FUNCTION dustem_initialize_sed,Nsed,comments=comments,help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_initialize_sed ; PURPOSE: ; Initializes an empty Dustem SED structure ; CATEGORY: ; DUSTEM Wrapper ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; st=dustem_initialize_sed(Nsed[,/help]) ; INPUTS: ; Nsed: Number of elements/filters in the SED structure ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; st = SED structure ; The structure contains the following tags ; instru : name of the instrument. Actually not used by DustemWrap. ; filter : name of the filter. Actually defines the wavelength, the flux convention, etc ... ; wave : wavelength in microns. Actually not used by DustemWrap. [microns] ; spec : Total intensity Intensity (a.k.a. Stokes I) [MJy/sr] ; StokesQ : Stokes Q intensity [MJy/sr] ; StokesU : Stokes U intensity [MJy/sr] ; largeP : polarized intensity [MJy/sr] (computed from StokesQ,StokesU) ; smallp : polarization fraction [] (computed from StokesI, StokesQ,StokesU) ; psi : polarization angle [deg] (computed from StokesQ,StokesU) ; sigmaII : = error^2 (for completness on sigmas) [MJy/sr^2] ; sigmaQQ : variance on Q [MJy/sr^2] ; sigmaUU : variance on U [MJy/sr^2] ; sigmaIQ : IQ covariance [MJy/sr^2] ; sigmaIU : IU covariance [MJy/sr^2] ; sigmaQU : QU covariance [MJy/sr^2] ; sigma_largep : uncertainty on largep [MJy/sr] ; sigma_smallp: uncertainty on smallp [] ; sigma_psi : uncertainty on psi [deg] ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; comments : string comments about the SED ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = if set, print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; None ; PROCEDURE: ; Straightforward ; EXAMPLES ; st=dustem_initialize_sed(10) ; help,st ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by JPB ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_initialize_sed' sed=0. goto,the_end ENDIF ;one_st={instru:'',filter:'',wave:0.,spec:0.,error:0.} iv=la_undef(4) one_st={instru:'',filter:'',wave:iv,StokesI:iv,StokesQ:iv,StokesU:iv,largeP:iv,smallp:iv,psi:iv,sigmaII:iv,sigmaQQ:iv,sigmaUU:iv,sigmaIQ:iv,sigmaIU:iv,sigmaQU:iv,sigma_largep:iv,sigma_smallp:iv,sigma_psi:iv} comments=['Dustem-Wrap SED'] comments=[comments,'instru: Instrument name'] comments=[comments,'filter: Instrument filter'] comments=[comments,'wave: Filter reference wavelength [mic]'] comments=[comments,'StokesI: SED intensity [MJy/sr]'] comments=[comments,'StokesQ: Q Stokes parameter intensity [MJy/sr]'] comments=[comments,'StokesU: U Stokes parameter intensity [MJy/sr]'] comments=[comments,'largeP: Polarized intensity P [MJy/sr]'] comments=[comments,'smallp: polarization fraction []'] comments=[comments,'psi: polarization angle [deg]'] comments=[comments,'sigmaII: variance on Stokes I [(MJy/sr)^2]'] comments=[comments,'sigmaQQ: variance on Stokes Q [(MJy/sr)^2]'] comments=[comments,'sigmaUU: variance on Stokes U [(MJy/sr)^2]'] comments=[comments,'sigmaIQ: covariance on Stokes I and Q [(MJy/sr)^2]'] comments=[comments,'sigmaIU: covariance on Stokes I and U [(MJy/sr)^2]'] comments=[comments,'sigmaQU: covariance on Stokes Q and U [(MJy/sr)^2]'] comments=[comments,'sigma_largep: variance on Polarized Intensity (P) [(MJy/sr)^2]'] comments=[comments,'sigma_smallp: variance on polarisation fraction (p) []'] comments=[comments,'sigma_psi: variance on polarisation fraction (psi) [deg^2]'] comments=[comments,'CAUTION: p, P and psi values are NOT debiased'] sed=replicate(one_st,Nsed) the_end: RETURN,sed END