Plotting Procedures                       pro/plot             Feb 2011

The procedures in this directory are useful additions to the intrinsic IDL
plotting capabilities.

The procedures marked with "CG" below were updated in February 2011 to use the
Coyote Graphics library 
( )

CLEANPLOT - Reset all plotting system variables to their default (X) values
AL_LEGEND - Create an annotation legend for a plot (CG)
LEGENDTEST - Demo program demonstrating the capabilities of LEGEND (CG)
LINEID_PLOT - Annotate the identified lines in a spectrum (CG)
MULTIPLOT - Create multiple plots with shared axes (CG)
OPLOTERROR - Overplot Y vs. X with optional X and Y error bars (CG)
PARTVELVEC - Plot the velocity vectors of a set of particles (CG)
PLOTERROR - Plot Y vs. X with optional X and Y error bars (CG)
PLOTHIST - Plot the histogram of an array (CG) 
PLOTSYM - Define useful plotting symbols not in the standard PSYM definition
RDPLOT - Like intrinsic CURSOR procedure but with a full-screen cursor
SUNSYMBOL() - Return the character string to plot a subscripted Sun symbol
VSYM - Create "Mongo"-like plotting symbols, rotationally symmetric polygons