FUNCTION dustem_read_gas,file,silent=silent,help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_read_gas ; ; PURPOSE: ; reads the file GAS.dat and returns the corresponding grain structure ; ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; st=dustem_read_gas(file,[/silent][,/help]) ; ; INPUTS: ; file = file name to be read ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; OUTPUTS: ; st: output structure ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; silent = If set, keeps quiet ; help = If set, print this help ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEM fortran code must be installed ; The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed ; ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; ; EXAMPLES ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by JPB,NF,DP Jan-2007 ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- ;=== Format for DUSTEM_WHICH=WEB3p8 ;# DUSTEM : Gas quantities from Ysard, Juvela & Verstraete (2011) ;# ;# Gas temperature (K), hydrogen density, H2 density, CR rate, G0 (if>0 supersedes GRAIN.DAT) ;# number of charge type (electrons, H+, C+, ...) ;# ion density (cm-3), mass (amu), charge, polarizability (A^3) ;# >>>>> 1st line is electron <<<<<<< ;# ; 3.5550e+03 1e-1 -1e0 5e-17 1.0000e+00 3 ;-1e0 5.4858e-04 -1e0 0.00 ;0e0 1.00794e0 1e0 0.67 ; -1.3000e-05 12.0107e0 1e0 1.54 IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_read_gas' st=0. goto,the_end ENDIF CASE !dustem_which OF 'RELEASE': BEGIN ;==read and count comments openr,unit,file,/get_lun str='' comments=[''] first_char='#' Ncomments=0L WHILE first_char EQ '#' DO BEGIN readf,unit,str first_char=strmid(str,0,1) comments=[comments,str] IF first_char EQ '#' THEN Ncomments=Ncomments+1 ENDWHILE comments=comments[1:*] IF Ncomments NE 0 THEN comments=comments[0:Ncomments-1] close,unit free_lun,unit st={file:file, $ Tgas:0.D0,nH:0.D0,nh2:0.D0,CR_rate:0.D0,G0:0.D0,n_charges:0L, $ charges_props:ptr_new(), $ comments:comments} one_charge_st={density:0.D0,mass:0.D0,charge:0.D0,polarizability:0.D0} ;== pass comments openr,unit,file,/get_lun str='' FOR i=0L,Ncomments-1 DO BEGIN readf,unit,str ENDFOR ;== read data readf,unit,str strv=str_sep(strcompress(strtrim(str,2)),' ') & ii=0L st.Tgas=double(strv[ii]) & ii=ii+1 st.nH=double(strv[ii]) & ii=ii+1 st.nH2=double(strv[ii]) & ii=ii+1 st.CR_rate=double(strv[ii]) & ii=ii+1 ;modified because the file geometry did change !! ;st.G0=double(strv[ii]) & ii=ii+1 st.G0=double(strv[ii]) & ii=ii+1 ;This for the version distributed by Nathalie ;readf,unit,str ;strv=str_sep(strcompress(strtrim(str,2)),' ') & ii=0L ;st.n_charges=long(strv[ii]) ;This for the right version, not distributed by Nathalie ! st.n_charges=long(strv[ii]) charges_st=replicate(one_charge_st,st.n_charges) FOR i=0L,st.n_charges-1 DO BEGIN readf,unit,str strv=str_sep(strcompress(strtrim(str,2)),' ') & ii=0L charges_st[i].density=double(strv[ii]) & ii=ii+1 charges_st[i].mass=double(strv[ii]) & ii=ii+1 charges_st[i].charge=double(strv[ii]) & ii=ii+1 charges_st[i].polarizability=double(strv[ii]) ENDFOR close,unit free_lun,unit st.charges_props=ptr_new(charges_st) END 'VERSTRAETE':BEGIN ;GAS.DAT did not exist in that version. Kept empty st=0 END ELSE:BEGIN ;GAS.DAT did not exist in that version. Kept empty st=0 END ENDCASE ;stop the_end: RETURN,st END