FUNCTION dustem_rap_xisrf,R,choice=choice ;choice=1 : you enter R=I160/I100 and you obtain the Xisrf associated ;choice=2 : you enter Xisrf and you obtain the ratio I160/I100 associated choice_run=1 IF keyword_set(choice) THEN BEGIN choice_run=choice ENDIF CASE choice_run OF 1:BEGIN a0=1.6104103 & a1=-2.9885436 & a2=0.54573055 & a3= -0.30773096 & a4=0.33125862 & a5= -0.19978200 xisrf=exp(a0+a1*alog(R)+a2*alog(R)^2+a3*alog(R)^3+a4*alog(R)^4+a5*alog(R)^5) return,xisrf END 2: BEGIN a0=0.59136133 & a1=-0.39529777 & a2=0.011704696 & a3=0.0051459595 & a4=-0.0013039416 & a5=0.00014532588 rap=exp(a0+a1*alog(R)+a2*alog(R)^2+a3*alog(R)^3+a4*alog(R)^4+a5*alog(R)^5) return,rap END ENDCASE END