FUNCTION DUSTEM_SERKOWSKI, x, ka=ka, xmax=xmax, pmax=pmax ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_serkwoski ; ; PURPOSE: ; computes the Serkowski law (as per Draine & Fraisse 2009) ; ; CATEGORY: ; DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Helper ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; serk = DUSTEM_SERKOWSKI(X,[KA=KA,XMAX=XMAX,PMAX=PMAX]) ; ; INPUTS: ; X -- array(n_qabs) inverse wavenumber in 1/microns' ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; KA (I): K factor, default = 0.92 ; XMAX (I): x-position of max, default = 1.82 ; PMAX (I): max polar. fraction, default = 0.03 ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = print this help ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: ; ; EXAMPLES ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by LV (VG ?) ; Initially distributed with the Fortran, incorporated into DustEMWrap 2022 ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- if N_PARAMS() LT 1 or keyword_set(help) then begin doc_library,'dustem_serkowski' yy=0 goto, the_end end ;; IF N_PARAMS() EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ;; print,'FUNCTION SERKOWSKI, x, ka=ka, xmax=xmax, pmax=pmax ' ;; print,' computes the Serkowski law (Draine & Fraisse 2009)' ;; print,'' ;; print,' X (I): array(n_qabs) inverse wavenumber in 1/microns' ;; print,' KA (I): K factor' ;; print,' XMAX (I): x-position of max' ;; print,' PMAX (I): max polar. fraction' ;; ENDIF IF n_elements(KA) EQ 0 THEN ka = 0.92 ; Draine & Fraisse (2009) IF n_elements(XMAX) EQ 0 THEN xmax = 1.82 IF n_elements(pMAX) EQ 0 THEN pmax = 0.03 yy = pmax * EXP( -ka * ALOG(xmax/x)^2 ) x0 = 1/1.39 y0 = pmax * EXP( -ka * ALOG(xmax/x0)^2 ) ix = WHERE( x LE x0, cx ) IF cx GT 0 THEN yy(ix) = y0 * (x(ix)/x0)^1.7 the_end: RETURN, yy END