PRO dustem_make_minimal_filelist depfiles=file_search('DustEMWrap_dependencies.xcat',count=nfiles) for i=0,nfiles-1 do begin if i eq 0 then st=read_xcat(depfiles[i]) if i ge 1 then begin tmp=read_xcat(depfiles[i]) st=[st,tmp] endif endfor st=st(sort(st.path)) st=st(uniq(st.path)) for i=0,n_elements(st)-1 do begin st[i].path=strmid(st[i].path,strlen(!dustem_wrap_soft_dir)) print,st[i].path endfor stop udepfiles=file_search('DustEMWrap_unused_routines.xcat',count=unfiles) for i=0,unfiles-1 do begin if i eq 0 then st=read_xcat(udepfiles[i]) if i ge 1 then begin tmp=read_xcat(udepfiles[i]) st=[st,tmp] endif endfor st=st(sort(st.path)) st=st(uniq(st.path)) for i=0,n_elements(st)-1 do begin st[i].path=strmid(st[i].path,strlen(!dustem_wrap_soft_dir)) print,st[i].path endfor stop ; the above will dump the list of routines to the screen. ; after that I just cut and pasted the output to a .txt file ; dustem_minimal_filelist.txt ; which I moved to !dustem_wrap_soft_dir ; then I changed wd to !dustem_wrap_soft_dir ; then I added the top level .txt and .xcat files, i.e. ; ls README.txt >> dustem_minimal_filelist.txt ; ls instrument_description.xcat >> dustem_minimal_filelist.txt ; for now I left out the Docs ; then I added the contents of Data using ; find Data -type f >> dustem_minimal_filelist.txt ; and manually removed a few transmission files that I knew were not ; in the repo (MIRI/*_trans.fits) or tmp files ~file~, #file# type things ; and finally to make the tarball I ran ; tar cvf dustemwrap_minimal.tar -T dustem_minimal_filelist.txt ; tar cvf DustEMWrap_v4p3.tar -T dustem_release_files.txt the_end: END