FUNCTION dustem_compute_gb_sed,p_dim $ ,_extra=extra $ ,waves=waves $ ,spec=spec $ ,help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_compute_gb_sed ; PURPOSE: ; Computes an SED for a modified blackbody ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; sed=dustem_compute_sed(p_dim[,st=][,_extra=][,/help]) ; INPUTS: ; p_dim = [a0,a1,a2] modified blackbody parameter values ; a0 -- normalisation ; a1 -- dust temperature ; a2 -- emissivity ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; sed = computed SED for filters in !dustem_data.sed ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = if set, print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; EXAMPLES ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written JP Bernard 2011 ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_compute_gb_sed' dustem_sed=0. goto,the_end ENDIF ;==== Compute Black body spectrum pp=double(p_dim) NNw=20L wwmin=50. & wwmax=10000. ww=dindgen(NNw)/(1.*NNw-1)*(alog10(wwmax)-alog10(wwmin))+alog10(wwmin) ww=10.^ww waves=ww ;MAKE A COPY OF THE (EMPTY) OBSERVED VALUES ;stop obs_sed = (*(*!dustem_data).sed).values ;obs_sed = (*!dustem_data.sed).values ;COMPUTE THE MODEL SED dustem_sed = obs_sed*0.D0 ind_sed=where((*(*!dustem_data).sed).filt_names NE 'SPECTRUM',count_sed) IF !dustem_do_cc NE 0 AND !dustem_never_do_cc EQ 0 THEN BEGIN message,'DOING color correction calculations',/info ENDIF ELSE BEGIN message,'SKIPPING color correction calculations',/info ENDELSE ;stop IF !dustem_do_cc NE 0 AND !dustem_never_do_cc EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; message,'DOING color correction calculations',/info IF count_sed NE 0 THEN BEGIN spec=pp(0)*(ww)^(-1.*pp(2))*dustem_planck_function(pp(1),ww) ; filter_names=((*!dustem_data).filt_names)(ind_sed) ; FOR ii=0L,n_elements(filter_names)-1 DO BEGIN ssed=dustem_cc(ww,spec,((*(*!dustem_data).sed).filt_names)(ind_sed),cc=cc) ;print,cc ; ENDFOR dustem_sed[ind_sed]=ssed ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN www=dustem_filter2wav(((*(*!dustem_data).sed).filt_names)[ind_sed]) dustem_sed[ind_sed]=pp(0)*(www)^(-1.*pp(2))*dustem_planck_function(pp(1),www)*(*!dustem_previous_cc) message,'SKIPPING color correction calculations',/info ; dustem_sed(ind_sed)=interpol(spec,ww,1.D0*(((*!dustem_data).wav)(ind_sed)))*(*!dustem_previous_cc) spec= dustem_sed[ind_sed] ENDELSE ;stop ;For spectrum data points, interpolate in log-log ;Linear interpolation leads to wrong values, in particular where few ;wavelengths points exist in the model (long wavelengths). ind_spec=where((*(*!dustem_data).sed).filt_names EQ 'SPECTRUM',count_spec) IF count_spec NE 0 THEN BEGIN dustem_sed[ind_spec]=interpol(spec,ww,(((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)[ind_spec])) ; dustem_sed(ind_spec)=10^interpol(alog10(spec),alog10(st.sed.wav),alog10((((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)(ind_spec)))) ENDIF ;clean pointers heap_gc the_end: RETURN,dustem_sed END