=1,ntype-1 DO begin oplot, x, yscl*(spabs(*,i)+spsca(*,i))/sext(*,i), line=ls(i+1), col=cgcolor('black') ENDFOR oplot, x, yscl*(spabs(*,ntype)+spsca(*,ntype))/sext(*,ntype), col=cgcolor('blue') ENDIF ; ; Alignment function ; ip = WHERE( STRPOS(show,'align') GE 0, c_align ) IF (SHOW(0) NE '0') AND (C_ALIGN EQ 1) THEN BEGIN fname = fortran_path + 'data/ALIGN.DAT' nlines = FILE_LINES( fname ) OPENR, uu, fname, /get_lun tmp = '#' print,'(W) DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: GRAIN.DAT' cnt = 0 WHILE STRPOS(tmp,'#') EQ 0 do begin READF, uu, tmp cnt = cnt + 1 ENDWHILE flags = tmp readf, uu, anisG0 if HARD(0) NE '0' then begin device, file="", /portrait,/color ihard = ihard + 1 endif else begin cleanplot window, wn(10), xs=600,ys=400, xpos=0,ypos=0,tit='DUSTEM_SHOW_FORTRAN: f_align '+strtrim(wn(10),2) endelse ; Parametric readf, uu, tmp tt = strsplit(tmp, /extract) align_type = tt(0) if (align_type eq 'par') then begin athresh = tt(1) pstiff = tt(2) plev = tt(3) n = 100 ; Grain radius in microns radmin = 1d-3 radmax = 10 radius = radmin * exp(indgen(n)*alog(radmax/radmin)/n) fpol = 0.5 * plev * (1 + TANH(ALOG(radius/athresh) / pstiff ) ) xr=[radmin,radmax] yr = [0,1.05] xtit=textoidl('Grain radius (\mum)') ytit='Alignment efficiency' ; plot_oi,radius,fpol,xr=xr,yr=yr,/ys,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit cgplot,radius,fpol,xr=xr,yr=yr,/ys,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,tit=tit+" Align Eff",/xlo endif ENDIF ; get all the chi2 if n_elements(smdat) EQ 0 then npar = ntype smdat = DUSTEM_FIL_CHI2( smdat,ntype=ntype+1 ) stag = TAG_NAMES(smdat) itx = WHERE( STRPOS(stag,'I_') GE 0, ctx ) print,'Chi-square of model to :' for ii=0,ctx-1 do print,stag(itx(ii))+': ', strtrim(smdat.(itx(ii)).chi2,2) print,'Chi-square of model to all data : ', strtrim(smdat.chi2,2) ; ; reset defaults ; !x.tickname = '' !y.tickname = '' if HARD(0) NE '0' then begin device, /close set_plot,'x' ; print,'(W): hardcopies in ',hard print,'(W): Generated postscript files in current directory' !y.thick = 0 !x.thick = 0 !p.thick = 0 !p.charsize = 1 !p.charthick = 0 !x.ticklen = 0.02 endif RETURN the_end: END