FUNCTION dustem_compute_stokes,p_dim,stp,dustem_qsed=dustem_qsed,dustem_used=dustem_used,Q_spec=Q_spec,U_spec=U_spec,out_st=out_st,_extra=extra ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_compute_stokes ; PURPOSE: ; Provides Stokes Q and Stokes U dustem spectra and wrapper SEDs ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; out=dustem_compute_polsed(p_dim[,st=][,_extra=][,/help]) ; INPUTS: ; p_dim = parameter values ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; stp = Dustem structure ; OUTPUTS: ; sed : computed SED for filters in !dustem_data ; dustem_qsed : SED in Q ; dustem_used : SED in U ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; stp = Dustem output structure ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set, print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The dustem idl wrapper must be installed ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; EXAMPLES ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by J.-Ph. Bernard ; see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR ; Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems. IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_compute_stokes' out=0. goto,the_end ENDIF IF not keyword_set(stp) THEN BEGIN stp=dustem_run(p_dim) dustem_activate_plugins,p_dim/(*(*!dustem_fit).param_init_values),stp ENDIF If keyword_set(result) THEN result=stp fact = 1.e4*1.E20/(4.*!pi)/(3.e8/1.e-6/(stp.polsed).wav)*1.e20/1.e7 stI = stp.sed.em_tot * fact ;This is Total intensity I P = stp.polsed.em_tot * fact ;This is Polarized intensity P out=0. Nwaves=(size(stI))[1] frac=P/stI tes=where(finite(frac) eq 0) frac(tes)=0. ;if Q and U have already been computed elsewhere FOR i=0L,n_tags(*!dustem_scope)-1 DO BEGIN IF total(strsplit((*(*!dustem_scope).(i)),'+',/extract) EQ 'MODIFY_DUST_POLAR_ANGLE') THEN BEGIN Q_spec=(*(*!dustem_plugin).(i))[*,0] U_spec=(*(*!dustem_plugin).(i))[*,1] ENDIF ENDFOR FOR i=0L,n_tags(*!dustem_scope)-1 DO BEGIN IF total(strsplit((*(*!dustem_scope).(i)),'+',/extract) EQ 'REPLACE_QSED') THEN BEGIN Q_spec=(*(*!dustem_plugin).(i))[*,1] ENDIF IF total(strsplit((*(*!dustem_scope).(i)),'+',/extract) EQ 'REPLACE_USED') THEN BEGIN U_spec=(*(*!dustem_plugin).(i))[*,2] ENDIF ENDFOR IF ~isa(Q_spec) && ~isa(U_spec) THEN polar_ippsi2iqu,stI,Q_spec,U_spec,frac,replicate(0.,Nwaves) FOR i=0L,n_tags(*!dustem_scope)-1 DO BEGIN IF total(strsplit((*(*!dustem_scope).(i)),'+',/extract) EQ 'ADD_QSED') THEN BEGIN Q_spec+=(*(*!dustem_plugin).(i))[*,1] ENDIF IF total(strsplit((*(*!dustem_scope).(i)),'+',/extract) EQ 'ADD_USED') THEN BEGIN U_spec+=(*(*!dustem_plugin).(i))[*,2] ENDIF ENDFOR ;----------------------------------------- ;largeP=sqrt(StokesQ^2+StokesU^2) ;INITIALIZING THE STOKES SEDS dustem_qsed = (*!dustem_data.sed).values * 0. dustem_used = dustem_qsed if not isarray(stI) THEN stop ;Performing color corrections on the dustem spectra and generating the SEDs at the given filters IF !dustem_do_cc NE 0 AND !dustem_never_do_cc EQ 0 THEN BEGIN message,'DOING color correction calculations',/info ENDIF ELSE BEGIN message,'SKIPPING color correction calculations',/info ENDELSE ind_polsed=where((*!dustem_data.polsed).filt_names NE 'SPECTRUM',count_polsed) IF count_polsed NE 0 THEN BEGIN ; INCLUDE COLOR CORRECTIONS OF (Q,U) for dust & synch filter_names=((*!dustem_data.polsed).filt_names)(ind_polsed) if isa(dustem_qsed) then begin sqsed=dustem_cc(stp.sed.wav,Q_spec,filter_names,cc=cc) dustem_qsed(ind_polsed)=sqsed endif if isa(dustem_used) then begin sused=dustem_cc(stp.sed.wav,U_spec,filter_names,cc=cc) dustem_used(ind_polsed)=sused endif ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDIF ;For spectrum data points, interpolate in log-log ;Linear interpolation leads to wrong values, in particular where few ;wavelengths points exist in the model (long wavelengths). ind_spec=where((*!dustem_data.polsed).filt_names EQ 'SPECTRUM',count_spec) IF count_spec NE 0 THEN BEGIN if isa(dustem_qsed) then dustem_qsed(ind_spec)=interpol(Q_spec,stp.wav,(((*!dustem_data.polsed).wav)(ind_spec))) if isa(dustem_used) then dustem_used(ind_spec)=interpol(U_spec,stp.wav,(((*!dustem_data.polsed).wav)(ind_spec))) ENDIF out_st=stp ;clean pointers heap_gc the_end: RETURN,out END