FUNCTION dustem_read_all_lv,dir_in,silent=silent,help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_read_all_lv ; ; PURPOSE: ; Manages reading of information from .DAT files used by the ; LV version of the fortran ; ; CATEGORY: ; DustEMWrap, Distributed, MidLevel, Initialization ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; st=dustem_read_all_lv(dir_in) ; ; INPUTS: ; dir_in : directory where input files are found ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; OUTPUTS: ; st : dustem data structure ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help : writes this help ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEM fortran code must be installed ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; ; PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_read_all_lv' st=0. goto,the_end ENDIF dir_in_dat=dir_in+'/les_DAT/' dir_in_qabs=dir_in+'/les_QABS/' dir_in_capa=dir_in+'/les_CAPA/' ;stop ;== note: the output keywords are set only for LV version file=dir_in_dat+'GRAIN.DAT' st_temp=dustem_read_grain(file,silent=silent,key_str=key_str,G0=G0) Ngrains=n_elements(st_temp) st_grains={keywords:key_str,G0:G0,Ngrains:fix(Ngrains),grains:st_temp} file=dir_in_dat+'ISRF.DAT' st_isrf=dustem_read_isrf(file,silent=silent,Nisrf=Nisrf) ;=== Read Qabs ;st_qabs=ptrarr(st_grains.ngrains) st_qabs=ptrarr(Ngrains) FOR i=0,Ngrains-1 DO BEGIN Qabs_file=dir_in_qabs+'Q_'+st_grains.grains[i].type+'.DAT' st=dustem_read_qabs_lv(Qabs_file,silent=silent) st_qabs(i)=ptr_new(st) ENDFOR ;=== Read heat capacities ;st_calor=ptrarr(st_grains.ngrains) st_calor=ptrarr(Ngrains) FOR i=0,Ngrains-1 DO BEGIN Calor_file=dir_in_capa+'C_'+st_grains(i).type+'.DAT' st=dustem_read_calor_lv(Calor_file,silent=silent) st_calor(i)=ptr_new(st) ENDFOR ;=== Read lambda file=dir_in_qabs+'LAMBDA.DAT' st_lambda=dustem_read_lambda(file,silent=silent) ;stop ;=== Read size distribution files ;st_size=ptrarr(st_grains.ngrains) ;mod by NF on October 2009: KEY_STR has to be tested for SIZE_XXX.DAT, not the indiviual flags ! st_size=ptrarr(Ngrains) IF stregex(key_str, 'SIZE', /bool) THEN BEGIN FOR i=0,Ngrains-1 DO BEGIN Size_file=dir_in_dat+'SIZE_'+st_grains(i).type+'.DAT' st=dustem_read_size(Size_file,silent=silent) st_size(i)=ptr_new(st) ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN st_size = ptr_new() ENDELSE ;mod by NF on October 2009: KEY_STR has to be tested for SIZE_XXX.DAT, not the indiviual flags ! ;stop ;add by NF on October 2009 ;=== Read MIX files st_mix = ptrarr(Ngrains) FOR i=0,Ngrains-1 DO BEGIN IF stregex(st_grains(i).flag, 'MIX', /bool) THEN BEGIN Mix_file=dir_in_dat+'MIX_'+st_grains(i).type+'.DAT' st=dustem_read_mix(Mix_file,silent=silent) st_mix(i)=ptr_new(st) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN st_mix(i)=ptr_new() ENDELSE ENDFOR ;add by NF on October 2009 ;mod by NF on October 2009: add MIX structure st={Ngrains:Ngrains,G0:G0,Keywords:key_str,grains:st_grains, $ isrf:st_isrf,qabs:st_qabs,calor:st_calor,lambda:st_lambda,size:st_size,mix:st_mix} ;mod by NF on October 2009: add MIX structure the_end: RETURN,st END